327 research outputs found

    Ethnic Stereotype Processing And Organization As A Function Of Group Membership

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    Two studies examined the categorization function of stereotypes and differences in ethnic information processing as a function of group membership. The relationships of attitudes, contact, and information with stereotyping also were studied. A first study examined the responses of 91 subjects to an ingroup label (English Canadians), two outgroup labels (French Canadians and Americans), and no-information label (Pireneans), and a high relevance label (Myself). The second study assessed the stereotypes of 40 Canadians, 40 Chinese regarding five ethnic labels: Canadians, Chinese, Americans, Filipinos, and Mexicans. Response latencies to stereotypic items were compared to response latencies of non-stereotypic items to examine the categorization function of stereotypes. Response latencies, as well as response extremity and variability, associated with the different group labels were compared to test the assumption that people have a more homogeneous representation of outgroups than of their ingroup. It was found that stereotypes serve a categorization function in that stereotypic attributes were processed more rapidly than non-stereotypic attributes mainly for salient ethnic labels which elicited more articulated stereotypes than less salient ethnic labels. In terms of differences in the processing of group labels, it was found, as predicted by the assumption of homogeneity, that salient outgroup labels were processed more rapidly than ingroup labels. Salient outgroup labels also were given more polarized ratings than ingroup labels for descriptive dimensions. When groups were rated on evaluative dimensions, ingroup favouritism had an overriding effect on the homogeneity assumption, in that ingroup ratings were more polarized than outgroup ratings. These findings were obtained in both studies regardless of the ingroup examined. The seondary analyses revealed the attitudes were relatively independent of stereotypes, except for ingroup stereotypes which were always evaluative and correlated with attitudes, reflecting an ingroup bias. The findings have important implications in the field of intergroup relations since social representations were found to vary as a function of (1) group membership, (2) outgroup salience, and (3) the nature of the judgments involved (evaluative vs. descriptive)

    The Basis Risk of Catastrophic-Loss Index Securities

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    This paper analyzes the basis risk of catastrophic-loss (CAT) index derivatives, which securitize losses from catastrophic events such as hurricanes and earthquakes. We analyze the hedging effectiveness of these instruments for 255 insurers writing 93 percent of the insured residential property values in Florida, the state most severely affected by exposure to hurricanes. County-level losses are simulated for each insurer using a sophisticated model developed by Applied Insurance Research. We analyze basis risk by measuring the effectiveness of hedge portfolios, consisting of a short position each insurer's own catastrophic losses and a long position in CAT-index call spreads, in reducing insurer loss volatility, value-at-risk, and expected losses above specified thresholds. Two types of loss indices are used -- a statewide index based on insurance losses in four quadrants of the state. The principal finding is that firms in the three largest Florida market-share quartiles can hedge almost as effectively using the intra-state index contracts as they can using contracts that settle on their own losses. Hedging with the statewide contracts is effective only for insurers with the largest market shares and for smaller insurers that are highly diversified throughout the state. The results also support the agency-theoretic hypotheses that mutual insurers are more diversified than stocks and that unaffiliated single firms are more diversified than insurers that are members of groups.

    Cultural Brokering and Bicultural Identity: An Exploratory Study

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    Abstract: Cultural brokering refers to a process where individuals mediate between two parties that are experiencing some type of cultural misunderstanding. Our exploratory study indicates that cultural brokering is a diverse experience that spans the boundaries of one’s family and includes various norms, values and traditions

    Symplectic embeddings of ellipsoids in dimension greater than four

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    We study symplectic embeddings of ellipsoids into balls. In the main construction, we show that a given embedding of 2m-dimensional ellipsoids can be suspended to embeddings of ellipsoids in any higher dimension. In dimension 6,s if the ratio of the areas of any two axes is sufficiently large then the ellipsoid is flexible in the sense that it fully fills a ball. We also show that the same property holds in all dimensions for sufficiently thin ellipsoids E(1,..., a). A consequence of our study is that in arbitrary dimension a ball can be fully filled by any sufficiently large number of identical smaller balls, thus generalizing a result of Biran valid in dimension 4.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    "Car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font" : au coeur du pardon et de sa dynamique spirituelle

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    Cette thèse est une recherche pluridisciplinaire sur le concept du pardon interpersonnel. Elle cherche à circonscrire la portée et la dynamique du pardon, entre autres en répondant à la question Pourquoi pardonner ? Jusqu’à récemment on trouvait peu d’écrits sur le pardon. Mais les deux dernières décennies ont vu un foisonnement de travaux de recherche sur le sujet de la part de psychologues éveillés à ses bienfaits thérapeutiques. Parallèlement, des philosophes et des théologiens se sont aussi intéressés à la question et ont commencé à publier leurs réflexions. Deux hypothèses marquent le parcours de notre recherche. La première porte sur la signification de la deuxième partie de l’énoncé biblique en Luc 23, 34 « Père, pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas ce qu’ils font ». Elle avance que le « motif de l’ignorance » que cette parole affirme a une portée universelle et soutient que l’offenseur est en état d’ignorance inconsciente lorsqu’il fait le mal. Le pardon des offenses serait donc le pardon de cette ignorance inconsciente. La seconde hypothèse conjecture que le pardon interpersonnel s’inscrit dans une dynamique spirituelle même s’il a quitté ses amarres religieuses. Nous avançons que la relation pardon-spiritualité est significative et que sa compréhension peut aider à mieux saisir l’essence d’un pardon devenu séculier et à en permettre l’éclosion. Pour établir la valeur de cette hypothèse, nous devons étudier la dynamique d’une démarche de pardon de même qu’à déterminer le statut actuel de la spiritualité. La thèse se divise en trois parties. La première partie expose la pensée d’auteurs significatifs dans chacune des principales disciplines concernées par le pardon : philosophie, théologie, psychologie et spiritualité. Il y est question d’offense pardonnable ou impardonnable, de pardon conditionnel ou inconditionnel, de corrélats du pardon comme l’oubli, la colère, la culpabilité, le repentir et des résultats d’études empiriques psychothérapeutiques sur le pardon. Cette première partie se termine par une réflexion sur la spiritualité de façon à voir dans quelle mesure le pardon devient une dynamique spirituelle. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l’examen de l’hypothèse concernant le sens et la portée du « car ils ne savent pas ce qu’ils font ». Dans un premier temps on fait appel à l’expertise exégétique pour situer l’authenticité et la portée de ce passage. Nous explorons ensuite la pensée philosophique à travers l’histoire pour comprendre le véritable sens du libre-arbitre et son impact sur la conception de la faute. La remise en cause philosophique du libre-arbitre nous ramènera à la thèse socratique selon laquelle « Nul n’est méchant volontairement ». La théorie mimétique de René Girard vient démontrer que les persécuteurs sont fondamentalement inconscients de ce qu’ils font et la théologienne Lytta Basset identifie le fantasme de la connaissance du bien et du mal comme accroissant cette ignorance qui s’ignore. La troisième partie de la thèse intègre les réflexions et découvertes des deux premières parties, et les situent dans un parcours qui va de l’impardonnable à la guérison, tout en les conceptualisant avec une matrice de verticalité et d’horizontalité qui schématise leurs interactions. Nous découvrons que si « car ils ne savent pas ce qu’ils font » fournit la réponse logique à la question Pourquoi pardonner ?, il existe aussi une deuxième voie qui conduit au pardon, l’amour. L’amour est la clé du pardon basé sur le message évangélique, alors que l’empathie est celle de l’approche psychothérapeutique. Enfin, la comparaison entre le « pardon psychothérapeutique » et le « pardon évangélique » nous fait conclure qu’il y a deux modes d’accès majeurs au pardon : la raison et l’amour.This thesis is a multidisciplinary approach to the concept of interpersonal forgiveness. Its purpose is to unearth the scope and dynamics of forgiveness, as it seeks to answer the question, Why forgive? Up until recently, there has been a dearth of literature on the subject of forgiveness. Then over the past 20 years, an escalation of psychotherapeutic research on forgiveness started to emerge as psychologists awakened to its healing benefits. Over the same time period, a number of philosophers and theologians also began publishing on the subject. Two hypotheses benchmark the research. The first one concerns the meaning of the second half of the biblical quote, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do,” found in Luke 23:34. This hypothesis claims that the “motive of ignorance” is universal in scope, and purports that the offender is ignorantly unaware of his wrongdoing. Forgiveness of an offense can thus be interpreted as the forgiveness of ignorance. The second hypothesis claims that interpersonal forgiveness can be understood as a spiritual dynamic, but with the loosening of its religious ties. We believe the forgiveness–spirituality relationship to be a significant one, and that a deeper understanding of it will bring us closer to the fundamental nature and gift of forgiveness, thereby facilitating its realization. However, to determine the value of this hypothesis, we must consider both the process of forgiveness, and the contemporary definition of spirituality. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part depicts authors who discuss forgiveness through the lens of the four academic disciplines concerned with forgiveness: philosophy, theology, psychology, and spirituality. Issues that are covered include what is forgivable and what is not, and conditional versus unconditional forgiveness. Correlates of forgiveness, such as forgetting, anger, repentance, guilt, as well as results of psychotherapeutic empirical studies, are examined. A reflection on the concept of spirituality and how it relates to forgiveness concludes this first part. In the second part, we examine the hypothesis concerning the meaning and scope of the biblical quote “for they know not what they do,” and look at what the exegetic expertise has to say about its authenticity and meaning. This is followed by a historical interpretation of free will in major philosophical thinking in order to grasp its true sense, and its impact on the concept of personal responsibility. This philosophical questioning of free will brings us back to the Socratic thesis, “No one commits wrongdoing voluntarily.” Finally, the mimetic theory of René Girard contends that persecutors are fundamentally unaware and ignorant of what they are doing, and the theologian Lytta Basset argues that the illusion of knowing what is good and what is evil contributes to the ignorance that ignores itself. The third part of the thesis integrates the reflections and insights of the first two parts, as it brings forgiveness from the unforgivable endpoint to the healing endpoint. This is conceptualized in a schematic matrix of vertical and horizontal interactions. We discover that if the phrase “for they know not what they do” offers a reason-able answer to the question Why forgive? there is as well a second way that leads to forgiveness—love. Love is the key to forgiveness based on the evangelical message, while empathy is the primary means in the psychotherapeutic approach. Comparing “psychotherapeutic forgiveness” with “evangelical forgiveness” leads us to conclude that there are, in effect, two principal ways to access the gift of forgiveness—reason and love

    Développement d'un biosenseur BRET permettant le criblage de drogues qui causent l'activation de canaux Kir3 via les récepteurs couplés aux protéines G

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    Les récepteurs couplés aux protéines G forment des complexes multimériques comprenant protéines G et effecteurs. Nous cherchons à caractériser de tels complexes comprenant les récepteurs opioïdes delta (DOR) et les canaux Kir3, qui nous sont d’intérêt vu leur implication dans l’analgésie des opioïdes. Des expériences d’immunopurification, de BRET et de liaison GTPgS ont été réalisées à l’intérieur de cellules HEK293 transfectées. Les canaux Kir3 ont été co-immunopurifiés avec les DOR, suggérant une interaction spontanée entre récepteur et effecteur. Des essais BRET ont corroboré que l’interaction était présente dans des cellules vivantes et nous ont permis d’identifier une interaction spontanée et spécifique entre DOR/Gg et Gg/Kir3, indiquant leur coexistence en un même complexe. Puisque l’activation du récepteur implique la présence de changements conformationnels à l’intérieur de celui-ci, nous étions intéressés à vérifier si l’information conformationnelle circule à partir du récepteur lié au ligand jusqu’à l’effecteur en aval. Ainsi, nous avons déterminé l’effet de différents ligands sur le signal BRET généré par les paires suivantes : DOR/Gbg, DOR/Kir3 et Kir3/Gbg. Nous avons constaté une modulation de l’interaction DOR/Gbg et Gbg/Kir3 suivant l’ordre d’efficacité des ligands à stimuler la protéine G, ce que nous n’avons pas observé entre DOR et Kir3. Donc, nous concluons que l’information conformationnelle circule du récepteur au canal Kir3 via la protéine Gbg. Ces résultats nous ont permis de développer un biosenseur BRET (EYFP-Gg2/Kir3.1-Rluc) qui pourrait être utilisé dans le criblage à haut débit afin de détecter de nouvelles molécules ayant une grande efficacité à activer les canaux Kir3.G protein-coupled receptors form multimeric complexes comprising G protein and effectors. We want to characterize such complexes comprising delta opioid receptors (DOR) and Kir3 channels, which interest us due to their involvement in opioid analgesia. Immunopurification, BRET and GTPgS binding experiments were done in transfected HEK293 cells. Kir3 channels were co-immunopurified with DOR, implying a spontaneous interaction between the receptor and effector. BRET assays corroborated the presence of this interaction in living cells and allowed us to identify a spontaneous and specific interaction between DOR/Gg and Gg/Kir3, indicating their co-existence within the same complex. Since the activation of the receptor implies it undergoes conformational changes, we were interested in evaluating if the conformational information flows from the ligand-bound receptor until the downstream effector. Hence, we determined the effect of different ligands on the BRET signal that was generated by the following pairs: DOR/Gbg, DOR/Kir3 and Kir3/Gbg. We noticed a modulation of the DOR/Gbg and Gbg/Kir3 interactions that followed the order of efficacy of the ligands to activate the G protein, which we did not observe between DOR and Kir3. Therefore, we concluded that the conformational information flows from the receptor to the Kir3 channel via the Gbg protein. These results allowed us to develop a BRET biosensor (EYFP-Gg2/Kir3.1-Rluc), which could be used in high throughput screening to detect new molecules that activate Kir3 channels with high efficacy

    National identification, perceived threat, and dehumanization as antecedents of negative attitudes toward immigrants in Australia and Canada

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    The interplay of nationalistic threat perceptions, dehumanizing beliefs and intergroup emotions, and anti-immigrant sentiment is analyzed in a cross-national context with Australian (N=124) and Canadian (N=126) samples. National identification was linked to negative attitudes toward immigrants indirectly, via perceptions of immigrants as being in threatening zero-sum relationships with citizens. In turn, perceived zero-sum threat was associated with dehumanizing beliefs and emotions about immigrants. Significant baseline differences in hostility were observed across the samples, but the relationships among the variables were not moderated by participants' nationality. The study contributes to the literature examining how negative emotions and attitudes may serve to legitimize intergroup competition

    Religious norms, norm conflict, and religious identification

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    The present research sought to understand how religious identification is associated with normative practices and with norm conflict (the perception that people within the religious group are not all enacting the same standards or rules for behaviour). Using a multi-faith sample (N=400) we replicate positive associations of religious identification with engaging in normative practices such as prayer, and the associations of both identification and normative practices with stronger well-being. Religious norm conflict was associated with lower identification and lower well-being, however. Three coping strategies were examined: 1) engaging in normative ritual practices was protective of identification and well-being; 2) affirming that the conflict occurs on less important (vs core) religious norms was associated with higher well-being, but not with identification; and 3) challenging the religious norm was associated with lower well-being, but did not alter religious identification
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