2 research outputs found

    Potensi Air Cucian Beras Sebagai Pupuk Organik Pada Tanaman Seledri (Apium Graveolens L.)

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    Rice washing water is a waste or waste from households that have not been widely used. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of rice washing water on growth and yield of celery plants and to see the potency of rice washing water as organic fertilizer in celery plant.The study was conducted in November 2017 - February 2018. The study was prepared according to a Randomized Block Design with 4 treatments and 4 replications namely A0: control, A1: wash water of first rinse rice, A2: water wash of second rinse rice and A3: water washing rice third rinse.The number of replicates as many as 4 and each there are 2 units of plants so that the total plant observed as many as 32 plants. The results showed that rice washing water had no significant effect on the growth of celery plants. The A3 treatment (third rinse washing water) resulted in more leaves than the other treatments. Rice laundry water is potential for use in celery plants but at a more dilute concentration (third rinse washing water)

    Produksi tanaman pakcoy (Brassica rapa) pada tiga jenis kombinasi pupuk organik cair kototran lele

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    Catfish manure, goat manure, cow urine and lamtoro leaves are organic materials that are easily obtained and have not been used optimally. To utilize this material, it can be made into liquid organic fertilizer to make it easier to apply and make combinations in order to increase the growth pakcoy plants significantly. The aim of the study was to obtain a combination of organic materials that gave the best results on pakcoy plants. This field research was arranged based on the Randomized Block Design consisting of 4 treatments and 4 replications using a plot measuring 1 m², a spacing of 20 cm x 20 cm.  The treatments were P0= catfish manure (control), P1= catfish manure + goat manure, P2= catfish manure + cow urine and P3= catfish manure + lamtoro leaves. The observed variables were the number of leaves, fresh weight harvested, root length and root weight.  The results showed that catfish manure and goat manure (P1) significantly increasing the number of leaves, fresh harvest weight and root weight of pakcoy plants.[Kotoran ikan lele, kotoran kambing, urin sapi dan daun lamtoro merupakan bahan organik yang mudah diperoleh dan belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal.  Untuk memanfaatkan bahan tersebut maka dapat dibuat menjadi pupuk organik cair agar lebih mudah diaplikasi dan dibuat kombinasi agar dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman pakcoy yang signifikan. Tujuan penelitian adalah memperoleh kombinasi bahan organik yang memberikan hasil terbaik pada tanaman pakcoy.  Penelitian lapangan ini dibuat sesuai pola Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang dengan 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan dengan menggunakan plot berukuran 1 m², jarak tanam 20 cm x 20 cm.  Perlakuan yaitu P0= kotoran ikan lele (kontrol), P1= kotoran ikan lele + kotoran kambing, P2= kotoran ikan lele + urin sapi dan P3= kotoran ikan lele + daun lamtoro.  Yang menjadi variabel yang diamati adalah jumlah daun, bobot segar panen, panjang akar dan bobot akar.  Hasil penelitian adalah kotoran ikan lele dan kotoran kambing (P1) meningkatkan jumlah daun, bobot segar panen dan bobot akar tanaman pakcoy secara signifikan