28 research outputs found

    Obstacle avoidance of a point - mass robot using feedforward neural network

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    Machine learning is presently acknowledged as a significant ingredient of research in many fields, including robotics. The use of robots to perform assorted tasks is evident in difficult, uncompromising, and hazardous spaces and sectors such as manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, landmines, mining, patrolling, disaster relief etc. For a robot to carry out its assigned task, it normally has to navigate safely without collisions to different locations, which also means understanding its working environment, collectively known as the robot navigation problem. This paper considers finding a solution using neural networks to the robot navigation problem, particularly the path planning problem that includes fixed obstacles. The objective of the path planning problem is to find a route to the final destination that is optimal and also collision-free. Different training algorithms and network structures are used to construct models that can predict a turning angle for the point-mass robot which will be used to avoid obstacles in the robot's path to the destination. This paper will present a comparative analysis of the performance of different feedforward neural network models. The results suggest that the feedforward neural network model with 10 neurons and Bayesian regularization performed the best. The model has been used to avoid obstacles in two different environments. The trajectories show that the robot has safely avoided obstacles in its path and reached the destination

    Inheritance and identification of molecular markers associated with spot blotch (Cochliobolus sativus L.) resistance through microsatellites analysis in barley

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    Spot blotch resistant (IBON 18) and susceptible (RD 2508) lines were crossed to investigate inheritance of resistance and to identify simple sequence repeats (SSRs) associated with resistance. F1 resistance was intermediate and suggested additive nature of inheritance. Three additive genes was noted in the distribution of F3, F4 and F5 generations. In F6 and F6-7, the quantitative and qualitative approaches also suggested the control of three resistance genes. The parents and the RILs (F6/F6-7) were grown in four environments and spot blotch severity recorded. Forty five SSR primers, specific for chromosomes 1 (7H) and 5 (1H), were applied. Of these, 12 were polymorphic between the parents, and between the resistant and susceptible bulks. Three markers BMS 32, BMS 90 and HVCMA showed association with resistance, which was further confirmed through selective genotyping. The co-segregation data on the molecular markers (BMS 32, BMS 90 and HVCMA) and spot blotch severity on 173 RILs was analyzed by single marker linear regression approach. Significant regression suggested linkage among BMS 32, BMS 90 and HVCMA and the three resistant genes (designated as Rcs-qtl-5H-1, Rcs-qtl-5H-2 and Rcs-qtl-1H-1.) respectively. These markers explained 28%, 19% and 12% of variation respectively, for spot blotch resistance among the RILs

    Understanding and integrating technology: a case study of the Fiji sugar industry

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    Variation for infection response to Bipolaris sorokiniana and identification of trait specific sources in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) germplasm

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    Abstract The aim of present study was to evaluate un-adapted, exotic and indigenous germplasm of barley to identify useful genetic diversity for spot blotch resistance and other related traits to barley breeders. A total 124 genotypes were evaluated for spot blotch resistance and yield components, for three consecutive years at Varanasi, India. Based on Area Under Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) score of spot blotch, three germplasm accessions (BCU422, BCU1204 and BCU5092) were found resistant to virulent isolate of spot blotch disease. Trait specific accessions were also identified for yield components traits. To meet breeders' requirements, genetically diverse pairs for specific trait were identified, that can be utilized as parents in breeding programs. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for AUDPC score and yield components showed that , the first three principal components explained 60.30% (27.22, 18.22 and 14.86% by PC1, PC2 and PC3 respectively) of genetic variation. Identified accessions for spot blotch resistance and yield contributing traits appear to be useful for resistance against Bipolaris sorokiniana and improvement in genetic potential of grain yield by providing desirable gene(s)/QTL(s) in barley genetic improvement programme

    Practice, benefits, and impact of personal protective equipment (PPE) during COVID-19 pandemic: Envisioning the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) through the lens of clean water sanitation, life below water, and life on land in Fiji

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    Background The outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) highlights the global health emergency. To limit the rate of COVID-19 transmission to health care workers, adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) are required. Emerging reports indicate that the widespread usage of PPE during the COVID-19 outbreak has exacerbated plastic contamination in the ocean. Purpose This paper attempts to understand the influence of practice, benefits, and impact of PPE during the COVID-19 crisis on clean water sanitation, life below water, and life on land (SDGs 6, 14, and 15 respectively) in Fiji and assess the effectiveness of measurements taken to deal with this crisis. Fiji is a small Pacific Island Country (PIC) and the global crisis of COVID-19 entered the Fijian border on 19th, March 2020. The second wave of COVID-19 was reported on 18th, April 2021, which began at a managed quarantine facility after contact between a couple returning from India to Fiji and a soldier. Since then the number of cases has been increasing daily and posing a risk to the public. Materials and method A personal observation was made to collect the PPE pollution on the streets, near roads, car parks, markets, and towns. Results Widespread PPE pollution was noticed, and the common PPE found on the Vesivesi road in Suva, Fiji were facemasks (61.36%) and hand gloves (38.64%), as it is mostly used by the public, police officers, municipal waste management, shopping malls workers, and medical care workers. Face shield littering was limited due to fewer users. Conclusions In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this study stresses a great concern on enabling SDGs 6, 14, and 15 and how the use of PPE during this period has impacted the natural environment. It is critical to remember that managing PPE waste during a contagious pandemic should be treated as an emergency and handled quickly

    Effect of elevated temperature and carbon dioxide on wheat productivity with and without weed interaction

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    Ph. D. Student research workWheat crop is one of the most valuable crops, and further boost in wheat yields is essential to meet the food demand of the emerging world population. It is therefore necessary to know theinfluence of future climate change on wheat yields. Present investigation was conducted in temperature gradient tunnel (TGTs) to evaluate the effects of elevated temperature, CO2 concentration,weed and their interactions on grain, biological yieldand other yield attributes (number of spike/m2, number of spikelets/spike, number of grains/spike and 1000-grain weight, hervest index) of wheat. Wheat crop was grown in TGT at three different temperature levels i.e. T1 ambient, T2 ambient+1.5°C, T3 ambient+3°C and two levels of carbon dioxide i.e. ambient (ACO2) 400 ppm and elevated(ECO2) 550±50 ppm with and without weed interaction.The study revealed that yield and yield attributes of subsequent wheat crop increased due to ECO2. Mean individual effect of ECO2 increased grain yield of wheat by 14% and biological yield by 12% compared to ACO2. On the contrary, the yield was decreased with elevated temperature where a decrease in the grain yield from ˗12% to ˗20% and biological yield from ˗11% to ˗18% was observed at 1.5°C and 3°C, respectively. Similarly the interaction of weeds in wheat crop, reduced the grain yieldby 8% and biological yield of wheat by 6%, irrespective of CO2 and temperature levels.The statistical analysis (p<0.05) revealed significant effect of the interactions (C×T, C×W, W×T, and C×T×W) on yield. Overall results the study proposal to adapt an effective weeds management strategy to controlled conditions of yield of wheat crop under the controlled conditions of CO2 and temperature.PG School, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delh

    Comparative accounts of chromium accumulation in three ferns under hydroponic system

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    553-558Hydroponic experiments were carried out to demonstrate the chromium bioaccumulation potential of three ferns viz. <i style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal">Diplazium esculentum (Retz.) Sw., Pteris cretica L. and Polystichum squarossum (D. Don) J. Sm. Plants were exposed to seven levels of Cr (0, 25, 50, 100, 300, 600 and 100 µg ml-1) for 10 days. All three test species accumulated significant Cr content in comparison to control. The result showed the increasing trends in fresh biomass (25-30%) up to 600 µg ml-1 concentration in P. cretica and P. squarossum. Although, D. esculentum showed necrosis even after 1 day exposure; necrosed biomass contained significant Cr than control but significant decrease in chlorophyll and carotenoid content indicates its least tolerance capacity. It has also been revealed that chlorophyll content was not affected by Cr exposure up to 300 µg ml-1 concentrations in P. cretica and <i style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal">P. squarossum and the carotenoid content showed the significant increase of 35 to 74% at higher dose from 300 and 1000 µg ml-1 in comparison to the control. Therefore, it has been observed that P. cretica and P. sqarossum are new Cr hyperaccumulator with efficient tolerance capacity. It also revealed that <i style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal">P. cretica has highest tolerance capacity to Cr ions amongst the three test species which often grows rapidly, densely and easily adapt to artificial cultivation and can be exploited for treatment of tannery and other Cr contaminated wastelands. </span