79 research outputs found

    Analisis Potensi Penyebaran Informasi Kesehatan melalui Jejaring Sosial (Studi Kasus pada \u27Forum Jejaring Peduli AIDS\u27)

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    Background: Predicted in 2015 there was an increase of 924.000 cases with a prevalence of 0.49%, and rose sharply to 2.117 million cases in 2025 with a prevalence of 1.00%. This surge can be prevented to less than half that when the target of universal access can be achieved by 2014. For prevention, FJPA using Facebook as a medium of information delivery. This effort shows remarkable progress. This development becomes interesting to study, how the effectiveness of Facebook Social Media Networking in a process of diffusion of information related to HIV/AIDS. Methods: The method used in this analysis is content analysis. Observations conducted in 2010, March 18, 2010 until December 31, 2010. Result: The results showed a sharp increase in membership FJPA on Facebook that reach 2821 members by 2010. Membership has exceeded the limits of the country, including men and women almost equally, dominated age. FJPA page on Facebook last ten months has been accessed 4278 times, the interaction peak in the first month (March 2010) 430 interactions, and six months subsequent interaction 77-132 per month, and peaked back in December of 309. Posting an entry consisting of 126 wall posts, links 31, and 35 notes. It can be concluded that the Social Networking Media through the Internet very effectively as a medium of diffusion of information which transcends geographical and administrative regions. Social Networking is also an effective medium for dissemination of information to target youth and age. The recommendation is: Social Media Networks need more intensive process of diffusion health information, specially productive age as a target; The review also needs to be continued to look at the effectiveness of other social networking media. Such as Twiter, Koprol, Blogs, and so on

    Midwife Acceptability in Implementation of Labor Warranty Policy in the District Mojokerto

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    Background: The existence of midwive as the Jampersal main guard so important. Midwive acceptability has become Jampersal issue\u27s at district level, then the reason is enough to do a policy analysis of Jampersal.It is important to ensure successful implementation in the field, so the aim of improving access to maternal and child health services, as well as further reduction of MMR and IMR can be achieved. This study aimed to analyze the midwifes acceptability to the implementation of Jampersal in Mojokerto regency. Methods: This research is observational study. This study is also the policy analysis research on policy implementation stage.Policy research is classified as an ‘analysis of policy\u27. In-depth interviews and focus group discussions withthe data obtained from the field actors. Content analysis is done by analyzing the acceptability of thematically based midwives in Mojokerto regency to the Jampersal membership, benefit package, accountability, and the tariff. Result: Research shows that midwives most accept to the Jampersal accountability. It is perceived more easily than other health financing. For the acceptability of the benefit package and the tariff, midwives could still accept although with little objection. For Jampersal membership, most midwives still objected to the Jampersal membership models. Conclution: It needs to be disseminated to a deeper understanding of the meaning and purpose of the Jampersal philosophy. Recommendation: Socialization is also able to explain what the background of every detail measures taken, including what makes the midwife objected

    Potential Analysis of Promoting the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Prevention Through Youtube

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    Background: Deal with health promotion efforts in terms of disease control using media or social networking is an innovative breakthrough in a region having a broad range of territory, such as Indonesia and others countries alike. The use of social media /video platforms such as youtube, vimeo, veoh in health promotion has been significantly increased. This study aims to determine the potential availability of information about dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) on YouTube social media and social media potential of as a medium for dissemination of knowledge of health promotion. Methods: This study used a social media site or website which is the most popular video hosting sites in the world, ‘YouTube', with the keyword of ‘dengue hemorrhagic fever'. The selected video directly associated with DHF, videos in English that were included in this study using Latin letters in the description of the video; with duration less than or equal to 5 minutes. 76 videos analyzed with content analysis methods. Results:Showed that 76 videos divided into categories of prevention, control, transmission, treatment, dengue fever treatment, and other categories. Other information classification categories explain the severity of dengue virus infection, dengue vector (morphology, bionomics), intrinsic phase dengue virus and some research conducted as dengue vaccine discovery efforts. Conclusion: The availability of information about dengue on YouTube social media is still very deficient. Recommendation: YouTube has the potential of social media as a medium for disseminating health promotion information about dengue

    Evaluasi Simbol Pada Peta Taktual Kota YOGYAKARTA

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    Peta taktual merupakan alat yang dibutuhkan oleh tunanetra untuk mendapatkan informasi spasial. Di Kota Yogyakarta sudah dibuat peta taktual. Akan tetapi tunanetra masih merasakan kesulitan dalam menggunakannya, sehingga perlu diadakan evaluasi simbol terhadap peta ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Merevisi desain simbol dari peta taktual yang sudah ada berdasar aspirasi tunanetra, (2) Membuat peta taktual berdasarkan dari hasil evaluasi peta taktual yang sudah ada.Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metodepurposive sampling. Sampel diambil sebanyak 60 orang. Data persepsi dan aspirasi tunanetra diambil dengan cara wawancara terhadap responden. Hasil wawancara digunakan untuk evaluasi peta taktual yang sudah ada. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peta taktual yang sesuai dengan aspirasi tunanetra adalah simbol yang menggunakan variabel visual bentuk sederhana dan tidak terlalu kecil ukurannya. Disamping itu perlu disusun sistem layout peta yang proporsional antara muka peta dengan informasi yang menjelaskan isi peta

    Implementasi Konsep Aurora pada Interior Serikat Mural Surabaya Centre

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    Street art telah berkembang dengan sangat pesat, salah satunya di Surabaya. Namun, street art sering dianggap negatif. Tetapi hal tersebut tidak menjadikan halangan bagi komunitas street art untuk terus berkembang, salah satunya seperti komunitas Serikat Mural Surabaya. Komunitas tersebut sering mengadakan berbagai macam kegiatan. Namun, basecamp yang mereka miliki belum memadai. Oleh karena itu, perancangan interior Serikat Mural Surabaya Centre dengan berbagai macam fasilitas ini dilakukan sehingga dapat mewadahi semua kegiatan komunitas dan dapat mengubah pandangan negatif masyarakat. Selain itu, Serikat Mural Surabaya Centre tersebut akan menggunakan konsep dengan pendekatan edukatif, rekreatif dan interaktif. Nilai edukatif dan interaktif dihadirkan melalui adanya studio mural sehingga pengunjung dapat ikut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan komunitas. Sementara itu, nilai rekreatif dan interaktif dihadirkan melalui penggunaan teknologi interaktif dalam pameran sehingga pengunjung dapat melihat pameran lukisan mural dengan cara yang berbeda

    Perancangan dan Analisa Sistem Kendali Frekuensi Sistem Tenaga Listrik dengan Metode Penempatan Kutub

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    This study discusses the application of Polar Placement method using Bass - Gura algorithm on Non - Reheat type frequency electric control system with emphasis on frequency deviation on power system. The performance indicators of electric power system that can be calculated and observed include error analysis, response speed, response quality, frequency domain analysis, stability analysis and robustness analysis of the frequency deviation response of electric power system. The simulation results show that the non-reheat type deviation of electric power with Polar Placement method shows better result compared to non-reheat type frequency power deviation response without the Polar Placement method with a steady state error value of 0.0041, the rise time value of 0.0562 second, the peak time value is 0.0049 seconds, the time value of the steady state is 0.5113 seconds, the maximum pass value is 19.2112%, the root of the characteristic equation which all the parts are negative, the maximum peak value is 1.0049 and the maximum peak value of complementary sensitivity is 0.0051. Keywords: Frequency Deviation, Polar Placement, Bass - Gura Algorithm, Non – Rehea

    Pertumbuhan Mucuna Bracteata DC. pada Berbagai Waktu Inokulasi dan Dosis Inokulan

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    Mucuna bracteata DC. is a legume cover crop to prevent erosion and to suppress weed growth. M. bracteata can fix N2 from the air with the help of Rhizobium. M. bracteata get benefit from the symbiosis in the form of increased nodule weight, shoot dry weight, and leaf nitrogen content when the Rhizobium population in the soil is optimal. Application of inoculant is one method to increase the Rhizobium population in the soil. This study aimed to analyze the effects of inoculation times and inoculant rates on M. bracteata growth. The research was conducted in Boyolali, Central Jawa, from February to August 2014. The inoculant contained Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Aeromonas punctata. This experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with two factors and three replications. The first factor was two inoculation times, i.e at the nursery when the seedlings were 2 weeks old and in the field when the seedlings reached 5 weeks old. The second factor was 5 inoculant rates (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 g per plant). The results showed that inoculation on 5-week-old seedlings was the best result compared to the 2-week-old seedlings. The recommended inoculant rate for Mucuna bracteata was 6.43 g per plant
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