94 research outputs found

    Sudbury project (University of Muenster-Ontario Geological Survey): Sr-Nd in heterolithic breccias and gabbroic dikes

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    One major objective of our Sudbury project was to define origin and age of the huge breccia units below and above the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC). The heterolithic Footwall Breccia (FB) represents a part of the uplifted crater floor. It contains subrounded fragments up to several meters in size and lithic fragments with shock features (greater than 10 GPa) embedded into a fine- to medium-grained matrix. Epsilon(sub Nd)-epsilon(sub Sr) relationships point to almost exclusively parautochthonous precursor lithologies. The different textures of the matrix reflect the metamorphic history of the breccia layer; thermal annealing by the overlying hot impact melt sheet (SIC) at temperatures greater than 1000 C resulted in melting of the fine crushed material, followed by an episode of metasomatic K-feldspar growth and, finally, formation of low-grade minerals such as actinolite and chlorite. Isotope relationships in the Onaping breccias (Gray and Green Member) are much more complex. All attempts to date the breccia formation failed: Zircons are entirely derived from country rocks and lack the pronounced Pb loss caused by the heat of the slowly cooling impact melt sheet (SIC). Rb-Sr techniques using either lithic fragments of different shock stages or the thin slab method, set time limits for the apparently pervasive alkali mobility in these suevitic breccias. The data array and the intercept in the plots point to a major Rb-Sr fractionation around 1.54 Ga ago. This model age is in the same range as the age obtained for the metasomatic matrix of the FB. Rb-Sr dating of a shock event in impact-related breccias seems to be possible only if their matrix had suffered total melting by the hot melt sheet (FB) or if they contain a high fraction of impact melt (suevitic Onaping breccias), whereas the degree of shock metamorphism in rock or lithic fragments plays a minor role. In the Sudbury case, however, the impact melt in the seuvitic breccias is devitrified and recrystallized, which changed Rb/Sr ratios quite drastically. Therefore, the Onaping breccias give only age limits for alteration and low-grade metamorphism. The Sm-Nd system was not reset during the Sudbury event; clasts as well as the matrix in the FB and in the Onaping breccias show preimpact 'Archean' Nd isotope signatures

    Sudbury project (University of Muenster-Ontario Geological Survey): Petrology, chemistry, and origin of breccia formations

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    Within the Sudbury Project of the University of Muenster and the Ontario Geological Survey special emphasis was put on the breccia formations exposed at the Sudbury structure (SS) because of their crucial role for the impact hypothesis. They were mapped and sampled in selected areas of the north, east, and south ranges of the SS. The relative stratigraphic positions of these units are summarized. Selected samples were analyzed by optical microscopy, SEM, microprobe, XRF and INAA, Rb-Sr and SM-Nd-isotope geochemistry, and carbon isotope analysis. The results of petrographic and chemical analysis for those stratigraphic units that were considered the main structural elements of a large impact basin are summarized

    Sudbury project (University of Muenster-Ontario Geological Survey): Field studies 1984-1989 - summary of results

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    In cooperation between the Ontario Geological Survey and the Institute of Geology and Institute of Planetology, geological, petrological, and geochemical studies were carried out on impact-related phenomena of the Sudbury structure during the last decade. The main results of the field studies are briefly reviewed. Footwall rocks, sublayer, and lower sections of the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC) were mainly mapped and sampled in the northern (Levack Township) and western (Trillabelle and Sultana Properties) parts of the north range. Within these mapping areas Sudbury Breccias (SB) and Footwall Breccias (FB) were studied; SB were also investigated along extended profiles beyond the north and south ranges up to 55 km from the SIC. The Onaping Formation (OF) and the upper section of the SIC were studied both in the north range (Morgan and Dowling Townships) and in the southern east range (Capreol and McLennan Townships)

    Sudbury project (University of Muenster-Ontario Geological Survey): Summary of results - an updated impact model

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    In 1984 the Ontario Geological Survey initiated a research project on the Sudbury structure (SS) in cooperation with the University of Muenster. The project included field mapping (1984-1989) and petrographic, chemical, and isotope analyses of the major stratigraphic units of the SS. Four diploma theses and four doctoral theses were performed during the project (1984-1992). Specific results of the various investigations are reported. Selected areas of the SS were mapped and sampled: Footwall rocks; Footwall breccia and parts of the sublayer and lower section of the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC); Onaping Formation and the upper section of the SIC; and Sudbury breccia and adjacent Footwall rocks along extended profiles up to 55 km from the SIC. All these stratigraphic units of the SS were studied in substantial detail by previous workers. The most important characteristic of the previous research is that it was based either on a volcanic model or on a mixed volcanic-impact model for the origin of the SS. The present project was clearly directed toward a test of the impact origin of the SS without invoking an endogenic component. In general, our results confirm the most widely accepted stratigraphic division of the SS. However, our interpretation of some of the major stratigraphic units is different from most views expressed. The stratigraphy of the SS and its new interpretation is given as a basis for discussion

    Second surgery for progressive glioblastoma: a multi‐centre questionnaire and cohort‐based review of clinical decision‐making and patient outcomes in current practice

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    PURPOSE: Glioblastoma prognosis is poor. Treatment options are limited at progression. Surgery may benefit, but no quality guidelines exist to inform patient selection. We sought to describe variations in surgical management at progression, highlight where further evidence is needed, and build towards a consensus strategy. METHODS: Current practice in selection of patients with progressive GBM for second surgery was surveyed online amongst specialists in the UK and Europe. We complemented this with an assessment of practice in a retrospective cohort study from six United Kingdom neurosurgical units. We used descriptive statistics to analyse the data. RESULTS: 234 questionnaire responses were received. Maintaining or improving patient quality of life was key to decision making, with variation as to whether patient age, performance status or intended extent of resection was relevant. MGMT methylation status was not important. Half considered no minimum time after first surgery. 288 patients were reported in the cohort analysis. Median time to second surgery from first surgery 390 days. Median overall survival 815 days, with no association between time to second surgery and time to death (p = 0.874). CONCLUSIONS: This is the most wide-ranging examination of contemporaneous practice in management of GBM progression. Without evidence-based guidelines, the variation is unsurprising. We propose consensus guidelines for consideration, to reduce heterogeneity in decision making, support data collection and analysis of factors influencing outcomes, and to inform clinical trials to establish whether second surgery improves patient outcomes, or simply selects to patients already performing well

    Therrya fuckelii i inne grzyby na strzałach i gałęziach Pinus sylvestris uszkodzonych przez uderzenia pioruna

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    The evidence-based hypothesis is presented that the stems and branches of Pinus sylvestris injured by lightning strikes are colonized first by Therrya fuckelii and successively by Diplodia pinea, Nectria fuckeliana, Hyaloscypha leuconica, Gremmeniella abietina and Cenangium ferruginosum. The concomitant occurrence of these usually pathogenic fungi on injured Pinus trees in Poland signals a potential for their increased significance in Europe during climatic changes.Praca stara się udowodnić, że strzały i gałęzie sosny zwyczajnej uszkodzonej uderzeniami pioruna kolonizowane są przez Therrya fuckelii, a następnie przez Diplodia pinea, Nectria fuckeliana, Hyaloscypha leuconica, Gremmeniella abietina i Cenangium ferruginosum. Sukcesja i wspólne występowanie tych, w większości patogenicznych, grzybów na uszkodzonych sosnach sygnalizuje wzrost ich potencjału i znaczenia w Polsce i Europie. Wynikają one z obserwowanych ostatnio zmian klimatycznych i występowania pogody obfitującej w częste burze i wyładowania atmosferyczne

    Parazytofauna lasicowatych [Mustelidae] Puszczy Bialowieskiej

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