7 research outputs found

    Rethinking the interplay between affluence and vulnerability to aid climate change adaptive capacity

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Affluence and vulnerability are often seen as opposite sides of a coin—with affluence generally understood as reducing forms of vulnerability through increased resilience and adaptive capacity. However, in the context of climate change and an increase in associated hazards and disasters, we suggest the need to re-examine this dynamic relationship—a complex association we define here as the Affluence–Vulnerability Interface (AVI). We review research in different national contexts to show how a more nuanced understanding of the AVI can (a) problematize the notion that increasing material affluence necessarily has a mitigating influence on social vulnerability, (b) extend our analysis of social vulnerability beyond low-income regions to include affluent contexts and (c) improve our understanding of how psychosocial characteristics influence people’s vulnerability. Finally, we briefly outline three methodological approaches that we believe will assist future engagement with the AVI

    Network Monitoring Architecture based on Home Gateways

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    International audienceThe "Future Internet Gateway-based Architecture of Residential net- wOrks (FIGARO)" project proposes to tackle the new challenges arising from the shift of the Internet use from technology centric to user/content centric with a novel network architecture centered on the residential gateways. Many use cases for the FI- GARO architecture such as home automation, distributed content management, con- tent delivery optimizations, network performance monitoring and troubleshooting re- quire advanced network monitoring functionality on the residential gateway. In this paper, we discuss the requirements and design of the FIGARO gateway-centric net- work monitoring architecture

    Rethinking the Interplay between Affluence and Vulnerability to Aid Climate Change Adaptive Capacity

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    In this paper, CSS’s Christine Eriksen, Florian Roth, Linda Maduz and Tim Prior propose a re-examination of the dynamic relationship between affluence and vulnerability —a complex association defined as the Affluence–Vulnerability Interface (AVI). A more nuanced understanding of the AVI can (1) problematize the notion that increasing material affluence necessarily has a mitigating influence on social vulnerability, (2) extend analysis of social vulnerability beyond low-income regions to include affluent contexts and (3) improve understanding of how psychosocial characteristics influence people’s vulnerability.In diesem Papier schlagen die CSS Forscher Christine Eriksen, Florian Roth, Linda Maduz und Tim Prior eine erneute Untersuchung der dynamischen Beziehung zwischen Wohlstand und Verwundbarkeit vor — eine komplexe Verbindung, die als Affluence-Vulnerability Interface (AVI) definiert wird. Ein nuancierteres VerstĂ€ndnis der AVI kann (1) die Vorstellung problematisieren, dass zunehmender materieller Wohlstand notwendigerweise einen mildernden Einfluss auf die soziale Verwundbarkeit hat, (2) die Analyse der sozialen Verwundbarkeit ĂŒber einkommensschwache Regionen hinaus auf wohlhabende Kontexte ausdehnen und (3) das VerstĂ€ndnis dafĂŒr verbessern, wie psychosoziale Merkmale die Verwundbarkeit von Menschen beeinflussen.ISSN:0165-0009ISSN:1573-148