6 research outputs found

    Coherence function-encoded optical palpation

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    Funding: Australian Research Council, the National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia), OncoRes Medical, Australia.Optical palpation maps stress at the surface of biological tissue into 2D images. It relies on measuring surface deformation of a compliant layer, which to date has been performed with optical coherence tomography (OCT). OCT-based optical palpation holds promise for improved clinical diagnostics; however, the complexity and cost hinder broad adoption. In this Letter, we introduce coherence function-encoded optical palpation (CFE-OP) using a novel optical profilometry technique that exploits the envelope of the coherence function rather than its peak position, which is typically used to retrieve depth information. CFE-OP utilizes a Fabry–Perot laser diode (bandwidth, 2.2 nm) and a single photodiode in a Michelson interferometer to detect the position along the coherence envelope as a function of path length. This technique greatly reduces complexity and cost in comparison to the OCT-based approach. We perform CFE-OP on phantom and excised human breast tissue, demonstrating comparable mechanical contrast to OCT-based optical palpation and the capability to distinguish stiff tumor from soft benign tissue.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Intratumoral LIGHT Restores Pericyte Contractile Properties and Vessel Integrity

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    Normalization of the tumor vasculature is an emerging concept shown to improve anti-cancer therapy. However, there are currently no clinical interventions that effect long-lasting normalization. Here, we have developed a strategy for normalization by specific intratumoral delivery of LIGHT/TNFSF14. Importantly, normalization occurs by induced expression of contractile markers in intratumoral pericytes, which in turn re-establishes tight pericyte-vessel alignment. Restoring vessel integrity improves tumor perfusion and acts as adjuvant to chemo- and immunotherapy. Mechanistically, intratumoral LIGHT induces pericyte differentiation and normalization via Rho kinase signaling. Minute amounts of LIGHT act in a paracrine fashion to trigger an amplifying cascade involving transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) from peri-vascular macrophages. That these effects can be reproduced by adoptive transfer of LIGHT-stimulated macrophages alone demonstrates their central role in regulating pericyte differentiation. Our findings highlight a crucial role of pericyte contractile properties in vascular normalization, effected by macrophage signaling, thus providing so far unexplored anti-cancer opportunities

    Coherence function-encoded optical palpation

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    Optical palpation maps stress at the surface of biological tissue into 2D images. It relies on measuring surface deformation of a compliant layer, which to date has been performed with optical coherence tomography (OCT). OCT-based optical palpation holds promise for improved clinical diagnostics; however, the complexity and cost hinder broad adoption. In this Letter, we introduce coherence function-encoded optical palpation (CFE-OP) using a novel optical profilometry technique that exploits the envelope of the coherence function rather than its peak position, which is typically used to retrieve depth information. CFE-OP utilizes a Fabry–Perot laser diode (bandwidth, 2.2 nm) and a single photodiode in a Michelson interferometer to detect the position along the coherence envelope as a function of path length. This technique greatly reduces complexity and cost in comparison to the OCT-based approach. We perform CFE-OP on phantom and excised human breast tissue, demonstrating comparable mechanical contrast to OCT-based optical palpation and the capability to distinguish stiff tumor from soft benign tissue

    Handheld volumetric manual compression-based quantitative microelastography

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    This research was supported by grants and fellowships from the Australian Research Council, the National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia), the National Breast Cancer Foundation (Australia), the Department of Health, Western Australia, the Cancer Council, Western Australia and through a research contract with OncoRes Medical, Australia.Compression optical coherence elastography (OCE) typically requires a mechanical actuator to impart a controlled uniform strain to the sample. However, for handheld scanning, this adds complexity to the design of the probe and the actuator stroke limits the amount of strain that can be applied. In this work, we present a new volumetric imaging approach that utilizes bidirectional manual compression via the natural motion of the user's hand to induce strain to the sample, realizing compact, actuator‐free, handheld compression OCE. In this way, we are able to demonstrate rapid acquisition of three‐dimensional quantitative microelastography (QME) datasets of a tissue volume (6 × 6 × 1 mm3) in 3.4 seconds. We characterize the elasticity sensitivity of this freehand manual compression approach using a homogeneous silicone phantom and demonstrate comparable performance to a benchtop mounted, actuator‐based approach. In addition, we demonstrate handheld volumetric manual compression‐based QME on a tissue‐mimicking phantom with an embedded stiff inclusion and on freshly excised human breast specimens from both mastectomy and wide local excision (WLE) surgeries. Tissue results are coregistered with postoperative histology, verifying the capability of our approach to measure the elasticity of tissue and to distinguish stiff tumor from surrounding soft benign tissue.PostprintPeer reviewe