8 research outputs found

    Government Responsibilities in Fulfilling Victims' Rights During the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Phase After the Earthquake in Sulai Village, Ulumanda District, Majene Regency

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    The rehabilitation and reconstruction phase is very important in restoring the environment, infrastructure, social, economic, cultural and psychological aspects of disaster victims, especially victims of the 6.2 magnitude earthquake in West Sulawesi in 2021. The rehabilitation and reconstruction phase is the stage where the community receives protection from the State in this regard. the central government and local governments in the recovery of all sectors of life after the disaster victims. 1 year after the earthquake in Sulai Village, Ulumanda District, it is still not evenly distributed to get the fulfillment of the facilities contained in the rehabilitation and reconstruction phase as a form of local government responsibility as stated in Article 5 of the Majene Regency Regulation No . 9 of 2019 concerning Disaster Management. areas. In the implementation of the rehabilitation and reconstruction phase in Sulai Village, there are 100% elements in the rehabilitation and reconstruction phase that have not been implemented at all, such as the implementation of security and order patrols, communication networks, community party activities, counseling by psychologists, reconciliation and conflict resolution, drainage development, health center repairs. Assistants, health counseling, counseling on disaster risk reduction efforts and permanent housing in the form of stimulant funds for earthquake victims have not been distributed evenly in Sulai Village

    The existence of village regulations for development community empowerment in Padang village Polewali Mandar regency

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    The goal of accelerating the welfare of the people faster through village regulations can be seen by setting village regulations that are right on target for village community empowerment, such as village regulations on village potential development, for increasing village income as a form of village community empowerment in Padang village there is only a village regulation on village budgets, which is indeed an obligation in the village government budget and spending arrangements.  Every year and the village regulations tentag farm animals.The lack of village regulation documents, which should be made to be the legality of every policy and action taken by the Village government and for welfare, environmental order, empowerment will have implications in the inaccuracy of the development of village community empowerment that has been mandated in the VillageLaw. Methods using a statutory research approach and a concept of  approach that then uses the nature of quantitative research and qualitative descriptions. The existence of village regulations that are expected to be regulations that make the direction of the village government system in Padang village does not run optimally with a lack of knowledge from village officials and village consultative bodies for their duties and work functions thus the lack of village regulation documents in Padang village has implications for inequality.     Government administaris and programs that do not have legal protection and are not targeted in the empowerment of rural communities. We recommend that padang villages and other villages that are aware of the lack of village regulation regulations, should establish cooperation relations with the university in providing village rule-making training in accordance with the cultural environment, village community in terms of village community empowerment and socialization about the implementation of good village governanc

    The Protection of Biological Diversity in Convention on Biological Diversity Framework

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    Indonesia is the richest country in the world in terms of biodiversity. Indonesian coastal and marine resources have an important meaning for the world, considering that the flora and fauna species found in Indonesia's tropical waters are more than any other region in the world. The various marine and coastal ecosystems that exist provide sustainable resources for the majority of the Indonesian people. Discussing the richness of biodiversity, especially biodiversity in the sea, Indonesian waters is known as the center of distribution of world coral reefs, and has the highest level of biodiversity in the world. The world coral triangle area, covering parts of Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific, is the center of the world's marine biodiversity. The triangle-shaped area covers all or part of the six countries' exclusive economic zone (EEZ), namely Indonesia, East Timor, Philippines, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and Solomon Islands. Keywords: biodiversity, CBD, protection. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/9-13-08 Publication date:July 31st 201

    Eksistensi Hukum Internasional terhadap Hukum Nasional dalam Pembuatan Perjanjian Internasional

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    The existence of international law has been accepted, recognized and respected as a legal norm that governs the international community. The rules of international law can be accepted and adapted in the national law of countries. The mechanisms and procedures used by each country to apply international law at the national level are not uniform. One of the main reasons is because they consider this a part of state sovereignty. As a system of norms, international law is based on the highest norms that function as an assessor of the validity of international agreements made between countries. The highest norms in international law are called peremptory norms (jus cogens). Therefore, an international agreement cannot be valid when an international agreement conflicts with the highest norms in international la

    Use of the Memorandum of Understanding Model on Legal Protection Of Indonesia Migrant Workers

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    The purpose of this article is to discuss the legal protection of migrant workers, however there is a difference between the legal system and culture of the sending states and the recipient country, causing problems to arise. To anticipate such problems both the sending states and the receiving states are obliged to legal protection measures so that they may avoided becoming the object of arbitrariness/lawlessness. Therefore, to avoid this, one of the efforts that needs to be done is to make a bilateral agreement in the form of a legal document in the model of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that is not too formal, but is quite effective with the recipient country. In addition to this, the Indonesian government’s commitment is demonstrated by its active participation in the discussion of various international legal instruments related to the rights of migrant workers. This article uses a literature study with a juridical approach and is complemented by field/case data. Keywords: memorandum of understanding, legal protection, Indonesia migrant worker


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    This research analyzes the legal aspects of marine debris management in Kab. Polewali Mandar, especially in the Pallipis Beach tourist area. Management of marine debris or marine debris needs to be implemented as a form of responsibility for the regional government which has the authority to fulfill the Main Performance Indicators for Marine Debris management through a program to clean up marine debris and develop coastal aquaculture, which is a structured program which is a national movement from the center to the regions. The form of participation of women living in the Pallipis coastal tourism area in reducing marine debris is by having marine debris management skills by categorizing marine debris, first mega debris with the 2R (reuse and repair) management method and marine debris with the category micro debris with the 4R management method (reuse, repair, refill, recycle)