10,603 research outputs found

    Parent-child relationships and dyadic friendship experiences as predictors of behavior problems in early adolescence

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    This study focused on support and conflict in parent–child relationships and dyadic friendships as predictors of behavior problems in early adolescence (n¼182; M age¼12.9 years, 51% female, 45% African American, 74% two-parent homes). Support and conflict in one relationship context were hypothesized to moderate the effects of experiences in the other relationship context. Adolescent-reported antisocial behavior was low when either parent–child relationships or friendships were low in conflict, and adolescent-reported depressed mood was low when either friendship conflict was low or parental support was high. Parent-reported antisocial behavior was high when high levels of conflict were reported in either parent–child or friendship relationships and adolescent-reported depressed mood was high when either parental or friendship support was low. Associations appear to be similar for boys and girls as no interactions involving gender were significant.

    Fresh-Register Automata

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    What is a basic automata-theoretic model of computation with names and fresh-name generation? We introduce Fresh-Register Automata (FRA), a new class of automata which operate on an infinite alphabet of names and use a finite number of registers to store fresh names, and to compare incoming names with previously stored ones. These finite machines extend Kaminski and Francez’s Finite-Memory Automata by being able to recognise globally fresh inputs, that is, names fresh in the whole current run. We exam-ine the expressivity of FRA’s both from the aspect of accepted languages and of bisimulation equivalence. We establish primary properties and connections between automata of this kind, and an-swer key decidability questions. As a demonstrating example, we express the theory of the pi-calculus in FRA’s and characterise bisimulation equivalence by an appropriate, and decidable in the finitary case, notion in these automata

    The Magellan Adaptive Secondary VisAO Camera: Diffraction- Limited Broadband Visible Imaging and 20mas Fiber Array IFS

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    The Magellan Adaptive Secondary AO system, scheduled for first light in the fall of 2011, will be able to simultaneously perform diffraction limited AO science in both the mid-IR, using the BLINC/MIRAC4 10\{mu}m camera, and in the visible using our novel VisAO camera. The VisAO camera will be able to operate as either an imager, using a CCD47 with 8.5 mas pixels, or as an IFS, using a custom fiber array at the focal plane with 20 mas elements in its highest resolution mode. In imaging mode, the VisAO camera will have a full suite of filters, coronagraphic focal plane occulting spots, and SDI prism/filters. The imaging mode should provide ~20% mean Strehl diffraction-limited images over the band 0.5-1.0 \{mu}m. In IFS mode, the VisAO instrument will provide R~1,800 spectra over the band 0.6-1.05 \{mu}m. Our unprecedented 20 mas spatially resolved visible spectra would be the highest spatial resolution achieved to date, either from the ground or in space. We also present lab results from our recently fabricated advanced triplet Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector (ADC) and the design of our novel wide-field acquisition and active optics lens. The advanced ADC is designed to perform 58% better than conventional doublet ADCs and is one of the enabling technologies that will allow us to achieve broadband (0.5-1.0\{mu}m) diffraction limited imaging and wavefront sensing in the visible.Comment: Proceedings of the SPIE, 2010, Vol. 7736, 77362

    Resolving the H-alpha-emitting Region in the Wind of Eta Carinae

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    The massive evolved star Eta Carinae is the most luminous star in the Milky Way and has the highest steady wind mass-loss rate of any known star. Radiative transfer models of the spectrum by Hillier et al. predict that H-alpha is mostly emitted in regions of the wind at radii of 6 to 60 AU from the star (2.5 to 25 mas at 2.35 kpc). We present diffraction-limited images (FWHM ~25 mas) with Magellan adaptive optics in two epochs, showing that Eta Carinae consistently appears ~2.5 to 3 mas wider in H-alpha emission compared to the adjacent 643 nm continuum. This implies that the H-alpha line-forming region may have a characteristic emitting radius of 12 mas or ~30 AU, in very good agreement with the Hillier stellar-wind model. This provides direct confirmation that the physical wind parameters of that model are roughly correct, including the mass-loss rate of 10^-3 M_sun/yr, plus the clumping factor, and the terminal velocity. Comparison of the H-alpha images (ellipticity and PA) to the continuum images reveals no significant asymmetries at H-alpha. Hence, any asymmetry induced by a companion or by the primary's rotation do not strongly influence the global H-alpha emission in the outer wind.Comment: Published in ApJ

    PG 1700+518 Revisited: Adaptive Optics Imaging and a Revised Starburst Age for the Companion

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    We present the results of adaptive-optics imaging of the z=0.2923 QSO PG 1700+518 in the J and H bands. The extension to the north of the QSO is clearly seen to be a discrete companion with a well-defined tidal tail, rather than a feature associated with the host galaxy of PG 1700+518 itself. On the other hand, an extension to the southwest of the QSO (seen best in deeper, but lower-resolution, optical images) does likely comprise tidal material from the host galaxy. The SED derived from images in J, H, and two non-standard optical bands indicates the presence of dust intermixed with the stellar component. We use our previously reported Keck spectrum of the companion, the SED found from the imaging data, and updated spectral-synthesis models to constrain the stellar populations in the companion and to redetermine the age of the starburst. While our best-fit age of 0.085 Gyr is nearly the same as our earlier determination, the fit of the new models is considerably better. This age is found to be remarkably robust with respect to different assumptions about the nature of the older stellar component and the effects of dust.Comment: 11 pages; includes two eps figures. Latex (AASTEX). Two additional figures in gif format. Postscript version including all figs. (424 kb) can be obtained from http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~canaguby/preprints.html To appear in ApJ. Letter

    Weighted-density approximation for general nonuniform fluid mixtures

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    In order to construct a general density-functional theory for nonuniform fluid mixtures, we propose an extension to multicomponent systems of the weighted-density approximation (WDA) of Curtin and Ashcroft [Phys. Rev. A 32, 2909 (1985)]. This extension corrects a deficiency in a similar extension proposed earlier by Denton and Ashcroft [Phys. Rev. A 42, 7312 (1990)], in that that functional cannot be applied to the multi-component nonuniform fluid systems with spatially varying composition, such as solid-fluid interfaces. As a test of the accuracy of our new functional, we apply it to the calculation of the freezing phase diagram of a binary hard-sphere fluid, and compare the results to simulation and the Denton-Ashcroft extension.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. E as Brief Repor

    Measurement of Temporal Correlations of the Overhauser Field in a Double Quantum Dot

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    In quantum dots made from materials with nonzero nuclear spins, hyperfine coupling creates a fluctuating effective Zeeman field (Overhauser field) felt by electrons, which can be a dominant source of spin qubit decoherence. We characterize the spectral properties of the fluctuating Overhauser field in a GaAs double quantum dot by measuring correlation functions and power spectra of the rate of singlet-triplet mixing of two separated electrons. Away from zero field, spectral weight is concentrated below 10 Hz, with 1/f^2 dependence on frequency, f. This is consistent with a model of nuclear spin diffusion, and indicates that decoherence can be largely suppressed by echo techniques.Comment: related papers available at http://marcuslab.harvard.ed

    Providing Self-Aware Systems with Reflexivity

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    We propose a new type of self-aware systems inspired by ideas from higher-order theories of consciousness. First, we discussed the crucial distinction between introspection and reflexion. Then, we focus on computational reflexion as a mechanism by which a computer program can inspect its own code at every stage of the computation. Finally, we provide a formal definition and a proof-of-concept implementation of computational reflexion, viewed as an enriched form of program interpretation and a way to dynamically "augment" a computational process.Comment: 12 pages plus bibliography, appendices with code description, code of the proof-of-concept implementation, and examples of executio

    Effect of Exchange Interaction on Spin Dephasing in a Double Quantum Dot

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    We measure singlet-triplet dephasing in a two-electron double quantum dot in the presence of an exchange interaction which can be electrically tuned from much smaller to much larger than the hyperfine energy. Saturation of dephasing and damped oscillations of the spin correlator as a function of time are observed when the two interaction strengths are comparable. Both features of the data are compared with predictions from a quasistatic model of the hyperfine field.Comment: see related papers at http://marcuslab.harvard.ed