3,384 research outputs found

    'The world is full of big bad wolves': investigating the experimental therapeutic spaces of R.D. Laing and Aaron Esterson

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    In conjunction with the recent critical assessments of the life and work of R.D. Laing, this paper seeks to demonstrate what is revealed when Laing’s work on families and created spaces of mental health care are examined through a geographical lens. The paper begins with an exploration of Laing’s time at the Tavistock Clinic in London during the 1960s, and of the co-authored text with Aaron Esterson entitled, Sanity, Madness and the Family (1964). The study then seeks to demonstrate the importance Laing and his colleague placed on the time-space situatedness of patients and their worlds. Finally, an account is provided of Laing’s and Esterson’s spatial thinking in relation to their creation of both real and imagined spaces of therapeutic care

    Structure of the magnetoionic medium around the FR Class I radio galaxy 3C 449

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    The goal of this work is to constrain the strength and structure of the magnetic field associated with the environment of the radio source 3C 449, using observations of Faraday rotation, which we model with a structure function technique and by comparison with numerical simulations. We assume that the magnetic field is a Gaussian, isotropic random variable and that it is embedded in the hot intra-group plasma surrounding the radio source. For this purpose, we present detailed rotation measure images for the polarized radio source 3C 449, previously observed with the Very Large Array at seven frequencies between 1.365 and 8.385 GHz. We quantify the statistics of the magnetic-field fluctuations by deriving rotation measure structure functions, which we fit using models derived from theoretical power spectra. We quantify the errors due to sampling by making multiple two-dimensional realizations of the best-fitting power spectrum.We also use depolarization measurements to estimate the minimum scale of the field variations. We then make three-dimensional models with a gas density distribution derived from X-ray observations and a random magnetic field with this power spectrum. Under these assumptions we find that both rotation measure and depolarization data are consistent with a broken power-law magnetic-field power spectrum, with a break at about 11 kpc and slopes of 2.98 and 2.07 at smaller and larger scales respectively. The maximum and minimum scales of the fluctuations are around 65 and 0.2 kpc, respectively. The average magnetic field strength at the cluster centre is 3.5 +/-1.2 micro-G, decreasing linearly with the gas density within about 16 kpc of the nucleus.Comment: 19 pages; 14 figures; accepted for publication on A&A. For a high quality version use ftp://ftp.eso.org/pub/general/guidetti

    Experimental Quantum Process Discrimination

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    Discrimination between unknown processes chosen from a finite set is experimentally shown to be possible even in the case of non-orthogonal processes. We demonstrate unambiguous deterministic quantum process discrimination (QPD) of non-orthogonal processes using properties of entanglement, additional known unitaries, or higher dimensional systems. Single qubit measurement and unitary processes and multipartite unitaries (where the unitary acts non-separably across two distant locations) acting on photons are discriminated with a confidence of 97\geq97% in all cases.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, comments welcome. Revised version includes multi-partite QP

    Anger, Quality of Life and Mood in Multiple Sclerosis

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    This research was funded by The Multiple Sclerosis Society (UK).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Multifrequency VLA observations of the FR I radio galaxy 3C 31: morphology, spectrum and magnetic field

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    We present high-quality VLA images of the FR I radio galaxy 3C 31 in the frequency range 1365 to 8440 MHz with angular resolutions from 0.25 to 40 arcsec. Our new images reveal complex, well resolved filamentary substructure in the radio jets and tails. We also use these images to explore the spectral structure of 3C 31 on large and small scales. We infer the apparent magnetic field structure by correcting for Faraday rotation. Some of the intensity substructure in the jets is clearly related to structure in their apparent magnetic field: there are arcs of emission where the degree of linear polarization increases, with the apparent magnetic field parallel to the ridges of the arcs. The spectral indices are significantly steeper (0.62) within 7 arcsec of the nucleus than between 7 and 50 arcsec (0.52 - 0.57). The spectra of the jet edges are also slightly flatter than the average for their surroundings. At larger distances, the jets are clearly delimited from surrounding larger-scale emission both by their flatter radio spectra and by sharp brightness gradients. The spectral index of 0.62 in the first 7 arcsec of 3C 31's jets is very close to that found in other FR I galaxies where their jets first brighten in the radio and where X-ray synchrotron emission is most prominent. Farther from the nucleus, where the spectra flatten, X-ray emission is fainter relative to the radio. The brightest X-ray emission from FR I jets is therefore not associated with the flattest radio spectra, but with a particle-acceleration process whose characteristic energy index is 2.24. The spectral flattening with distance from the nucleus occurs where our relativistic jet models require deceleration, and the flatter-spectra at the jet edges may be associated with transverse velocity shear. (Slightly abridged)Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Relativistic Landau damping of longitudinal waves in isotropic pair plasmas

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    Landau damping is described in relativistic electron-positron plasmas. Relativistic electron-positron plasma theory contains important new effects when compared with classical plasmas. For example, there are undamped superluminal wave modes arising from both a continuous and discrete mode structure, the former even in the classical limit. We present here a comprehensive analytical treatment of the general case resulting in a compact and useful form for the dispersion relation. The classical pair-plasma case is addressed, for completeness, in an appendix

    VLBI Polarimetry of 177 Sources from the Caltech-Jodrell Bank Flat-spectrum Survey

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    We present VLBA observations and a statistical analysis of 5 GHz VLBI polarimetry data from 177 sources in the Caltech-Jodrell Bank flat-spectrum (CJF) survey. The CJF survey, a complete, flux-density-limited sample of 293 extragalactic radio sources, gives us the unique opportunity to compare a broad range of source properties for quasars, galaxies and BL Lacertae objects. We focus primarily on jet properties, specifically the correlation between the jet axis angle and the polarization angle in the core and jet. A strong correlation is found for the electric vector polarization angle in the cores of quasars to be perpendicular to the jet axis. Contrary to previous claims, no correlation is found between the jet polarization angle and the jet axis in either quasars or BL Lac objects. With this large, homogeneous sample we are also able to investigate cosmological issues and AGN evolution.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal: 37 pages, 14 figure

    A Chandra detection of diffuse hard X-ray emission associated with the lobes of the radio galaxy 3C 452

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    An 80 ksec Chandra ACIS observation of the radio galaxy 3C 452 is reported. A diffuse X-ray emission associated with the lobes has been detected with high statistical significance, together with the X-ray nucleus of the host galaxy. The 0.5--5 keV ACIS spectrum of the diffuse emission is described by a two-component model, consisting of a soft thermal plasma emission from the host galaxy halo and a hard non-thermal power-law component. The hard component is ascribed to the inverse Comptonization of cosmic microwave background photons by the synchrotron emitting electrons in the lobes, because its spectral energy index, 0.68+-0.28, is consistent with the radio synchrotron index, 0.78. These results reveal a significant electron dominance in the lobes. The electrons are inferred to have a relatively uniform distribution, while the magnetic field is compressed toward the lobe periphery.Comment: 4 figures, 2 tables, Accepted by ApJL (to appear in the December 1 issue

    The optically-powerful quasar E1821+643 is associated with a 300-kpc scale FRI radio structure

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    We present a deep image of the optically-powerful quasar E1821+643 at 18cm made with the Very Large Array (VLA). This image reveals radio emission, over 280 kpc in extent, elongated way beyond the quasar's host galaxy. Its radio structure has decreasing surface brightness with increasing distance from the bright core, characteristic of FRI sources (Fanaroff & Riley 1974). Its radio luminosity at 5GHz falls in the classification for `radio-quiet' quasars (it is only 10^23.9 W/Hz/sr; see e.g. Kellermann et al 1994). Its radio luminosity at 151MHz (which is 10^25.3 W/Hz/sr) is at the transition luminosity observed to separate FRIs and FRIIs. Hitherto, no optically-powerful quasar had been found to have a conventional FRI radio structure. For searches at low-frequency this is unsurprising given current sensitivity and plausible radio spectral indices for radio-quiet quasars. We demonstrate the inevitability of the extent of any FRqI radio structures being seriously under-estimated by existing targetted follow-up observations of other optically-selected quasars, which are typically short exposures of z > 0.3 objects, and discuss the implications for the purported radio bimodality in quasars. The nature of the inner arcsec-scale jet in E1821+643, together with its large-scale radio structure, suggest that the jet-axis in this quasar is precessing (cf. Galactic jet sources such as SS433). A possible explanation for this is that its central engine is a binary whose black holes have yet to coalesce. The ubiquity of precession in `radio-quiet' quasars, perhaps as a means of reducing the observable radio luminosity expected in highly-accreting systems, remains to be established.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letters; higher quality versions of figures available at http://www-astro.physics.ox.ac.uk/~km