100 research outputs found

    Mechanisms regulating expression of the HPV 31 L1 and L2 capsid proteins and pseudovirion entry

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    Human papillomaviruses (HPV) infect stratified epithelia and restrict expression of late capsid genes to highly differentiated cells. In order to begin to understand the processes regulating HPV 31 infection we examined the synthesis of the HPV 31 capsid proteins, L1 and L2, using heterologous expression systems. Similar to studies in HPV 16, expression of wild type HPV 31 L1 and L2 from heterologous promoters resulted in very low levels of synthesis. In contrast, modification of the codons in the capsid genes to ones more commonly used in cellular genes resulted in high-level synthesis. Through the use of chimeric proteins that fused fragments of wild type L1 to Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) coding sequences, a short region was identified that was sufficient to inhibit high level synthesis and similar elements were detected in L2. One element was localized to the 3' end of the L1 gene while a series of elements were localized at the 3' end of the L2 coding sequences. These observations are most consistent with negative RNA regulatory elements controlling the levels of L1 and L2 synthesis that are distinct from those identified in HPV 16. Expression vectors for the codon modified HPV 31 capsid proteins were then transfected together with GFP reporter plasmids to generate HPV 31 pseudoviruses. Infection of cells with HPV 31 pseudoviruses in the presence of the inhibitors, chlorpromazine, nystatin or methyl-beta-cyclodextrin, demonstrated that HPV 31, like HPV 16, enters human and monkey cells through a clathrin-mediated pathway rather than through caveolae as previously reported. This suggests that high-risk HPV types may enter cells through common mechanisms

    Expression of AP1 during cellular differentiation determines human papillomavirus E6/E7 expression in stratified epithelial cells

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    E6 and E7 oncoproteins of human papillomavirus (HPV) play significant roles in the pathogenesis of cervical cancer. However, the pattern of E6/E7 expression during the productive virus life cycle in differentiating epithelia of the uterine cervix remains unclear. In addition, little is known about the cellular factors regulating E6/E7 expression in differentiating epithelia. In the present study, using transient expression assays and DNA binding assays, we demonstrated that E6/E7 transcription is critically regulated by the cellular factor AP1, a Jun/Fos heterodimer complex. Immunohistochemical analyses of various uterine cervical lesions showed AP1 expression in lower cell layers of normal cervix and low-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), while it was detected throughout all layers in high-grade CIN and invasive cancer. In situ RNA-RNA hybridization analyses of organotypic raft culture specimens of an HPV-31-containing cell line revealed that E6/E7 transcripts were expressed in most cell layers, with reduced expression in differentiated cells. This pattern of HPV expression correlated with the pattern of AP1 expression detected by immunohistochemicaI analyses. These findings suggest that E6/E7 expression in differentiating epithelia is dependent on AP1, which appears to be associated with proliferative activity of the cells. Since E6/E7 expression induces cell proliferation, co-expression of AP1 and E6/E7 in undifferentiated cell layers might create a positive regulatory loop, probably contributing to maintenance of initial HPV infection and subsequent activation in basal and suprabasal cell layers

    Hypoxia-specific stabilization of HIF-1alpha by human papillomaviruses

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    金沢大学附属病院産科婦人科Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are the causative agents of cervical cancer and have been shown to increase expression of pro-angiogenic factors from infected cells. Many angiogenic factors are regulated by hypoxia inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α). We investigated whether HPV31 affects the levels of HIF-1α under normal and hypoxic conditions. Our studies indicate that cells containing complete HPV31 genomes showed enhanced levels of HIF-1α upon treatment with the hypoxia mimic DFO, which resulted from protein stabilization and led to increased expression of some but not all HIF-1α target genes. Both HPV E6 and E7 were able independently to enhance induction of HIF-1α upon DFO treatment. Enhancement of HIF-1α stability was not restricted to high-risk HPV types, as HPV11, a low risk HPV type, mediated a similar effect. These findings shed light on mechanisms by which HPV contributes to angiogenesis both in benign cervical lesions and in cervical cancers. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    A cyclin-binding motif in human papillomavirus type 18 (HPV18) E1^E4 is necessary for association with CDK–cyclin complexes and G2/M cell cycle arrest of keratinocytes, but is not required for differentiation-dependent viral genome amplification or L1 capsid protein expression

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    Investigation into the effects the HPV E4 protein has in viral life cycleThe G2/M arrest function of human papillomavirus (HPV) E4 proteins is hypothesized to be necessary for viral genome amplification. Full-length HPV18 E1^E4 protein is essential for efficient viral genome amplification. Here we identify key determinants within a CDK-bipartite consensus recognition motif in HPV18 E1^E4 that are critical for association with active CDK–cyclin complexes and in vitro phosphorylation at the predicted CDK phosphorylation site (threonine 23). The optimal cyclin-binding sequence (43RRLL46) within this E4 motif is required for G2/M arrest of primary keratinocytes and correlates with cytoplasmic retention of cyclin B1, but not cyclin A. Disruption of this motif in the E4 ORF of HPV18 genomes, and the subsequent generation of stable cell lines in primary keratinocytes revealed that this motif was not essential for viral genome amplification or L1 capsid protein induction. We conclude that the HPV18 E4 G2/M arrest function does not play a role in early vegetative events

    Human papilloma viruses and cervical tumours: mapping of integration sites and analysis of adjacent cellular sequences

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    BACKGROUND: In cervical tumours the integration of human papilloma viruses (HPV) transcripts often results in the generation of transcripts that consist of hybrids of viral and cellular sequences. Mapping data using a variety of techniques has demonstrated that HPV integration occurred without obvious specificity into human genome. However, these techniques could not demonstrate whether integration resulted in the generation of transcripts encoding viral or viral-cellular sequences. The aim of this work was to map the integration sites of HPV DNA and to analyse the adjacent cellular sequences. METHODS: Amplification of the INTs was done by the APOT technique. The APOT products were sequenced according to standard protocols. The analysis of the sequences was performed using BLASTN program and public databases. To localise the INTs PCR-based screening of GeneBridge4-RH-panel was used. RESULTS: Twelve cellular sequences adjacent to integrated HPV16 (INT markers) expressed in squamous cell cervical carcinomas were isolated. For 11 INT markers homologous human genomic sequences were readily identified and 9 of these showed significant homologies to known genes/ESTs. Using the known locations of homologous cDNAs and the RH-mapping techniques, mapping studies showed that the INTs are distributed among different human chromosomes for each tumour sample and are located in regions with the high levels of expression. CONCLUSIONS: Integration of HPV genomes occurs into the different human chromosomes but into regions that contain highly transcribed genes. One interpretation of these studies is that integration of HPV occurs into decondensed regions, which are more accessible for integration of foreign DNA

    Human Papillomaviruses Activate the ATM DNA Damage Pathway for Viral Genome Amplification upon Differentiation

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    Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are the causative agents of cervical cancers. The infectious HPV life cycle is closely linked to the differentiation state of the host epithelia, with viral genome amplification, late gene expression and virion production restricted to suprabasal cells. The E6 and E7 proteins provide an environment conducive to DNA synthesis upon differentiation, but little is known concerning the mechanisms that regulate productive viral genome amplification. Using keratinocytes that stably maintain HPV-31 episomes, and chemical inhibitors, we demonstrate that viral proteins activate the ATM DNA damage response in differentiating cells, as indicated by phosphorylation of CHK2, BRCA1 and NBS1. This activation is necessary for viral genome amplification, as well as for formation of viral replication foci. In contrast, inhibition of ATM kinase activity in undifferentiated keratinocytes had no effect on the stable maintenance of viral genomes. Previous studies have shown that HPVs induce low levels of caspase 3/7 activation upon differentiation and that this is important for cleavage of the E1 replication protein and genome amplification. Our studies demonstrate that caspase cleavage is induced upon differentiation of HPV positive cells through the action of the DNA damage protein kinase CHK2, which may be activated as a result of E7 binding to the ATM kinase. These findings identify a major regulatory mechanism responsible for productive HPV replication in differentiating cells. Our results have potential implications for the development of anti-viral therapies to treat HPV infections

    Virology under the microscope—a call for rational discourse

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    Viruses have brought humanity many challenges: respiratory infection, cancer, neurological impairment and immunosuppression to name a few. Virology research over the last 60+ years has responded to reduce this disease burden with vaccines and antivirals. Despite this long history, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented attention to the field of virology. Some of this attention is focused on concern about the safe conduct of research with human pathogens. A small but vocal group of individuals has seized upon these concerns – conflating legitimate questions about safely conducting virus-related research with uncertainties over the origins of SARS-CoV-2. The result has fueled public confusion and, in many instances, ill-informed condemnation of virology. With this article, we seek to promote a return to rational discourse. We explain the use of gain-of-function approaches in science, discuss the possible origins of SARS-CoV-2 and outline current regulatory structures that provide oversight for virological research in the United States. By offering our expertise, we – a broad group of working virologists – seek to aid policy makers in navigating these controversial issues. Balanced, evidence-based discourse is essential to addressing public concern while maintaining and expanding much-needed research in virology

    Bap31 Is a Novel Target of the Human Papillomavirus E5 Proteinâ–¿

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    The E5 proteins of human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are small hydrophobic proteins that are expressed in the early and late stages of the viral life cycle; however, their role in HPV pathogenesis is not clearly understood. In this study, a split-ubiquitin yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) two-hybrid system was used to identify B-cell-associated protein 31 (Bap31) as a binding partner of HPV E5 proteins. The association of these proteins was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation of complexes of Bap31 with either HPV type 16 (HPV16) or HPV31 E5. In addition, Bap31 and E5 were found to colocalize in perinuclear patterns consistent with localization to the endoplasmic reticulum. Mutational analysis of E5 identified amino acids in the extreme C terminus as important for stabilizing the interaction with Bap31. Deletion of these C-terminal amino acids of E5 in the context of complete HPV31 genomes resulted in impaired proliferative capacity of HPV-positive keratinocytes following differentiation. When small interfering RNAs were used to reduce the levels of Bap31, the proliferative ability of HPV-positive keratinocytes upon differentiation was also reduced, implicating Bap31 as a regulator of this process. These studies identify a novel binding partner of the high-risk HPV E5 proteins and provide insight into how the E5 proteins may modulate the life cycle in differentiating cells

    Human Papillomaviruses Target the DNA Damage Repair and Innate Immune Response Pathways to Allow for Persistent Infection

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    Persistent infection with high-risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs) is the major risk factor associated with development of anogenital and oropharyngeal cancers. Initial infection by HPVs occurs into basal epithelial cells where viral genomes are established as nuclear episomes and persist until cleared by the immune response. Productive replication or amplification occurs upon differentiation and is dependent upon activation of the ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM), ataxia telangiectasia and RAD3-related (ATR) DNA damage repair (DDR) pathways. In addition to activating DDR pathways, HPVs must escape innate immune surveillance mechanisms by antagonizing sensors, adaptors, interferons and antiviral gene expression. Both DDR and innate immune pathways are key host mechanisms that crosstalk with each other to maintain homeostasis of cells persistently infected with HPVs. Interestingly, it is still not fully understood why some HPV infections get cleared while others do not. Targeting of these two processes with antiviral therapies may provide opportunities for treatment of cancers caused by high-risk HPVs

    Regulation of the Human Papillomavirus Life Cycle by DNA Damage Repair Pathways and Epigenetic Factors

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    Human papillomaviruses are the causative agents of cervical and other anogenital cancers along with approximately 60% of oropharyngeal cancers. These small double-stranded DNA viruses infect stratified epithelia and link their productive life cycles to differentiation. HPV proteins target cellular factors, such as those involved in DNA damage repair, as well as epigenetic control of host and viral transcription to regulate the productive life cycle. HPVs constitutively activate the ATM and ATR DNA repair pathways and preferentially recruit these proteins to viral genomes to facilitate productive viral replication. In addition, the sirtuin deacetylases along with histone acetyltransferases, including Tip60, are targeted in HPV infections to regulate viral transcription and replication. These pathways provide potential targets for drug therapy to treat HPV-induced disease
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