29 research outputs found

    ISO sistemos diegimo motyvai ir nauda su transportu susijusiose įmonėse : ISO sistemos marketingo aspektas

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    ISO standartai visų pirma apibrėžia įmonių valdymo sistemų kokybės reikalavimus ir rekomendacijas. Tačiau ISO sistemos įtaka įmonių veiklai yra platesnė ir neapsiriboja vien vadybinių klausimų sprendimu. ISO sistemos labai svarbios marketingo sričiai, įmonės santykiams su klientais tiek šalies viduje, tiek ir už jos ribų. Neretai marketingo aspektai netgi užgožia vadybinius, tapdami svarbiausiais ISO sistemos diegimo motyvais. Nagrinėjama vadybinių ir marketingo motyvų svarba įmonėms apsisprendžiant diegti ISO sistemą bei nauda, kurią įmonės gavo vadybos bei marketingo srityse įdiegusios ISO sistemą. Kadangi skirtingoms šakoms ir veiklos rūšims atstovaujančios įmonės turi tam tikrų savitumų, atskirai išskirta su transportu susijusių įmonių motyvų ir naudos analizė. Analizė parodė, kad, skirtingai nuo kitų šalių patirties, dauguma Lietuvos įmonių visų pirma orientuojasi į vadybinius, o ne į marketingo srities ISO sistemos aspektus. Su transportu susijusios įmonės savo ruožtu skiriasi iš bendro konteksto keletu aspektų. Visų pirma jų vidutiniai vertinimai yra aukštesni už bendrą vidurkį, t. y. šių įmonių vadovai turėjo stipresnius motyvus diegti ISO sistemą ir mato jos naudą. Su transportu susijusių įmonių vertinimai ypač skiriasi nuo kitų paslaugas teikiančių įmonių vertinimų ir kartais yra artimesni gamybos srities įmonių vadovų nuomonėms. Be to, su transportu susijusios įmonės labiau už kitas vertina ISO sistemos indėlį išlaikant klientus užsienyje ir didinant eksporto apimtis.The paper analyses the effects of ISO system implementation and certification. It separately reviews motivations to implement ISO system and benefits after the system implementation. The authors analyse motivations and benefits that are internal (managerial) and external (mainly - marketing type). The analysis is performed on the basis of the survey of Lithuanian companies, comparing findings with similar research in other countries. Industry (sectorial) specifics is analysed on the basis of transportation-related companies group

    Motivations and benefits of ISO system implementation in transportation-related companies: marketing aspect of ISO

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    The paper analyses the effects of ISO system implementation and certification. It separately reviews motivations to implement ISO system and benefits after the system implementation. The authors analyse motivations and benefits that are internal (managerial) and external (mainly — marketing type). The analysis is performed on the basis of the survey of Lithuanian companies, comparing findings with similar research in other countries. Industry (sectorial) specifics is analysed on the basis of transportation-related companies group. First Published Online: 19 Dec 201

    Suicides in Lithuania: rates, methods and distribution by age, gender and settlement, 2012-2016

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    INTRODUCTION: According to the World Health Organisation regarding suicide rate, Lithuania was on the top in 2016 with 31.9 suicide events per 100 000 people of the population. This research was aimed at analysing the situation including methods of suicide and its distribution between different age, gender and settlement groups in Lithuania. METHODS: 4610 particular suicide cases were found and analysed from the given retrospectively collected data by the Hygiene Institute’s Register of Death Causes in Lithuania from 2012 till 2016. These cases have been categorised into age (10-19 years old, 20-69 years old and >70 years old), gender and settlement groups. Chi-squared and Fisher tests were used to analyse the associations between the suicide methods used, sex, as well as age. A significance level of p<0.05 was used. RESULTS: In total, 4610 suicide cases were registered in Lithuania in 2012-2016. People aged 20-69 years had the biggest proportion with 80%, followed by 16% for people older than 70 and 4% people aged 10-19. 82% of all cases were men. The most common method of suicides in all age groups was hanging, self-strangulation and self-suffocation; 92%. There is no statistical significant difference in methods used by the 10-19 years old group and above 20 years of age (20-70+). A difference was found between the groups under 70 years and above 70 years old. Moreover, the following difference was found between their genders (p=0.0002). In terms of using drugs and biological substances, women (54.24%) are more likely to commit suicide through these means than men in all age groups, while 100% of suicide methods by gas, steam or solvents were used by men. Though slightly more suicides were registered in cities, there was no statistically significant difference between people living in cities and in villages. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the fact that incidences of suicides are gradually decreasing every year, the situation is not yet satisfactory. The pattern almost has not changed for years – the most inclinable person to commit suicide is a 50-59 years old man living in a city and the most used method is still hanging

    Tuberkuliozė ir staigi mirtis Lietuvoje.

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    Background: Tuberculosis is one of the most common infectious diseases in the world. 10.6 million people fell ill in 2021 and 1.6 million died from the disease. Lithuania has the third-highest tuberculosis incidence rate per 100,000 and the second-highest mortality rate per 100,000 in EU/EEA countries. During 2015–2021 years, there were 799 deaths of pulmonary tuberculosis in Lithuania. However, the presence of pulmonary tuberculosis is often unknown before death and is only revealed during autopsy. The aim of the study is to review current literature on this topic and present statistical analysis on evaluated socioeconomical, epidemiological indicators, as well as autopsy findings that may suggest pulmonary tuberculosis infection.Materials and methods: This research was designed as a retrospective study focusing on full forensic pathology autopsies between 2015 and 2021. Of these, 100 cases were randomly selected where the cause of death was tuberculosis diagnosed during post-mortem examination and compared to a control group consisting of 415 cases of sudden death.Results: The study revealed that out of 100 pulmonary tuberculosis cases, 90% were male with the mean age of 53.48 ± 11.12 years old. In the case of sudden death where tuberculosis was found, a significant portion of the sample (91%) was not followed up at any medical institution. Regarding socioeconomic factors, a moderate negative correlation between Lithuania’s gross domestic product and tuberculosis distribution was observed, as well as a weak negative correlation between alcohol consumption (l per capita) in the general population and tuberculosis distribution. The lung weight of the pulmonary tuberculosis group was statistically significantly higher than that of the control group.Conclusions: Tuberculosis remains a major problem in Lithuania and the combination of socioeconomic indicators determines the prevalence of tuberculosis in the country. In cases of sudden death, autopsy helps to identify tuberculosis cases that have not been clinically detected and ensures tuberculosis monitoring. Therefore, the person who performs autopsy remains at high risk of contracting tuberculosis. Furthermore, extreme caution is advised if higher lung weight or hardenings are seen during autopsy because of the possibility of tuberculosis

    Sudden cardiac death in patients with coronary heart disease and antemortem alcohol intake: A STROBE – compliant retrospective study

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    The present study was aimed to assess the prevalence and possible causal relationship of alcohol intake prior to a sudden cardiac death event in patients with coronary artery disease. The retrospective research was performed at the Vilnius branch of The State Forensic Medicine Service. The autopsy protocols for five years were analyzed and the cases of sudden cardiac death were selected, when the determined cause of death was Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), a forensic autopsy and toxicological blood and urine test had been performed. Cases of the sudden death of non-cardiac origin, cases of cardiomyopathy of various origins, and cases of acute cardiac arrest of unspecified origin were excluded. The data collected was processed using R software. The study sample consisted of 2133 cases. 706 (33%) CHD cases were alcohol positive. Males and young age CHD victims were more likely to find alcohol than females (72% vs. 28%, respectively, P < .001). The mean blood alcohol concentration of the sample was 1.37 ‰± 1.01, urine‘s 1.73‰ ± 1.29. Alcohol was more commonly found during the winter months and the holidays. Deaths in alcohol-positive individuals were more common in the alcohol elimination phase with hemodynamically insignificant coronary artery stenosis (up to 50% of arterial lumen). Nearly every third CHD victim in Lithuania who experienced sudden death also had signs of antemortem alcohol consumption