10 research outputs found

    Évaluation du progrès génétique de quinze variétés de blé tendre (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivées en Algérie

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    Cette étude visait à évaluer le gain génétique de différents génotypes au fil du temps pour les caractères de rendement. Nous avons utilisé dans notre travail quinze variétés de blé tendre (Triticum aestivum L.) sélectionnées depuis plus de deux décennies à l’institut national des recherches agronomiques (INRA), station d'Elkhroub (Constantine-Algérie). Ces génotypes ont été testés vis-à-vis les conditions pédoclimatiques de la région Constantinoise afin de déterminer certains caractères agro-morphologiques. Pour cela, les parcelles au nombre de 60, ont subies les mêmes traitements. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la variété locale Mahon Démias (MD) donne toujours les plus faibles rendements (34,08q/ha), tandis que la variété Anza qui a été introduite vers les années soixante-dix (1973-1975) donne 145% par rapport au témoin. Les nouvelles obtentions sélectionnées qui sont déjà en production se comportent mieux que les deux précédentes variétés en produisant respectivement 153%, 154%, 159% et 164% pour Arz, Génaro71, Aïn Abid et Hidhab. Parmi les dernières sélections des années quatre vingt-dix (1990), on a atteint des niveaux de 172% (58,8q/ha) et 175% (59,6q/ha) respectivement avec les cultivars Tr38016 et F134.71/Crow 's'. Il est apparu globalement que de nets progrès ont pu être observés au niveau des différents paramètres. Les témoins ont été dépassés par les dernières sélections en matière de rendement. Les corrélations entre le rendement et ses composantes n'ont pas été élevées pour tous les génotypes. Les nouvelles acquisitions génétiques peuvent être utilisées comme alternative des variétés non productives utilisées par certains agriculteurs pour augmenter le rendement. Mots-clés : Triticum aestivum, variété, caractères agro-morphologiques, gain génétique, rendement

    Isolation and characterization of rhizospheric Streptomyces spp. for the biocontrol of Fusarium wilt (bayoud) disease of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.)

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    Fusarium wilt of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Albedinis is one of the most destructive diseases in North Africa spicily in Algeria and Morocco. The objectives of this work were the isolation, identification and biocontrol efficacies testing of rhizospheric actinobacteria of medicinal plant Astragalus gombo against fusarium wilt disease in date palm. Five rhizospheric Streptomyces spp. Isolates bi02, bi21, bi24, bi26 and bi28 showed the largest zone of inhibition demonstrating a potent effect against F. oxysporum f.sp. Albedinis and a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activities against the test microorganisms. All these selected isolates produced indol acetic acid (IAA) at different levels, exhibited higher activity of phosphate solubilisation and siderophore production as well as chitinase and protease activities. The inoculation of infected date palm with the five Streptomyces spp. Increased all parameters of growth measured in controlled conditions. The study revealed that the five Streptomyces spp. could be a potential biocontrol agent for controlling palm and also promoting growth of plants

    Population dynamics, spatiotemporal distribution of the olive psyllid Euphyllura olivina, (Costa, 1839) (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) on the Chemlal variety in the Oasis of Boussaâda

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    The study conducted on the population dynamics of the olive psyllid Euphyllura olivina, (Costa, 1839), on the variety Chemlal in the oases of Boussaâda, during the first half of the year 2021, showed that the first numbers of the different biological stages of the insect are recorded in mid-March 2021, where all directions of the tree are infested while the northern and western directions are the most exposed to attacks of the pest. The first numbers of adults of E. olivina are recorded in mid-April, while mortality according to the directions of the tree is recorded on all cardinal directions of the tree, with a rate of about 39% on the northern direction

    Etude ethnobotanique comparative et utilisation thérapeutique de plantes médicinales de djebel djedoug (Hammam Dhalaa) et du milieu oasien (oasis de Boussaâda).

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    Ce travail a pour objectif de déterminer les usages traditionnels des plantes médicinales dans la zone de Djebel Djedoug située au nord de la région de M’sila (Algérie). Cette zone renferme une flore médicinale riche et diversifiée. Les enquêtes ethnobotaniques réalisées à l'aide des fiches questionnaires ont permis d'inventorier 64 espèces médicinales appartenant à 35 familles botaniques, et de collecter le maximum d'informations concernant les usages thérapeutiques traditionnels de la population locale. Par ailleurs, les résultats peuvent être considérés comme une source d'information pour les recherches scientifiques dans le domaine de la phytochimie et la pharmacologie

    Analyse Moléculaire De La Diversité Génétique Des Protéines De Réserves Chez Quatre Variétés De Blé Dur (Triticum turgidum L.var durum)

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    The molecular polymorphism of the stock proteins, namely, glutenin and gliadin has been studied in order to perform a comparison of the genes coding for these factors in the quality of bread as much as they are major contributors to the elasticity and formation of wheat dough. DNA markers for quality traits are currently being used by wheat breeders to directly measure traits and performing biochemical tests. The aim of this study was to use DNA markers to search for varieties with glutenin genes (HMW and LMW) and gliadin genes also. 4 durum wheat varieties (alexandrium, murcenese, italicum and valencia) were used for these genes using PCR/RFLP markers via (F-56) and (R-56) primers. Results obtained show that polymorphism rate of this two primer is 54.54%. These two primers produce the same number of amplifiers whose size is 536bp. A total of eleven fragments are obtained for each primer. Five are relatively polymorphic, which concerns the genotype: 4, 20, 76, 91 and 92 through the pairing of an expression density materialized by low intensity bands. The study also revealed that there was no product at 527bp, the size of (HMW) glutenin gene; this indicates that the 100 genotypes do not contain this gene. Thus indicating its poverty in this element; compared to the (LMW) subunit of this gene which accounts for about 60% of glutenin proteins. While there is 770bp product for the gliadin gene, which indicates also that the 100 genotypes contain this gene. Thus indicating its good quality for bread making

    In vitro effects of culture media on potential regeneration of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in Boussaâda oasis, Algeria

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    Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) of Boussaâda has varietal diversity and a very important nutritional value in Algeria. Nevertheless, today the palm groves are threatened, not only climatically but also in terms of varietal diversity such as disappearance of varieties, the low production and even discharges serving mainly to vegetative propagation which can be used as a source of explants on in vitro somatic embryogenesis technique. The aim of this study is to use in vitro culture techniques to regenerate the phoenicicultural orchards at Boussaâda oasis. Two types of experimental protocol are used; firstly, to make an inventory in field in order to contain palm groves and then date palms existing; and the secondly is to applicant the somatic embryogenesis technique in the laboratory and then regenerate the good cultivar. Results indicate that plant growing is an important axis that needs to be developed in the oasis by introducing varieties to select the most suitable and profitable for a good diversification of cultivars and consequently the improvement of production

    Etude ethnobotanique comparative et utilisation thérapeutique de plantes médicinales de djebel djedoug (Hammam Dhalaa) et du milieu oasien (oasis de Boussaâda).

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    Ce travail a pour objectif de déterminer les usages traditionnels des plantes médicinales dans la zone de Djebel Djedoug située au nord de la région de M’sila (Algérie). Cette zone renferme une flore médicinale riche et diversifiée. Les enquêtes ethnobotaniques réalisées à l'aide des fiches questionnaires ont permis d'inventorier 64 espèces médicinales appartenant à 35 familles botaniques, et de collecter le maximum d'informations concernant les usages thérapeutiques traditionnels de la population locale. Par ailleurs, les résultats peuvent être considérés comme une source d'information pour les recherches scientifiques dans le domaine de la phytochimie et la pharmacologie

    Population dynamics, spatiotemporal distribution of the olive psyllid Euphyllura olivina, (Costa, 1839) (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) on the Chemlal variety in the Oasis of Boussaâda

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    The study conducted on the population dynamics of the olive psyllid Euphyllura olivina, (Costa, 1839), on the variety Chemlal in the oases of Boussaâda, during the first half of the year 2021, showed that the first numbers of the different biological stages of the insect are recorded in mid-March 2021, where all directions of the tree are infested while the northern and western directions are the most exposed to attacks of the pest. The first numbers of adults of E. olivina are recorded in mid-April, while mortality according to the directions of the tree is recorded on all cardinal directions of the tree, with a rate of about 39% on the northern direction

    In vitro effects of culture media on potential regeneration of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in Boussaâda oasis, Algeria

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    Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) of Boussaâda has varietal diversity and a very important nutritional value in Algeria. Nevertheless, today the palm groves are threatened, not only climatically but also in terms of varietal diversity such as disappearance of varieties, the low production and even discharges serving mainly to vegetative propagation which can be used as a source of explants on in vitro somatic embryogenesis technique. The aim of this study is to use in vitro culture techniques to regenerate the phoenicicultural orchards at Boussaâda oasis. Two types of experimental protocol are used; firstly, to make an inventory in field in order to contain palm groves and then date palms existing; and the secondly is to applicant the somatic embryogenesis technique in the laboratory and then regenerate the good cultivar. Results indicate that plant growing is an important axis that needs to be developed in the oasis by introducing varieties to select the most suitable and profitable for a good diversification of cultivars and consequently the improvement of production

    Sodium transport in the seedlings of two bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes showing contrasting salt stress tolerance

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    Abstract In many plant species, salt sensitivity is associated with the accumulation of sodium (Na + ) in photosynthetic tissues. Na + uptake to leaves involves a series of transport steps and for which only few candidates' genes have been so far characterized. In this study, we provide a physiological and molecular analysis of two Algerian bread wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.), Mahon-Demias (MD) a salt sensitive and Hidhab (HD) a salt tolerant varieties. The comparative analysis of Na + transport revealed two major differences between the two genotype i) a lower rate of transfer from the root to the shoot (xylem loading) in the salt tolerant genotype, and ii) A higher capacity of the leaf sheath in the tolerant genotype to extract and sequester Na + as it entered the leaf. In addition, an enhanced uptake of K + in leaves of Hidhab compared to Mahon-Demias resulting in a higher K + /Na + ratio in leaf blades and hence improving cellular homeostasis in the tolerant variety. Moreover, correlation was observed between the expression patterns of the transcripts encoding the plasma membrane Na + /H + antiporter (TaSOS1), two members of the HKT transporters family (HKT1;5 and HKT2;2) and the Na + fluxes from roots to leaves. All together, these results help to understand the differential salt stress tolerance between Hidhab and Mahon-Demias wheat varieties. More interestingly, our data may ultimately contribute to deciphering the physiological and molecular mechanisms of salt stress tolerance in bread wheat, and hence to assist breeders in selecting salt tolerant genotypes