45,127 research outputs found

    Atmospheres and Spectra of Strongly Magnetized Neutron Stars II: Effect of Vacuum Polarization

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    We study the effect of vacuum polarization on the atmosphere structure and radiation spectra of neutron stars with surface magnetic fields B=10^14-10^15 G, as appropriate for magnetars. Vacuum polarization modifies the dielectric property of the medium and gives rise to a resonance feature in the opacity; this feature is narrow and occurs at a photon energy that depends on the plasma density. Vacuum polarization can also induce resonant conversion of photon modes via a mechanism analogous to the MSW mechanism for neutrino oscillation. We construct atmosphere models in radiative equilibrium with an effective temperature of a few \times 10^6 K by solving the full radiative transfer equations for both polarization modes in a fully ionized hydrogen plasma. We discuss the subtleties in treating the vacuum polarization effects in the atmosphere models and present approximate solutions to the radiative transfer problem which bracket the true answer. We show from both analytic considerations and numerical calculations that vacuum polarization produces a broad depression in the X-ray flux at high energies (a few keV \la E \la a few tens of keV) as compared to models without vacuum polarization; this arises from the density dependence of the vacuum resonance feature and the large density gradient present in the atmosphere. Thus the vacuum polarization effect softens the high energy tail of the thermal spectrum, although the atmospheric emission is still harder than the blackbody spectrum because of the non-grey opacities. We also show that the depression of continuum flux strongly suppresses the equivalent width of the ion cyclotron line and therefore makes the line more difficult to observe.Comment: 21 pages, 21 figures; MNRAS; corrected minor typo

    Atmospheres and Spectra of Strongly Magnetized Neutron Stars

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    We construct atmosphere models for strongly magnetized neutron stars with surface fields B∌1012−1015B\sim 10^{12}-10^{15} G and effective temperatures Teff∌106−107T_{\rm eff}\sim 10^6-10^7 K. The atmospheres directly determine the characteristics of thermal emission from isolated neutron stars, including radio pulsars, soft gamma-ray repeaters, and anomalous X-ray pulsars. In our models, the atmosphere is composed of pure hydrogen or helium and is assumed to be fully ionized. The radiative opacities include free-free absorption and scattering by both electrons and ions computed for the two photon polarization modes in the magnetized electron-ion plasma. Since the radiation emerges from deep layers in the atmosphere with \rho\ga 10^2 g/cm3^3, plasma effects can significantly modify the photon opacities by changing the properties of the polarization modes. In the case where the magnetic field and the surface normal are parallel, we solve the full, angle-dependent, coupled radiative transfer equations for both polarization modes. We also construct atmosphere models for general field orientations based on the diffusion approximation of the transport equations and compare the results with models based on full radiative transport. In general, the emergent thermal radiation exhibits significant deviation from blackbody, with harder spectra at high energies. The spectra also show a broad feature (\Delta E/\Ebi\sim 1) around the ion cyclotron resonance \Ebi=0.63 (Z/A)(B/10^{14}{G}) keV, where ZZ and AA are the atomic charge and atomic mass of the ion, respectively; this feature is particularly pronounced when \Ebi\ga 3k\Teff. Detection of the resonance feature would provide a direct measurement of the surface magnetic fields on magnetars.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figures; corrected factor of 2 in He models: minor changes to figs 4 and 9 as a result; other very minor change

    Old chinese and friends: new approaches to historical linguistics of the Sino-Tibetan area

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    List J-M, Starostin G, Yunfan L. “Old Chinese and Friends”: new approaches to historical linguistics of the Sino-Tibetan area. Journal of Language Relationship. 2019;17(1-2):1-6

    The final measurement of Ï”â€ČÏ”\epsilon'\epsilon by NA48

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    The direct CP violation parameter Re(Ï”â€ČÏ”\epsilon'\epsilon) has been measured from the decay rates of neutral kaons into two pions using the NA48 detector at the CERN SPS. The 2001 running period was devoted to collecting additional data under varied conditions compared to earlier years (1997-99). The 2001 data yield the result: Re(ϔϔâ€Č\epsilon\epsilon')=(13.7±3.1)×10−4(13.7\pm3.1)\times10^{-4}. Combining this result with that published from the 1997,98 and 99 data, an overall value of Re(Ï”â€ČÏ”\epsilon'\epsilon)=(14.7±2.2)×10−4(14.7\pm2.2)\times10^{-4} is obtained from the NA48 experiment.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings for the ICHEP02 conferenc

    Probing Axions with Radiation from Magnetic Stars

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    Recent experiments suggest that polarized photons may couple significantly to pseudoscalar particles such as axions. We study the possible observational signatures of axion-photon coupling for radiation from magnetic stars, with particular focus on neutron stars. We present general methods for calculating the axion-photon conversion probability during propagation through a varying magnetized vacuum as well as across an inhomogeneous atmosphere. Partial axion-photon conversion may take place in the vacuum region outside the neutron star. Strong axion-photon mixing occurs due to a resonance in the atmosphere, and depending on the axion coupling strength and other parameters, significant axion-photon conversion can take place at the resonance. Such conversions may produce observable effects on the radiation spectra and polarization signals from the star. We also apply our results to axion-photon propagation in the Sun and in magnetic white dwarfs. We find that there is no appreciable conversion of solar axions to photons during the propagation.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. Minor changes. PRD accepte

    Depression and anxiety in prostate cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence rates

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    ObjectivesTo systematically review the literature pertaining to the prevalence of depression and anxiety in patients with prostate cancer as a function of treatment stage.DesignSystematic review and meta-analysis.Participants4494 patients with prostate cancer from primary research investigations.Primary outcome measureThe prevalence of clinical depression and anxiety in patients with prostate cancer as a function of treatment stage.ResultsWe identified 27 full journal articles that met the inclusion criteria for entry into the meta-analysis resulting in a pooled sample size of 4494 patients. The meta-analysis of prevalence rates identified pretreatment, on-treatment and post-treatment depression prevalences of 17.27% (95% CI 15.06% to 19.72%), 14.70% (95% CI 11.92% to 17.99%) and 18.44% (95% CI 15.18% to 22.22%), respectively. Pretreatment, on-treatment and post-treatment anxiety prevalences were 27.04% (95% CI 24.26% to 30.01%), 15.09% (95% CI 12.15% to 18.60%) and 18.49% (95% CI 13.81% to 24.31%), respectively.ConclusionsOur findings suggest that the prevalence of depression and anxiety in men with prostate cancer, across the treatment spectrum, is relatively high. In light of the growing emphasis placed on cancer survivorship, we consider that further research within this area is warranted to ensure that psychological distress in patients with prostate cancer is not underdiagnosed and undertreated

    Orbital Decay of the PSR J0045-7319/B Star Binary System: Age of Radio Pulsar and Initial Spin of Neutron Star

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    Recent timing observations of PSR J0045-7319 reveal that the neutron star/B star binary orbit is decaying on a time scale of |\Porb/\dot\Porb|=0.5 Myr, shorter than the characteristic age (τc=3\tau_c=3 Myr) of the pulsar (Kaspi et al.~1996a). We study mechanisms for the orbital decay. The standard weak friction theory based on static tide requires far too short a viscous time to explain the observed \dot\Porb. We show that dynamical tidal excitation of g-modes in the B star can be responsible for the orbital decay. However, to explain the observed short decay timescale, the B star must have some significant retrograde rotation with respect to the orbit --- The retrograde rotation brings lower-order g-modes, which couple much more strongly to the tidal potential, into closer ``resonances'' with the orbital motion, thus significantly enhancing the dynamical tide. A much less likely possibility is that the g-mode damping time is much shorter than the ordinary radiative damping time. The observed orbital decay timescale combined with a generic orbital evolution model based on dynamical tide can be used as a ``timer'', giving an upper limit of 1.41.4 Myr for the age of the binary system since the neutron star formation. Thus the characteristic age of the pulsar is not a good age indicator. Assuming standard magnetic dipole braking for the pulsar and no significant magnetic field decay on a timescale \lo 1 Myr, the upper limit for the age implies that the initial spin of the neutron star at birth was close to its current value.Comment: AASTeX, 9 pages, 3 ps figures. ApJ Letters, in pres

    Atmospheres and Spectra of Strongly Magnetized Neutron Stars -- III. Partially Ionized Hydrogen Models

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    We construct partially ionized hydrogen atmosphere models for magnetized neutron stars in radiative equilibrium with surface fields B=10^12-5 \times 10^14 G and effective temperatures T_eff \sim a few \times 10^5-10^6 K. These models are based on the latest equation of state and opacity results for magnetized, partially ionized hydrogen plasmas that take into account various magnetic and dense medium effects. The atmospheres directly determine the characteristics of thermal emission from isolated neutron stars. For the models with B=10^12-10^13 G, the spectral features due to neutral atoms lie at extreme UV and very soft X-ray energy bands and therefore are difficult to observe. However, the continuum flux is also different from the fully ionized case, especially at lower energies. For the superstrong field models (B\ga 10^14 G), we show that the vacuum polarization effect not only suppresses the proton cyclotron line as shown previously, but also suppresses spectral features due to bound species; therefore spectral lines or features in thermal radiation are more difficult to observe when the neutron star magnetic field is \ga 10^14 G.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures; ApJ, accepted (v599: Dec 20, 2003
