1,745 research outputs found

    Microstructural evolution in materials during thermal processing

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    Copyright © 2012 Joseph K. L. Lai et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund

    Automatic and topology-preserving gradient mesh generation for image vectorization

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    Demonska vjera polazi od toga da se ne nalazi isključivo u nevjeri, nego je ona onkraj nevjere. Ovim radom smo prvo željeli prikazati glavne postavke najbitnijih elemenata teologalne vjere da bismo kasnije kroz filozofske teze F. Hadjadja prikazali glavna obilježja vjere zlih demona koja su duhovnog karaktera i predstavljaju veliku opasnost za čovjeka i njegovu vjeru. Unatoč različitim tumačenjima, Hadjadj želi upozoriti na to da se zli demoni ne nalaze samo među ateistima, agnosticima i ostalim pokretima koji, na neki način, niječu Božu opstojnost, nego ti zli demoni zapravo vjeruju, pa zato za polazište uzima redak iz Jakovljeve poslanice u kojoj piše da oni „vjeruju i dršću”. Na kraju smo ovim radom prikazali važnost sinteze duše i tijela, odnosno utjelovljenja u kršćanstvu jer je misterij katoličke vjere misterij utjelovljenja i nemoguće je odbacivati tjelesnost kao što je to slučaj u različitim spiritualističkim dimenzijama.Demonic faith is not strictly associated with infidelity itself, but rather exists beyond it. This work aims to present the main postulates of the most crucial elements of the theological faith in order to show, using F. Hadjadj's philosophical thesis, the main characteristics associated with evil demons, which are of the spiritual nature and present great danger for man and his faith. Despite various interpretations, Hadjadj wishes to point out that evil demons do not dwel lonly within atheists, agnostics and other movements which, in a way, negate the existence of God, but that these evil demons actually do believe, and therefore he uses as a starting point the line from the Epistle of Jacob that states that demons „believe and tremble”. In the end, this work presented the importance of the body-soul synthesis, which is the incarnation in Christianity, since the mistery of the Catholic faith is the mistery of the incarnation, and it is impossible to discard corporeality, which is the case in various spiritual dimensions

    An Efficient Approach to Correspondences between Multiple Non-Rigid Parts

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    Identifying multiple deformable parts on meshes and establishing dense correspondences between them are tasks of fundamental importance to computer graphics, with applications to e.g. geometric edit propagation and texture transfer. Much research has considered establishing correspondences between non-rigid surfaces, but little work can both identify similar multiple deformable parts and handle partial shape correspondences. This paper addresses two related problems, treating them as a whole: (i) identifying similar deformable parts on a mesh, related by a non-rigid transformation to a given query part, and (ii) establishing dense point correspondences automatically between such parts. We show that simple and efficient techniques can be developed if we make the assumption that these parts locally undergo isometric deformation. Our insight is that similar deformable parts are suggested by large clusters of point correspondences that are isometrically consistent. Once such parts are identified, dense point correspondences can be obtained by an iterative propagation process. Our techniques are applicable to models with arbitrary topology. Various examples demonstrate the effectiveness of our techniques

    Color-aware surface registration

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    Shape registration is fundamental to 3D object acquisition; it is used to fuse scans from multiple views. Existing algorithms mainly utilize geometric information to determine alignment, but this typically results in noticeable misalignment of textures (i.e. surface colors) when using RGB-depth cameras. We address this problem using a novel approach to color-aware registration, which takes both color and geometry into consideration simultaneously. Color information is exploited throughout the pipeline to provide more effective sampling, correspondence and alignment, in particular for surfaces with detailed textures. Our method can furthermore tackle both rigid and non-rigid registration problems (arising, for example, due to small changes in the object during scanning, or camera distortions). We demonstrate that our approach produces significantly better results than previous methods

    Realtime reconstruction of an animating human body from a single depth camera

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    We present a method for realtime reconstruction of an animating human body, which produces a sequence of deforming meshes representing a given performance captured by a single commodity depth camera. We achieve realtime single-view mesh completion by enhancing the parameterized SCAPE model. Our method, which we call Realtime SCAPE, performs full-body reconstruction without the use of markers. In Realtime SCAPE, estimations of body shape parameters and pose parameters, needed for reconstruction, are decoupled. Intrinsic body shape is first precomputed for a given subject, by determining shape parameters with the aid of a body shape database. Subsequently, per-frame pose parameter estimation is performed by means of linear blending skinning (LBS); the problem is decomposed into separately finding skinning weights and transformations. The skinning weights are also determined offline from the body shape database, reducing online reconstruction to simply finding the transformations in LBS. Doing so is formulated as a linear variational problem; carefully designed constraints are used to impose temporal coherence and alleviate artifacts. Experiments demonstrate that our method can produce full-body mesh sequences with high fidelity

    Fast capture of textured full-body avatar with RGB-D cameras

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    We present a practical system which can provide a textured full-body avatar within three seconds. It uses sixteen RGB-depth (RGB-D) cameras, ten of which are arranged to capture the body, while six target the important head region. The configuration of the multiple cameras is formulated as a constraint-based minimum set space-covering problem, which is approximately solved by a heuristic algorithm. The camera layout determined can cover the fullbody surface of an adult, with geometric errors of less than 5 mm. After arranging the cameras, they are calibrated using a mannequin before scanning real humans. The 16 RGB-D images are all captured within 1 s, which both avoids the need for the subject to attempt to remain still for an uncomfortable period, and helps to keep pose changes between different cameras small. All scans are combined and processed to reconstruct the photo-realistic textured mesh in 2 s. During both system calibration and working capture of a real subject, the high-quality RGB information is exploited to assist geometric reconstruction and texture stitching optimization

    Vertex location optimisation for improved remeshing

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    Remeshing aims to produce a more regular mesh from a given input mesh, while representing the original geometry as accurately as possible. Many existing remeshing methods focus on where to place new mesh vertices; these samples are placed exactly on the input mesh. However, considering the output mesh as a piecewise linear approximation of some geometry, this simple scheme leads to significant systematic error in non-planar regions. Here, we use parameterised meshes and the recent mathematical development of orthogonal approximation using Sobolev-type inner products to develop a novel sampling scheme which allows vertices to lie in space near the input surface, rather than exactly on it. The algorithm requires little extra computational effort and can be readily incorporated into many remeshing approaches. Experimental results show that on average, approximation error can be reduced by 40% with the same number of vertices

    Diffusion pruning for rapidly and robustly selecting global correspondences using local isometry

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    Finding correspondences between two surfaces is a fundamental operation in various applications in computer graphics and related fields. Candidate correspondences can be found by matching local signatures, but as they only consider local geometry, many are globally inconsistent. We provide a novel algorithm to prune a set of candidate correspondences to those most likely to be globally consistent. Our approach can handle articulated surfaces, and ones related by a deformation which is globally nonisometric, provided that the deformation is locally approximately isometric. Our approach uses an efficient diffusion framework, and only requires geodesic distance calculations in small neighbourhoods, unlike many existing techniques which require computation of global geodesic distances. We demonstrate that, for typical examples, our approach provides significant improvements in accuracy, yet also reduces time and memory costs by a factor of several hundred compared to existing pruning techniques. Our method is furthermore insensitive to holes, unlike many other methods

    Enantiomer‐selective pharmacokinetics and metabolism of ketorolac in children

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/110020/1/cptclpt1999381.pd