3 research outputs found

    Geochemical and microbial resilience of ferralsol associated to aeration changes and rum vinasse input

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    L Ă©pandage de dĂ©chets liquides d'agro-industries permet leur Ă©limination tout en apportant au sol certains nutriments pour les plantes. Il favorise toutefois l'anoxie et les activitĂ©s microbiennes anaĂ©robies, et peut entraĂźner diverses Ă©volutions gĂ©ochimiques portant sur les minĂ©raux et la mobilitĂ© des mĂ©taux, ainsi que des changements de diversitĂ©s microbiennes taxonomique et fonctionnelle. Se pose alors la question de la rĂ©silience du sol aprĂšs retour Ă  des conditions oxygĂ©nĂ©es. Les objectifs de cette thĂšse Ă©taient (i) de consolider les acquis portant sur les Ă©volutions gĂ©ochimiques et microbiennes du sol au cours d'un Ă©pisode anoxique dĂ©butant par un apport de vinasse, (ii) d'Ă©valuer les rĂ©siliences gĂ©ochimique et microbienne du sol aprĂšs retour Ă  des conditions oxygĂ©nĂ©es, et (iii) d'Ă©tudier la survie des bactĂ©ries anaĂ©robies en conditions oxiques. Des incubations de boues d un ferralsol de l Ăźle de la RĂ©union ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es pour diverses successions de conditions oxiques et anoxiques, de la vinasse de rhumerie Ă©tant apportĂ©e au dĂ©but des pĂ©riodes anoxiques. A plusieurs dates, des mesures ont permis de caractĂ©riser la phase gazeuse, la solution (pH, composĂ©s organiques et minĂ©raux dont les mĂ©taux), les phases solides (Ă©tats d oxydation de Fe et Mn, CEC du sol) et les communautĂ©s microbiennes (biomasse fongique, densitĂ©s en nombre des bactĂ©ries, des archĂ©es, des fermentaires et des rĂ©ducteurs de Fe(III) cultivables, diversitĂ© molĂ©culaire bactĂ©rienne). En conditions anoxiques, les biotransformations ont inclus des fermentations, de l acĂ©togĂ©nĂšse vraie, des rĂ©ductions de Fe(III) et Mn(IV), de la sulfato-rĂ©duction et, au-delĂ  de 14 jours d'anoxie, de la mĂ©thanogĂ©nĂšse acĂ©toclastique. Elles ont entrainĂ© une forte mobilisation de Fe et Mn, et la mobilisation de divers ETM, ainsi qu'une augmentation de la CEC du sol. Les nombres de bactĂ©ries et d'archĂ©es ont augmentĂ© pendant respectivement les fermentations et la mĂ©thanogĂ©nĂšse, alors que la biomasse fongique a Ă©tĂ© stable pour des pĂ©riodes anoxiques allant jusqu'Ă  28 jours. La diversitĂ© bactĂ©rienne a Ă©tĂ© modifiĂ©e avec apparition dĂšs 2 jours d'anoxie de quelques pics dominants en CE-SSCP, pour ultĂ©rieurement se complexifier. Le retour Ă  des conditions oxygĂ©nĂ©es a provoquĂ© l'oxydation et l'immobilisation rapides de Fe(II), l'Ă©change du Fe(II) adsorbĂ© par d autres mĂ©taux dont la mobilitĂ© a brutalement diminuĂ© (Ca, Mg, K, Na, Mn, Pb, Ni ). Il n'y a pas eu d'oxydation de Mn(II) en solution et en phases solides pour des pĂ©riodes oxiques allant jusqu'Ă  28 jours. La CEC est restĂ© plus Ă©levĂ©e qu'Ă  l'origine et les phases solides contenant Fe ont Ă©voluĂ© vers des formes diffĂ©rentes des formes initiales et des celles en fin de pĂ©riodes anoxiques. La biomasse fongique a augmentĂ© transitoirement, tandis que le nombre des bactĂ©ries est restĂ© stable et que le nombre d'archĂ©es Ă  lĂ©gĂšrement diminuĂ© pour les situations oĂč la mĂ©thanogĂ©nĂšse avait permis leur croissance. La diversitĂ© bactĂ©rienne a Ă©tĂ© Ă  nouveau fortement modifiĂ©e avec apparition aprĂšs 2 jours d'oxygĂ©nation de quelques pics dominants en CE-SSCP dont certains avaient dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s aprĂšs installation de conditions anoxiques. La persistance de quelques pics apparus en conditions anoxiques et l absence d autres pics disparus en conditions anoxiques suggĂšrent que la rĂ©silience microbienne n est pas totale pour une pĂ©riode d anoxie de 28 jours. Une aĂ©ration intermĂ©diaire de 7 jours n a affectĂ© ni la croissance des bactĂ©ries+archĂ©es et des fermentaires cultivables, ni les fonctions de fermentation et de rĂ©duction de FeThe spreading of liquid by-products of food industry enables their elimination and supplies the soil with nutrients for plants. Unfortunately, it simultaneously favours anoxia and anaerobic microbial activities that may lead to various geochemical changes, including mineral alterations/neo-formations and metal mobilizations. It also favours changes in microbial taxonomic and functional diversities. The soil resilience has not been checked until now. The goals of this work were therefore (i) to confirm already obtained results dealing with microbial and geochemical changes in anoxic conditions, (ii) to assess for microbial and geochemical resiliences after the return to oxic conditions, and (iii) to describe the survival of anaerobic microorganisms in oxic conditions. Incubations of slurries of a ferralsol of Reunion Island were performed with successively oxic and anoxic conditions, rum vinasse being supplied at the beginning of each of the anoxic periods. Measurements were performed at some dates to characterize the composition of the gaseous headspace of the flasks, the slurry solution (pH, organic and mineral compounds, including metal elements), solid phases (iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) oxidation level, soil CEC) and microbial communities (fungal biomass, bacteria and archaea numbers, numbers of cultivable fermentative bacteria and Fe(III) reducers, bacteria molecular diversity). Under anoxic conditions, main biotransformations included fermentations, true acetogenesis, Fe(III) and Mn(IV) reductions, SO42- reduction and acetoclastic methanogenesis. They led to a great mobilization of Fe and Mn, as well as an increase in soil CEC. Bacteria and Archaea numbers increased during fermentations and methanogenesis, respectively, whereas fungal biomass remained constant during 28 days in anoxic conditions. Microbial molecular diversity was changed with the appearance of dominant peaks in CE-SSCP characterizations after 2 days of anoxia, but this diversity became more complex for longer anoxic periods. The return to oxic conditions induced the oxidative immobilization of Fe, the exchange of adsorbed Fe(II) with other metals (Ca, Mg, K, Na, Mn, Pb, Ni ) from which the mobility decreased suddenly. Mn(II) in solution and solid phases was not oxidised for 28 day oxic periods. The soil CEC remained higher than its initial value and Fe solid phases evolved to phases that differed from initial phases and phases at the end of the anoxic period. The fungal biomass transiently increased, whereas the bacteria number didn't vary and the archaea number slightly decreased for treatments in which methanogenesis previously enabled their growth. The bacteria molecular diversity was modified again with the appearance of peaks in CE-SSCP, some ones being already observed after the beginning of anoxic conditions. The persistence of some peaks that appeared in anoxic conditions and the definitive disappearance of other peaks in anoxic conditions suggest that microbial resilience was only partial even after 28 days in oxic conditions. A period in oxic conditions between 2 periods in anoxic conditions did neither affect the growth of bacteria, archaea and cultivable fermentative bacteria, nor the microbial fermentations and Fe(III) reduction during the second anoxic periodAVIGNON-BU Centrale (840072102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Variations in the cation exchange capacity of a ferralsol supplied with vinasse, under changing aeration conditions. Comparison between CEC measuring methods

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    International audienceThe spreading of vinasse may favour soil anoxia and affect cation exchange capacity (CEC). Our aims were to assess the reliability of CEC measurements in reducing conditions, quantify CEC variations in a ferralsol under changing aeration conditions, and understand the mechanisms involved. In a first experiment, soil slurry was incubated for a succession of 7 oxic, 28 anoxic and 28 oxic days, vinasse being supplied when anoxia began. CEC was measured at intervals by exchanging Mg2+, Cu-trien or Co(NH3)63+, the solutions being characterized before and after exchange. In a second experiment, soil CEC was measured after the elution of NH4+ solutions of pH 5 to 7. In a third experiment, we assessed the reduction of Co(NH3)63+ by Fe2+ and checked for induced changes by geochemical simulations. During the first oxic period, CEC varied according to method, in the order: Cu-trien < Mg2+<Co(NH3)63+<NH4+. It increased by 2 cmolc kg− 1 when pH increased from 5 to 7. After 28 days of anoxia, CEC estimates were 2.75, 1.43 and 5.1 times their initial values for the 0.05 M Mg2+, Cu-trien and Co(NH3)63+ methods respectively; pH after exchange was about the same as initial slurry pH (6.9), except after Co(NH3)63+ exchange when it was 9.4. This complex was partly reduced by Fe2+ leading to NH3 release, pH increase, Fe(OH)3 and Co(OH)2 precipitations, Co(II) adsorption and overestimation of CEC. After the return to oxic conditions, the CEC did not return to its initial value. At all dates, CEC measured by 0.05 M Mg2+ method agreed with the exchangeable cation measurement

    Geochemical resilience of a ferrasol subjected to anoxia and organic matter amendment

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    The spreading of vinasse on soils may favor not only anoxia but also mineral alterations and metal mobilization. Our aims were to record the geochemical changes occurring in a ferralsol subjected to vinasse input and anaerobiosis, and to check for soil resilience after a return to aerobic conditions. Soil slurries were therefore incubated under successive 7 d of aerobic, 0 to 28 d of anaerobic, and 28 d of aerobic conditions, vinasse being supplied at one of three levels when anaerobiosis began. At several dates, the slurry solution was characterized (pH and organic and mineral compounds) and Mn and Fe oxidation states in solids were assessed. Before incubations, about 20% of the Fe in solids was already reduced, whereas almost all Mn was found as Mn(IV). During the first aerobic period, mobilized metals included Pb, Zn, Ni, Cu, and Cr. After vinasse input during the first 14 d of anaerobiosis, the principal biotransformations were fermentation and true acetogenesis; Fe and Mn were mobilized during this period (up to 4.05 and 6.2 mmol L−1, respectively), and most Mn and an unknown but small fraction of Fe in solids were reduced. During the subsequent 14 d of anaerobiosis, only acetoclastic methanogenesis was observed. The return to aerobic conditions led to rapid oxidative immobilization of Fe, desorption of exchangeable Fe(II), and the partial immobilization of other metals (Ca, Mg, K, Na, Mn, Pb, and Ni). Manganese was not oxidized, and there was no return to the initial conditions for Fe and Mn in solid