44 research outputs found

    Montaigne et ses représentations : un « gibier » pour l’historien ?

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    Cette communication analyse les usages critiques que l’historien peut faire de Montaigne. Après avoir présenté les éléments qui font des écrits montaigniens un ensemble de sources idéales, l’article se centre sur la mobilisation de ces textes par des travaux relevant de l’histoire culturelle (histoire des mentalités puis histoire des représentations). Sont exposés les écueils auxquels se trouve confronté l’historien qui s’appuie sur Montaigne ainsi que les conclusions auxquelles il peut parvenir.In this article I define and analyze the historian’s critical understanding of Montaigne. After presenting various elements that transform Montaigne’s writings into a set of ideal sources, I then focus on the application of these texts in the fields of cultural history, history of mentalities, and finally history of representations. The pitfalls that historians find themselves facing when addressing Montaigne in this way are exposed, along with the conclusions they can reach

    Effectiveness of Interventions to Modulate the Rumen Microbiota Composition and Function in Pre-ruminant and Ruminant Lambs

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    Modulating the assembly of the ruminal microbiota might have practical implications in production. We tested how an early-life dietary intervention in lambs influences the diversity and function of the ruminal microbiota during and after the intervention. Microbiota resilience during a repeated dietary intervention was also tested. The treatment, aiming to mitigate enteric methane emissions, combined garlic essential oil and linseed oil. Fifty-six lambs and their dams were allocated to two groups and treatment (T1) or placebo (C1) was drenched from birth until 10 weeks of life. Lambs were weaned at 8 weeks. From 16 to 20 weeks, lambs in each group were divided in two subgroups that received (T1–T2 and C1–T2) or not (T1–C2 and C1–C2) the same treatment. Measurements were done at 8, 14, and 20 weeks. Average daily gain was similar between groups. Methane production was reduced by treatment at 8 and 20 weeks but at 14 weeks it was similar between C1 and T1. Interestingly, early-life treated lambs displayed a numerical increase (P = 0.12) in methane emissions at 20 weeks compared with non-treated lambs. Concentration of VFA was not affected by the intervention at 8 or 14 weeks but a lower concentration was observed in T2 lambs compared with C2 at week 20. Metataxonomics (rRNA gene) revealed differences in archaeal communities between groups of lambs when treatment was applied (weeks 8 and 20); whereas, in accord with methane emissions, these differences disappeared when treatment was discontinued (week 14). Protozoal community structure was not affected by treatment. In contrast, bacterial community structure differed between treated and non-treated lambs during and after the intervention. Rumen and urine LC-MS and NMR metabolomics at week 20 separated C2 from T2 lambs and correlation analysis highlighted interactions between microbes and metabolites, notably that of methylated compounds and Methanomassiliicocceae methanogens. This study demonstrates that a long-term early-life intervention induced modifications in the composition of the rumen bacterial community that persisted after the intervention ceased with little or no effect on archaeal and protozoal communities. However, there was no persistency of the early-life intervention on methanogenesis indicating resilience for this function

    A first inventory of the labile biochemicals found in Avignon groundwater: can we identify potential bacterial substrates?

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    Groundwater is a major source of water for irrigation of vegetables, especially in the Mediterranean basin. Contamination of aquifer by pathogens has been responsible for numerous disease outbreaks worldwide. Several studies reported that groundwater dissolved organic matter (DOM) can serve as a source of carbon and energy for heterotrophic metabolism of pathogens. In this study, we aimed to investigate the DOM composition of groundwater collected at Avignon. Six liters of groundwater were filtered (0.2 µm) and freeze-dried following appropriate cleaning procedure. The bulk analyses of powder sample were performed using 1D and 2D nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectroscopy. Several components were found at concentrations around 1 µM and comprise: (i) humic and fulvic acids originated from land-derived material or soils and, (ii) various acids, esters and alcohols of different sizes including acetate, lactate and formate, these may result from microbial metabolism. In conclusion, the Avignon groundwater DOM contains a heterogeneous mixture of dissolved organic components with a rather low potential bioreactivity based on the low level of labile biogeochemicals such as carbohydrates

    Florence Greffe, José Lothe, La vie, les livres et les lectures de Pierre de L'Estoile. Nouvelles Recherches

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    Lagrée Marie-Clarté. Florence Greffe, José Lothe, La vie, les livres et les lectures de Pierre de L'Estoile. Nouvelles Recherches. In: Histoire, économie et société, 2005, 24ᵉ année, n°3. La femme dans la ville : clôtures choisies, clôtures imposées, sous la direction de Anne Bonzon et Philippe Guignet. pp. 447-448

    Écriture versus souffrance

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    Jean-Marie Constant l’a souligné dans un article sur « l’expression du sentiment de la douleur face à la mort » publié en 1993 : les mémorialistes du xvie siècle se livrent peu et leurs écrits sont donc loin d’être des discours de l’intime. Dès lors, le texte que rédige Charles Gouyon, baron de la Moussaye, se singularise nettement par la facilité avec laquelle l’auteur y livre ses émotions, et c’est la raison pour laquelle Jean Mariéjol s’est interrogé, en 1901, sur la fiabilité et l’authent..

    Blaise de Vigenère, traducteur de La guerre des Gaules : approche du langage et écriture personnelle à la fin du XVI siècle

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    [fre] Résumé . En posant la question de la vision du langage personnel à la fin du XVIe siècle, cet article étudie les quatre traductions de La guerre des Gaules que l'érudit Blaise de Vigenère publie entre 1575 et 1589. À l'époque moderne, ce texte de César est l'un des grands modèles de l'écriture mémorialiste et la manière dont Vigenère le conçoit transparaît non seulement dans les modifications qu'il apporte à ses traductions, mais également dans les textes d'escorte (dédicaces, préfaces, adresses au lecteur, annotations) qu'il adjoint au récit de l'imperator. L'étude de ces quatre versions démontre que, pour cet érudit, la parole de César est à la fois transparente et séman- tiquement opaque, et il apparaît dès lors que, dans le système vigérien, cette parole, et plus généralement le discours personnel, relèvent largement du poétique. [eng] Abstract . With a view to studying how personal discourses are understood at the end of the XVIth century, this article focuses on the four translations of the Commentarii published by Blaise de Vigenère between 1575 and 1589. Julius Caesar's text is one of the models for live-writing in the XVI-XVIIth centuries, and Vigenère 's understanding of the latter is conveyed through the revisions made to his translation and also through the paratext (dedications, prefaces, reader notices, and annotations). For Vigenère, Caesar's text is both transparent and opaque, which tends to show that the discourse of the imperator and personal writing in general pertain mostly to poetics.

    Florence Greffe, José Lothe, La vie, les livres et les lectures de Pierre de L'Estoile. Nouvelles Recherches

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    Lagrée Marie-Clarté. Florence Greffe, José Lothe, La vie, les livres et les lectures de Pierre de L'Estoile. Nouvelles Recherches. In: Histoire, économie et société, 2005, 24ᵉ année, n°3. La femme dans la ville : clôtures choisies, clôtures imposées, sous la direction de Anne Bonzon et Philippe Guignet. pp. 447-448

    Construire et diffuser une figure idéale par les Mémoires : l’exemple du pasteur huguenot Pierre Du Moulin dans la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle

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    We know of two versions of a singular memoir by the Huguenot pastor Pierre Du Moulin (1568–1658): one was published in the nineteenth century and the other is still in manuscript form. Each was written during a different period of the seventeenth century, and while these are the works of Du Moulin, the manuscripts are not in his handwriting. This article analyzes the idealized figure of the pastor that these versions formed and disseminated in France and in other countries where the Protestants had taken refuge. The study of these two versions of the memoir illustrates how gradually the exemplary figure of both a pastor and a believer was created. The comparison of the text reveals that this process of idealization was reinforced from one text to the other, thus linking the policy of repression carried out by the French monarchy, which reached its climax with the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. It also shows the process of identity and memory building being carried out within the Huguenot community at the end of the seventeenth century.On connaît à ce jour deux versions des Mémoires du pasteur huguenot Pierre Du Moulin (1568–1658), l’une publiée au XIXe siècle et l’autre restée manuscrite. Toutes deux datent de la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle et ne sont pas autographes. Cet article analyse l’image idéale du pasteur qu’elles ont façonnée et diffusée en France et dans certains pays du Refuge. En effet, l’étude de ces deux manuscrits permet de voir comment la figure exemplaire d’un pasteur, et plus largement d’un croyant, a progressivement été forgée. La comparaison des récits révèle que l’entreprise d’idéalisation se renforce d’un texte à l’autre, ce qui doit être mis en relation avec la politique de répression menée par le pouvoir royal, dont le point culminant fut la révocation de l’édit de Nantes en 1685, et aussi avec le travail de construction mémorielle et identitaire qui a été réalisé au sein la communauté huguenote à la fin du XVIIe siècle

    Construire et diffuser une figure idéale par les Mémoires : l’exemple du pasteur huguenot Pierre Du Moulin dans la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle

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    On connaît à ce jour deux versions des Mémoires du pasteur huguenot Pierre Du Moulin (1568–1658), l’une publiée au XIXe siècle et l’autre restée manuscrite. Toutes deux datent de la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle et ne sont pas autographes. Cet article analyse l’image idéale du pasteur qu’elles ont façonnée et diffusée en France et dans certains pays du Refuge. En effet, l’étude de ces deux manuscrits permet de voir comment la figure exemplaire d’un pasteur, et plus largement d’un croyant, a progressivement été forgée. La comparaison des récits révèle que l’entreprise d’idéalisation se renforce d’un texte à l’autre, ce qui doit être mis en relation avec la politique de répression menée par le pouvoir royal, dont le point culminant fut la révocation de l’édit de Nantes en 1685, et aussi avec le travail de construction mémorielle et identitaire qui a été réalisé au sein la communauté huguenote à la fin du XVIIe siècle.We know of two versions of a singular memoir by the Huguenot pastor Pierre Du Moulin (1568–1658): one was published in the nineteenth century and the other is still in manuscript form. Each was written during a different period of the seventeenth century, and while these are the works of Du Moulin, the manuscripts are not in his handwriting. This article analyzes the idealized figure of the pastor that these versions formed and disseminated in France and in other countries where the Protestants had taken refuge. The study of these two versions of the memoir illustrates how gradually the exemplary figure of both a pastor and a believer was created. The comparison of the text reveals that this process of idealization was reinforced from one text to the other, thus linking the policy of repression carried out by the French monarchy, which reached its climax with the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. It also shows the process of identity and memory building being carried out within the Huguenot community at the end of the seventeenth century