525 research outputs found

    Investigation of new semiinsulating behavior of III-V compounds

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    The investigation of defect interactions and properties related to semiinsulating behavior of III-V semiconductors resulted in about twenty original publications, six doctoral thesis, one masters thesis and numerous conference presentations. The studies of new compensation mechanisms involving transition metal impurities have defined direct effects associated with deep donor/acceptor levels acting as compensating centers. Electrical and optical properties of vanadium and titanium levels were determined in GaAs, InP and also in ternary compounds InGaAs. The experimental data provided basis for the verification of chemical trends and the VRBE method. They also defined compositional range for III-V mixed crystals whereby semiinsulating behavior can be achieved using transition elements deep levels and a suitable codoping with shallow donor/acceptor impurities

    Crystal growth of device quality GaAs in space

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    Experimental and theoretical efforts in the development of crystal growth approaches, effective techniques for electronic characterization on a macro and microscale, and in the discovery of phenomena and processes relevant to GaAs device applications are reported. The growth of electron trap-free bulk GaAS with extremely low density of dislocations is described. In electroepitaxy, growth configuration which eliminates the substrate back-contact was developed. This configuration can be extended to the simultaneous growth on many substrates with a thin solution layer sandwiched between any two of them. The significant reduction of Joule heating effects in the configuration made it possible to realize the in situ measurement of the layer thickness and the growth velocity. Utilizing the advantages of electroepitaxy in achieving abrupt acceleration (or deceleration) of the growth it was shown that recombination centers are formed as a result of growth acceleration

    Crystal growth of device quality GaAs in space

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    It was established that the findings on elemental semiconductors Ge and Si regarding crystal growth, segregation, chemical composition, defect interactions, and materials properties-electronic properties relationships are not necessarily applicable to GaAs (and to other semiconductor compounds). In many instances totally unexpected relationships were found to prevail. It was further established that in compound semiconductors with a volatile constituent, control of stoichiometry is far more critical than any other crystal growth parameter. It was also shown that, due to suppression of nonstoichiometric fluctuations, the advantages of space for growth of semiconductor compounds extend far beyond those observed in elemental semiconductors. A novel configuration was discovered for partial confinement of GaAs melt in space which overcomes the two major problems associated with growth of semiconductors in total confinement. They are volume expansion during solidification and control of pressure of the volatile constituent. These problems are discussed in detail

    Growth of GaAs crystals from the melt in a partially confined configuration

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    The experimental approach was directed along two main goals: (1) the implementation of an approach to melt growth in a partially confined configuration; and (2) the investigation of point defect interaction and electronic characteristics as related to thermal treatment following solidification and stoichiometry. Significant progress was made along both fronts. Crystal growth of GaAs in triangular ampuls was already carried out successfully and consistent with the model. In fact, pronounced surface tension phenomena which cannot be observed in ordinary confinement system were identified and should premit the assessment of Maragoni effects prior to space processing. Regarding thermal treatment, it was discovered that the rate of cooling from elevated temperatures is primarily responsible for a whole class of defect interactions affecting the electronic characteristics of GaAs and that stoichiometry plays a critical role in the quality of GaAs

    Crystal growth of device quality GaAs in space

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    The program on Crystal Growth of Device Quality GaAs in Space was initiated in 1977. The initial stage covering 1977 to 1984 was devoted strictly to ground-based research. By 1985 the program had evolved into its next logical stage aimed at space growth experiments; however, since the Challenger disaster, the program has been maintained as a ground-based program awaiting activation of experimentation in space. The overall prgram has produced some 80 original scientific publications on GaAs crystal growth, crystal characterization, and new approaches to space processing. Publication completed in the last three years are listed. Their key results are outlined and discussed in the twelve publications included as part of the report

    Crystal growth of device quality GaAs in space

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    The apparatus and techniques used in effort to determine the relationships between crystal growth and electronic properties are described with emphasis on electroepitaxy and melt-grown gallium aresenide crystal. Applications of deep level transient spectroscopy, derivative photocapitance spectroscopy, and SEM-cathodoluminescene in characterizing wide bandgap semiconductors; determining photoionization in MOS, Schottky barriers, and p-n junctions; and for identifying inhomogeneities are examined, as well as the compensation of indium phosphide

    Crystal growth of device quality GaAs in space

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    GaAs device technology has recently reached a new phase of rapid advancement, made possible by the improvement of the quality of GaAs bulk crystals. At the same time, the transition to the next generation of GaAs integrated circuits and optoelectronic systems for commercial and government applications hinges on new quantum steps in three interrelated areas: crystal growth, device processing and device-related properties and phenomena. Special emphasis is placed on the establishment of quantitative relationships among crystal growth parameters-material properties-electronic properties and device applications. The overall program combines studies of crystal growth on novel approaches to engineering of semiconductor material (i.e., GaAs and related compounds); investigation and correlation of materials properties and electronic characteristics on a macro- and microscale; and investigation of electronic properties and phenomena controlling device applications and device performance

    Present status of GaAs

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    An extensive literature survey on GaAs was carried out for the period December 31, 1970, to December 31, 1977. The increasing interest in GaAs device structures increased steadily during that period. The leading research and development centers and the specific areas of interest were identified. A workshop on GaAs was held in November 1977 to assess the present status of melt-grown GaAs and the existing needs for reliable chemical, structural, and electronic characterization methods. It was concluded that the present available bulk GaAs crystals are of poor quality and that GaAs technology is lagging demonstrated or potentially feasible GaAs devices and systems