64 research outputs found

    The Cause of All Nations: An International History of the Civil War

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    The American Civil War in Its Transnational Dimension In recent years, scholarship on the transnational history of the American Civil War has increased in scope and significance. Partly following in the footsteps of transnational historians such as Thomas Bender, Ian Tyrrell, and Carl Guar...

    The South, the Nation, and the World: Perspectives on Southern Economic Development

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    The American South and the market Two scholars take on economic history Both David Carlton and Peter Coclanis are well-known experts in the economic history of the American South, though with different areas of specialization. Carlton has researched extensively on southern indust...

    Slavery And War In The Americas: Race, Citizenship, And State Building In The United States And Brazil, 1861-1870

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    A Novel Comparative Perspective on the American Civil War Placing the American Civil War in its international dimension has now become common in courses, papers, and conferences, thanks to an increasingly larger body of scholarship -- epitomized by Don Doyle, The Cause of All Nations (2015)...

    Patriarcalismo e paternalismo no Sul dos Estados Unidos antebellum e no Mezzogiorno italiano oitocentista: uma comparação entre proprietários de escravos e terratenentes

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    Na primeira metade do século XIX, as visões de mundo dos senhores de escravos norte-americanos e dos proprietários rurais do sul da Itália incluíam elementos comparáveis de duas ideologias distintas : o patriarcalismo, mais conservadora, baseada na deferência e obediência, e o paternalismo, mais progressista, baseada na reciprocidade e em relações contratuais. Ambas as ideologias justificavam a exploração implacável dos trabalhadores agrícolas, não obstante terem assumido diferentes conformações por conta da presença da escravidão nos Estados Unidos e sua ausência na Itália.In the first half of the nineteenth century, the worldviews of American slaveholders and southern Italian landowners included comparable elements of two different ideologies : patriarchalism, more conservative and based on deference and obedience, and paternalism, more progressive and based on reciprocity and contractual relationships. Both ideologies justified the elites, ruthless exploitation of agrarian labourers, even though this assumed different features due to the presence of slavery in the U.S.A. and its absence in Italy

    Mapping Diversity in Milan - Historical Approaches to Urban Immigration

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    Emancipation from Slavery and Serfdom, and Land Rights. The Americas and Eastern Europe Compared

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    A comparative study of the complex processes of emancipation in the Americas and Eastern Europe shows that, in both cases, the established governments were the main agents that decreed the end of unfree labour, with the single exception represented by the case of the Haitian Revolution. As a result, in most cases, the governments’ provisions were conservative in conception and practice and tended to safeguard the interests of slaveholders and serfowners, rather than those of slaves and serfs, by providing the former with some type of compensation for their loss in capital and by keeping the latter in some transitional form of coerced labour before the achievement of their full free status. Here,the exception was the 1863 United States Emancipation Proclamation, which declared African American slaves immediately free and with no compensation for slaveholders, with some similarities with Brazil’s 1888 Golden Law. In the case of the ex-slaves’ and the ex-serfs’ rights to own land, however, all the governments enacting emancipation acted in remarkably similar ways, by providing no avenues for the liberated labourers’ immediate acquisition of landed property, and thus effectively preventing the formation of landed peasantries out of the newly freed populations of the Americas and Eastern Europe for many decades
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