11 research outputs found

    Morphology of Polymer Brushes in the Presence of Attractive Nanoparticles: Effects of Temperature

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    We study the role of temperature on the structure of pure polymer brushes and their mixture with attractive nanoparticles in flat and cylindrical geometries. It has previously been established that the addition of such nanoparticles causes the polymer brush to collapse and the intensity of the collapse depends on the attraction strength, the nanoparticle diameter, and the grafting density. In this work, we carry out molecular dynamics simulation under good solvent conditions to show how the collapse transition is affected by the temperature, for both plane grafted and inside-cylinder grafted brushes. We first examine the pure brush morphology and verify that the brush height is insensitive to temperature changes in both planar and cylindrical geometries, as expected for a polymer brush in a good solvent. On the other hand, for both system geometries, the brush structure in the presence of attractive nanoparticles is quite responsive to temperature changes. Generally speaking, for a given nanoparticle concentration, increasing the temperature causes the brush height to increase. A brush which contracts when nanoparticles are added eventually swells beyond its pure brush height as the system temperature is increased. The combination of two easily controlled external parameters, namely, concentration of nanoparticles in solution and temperature, allows for sensitive and reversible adjustment of the polymer brush height, a feature which could be exploited in designing smart polymer devices

    Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Coarse-grained Proteins in Implicit Solvent

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    Current approaches aimed at determining the free energy surface of all-atom medium-size proteins in explicit solvent are slow and are not sufficient to converge to equilibrium properties. To ensure a proper sampling of the configurational space, it is preferable to use reduced representations such as implicit solvent and/or coarse-grained protein models, which are much lighter computationally. Each model must be verified, however, to ensure that it can recover experimental structures and thermodynamics. Here we test the coarse-grained implicit solvent OPEP model with replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) on six peptides ranging in length from 10 to 28 residues: two alanine-based peptides, the second!-hairpin from protein G, the Trp-cage and zinc-finger motif, and a dimer of a coiled coil peptide. We show that REMD-OPEP recovers the proper thermodynamics of the systems studied, with accurate structural description of the!-hairpin and Trp-cage peptides (within 1-2 Å from experiments). The light computational burden of REMD-OPEP, which enables us to generate many hundred nanoseconds at each temperature and fully assess convergence to equilibrium ensemble, opens the door to the determination of the free energy surface of larger proteins and assemblies. I

    Distinct Dimerization for Various Alloforms of the Amyloid-Beta Protein: Aβ<sub>1–40</sub>, Aβ<sub>1–42</sub>, and Aβ<sub>1–40</sub>(D23N)

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    The Amyloid-beta protein is related to Alzheimer’s disease, and various experiments have shown that oligomers as small as the dimer are cytotoxic. Two alloforms are mainly produced: Aβ<sub>1–40</sub> and Aβ<sub>1–42</sub>. They have very different oligomer distributions, and it was recently suggested, from experimental studies, that this variation may originate from structural differences in their dimer structures. Little structural information is available on the Aβ dimer, however, and to complement experimental observations, we simulated the folding of the wild-type Aβ<sub>1–40</sub> and Aβ<sub>1–42</sub> dimers as well as the mutated Aβ<sub>1–40</sub>(D23N) dimer using an accurate coarse-grained force field coupled to Hamiltonian-temperature replica exchange molecular dynamics. The D23N variant impedes the salt-bridge formation between D23 and K28 seen in the wild-type Aβ, leading to very different fibrillation properties and final amyloid fibrils. Our results show that the Aβ<sub>1–42</sub> dimer has a higher propensity than the Aβ<sub>1–40</sub> dimer to form β-strands at the central hydrophobic core (residues 17–21) and at the C-terminal (residues 30–42), which are two segments crucial to the oligomerization of Aβ. The free energy landscape of the Aβ<sub>1–42</sub> dimer is also broader and more complex than that of the Aβ<sub>1–40</sub> dimer. Interestingly, D23N also impacts the free energy landscape by increasing the population of configurations with higher β-strand propensities when compared against Aβ<sub>40</sub>. In addition, while Aβ<sub>1–40</sub>(D23N) displays a higher β-strand propensity at the C-terminal, its solvent accessibility does not change with respect to the wild-type sequence. Overall, our results show the strong impact of the two amino acids Ile41-Ala42 and the salt-bridge D23–K28 on the folding of the Aβ dimer