225 research outputs found

    Carbonation of indoor concrete : measurements of depths and degrees of carbonation

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    Sexsomni: ett frikort för vÄldtÀktsmÀn? - Undersökning av den rÀttsliga hanteringen vid invÀndning om att vÄldtÀkt begÄtts i sovande tillstÄnd.

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    Lagstiftningen, normerna och prövningen av vĂ„ldtĂ€kt Ă€r ett stĂ€ndigt debatterat och undersökt Ă€mne. Denna uppsats ska dock frĂ„ngĂ„ de vanliga inriktningarna och istĂ€llet undersöka ett fe-nomen som mer och mer tar över nyhetsrapporteringen kring vĂ„ldtĂ€kt, ett fenomen dĂ€r varken forskning eller rĂ€ttsapparat verkar ha hĂ€ngt med i utvecklingen. Fenomenet Ă€r sexsomni: att under sömngĂ„ng företa sexuella handlingar i sömnen. Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att undersöka fenomenet sexsomni i relation till straffrĂ€tten och de grunder för ansvarsfrihet som finns i Sverige. Att undersöka om invĂ€ndningen om sexsomni blivit ett ”frikort” för vĂ„ldtĂ€ktsmĂ€n eller om det Ă€r ett reellt problem med en rimlig och rĂ€ttsenlig hantering. Undersökningen avslutas med att utifrĂ„n ett kritiskt genusrĂ€ttsvetenskapligt perspektiv föra en diskussion kring huruvida regleringen och hanteringen av fenomenet Ă€r önskvĂ€rd eller om det finns behov av förbĂ€ttring och förĂ€ndring. Undersökningen, som bl.a. grundas pĂ„ vĂ„ldtĂ€ktslagstiftningen, aktuell doktrin samt praxis, visade pĂ„ en till viss del otillfredsstĂ€llande hantering av invĂ€ndningen och pĂ„ tendenser att okunskapen kring fenomenet utnyttjas som ett ”frikort”. En gĂ€rningsman kan, trots vetskapen om sin sexsomni och trots flera tidigare episoder, utsĂ€tta sitt offer för risken att det hĂ€nder igen. NĂ€r vĂ„ldtĂ€kten sedan förövas kan gĂ€rningsmannen, trots denna medvetna oaktsamhet, inte hĂ„llas ansvarig och kvinnans rĂ€ttstrygghet Ă€ventyras. Kunskapsbristen pĂ„ omrĂ„det gör vidare att det Ă€r svĂ„rt att avfĂ€rda gĂ€rningsmannens invĂ€ndning om sexsomni som en orimlig alternativ hypotes. Vidare gör kunskapsbristen att det nĂ€stan Ă€r omöjligt för Ă„klagaren att be-visa att gĂ€rningsmannen var vaken, nĂ€r personen sjĂ€lv hĂ€vdar motsatsen. Detta, tillsammans med andra faktorer, gör att hantering av sexsomni Ă€r osĂ€kert ur sĂ„vĂ€l rĂ€tts-sĂ€kerhets- som rĂ€ttstrygghetsperspektiv. Det finns tendenser som tyder pĂ„ att vĂ„ldtĂ€ktsmĂ€n ”skyller pĂ„â€ sexsomni dĂ„ man insett att det Ă€r ett hĂ„llbart försvar, vilket bl.a. leder till att de som faktiskt lider av sexsomni och inte kan klandras för ett medvetet risktagande riskerar att felaktigt dömas för vĂ„ldtĂ€kt. Uppsatsens avslutande del behandlar förslag pĂ„ förĂ€ndringar som eventuellt skulle kunna motverka bristfĂ€lligheterna vid hanteringen av sexsomni. Bl.a. diskuteras en eventuellt om-placerad bevisbörda, dĂ€r bevisbördan vid invĂ€ndningar av det hĂ€r slaget istĂ€llet ska ligga pĂ„ försvaret. Detta dĂ„ en partisk försvarare och Ă„talad vĂ„ldtĂ€ktsman, tillskillnad frĂ„n objektiva Ă„klagare och poliser, torde ha större intresse av att samla information och genom bl.a. förhör med sakkunniga se till att utredningen blir tillrĂ€ckligt fullgod. Utöver det diskuteras införan-det av ett oaktsamhetsrekvisit i vĂ„ldtĂ€ktslagstiftningen. Ett oaktsamhetsrekvisit skulle göra att gĂ€rningsmĂ€nnen och personer med sexsomni tvingas vidta Ă„tgĂ€rder mot sitt problem för att inte riskera att p.g.a. sin oaktsamhet bli dömd för vĂ„ldtĂ€kt. Vidare analyseras den eventuella anledningen till att det finns oaktsamma alternativ i mĂ„nga andra vĂ„ldsbrott men inte i vĂ„ldtĂ€ktsbrottet. HĂ€r kommer analysen in pĂ„ den ojĂ€mna köns- och maktfördelningen i vĂ„ldtĂ€kts-brottet och brottets manliga dominans. Även synen pĂ„ sex som nĂ„got i grunden positivt och inte i sig klandervĂ€rt diskuteras. Avslutningsvis kan sĂ€gas kunskapsbrist Ă€r den största kĂ€llan till problem i relation till invĂ€ndningar om sexsomni. För att överhuvudtaget komma underfund med problemen krĂ€vs sĂ„ledes kvalificerad forskning och ökad förstĂ„else.The legislation, norms and the judicial proceedings of rape are a constantly debated and re-searched topic. This essay will, however, deviate from the usual approaches of the topic. In this essay I will study the phenomenon “sexsomnia”. Sexsomnia is a sexual behaviour that occurs during sleep. The purpose of this essay is to examine the phenomenon of sexsomnia in relation to criminal law and legal grounds for relieve of accountability in Sweden. To examine whether the sexsomnia-defence has become a “free pass” for rapists or if there is a real problem and there-fore a lawful defence. The study concludes with a discussion on whether the regulation and management of sexsomnia is desirable or whether there is need for improvement and changes. This discussion is based on the perspective of a critical gender legal study. The study is based on rape legislation, doctrine and court practice. It revealed a partly unsatisfactory management of the sexsomnia-defence and showed that ignorance regarding sexsomnia is utilized as a free pass. An offender can, despite knowing the risk of sleep sex, and de-spite several earlier episodes, subjecting his victim to the risk of rape. When the rape later on is perpetrated the offender may not be held responsible and the women’s security before the law is compromised. Furthermore, the lack of knowledge in the field causes difficulties to dismiss the offender’s sexsomnia-defence as an unreasonable alternative hypothesis. In addition, the lack of knowledge makes it almost impossible for the prosecutor to prove that the offender was awake, when the offender claims to the contrary. This, among other factors, makes the management of sexsomnia uncertain from legal security perspectives and from security before the law perspectives. There are trends indicating that rapists unfounded “blames” on sexsomnia, because they have realized that it is a sustainable defence. This leads to those actually suffering from sexsomnia risk being wrongly convicted of rape. The essays final section addresses proposals for changes that potentially could counteract the deficiencies in the management of sexsomnia. Inter alia discussed a possible reassigned bur-den of proof, where the burden of proof in defences of this nature should be on the defence counsel. This is appropriate since a partial defender and an accused rapist would have a great-er interest to collect information and inter alia interviews with experts ensure that the investigation will be sufficiently adequate. Unlike impartial prosecutors and polices. Furthermore the introduction of negligence as a necessary condition in the rape legalisation is discussed. Such would force offenders and people with sexsomnia to act against their problem to avoid being convicted of rape due to their negligence. A discussion is also conducted regarding the reason why there is a negligent alternative in many violent crimes but not for the crime of rape. Here, the analysis addresses the uneven gender- and power distribution in the crime of rape, and the male domination of the crime. Additionally the perception of sex as something fundamentally positive and not in itself reprehensible is discussed. In conclusion, lack of knowledge is the biggest source of problems in relation to sexsomnia-defences. Really, to come to grips with the problems thus requires qualified research and in-creased understanding

    LĂ€robok i geografi

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    Juridiken – suverĂ€n och verklighetsfrĂ„nvĂ€nd? - En undersökning om huruvida terapeutisk juridik borde influera det svenska rĂ€ttssystemet i allmĂ€nhet och sexualbrottsprocessen i synnerhet.

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    Sexualbrottsoffer vĂ„gar inte anmĂ€la det dem utsatts för, inte av rĂ€dsla för förövaren utan av rĂ€dsla för sjĂ€lva processen. Juridiken ses som en egen suverĂ€n organisation, frĂ„nskild verklighetens problem och individer. NĂ€r brottsoffret vĂ€l anmĂ€ler och gĂ„r in i denna rĂ€ttsliga bubbla, Ă€r det inte offrets verkliga behov och rĂ€ttigheter som Ă€r styrande för processen. IstĂ€llet anvĂ€nds sexualbrottsoffer/mĂ„lsĂ€ganden framför allt för andra Ă€ndamĂ„l. De rĂ€ttsliga regleringar som finns syftar alltsĂ„ inte till att frĂ€mja mĂ„lsĂ€gandens rĂ€ttigheter och behov, utan istĂ€llet det övergripande syftet att beivra brott. Med ovanstĂ„ende presentation som grund och drivkraft Ă€r syftet med arbetet att kritiskt granska dagens rĂ€ttssystem i allmĂ€nhet och straffprocessen för sexualbrott i synnerhet. Detta genomförs utifrĂ„n genusrĂ€ttsvetenskapligt arbetssĂ€tt och med anlĂ€ggandet av ett kritiskt genusrĂ€ttsvetenskapligt perspektiv. För att minska glappet mellan juridiken och verkligheten anvĂ€nds terapeutisk juridik som teoretisk utgĂ„ngspunkt. Kortfattat kan sĂ€gas att terapeutisk juridik ser juridiken som en form av social konfliktlösning, dĂ€r samhĂ€llsvetenskapliga rön Ă€r nödvĂ€ndiga. Terapeutisk juridik Ă€r inte tĂ€nkt att ersĂ€tta dagens traditionella system, utan som en kompletterande approach som gör att rĂ€tten kan studeras och tillĂ€mpas pĂ„ ett rikare sĂ€tt. Arbetets frĂ„gestĂ€llningar syftar till att, utifrĂ„n det ovan anförda, dels klargöra dagens situation för sexualbrottsoffer i Sverige, dels presentera, analysera och tillĂ€mpa terapeutisk juridik. Arbetet visar pĂ„ att brottsofferfrĂ„gor har fĂ„tt ökat intresse de senaste decennierna. Det verkar dock som att denna politiska uppmĂ€rksamhet har falska drivkrafter. Politikerna tvingades agera i brottsofferfrĂ„gorna, dĂ„ samhĂ€llet (genom viktimologin och feministiska rörelser) hade mobiliserat sig. DĂ€rav blev de praktiska lösningar i processen ett sĂ€tt att stilla hungern hos allmĂ€nheten, men innebar inte direkt nĂ„gon ökad möjlighet till upprĂ€ttelse för mĂ„lsĂ€ganden. Arbetets analys och tillĂ€mpning av terapeutisk juridik visar att rĂ€ttssystemet har mycket att vinna pĂ„ en sĂ„dan kompletterande approach. De samhĂ€llsvetenskapliga rönen Ă€r absolut nödvĂ€ndiga för hanteringen av de sociala och mĂ€nskliga konflikter juridiken Ă€r Ă€mnad att hantera. Arbetets slutsats Ă€r att terapeutisk juridik bör bli en del av det svenska rĂ€ttssystemet. Vidare bör terapeutisk juridik integreras i hela systemet med tydligt fokus pĂ„ den juridiska utbildningen. De vĂ€rden som idag genomsyrar juridiken och utbildningen (sĂ„som yttre belöningar, konkret fakta och lagtekniska lösningar) behöver kompletteras av en social och emotionell dimension. Juridiken handhar mĂ€nskliga konflikter och mĂ„ste Ă„terigen förankras i samhĂ€llet. Den terapeutiska juridiken Ă€r vĂ€l lĂ€mpad för detta Ă€ndamĂ„l. Den terapeutiska juridiken kan alltsĂ„ fungera som en brygga mellan den teknokratiska juridiken och den sociala verkligheten. Vidare gör det att brottsoffers verkliga behov kan synliggöras och prioriteras. Bemötandet och förhörsteknikerna kan dĂ„ anpassas för att pĂ„ bĂ€sta sĂ€tt fĂ„ terapeutiska effekter. Genom detta kan offret göras till överlevare och dessutom ökar förutsĂ€ttningarna för den rĂ€ttsliga prövningen i stort. DĂ€rutöver kan den terapeutiska juridikens analys synliggöra de strukturella och bakomliggande problemen i konflikterna, vilket i sin tur gör att lagstiftningen och rĂ€ttssystemet pĂ„ ett mer trĂ€ffsĂ€kert sĂ€tt kan utformas för att motverka konflikternas uppkomst. Terapeutisk juridik verkar sĂ„ledes bĂ„de pĂ„ mikro- och makronivĂ„ och kan fungera bĂ„de reparativt och proaktivt. Arbetet Ă€r till viss del utmanande. I ett förĂ€ndringsarbete Ă€r det dock nödvĂ€ndigt att först utmana och ifrĂ„gasĂ€tta det rĂ„dande, för att sedan göra plats för och/eller legitimera förĂ€ndringen. Juridiken Ă€r generellt sĂ€tt konservativ och formell, det stĂ„r fortfarande i lagboken att domaren Ă€r guds befallningsman. Det Ă€r i hög tid att den traditionella synen pĂ„ juridik utmanas och ifrĂ„gasĂ€tts. Juridiken mĂ„ste förankras i samhĂ€llet och i de sociala och mĂ€nskliga konflikter den hanterar. Arbetet Ă€mnar att bidra till detta.Victims of sexual crime do not dare to report the assault they were subjected to, not for fear of the perpetrator but for fear of the criminal process itself. The legal system is seen as a sovereign organization, out of touch with the reality, and out of touch with the problems and individuals of the society. If, however, the victim reports the crime and through that enters this legal bubble, it is not the real needs and rights of the victim that govern the process. Instead, victims of sexual crimes/plaintiffs are used primarily for other purposes. The existing legal regulations are therefore not intended to promote the rights and needs of the victim, but rather the overall crime targeting purpose. The above presentation has been the basis and the driving force of the work, from which the purpose has been defined. The purpose of the work is to critically review today’s Swedish legal system in general, and the criminal proceedings in sexual offenses in particular. The study is conducted from a critical gender perspective. In order to reduce the gap between law and reality, Therapeutic Jurisprudence, is used as the theoretical starting point. Briefly, it can be said that Therapeutic Jurisprudence is an interdisciplinary scholarship, which sees the law as a form of social conflict resolution. In this work, the law is in need of behavioural and social sciences. Therapeutic Jurisprudence is not meant to replace today’s traditional system, instead it is meant as a complementary approach that will allow the study and application of the law to be broadened. The research questions aim to clarify, on the basis of the above stated, the current situation of victims of sexual crimes in Sweden, as well as presenting, analysing and applying Therapeutic Jurisprudence. The study shows that victims of crime have gained interest in the last decades. However, it seems that this political attention has insincere inducements. When society (through victimology and feminist movements) had mobilised on the issue of victim’s right, the politicians were forced to act. Hence, the practical solutions in the criminal process became a means of satisfy the public, but did not directly imply any increased opportunity for vindication for the victims. The analysis and application of Therapeutic Jurisprudence shows that the legal system has a lot to gain from this additional approach. The behavioural and social sciences are absolutely necessary in order to deal with the social and human conflicts. The conflicts that the legal system is intended to manage. In conclusion, the study concludes that Therapeutic Jurisprudence should become part of the Swedish legal system. Furthermore, Therapeutic Jurisprudence should be integrated throughout the system with a clear focus on education. The values that today are dominating the law and education (such as external rewards, concrete fact and law-technological solutions) need to be complemented by a social and emotional dimension. The legal system handles human conflicts and must therefore be rooted in society. Therapeutic Jurisprudence is well suited for this purpose. Therapeutic Jurisprudence can thus serve as a bridge between technocratic law and social reality. Additionally, the real needs of victims can be exposed and prioritised. The counselling and interrogation techniques can then be adapted to get the best therapeutic effects. Through this, the victim can be made to survivors and, moreover, the conditions for the legal proceedings in general will be improved. In addition, the analysis of Therapeutic Jurisprudence can highlight the structural and underlying problems of the conflicts, which in turn allows the legal system to be more accurately designed to prevent conflicts from occurring. Therapeutic Jurisprudence thus acts on both a micro and macro level and can work both reparative and proactive. This thesis is to some extent challenging. In a chancing process, however, it is necessary to first challenge and question the prevailing, in order to accommodate and/or legitimise the change. The legal system is generally conservative and formal; there are still phrases in the Swedish legislation that the judge is God’s ruler. It is appropriate that the traditional view of the law and legal system is being challenged and questioned. The legal system must be rooted in the society and in the social and human conflicts it manages. This thesis aims to contribute to this

    A Model Framework to Estimate Impact and Cost of Genetics-Based Sterile Insect Methods for Dengue Vector Control

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    Vector-borne diseases impose enormous health and economic burdens and additional methods to control vector populations are clearly needed. The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) has been successful against agricultural pests, but is not in large-scale use for suppressing or eliminating mosquito populations. Genetic RIDL technology (Release of Insects carrying a Dominant Lethal) is a proposed modification that involves releasing insects that are homozygous for a repressible dominant lethal genetic construct rather than being sterilized by irradiation, and could potentially overcome some technical difficulties with the conventional SIT technology. Using the arboviral disease dengue as an example, we combine vector population dynamics and epidemiological models to explore the effect of a program of RIDL releases on disease transmission. We use these to derive a preliminary estimate of the potential cost-effectiveness of vector control by applying estimates of the costs of SIT. We predict that this genetic control strategy could eliminate dengue rapidly from a human community, and at lower expense (approximately US2∌30percaseaverted)thanthedirectandindirectcostsofdisease(meanUS 2∌30 per case averted) than the direct and indirect costs of disease (mean US 86–190 per case of dengue). The theoretical framework has wider potential use; by appropriately adapting or replacing each component of the framework (entomological, epidemiological, vector control bio-economics and health economics), it could be applied to other vector-borne diseases or vector control strategies and extended to include other health interventions

    Maantiedon oppikirja

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    Maantiedon oppikirja

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    LisÀpainokset: 4. p. 1899

    An Optimization-LCA of a Prestressed Concrete Precast Bridge

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    [EN] The construction sector is one of the most active sectors, with a high economic, environmental and social impact. For this reason, the sustainable design of structures and buildings is a trend that must be followed. Bridges are one of the most important structures in the construction sector, as their construction and maintenance are crucial to achieve and retain the best transport between different places. Nowadays, the choice of bridge design depends on the initial economic criterion but other criteria should be considered to assess the environmental and social aspects. Furthermore, for a correct choice, the influence of these criteria during the bridge life-cycle must be taken into account. This study aims to analyse the life-cycle environmental impact of efficient structures from the economic point of view. Life-cycle assessment process is used to obtain all the environmental information about bridges. In this paper, a prestressed concrete precast bridge is cost-optimized and afterwards, the life-cycle assessment is carried out to achieve the environmental information about the bridge.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, along with FEDER funding (Project: BIA2017-85098-R).Penadés-Plà, V.; García-Segura, T.; Martí Albiñana, JV.; Yepes, V. (2018). An Optimization-LCA of a Prestressed Concrete Precast Bridge. Sustainability. 10(3):685-1-685-17. doi:10.3390/su10030685S685-1685-1710

    Contraction of the Ventral Abdomen Potentiates Extracardiac Retrograde Hemolymph Propulsion in the Mosquito Hemocoel

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    BACKGROUND: Hemolymph circulation in mosquitoes is primarily controlled by the contractile action of a dorsal vessel that runs underneath the dorsal midline and is subdivided into a thoracic aorta and an abdominal heart. Wave-like peristaltic contractions of the heart alternate in propelling hemolymph in anterograde and retrograde directions, where it empties into the hemocoel at the terminal ends of the insect. During our analyses of hemolymph propulsion in Anopheles gambiae, we observed periodic ventral abdominal contractions and hypothesized that they promote extracardiac hemolymph circulation in the abdominal hemocoel. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We devised methods to simultaneously analyze both heart and abdominal contractions, as well as to measure hemolymph flow in the abdominal hemocoel. Qualitative and quantitative analyses revealed that ventral abdominal contractions occur as series of bursts that propagate in the retrograde direction. Periods of ventral abdominal contraction begin only during periods of anterograde heart contraction and end immediately following a heartbeat directional reversal, suggesting that ventral abdominal contractions function to propel extracardiac hemolymph in the retrograde direction. To test this functional role, fluorescent microspheres were intrathoracically injected and their trajectory tracked throughout the hemocoel. Quantitative measurements of microsphere movement in extracardiac regions of the abdominal cavity showed that during periods of abdominal contractions hemolymph flows in dorsal and retrograde directions at a higher velocity and with greater acceleration than during periods of abdominal rest. Histochemical staining of the abdominal musculature then revealed that ventral abdominal contractions result from the contraction of intrasegmental lateral muscle fibers, intersegmental ventral muscle bands, and the ventral transverse muscles that form the ventral diaphragm. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data show that abdominal contractions potentiate extracardiac retrograde hemolymph propulsion in the abdominal hemocoel during periods of anterograde heart flow

    Life-Cycle Assessment: A Comparison between Two Optimal Post-Tensioned Concrete Box-Girder Road Bridges

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    [EN] The goal of sustainability involves a consensus among economic, environmental and social factors. Due to climate change, environmental concerns have increased in society. The construction sector is among the most active high environmental impact sectors. This paper proposes new features to consider a more detailed life-cycle assessment (LCA) of reinforced or prestressed concrete structures. Besides, this study carries out a comparison between two optimal posttensioned concrete box-girder road bridges with different maintenance scenarios. ReCiPe method is used to carry out the life-cycle assessment. The midpoint approach shows a complete environmental profile with 18 impact categories. In practice, all the impact categories make their highest contribution in the manufacturing and use and maintenance stages. Afterwards, these two stages are analyzed to identify the process which makes the greatest contribution. In addition, the contribution of CO2 fixation is taken into account, reducing the environmental impact in the use and maintenance and end of life stages. The endpoint approach shows more interpretable results, enabling an easier comparison between different stages and solutions. The results show the importance of considering the whole life-cycle, since a better design reduces the global environmental impact despite a higher environmental impact in the manufacturing stage.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, along with FEDER funding (BRIDLIFE Project: BIA2014-56574-R).Penadés-Plà, V.; Martí Albiñana, JV.; García-Segura, T.; Yepes, V. (2017). Life-Cycle Assessment: A Comparison between Two Optimal Post-Tensioned Concrete Box-Girder Road Bridges. Sustainability. 9(10):1864-1-1864-21. doi:10.3390/su9101864S1864-11864-2191
