502 research outputs found

    3x+13x+1 inverse orbit generating functions almost always have natural boundaries

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    The 3x+k3x+k function Tk(n)T_{k}(n) sends nn to (3n+k)/2(3n+k)/2 resp. n/2,n/2, according as nn is odd, resp. even, where k±1 (mod6)k \equiv \pm 1~(\bmod \, 6). The map Tk()T_k(\cdot) sends integers to integers, and for m1m \ge 1 let nmn \rightarrow m mean that mm is in the forward orbit of nn under iteration of Tk().T_k(\cdot). We consider the generating functions fk,m(z)=n>0,nmzn,f_{k,m}(z) = \sum_{n>0, n \rightarrow m} z^{n}, which are holomorphic in the unit disk. We give sufficient conditions on (k,m)(k,m) for the functions fk,m(z)f_{k, m}(z) have the unit circle {z=1}\{|z|=1\} as a natural boundary to analytic continuation. For the 3x+13x+1 function these conditions hold for all m1m \ge 1 to show that f1,m(z)f_{1,m}(z) has the unit circle as a natural boundary except possibly for m=1,2,4m= 1, 2, 4 and 88. The 3x+13x+1 Conjecture is equivalent to the assertion that f1,m(z)f_{1, m}(z) is a rational function of zz for the remaining values m=1,2,4,8m=1,2, 4, 8.Comment: 15 page

    Area Inequalities for Embedded Disks Spanning Unknotted Curves

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    We show that a smooth unknotted curve in R^3 satisfies an isoperimetric inequality that bounds the area of an embedded disk spanning the curve in terms of two parameters: the length L of the curve and the thickness r (maximal radius of an embedded tubular neighborhood) of the curve. For fixed length, the expression giving the upper bound on the area grows exponentially in 1/r^2. In the direction of lower bounds, we give a sequence of length one curves with r approaching 0 for which the area of any spanning disk is bounded from below by a function that grows exponentially with 1/r. In particular, given any constant A, there is a smooth, unknotted length one curve for which the area of a smallest embedded spanning disk is greater than A.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figure

    On Lebesgue measure of integral self-affine sets

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    Let AA be an expanding integer n×nn\times n matrix and DD be a finite subset of ZnZ^n. The self-affine set T=T(A,D)T=T(A,D) is the unique compact set satisfying the equality A(T)=dD(T+d)A(T)=\cup_{d\in D} (T+d). We present an effective algorithm to compute the Lebesgue measure of the self-affine set TT, the measure of intersection T(T+u)T\cap (T+u) for uZnu\in Z^n, and the measure of intersection of self-affine sets T(A,D1)T(A,D2)T(A,D_1)\cap T(A,D_2) for different sets D1,D2ZnD_1,D_2\subset Z^n.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    All functions g:N-->N which have a single-fold Diophantine representation are dominated by a limit-computable function f:N\{0}-->N which is implemented in MuPAD and whose computability is an open problem

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    Let E_n={x_k=1, x_i+x_j=x_k, x_i \cdot x_j=x_k: i,j,k \in {1,...,n}}. For any integer n \geq 2214, we define a system T \subseteq E_n which has a unique integer solution (a_1,...,a_n). We prove that the numbers a_1,...,a_n are positive and max(a_1,...,a_n)>2^(2^n). For a positive integer n, let f(n) denote the smallest non-negative integer b such that for each system S \subseteq E_n with a unique solution in non-negative integers x_1,...,x_n, this solution belongs to [0,b]^n. We prove that if a function g:N-->N has a single-fold Diophantine representation, then f dominates g. We present a MuPAD code which takes as input a positive integer n, performs an infinite loop, returns a non-negative integer on each iteration, and returns f(n) on each sufficiently high iteration.Comment: 17 pages, Theorem 3 added. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1309.2605. text overlap with arXiv:1404.5975, arXiv:1310.536

    Commuting self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators defined from the partial derivatives

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    We consider the problem of finding commuting self-adjoint extensions of the partial derivatives {(1/i)(\partial/\partial x_j):j=1,...,d} with domain C_c^\infty(\Omega) where the self-adjointness is defined relative to L^2(\Omega), and \Omega is a given open subset of R^d. The measure on \Omega is Lebesgue measure on R^d restricted to \Omega. The problem originates with I.E. Segal and B. Fuglede, and is difficult in general. In this paper, we provide a representation-theoretic answer in the special case when \Omega=I\times\Omega_2 and I is an open interval. We then apply the results to the case when \Omega is a d-cube, I^d, and we describe possible subsets \Lambda of R^d such that {e^(i2\pi\lambda \dot x) restricted to I^d:\lambda\in\Lambda} is an orthonormal basis in L^2(I^d).Comment: LaTeX2e amsart class, 18 pages, 2 figures; PACS numbers 02.20.Km, 02.30.Nw, 02.30.Tb, 02.60.-x, 03.65.-w, 03.65.Bz, 03.65.Db, 61.12.Bt, 61.44.B

    Tiling groupoids and Bratteli diagrams

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    Let T be an aperiodic and repetitive tiling of R^d with finite local complexity. Let O be its tiling space with canonical transversal X. The tiling equivalence relation R_X is the set of pairs of tilings in X which are translates of each others, with a certain (etale) topology. In this paper R_X is reconstructed as a generalized "tail equivalence" on a Bratteli diagram, with its standard AF-relation as a subequivalence relation. Using a generalization of the Anderson-Putnam complex, O is identified with the inverse limit of a sequence of finite CW-complexes. A Bratteli diagram B is built from this sequence, and its set of infinite paths dB is homeomorphic to X. The diagram B is endowed with a horizontal structure: additional edges that encode the adjacencies of patches in T. This allows to define an etale equivalence relation R_B on dB which is homeomorphic to R_X, and contains the AF-relation of "tail equivalence".Comment: 34 pages, 4 figure

    Data analysis of gravitational-wave signals from spinning neutron stars. IV. An all-sky search

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    We develop a set of data analysis tools for a realistic all-sky search for continuous gravitational-wave signals. The methods that we present apply to data from both the resonant bar detectors that are currently in operation and the laser interferometric detectors that are in the final stages of construction and commissioning. We show that with our techniques we shall be able to perform an all-sky 2-day long coherent search of the narrow-band data from the resonant bar EXPLORER with no loss of signals with the dimensionless amplitude greater than 2.8×10232.8\times10^{-23}.Comment: REVTeX, 26 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Sets Uniquely Determined by Projections on Axes I. Continuous Case

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    This paper studies sets S in Rn which are uniquely reconstructible from their hyperplane integral projections Pi(xi ;S) = ∬ . . . ∫ΧS ( {x1, . . . ,xi, . . . ,xn) dx1 . . . dxi - 1 dxi + 1 . . .dxn onto the n coordinate axes of Rn. It is shown that any additive set S = {x = (x1, . . .,xn) : ∑i = 1n fi(xi)≧0}, where each fi(xi) is a bounded measurable function, is uniquely reconstructible. In particular, balls are uniquely reconstructible. It is shown that in R2 all uniquely reconstructible sets are additive. For n≧3, Kemperman has shown that there are uniquely reconstructible sets in Rn of bounded measure that are not additive. It is also noted for n≧3 that neither of the properties of being additive and being a set of uniqueness is closed under monotone pointwise limits. A necessary condition for S to be a set of uniqueness is that S contain no bad configuration. A bad configuration is two finite sets of points T1 in Int(S) and T2 in Int(Sc), where Sc=Rn - S, such that T1 and T2 have the same number of points in any hyperplane xi = c for 1≦ i ≦n, and all c ∈ R2. We show that this necessary condition is sufficient for uniqueness for open sets S in R2. The results show that prior information about a density f in R2 to be reconstructed in tomography (namely if f is known to have only values 0 and 1) can sometimes reduce the problem of reconstructing f to knowing only two projections of f. Thus even meager prior information can in principle be of enormous value in tomography

    Boundaries of Disk-like Self-affine Tiles

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    Let T:=T(A,D)T:= T(A, {\mathcal D}) be a disk-like self-affine tile generated by an integral expanding matrix AA and a consecutive collinear digit set D{\mathcal D}, and let f(x)=x2+px+qf(x)=x^{2}+px+q be the characteristic polynomial of AA. In the paper, we identify the boundary T\partial T with a sofic system by constructing a neighbor graph and derive equivalent conditions for the pair (A,D)(A,{\mathcal D}) to be a number system. Moreover, by using the graph-directed construction and a device of pseudo-norm ω\omega, we find the generalized Hausdorff dimension dimHω(T)=2logρ(M)/logq\dim_H^{\omega} (\partial T)=2\log \rho(M)/\log |q| where ρ(M)\rho(M) is the spectral radius of certain contact matrix MM. Especially, when AA is a similarity, we obtain the standard Hausdorff dimension dimH(T)=2logρ/logq\dim_H (\partial T)=2\log \rho/\log |q| where ρ\rho is the largest positive zero of the cubic polynomial x3(p1)x2(qp)xqx^{3}-(|p|-1)x^{2}-(|q|-|p|)x-|q|, which is simpler than the known result.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figure