17 research outputs found

    Influencing factors and knowledge gaps on anemia prevention among female students in Indonesia

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    Adolescents (10-19 years old) are at high risk of developing iron deficiency anemia. Prevalence of anemia in young women in Indonesia was 37.1% which increased to 48.9% in 2018, with the proportion of anemia in the age group of 15-24 years and 25-34 years. The objectives of this study were to understand the influencing factors and gaps of knowledge related anemia prevention among female high school students. A qualitative case study design was conducted (April-May 2020) among nine female students (15-18 years old) from two senior high schools in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling. Registered student who has total study period in the school not less than six months and students who refused to participate in this study were excluded. Data collection was used focus group discussion via WhatsApp messenger video call. Data analysis was mixed between content analysis and thematic analysis. Female students admit that they lack the initiative to find out about anemia. With the lack of understanding about anemia, the female students admitted that they did not really know whether preventing anemia was an important thing to do. The anemia education program at schools needs to enhance the female student’s knowledge about iron tablet consumption

    Student’s Perception and Attitudes toward Public Health Profession and National Competency Examination

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    One form of quality assurance is convening public health’s national competencies examination in academic phase which is conducted before students graduate from university. The purpose of this study was to determine students’s perceptions and attitudes about public health’s profession and national competencies examination. The design of this study was descriptive qualitative employed case study approach. Focus group discussion was used to collect data. Data were analyzed by content analysis. Students felt less confident about their identity profession so that requires motivation by lecturer. Students expressed the need to improve public health graduates’s competencies since academic phase. National competencies examination is important to do as a solution to guarantee the graduates’s quality. Implementation of the competencies test is need to consider aspects of management and technical readiness. National competencies examination is a tool that could proves the identity of public health graduates’s competencies. Everyone with a public health background should know that there will be a competency test then they should have an adequate preparation

    Knowledge, attitude, and practice towards anemia prevention among female students in Indonesia: a mixed method study

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    Based on the Indonesian national health survey in 2018, the prevalence of anemia in young women aged 15-34 was 48.9%. This study aimed to examine the influence of knowledge and attitude on anemia prevention practice and to identify reasons for not practicing anemia prevention among female high school students in Banjarmasin municipality, Indonesia. A mixed method sequential explanatory was applied for this study. The respondents are 350 female high school students from three senior high schools, chosen purposively for a cross-sectional study and followed by focus group discussion with 15 students and in-depth interviews with three teachers and four health workers. The results revealed that 254 (72.6%) female students had poor practice, 147 (42.0%) had poor attitude, and 169 (48.3 %) had poor knowledge related to iron deficiency anemia (IDA) prevention. Female students in the older age group (17-18 years old) (adjusted odds ratio/AOR 1.88, 95% CI 1.12, 3.16), studying at vocational school (AOR 1.85, 95% CI 1.05, 3.27), good knowledge (AOR 2.52, 95% CI 1.49, 4.26) were significant predictors on iron deficiency anemia (IDA) prevention. The qualitative findings found that the reasons for not practicing anemia prevention include poor knowledge about anemia practice prevention, dislike of iron tablets, and ineffective anemia education program due to poor coordination and communication between health workers and teachers. Effective anemia education programs at schools are needed to enhance students' knowledge related to anemia prevention

    Barrier and facilitator on breastfeeding education and promotion: A literature review

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    Breast milk contains many nutrients according to the needs of the baby for growth and development. Breast milk is very important for the health and well-being of infants. The world health organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding mothers for six months starting from the baby's first life and continuing until the age of two. Breastfeeding can provide economic benefits for the family and community. This study aimed to explore the barrier and facilitator on breastfeeding promotion and education. This study was literature study. This study finding that support from the baby's father is needed as a strong decision exclusively breastfeeding mothers. Pediatricians and midwives have an important role to support in providing exclusive breastfeeding from mothers and infants. Mothers who work full time find it very difficult to care for their babies exclusively. The workplace can be a barrier for mothers to care for and provide exclusive breastfeeding. Breastfeeding competency-based training is needed as a more optimal promotion of exclusive breastfeeding. Promotion of breastfeeding can increase the duration and exclusivity of breastfeeding. Knowledge promotes breastfeeding can increase the chances of successful breastfeeding and improve baby's health. An important role in the successful promotion of breastfeeding is the quality of knowledge and support for exclusive breastfeeding

    Student’s Perception and Attitudes toward Public Health Profession and National Competency Examination

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    One form of quality assurance is convening public health’s national competencies examination in academic phase which is conducted before students graduate from university. The purpose of this study to determine students’s perceptions and attitudes about public health’s profession and national competencies examination. The design of this study was descriptive qualitative employed case study approach. Focus group discussion was used to collect data. Data were analyzed by content analysis.Students felt less confident about their identity profession so that requires motivation by lecturer. Students expressed the need to improve public health graduates’s competencies since academic phase. National competencies examination is important to do as a solution to guarantee the graduates’s quality. Implementation of the competencies test is needed to consider aspects of management and technical readiness. National competencies examination is a tool that could proves the identity of public health graduates’s competencies. Everyone with a public health background should know that there will be a competency test then they should prepare it properly

    Student’s Perception and Attitudes toward Public Health Profession and National Competency Examination

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    One form of quality assurance is convening public health’s national competencies examination in academic phase which is conducted before students graduate from university. The purpose of this study to determine students’s perceptions and attitudes about public health’s profession and national competencies examination. The design of this study was descriptive qualitative employed case study approach. Focus group discussion was used to collect data. Data were analyzed by content analysis.Students felt less confident about their identity profession so that requires motivation by lecturer. Students expressed the need to improve public health graduates’s competencies since academic phase. National competencies examination is important to do as a solution to guarantee the graduates’s quality. Implementation of the competencies test is needed to consider aspects of management and technical readiness. National competencies examination is a tool that could proves the identity of public health graduates’s competencies. Everyone with a public health background should know that there will be a competency test then they should prepare it properly

    Nosocomial Infection Prevention Through Universal Precaution in YOGYAKARTA Muhammadiyah Hospital

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    Prevention of nosocomial infections in hospitals can be done through the implementation of universal precaution program or action asepsis and antisepsis tapping. These actions undertaken by health workers, both nurses and physicians, universal precaution measures include: hand washing, use of gloves, use aseptic liquid, processing of used equipment and waste disposal. The purpose of this study to determine the prevention of nosocomial infections in hospitals through universal precautions in hospitals Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta area. Design of this research is descriptive qualitative case study approach. Collecting data used techniques focus group discussions. Data analyzed using content analysis. The application of universal precautions in hospitals throughout Yogyakarta PKU show that health workers have attempted to implement universal precautions including hand washing action on the water flow, perform hand hygiene, and always tries to wear personal protective equipment. Nurses knowledge about nosocomial infections has been well and for prevention need to implement universal precautions. The attitude of nurses in implementing universal precautions have been good, to the extent responsible. Most hospitals have had the availability of facilities and support the implementation of universal precaution well, and partly still exist limitations in the availability of facilities and support the implementation of universal precaution

    Nosocomial Infection Prevention through Universal Precaution in Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah Hospital

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    Prevention of nosocomial infections in hospitals can be done through the implementation of universal precaution program or action asepsis and antisepsis tapping. These actions undertaken by health workers, both nurses and physicians, universal precaution measures include: hand washing, use of gloves, use aseptic liquid, processing of used equipment and waste disposal. The purpose of this study to determine the prevention of nosocomial infections in hospitals through universal precautions in hospitals Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta area. Design of this research is descriptive qualitative case study approach. Collecting data used techniques focus group discussions. Data analyzed using content analysis. The application of universal precautions in hospitals throughout Yogyakarta PKU show that health workers have attempted to implement universal precautions including hand washing action on the water flow, perform hand hygiene, and always tries to wear personal protective equipment. Nurses knowledge about nosocomial infections has been well and for prevention need to implement universal precautions. The attitude of nurses in implementing universal precautions have been good, to the extent responsible. Most hospitals have had the availability of facilities and support the implementation of universal precaution well, and partly still exist limitations in the availability of facilities and support the implementation of universal precaution