6 research outputs found

    Die Korrespondenz Ferdinands I. Familienkorrespondenz Bd. 5: 1535 und 1536

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    The main topics of the correspondence between Ferdinand I and his siblings Charles V and Mary of Hungary edited in this volume are Ferdinand's attempts to achieve peace with Johann Szapolyai in Hungary; the clashes with the Ottomans; the Tunis campaign of Charles V; the conflict with Francis I of France after the death of the last Sforza Duke of Milan; and the confessional division in the Holy Roman Empire.Der in diesem Band edierte Briefverkehr zwischen Ferdinand I. und seinen Geschwistern Karl V. und Maria von Ungarn, wird von den folgenden Problemkreisen bestimmt: von Ferdinands Versuchen, mit Johann Szapolyai einen Frieden in Ungarn zu erreichen; von den Auseinandersetzungen mit den Osmanen und dem Tunis-Feldzug Karls V.; vom Konflikt mit Franz I. von Frankreich nach dem Tod des letzten Sforza-Herzogs in Mailand; und von der konfessionellen Spaltung im Reich.Edition der Korrespondenz Ferdinands I. mit seinen Geschwistern Karl V. und Maria von Ungarn. Sprache der Publikation: Deutsch, Englisch (Einleitung, Regesten, Kommentar); Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch, Latein (Korrespondenzsprachen

    Afectividad y cognición (verbal) en Darlo todo y no dar nada de Calderón y Los empeños de una casa de Sor Juana

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    The findings of Performance Studies over the last two decades have rightly highlighted the importance of the regulation of affects in Early Modern Theatre. The production of meaning through words has thus been decentered. In this article, an analysis of two Baroque plays (Darlo todo y no dar nada by Calderón and Los empeños de una casa by Sor Juana) will be used to attempt to make visible how the central statements of the two dramas are expressed primarily at the level of language, even though non-linguistic means also play a major role. The two plays are compared because of their shared central philosophical questions and because of the available historical sources; in both cases, not only the two main texts exist, but also the accompanying pieces framing them

    Die Korrespondenz Ferdinands I. Familienkorrespondenz Bd. 5: 1535 und 1536

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    The main topics of the correspondence between Ferdinand I and his siblings Charles V and Mary of Hungary edited in this volume are Ferdinand's attempts to achieve peace with Johann Szapolyai in Hungary; the clashes with the Ottomans; the Tunis campaign of Charles V; the conflict with Francis I of France after the death of the last Sforza Duke of Milan; and the confessional division in the Holy Roman Empire