361 research outputs found

    Variable electrostatic transformer: controllable coupling of two charge qubits

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    We propose and investigate a novel method for the controlled coupling of two Josephson charge qubits by means of a variable electrostatic transformer. The value of the coupling capacitance is given by the discretized curvature of the lowest energy band of a Josephson junction, which can be positive, negative, or zero. We calculate the charging diagram of the two-qubit system that reflects the transition from positive to negative through vanishing coupling. We also discuss how to construct a phase gate making use of the controllable coupling.Comment: final version, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Metallic single-electron transistor without traditional tunnel barriers

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    We report on a new type of single-electron transistor (SET) comprising two highly resistive Cr thin-film strips (~ 1um long) connecting a 1 um-long Al island to two Al outer electrodes. These resistors replace small-area oxide tunnel junctions of traditional SETs. Our transistor with a total asymptotic resistance of 110 kOhm showed a very sharp Coulomb blockade and reproducible, deep and strictly e-periodic gate modulation in wide ranges of bias currents I and gate voltages V_g. In the Coulomb blockade region (|V| < 0.5 mV), we observed a strong suppression of the cotunneling current allowing appreciable modulation curves V-V_g to be measured at currents I as low as 100 fA. The noise figure of our SET was found to be similar to that of typical Al/AlOx/Al single-electron transistors.Comment: 5 pages incl. 4 fig

    Resonant tunneling through a macroscopic charge state in a superconducting SET transistor

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    We predict theoretically and observe in experiment that the differential conductance of a superconducting SET transistor exhibits a peak which is a complete analogue in a macroscopic system of a standard resonant tunneling peak associated with tunneling through a single quantum state. In particular, in a symmetric transistor, the peak height is universal and equal to e2/2πe^2/2\pi \hbar. Away from the resonance we clearly observe the co-tunneling current which in contrast to the normal-metal transistor varies linearly with the bias voltage.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, Fig. 1 available upon request from the first autho

    Mesoscopic quantum transport: Resonant tunneling in the presence of strong Coulomb interaction

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    Coulomb blockade phenomena and quantum fluctuations are studied in mesoscopic metallic tunnel junctions with high charging energies. If the resistance of the barriers is large compared to the quantum resistance, transport can be described by sequential tunneling. Here we study the influence of quantum fluctuations. They are important when the resistance is small or the temperature very low. A real-time approach is developed which allows the diagrammatic classification of ``inelastic resonant tunneling'' processes where different electrons tunnel coherently back and forth between the leads and the metallic island. With the help of a nonperturbative resummation technique we evaluate the spectral density which describes the charge excitations of the system. From it physical quantities of interest like current and average charge can be deduced. Our main conclusions are: An energy renormalization leads to a logarithmic temperature dependence of the renormalized system parameters. A finite lifetime broadening can change the classical picture drastically. It gives rise to a strong flattening of the Coulomb oscillations for low resistances, but in the Coulomb blockade regime inelastic electron cotunneling persists. The temperature where these effects are important are accessible in experiments.Comment: 24 pages + 23 figures (available by fax or conventional mail, upon request) tfp-1994-1

    Smearing of Coulomb Blockade by Resonant Tunneling

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    We study the Coulomb blockade in a grain coupled to a lead via a resonant impurity level. We show that the strong energy dependence of the transmission coefficient through the impurity level can have a dramatic effect on the quantization of the grain charge. In particular, if the resonance is sufficiently narrow, the Coulomb staircase shows very sharp steps even if the transmission through the impurity at the Fermi energy is perfect. This is in contrast to the naive expectation that perfect transmission should completely smear charging effects.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Parity Effect in Ground State Energies of Ultrasmall Superconducting Grains

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    We study the superconductivity in small grains in the regime when the quantum level spacing δε\delta\varepsilon is comparable to the gap Δ\Delta. As δε\delta\varepsilon is increased, the system crosses over from superconducting to normal state. This crossover is studied by calculating the dependence of the ground state energy of a grain on the parity of the number of electrons. The states with odd numbers of particles carry an additional energy ΔP\Delta_P, which shows non-monotonic dependence on δε\delta\varepsilon. Our predictions can be tested experimentally by studying the parity-induced alternation of Coulomb blockade peak spacings in grains of different sizes.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, multicol.st

    Coherent dynamics of a Josephson charge qubit

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    We have fabricated a Josephson charge qubit by capacitively coupling a single-Cooper-pair box (SCB) to an electrometer based upon a single-electron transistor configured for radio-frequency readout (RF-SET). Charge quantization of 2e is observed and microwave spectroscopy is used to extract the Josephson and charging energies of the box. We perform coherent manipulation of the SCB by using very fast DC pulses and observe quantum oscillations in time of the charge that persist to ~=10ns. The observed contrast of the oscillations is high and agrees with that expected from the finite E_J/E_C ratio and finite rise-time of the DC pulses. In addition, we are able to demonstrate nearly 100% initial charge state polarization. We also present a method to determine the relaxation time T_1 when it is shorter than the measurement time T_{meas}.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Cotunneling at resonance for the single-electron transistor

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    We study electron transport through a small metallic island in the perturbative regime. Using a recently developed diagrammatic technique, we calculate the occupation of the island as well as the conductance through the transistor in forth order in the tunneling matrix elements, a process referred to as cotunneling. Our formulation does not require the introduction of a cut-off. At resonance we find significant modifications of previous theories and good agreement with recent experiments.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex, 5 eps-figure

    Rf-induced transport of Cooper pairs in superconducting single electron transistors in a dissipative environment

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    We investigate low-temperature and low-voltage-bias charge transport in a superconducting Al single electron transistor in a dissipating environment, realized as on-chip high-ohmic Cr microstrips. In our samples with relatively large charging energy values Ec > EJ, where EJ is the energy of the Josephson coupling, two transport mechanisms were found to be dominating, both based on discrete tunneling of individual Cooper pairs: Depending on the gate voltage Vg, either sequential tunneling of pairs via the transistor island (in the open state of the transistor around the points Qg = CgVg = e mod(2e), where Cg is the gate capacitance) or their cotunneling through the transistor (for Qg away of these points) was found to prevail in the net current. As the open states of our transistors had been found to be unstable with respect to quasiparticle poisoning, high-frequency gate cycling (at f ~ 1 MHz) was applied to study the sequential tunneling mechanism. A simple model based on the master equation was found to be in a good agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure