177 research outputs found

    A dynamic choice model of hybrid behavior in the attribute-space

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    This paper presents a dynamic choice model in the attribute space considering rational consumers that discount the future. In light of the evidence of several state-dependence patterns, the model is further extended by considering a utility function that allows for the different types of behavior described in the literature: pure inertia, pure variety seeking and hybrid. The model presents a stationary consumption pattern that can be inertial, where the consumer only buys one product, or a variety-seeking one, where the consumer buys several products simultane-ously. Under the inverted-U marginal utility assumption, the consumer behaves inertial among the existing brands for several periods, and eventually, once the stationary levels are approached, the consumer turns to a variety-seeking behavior. An empirical analysis is run using a scanner database for fabric softener and significant evidence of hybrid behavior for most attributes is found, which supports the functional form considered in the theory.Consumer choice models, state-dependence models, consumption patterns, variety seeking, hybrid behavior

    Hybrid consumption paths in the attribute space: A model and application with scanner data

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    This paper presents and estimates a dynamic choice model in the attribute space considering rational consumers. In light of the evidence of several state-dependence patterns, the standard attribute-based model is extended by considering a general utility function where pure inertia and pure variety-seeking behaviors can be explained in the model as particular linear cases. The dynamics of the model are fully characterized by standard dynamic programming techniques. The model presents a stationary consumption pattern that can be inertial, where the consumer only buys one product, or a variety-seeking one, where the consumer shifts among varied products. We run some simulations to analyze the consumption paths out of the steady state. Under the hybrid utility assumption, the consumer behaves inertially among the unfamiliar brands for several periods, eventually switching to a variety-seeking behavior when the stationary levels are approached. An empirical analysis is run using scanner databases for three different product categories: fabric softener, saltine cracker, and catsup. Non-linear specifications provide the best fit of the data, as hybrid functional forms are found in all the product categories for most attributes and segments. These results reveal the statistical superiority of the non-linear structure and confirm the gradual trend to seek variety as the level of familiarity with the purchased items increases.Dynamic Choice Model, Rational Consumers, Inertia, Variety Seeking, Hybrid Behavior, Scanner Data

    Equilibrium dynamics in two-sector models of endogenous growth.

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    This paper presents an account of the dynamics of endogenous growth models with physical capital and human capital. We consider some important extensions of the basic framework of Lucas (1988) and Uzawa (1964), including physical capital in the human capital technology and leisure activities as an additional argument of agents' welfare.Endogenous growth; Physical capital; Human capital; Long-term growth; Transitional dynamics;

    Equilibrium dynamics in two-sector models of endogenous growth

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    This paper presents an account of the dynamics of endogenous growth models with physical capital and human capital. We consider some important extensions of the basic framework of Lucas (1988) and Uzawa (1964), including physical capital in the human capital technology and leisure activities as an additional argument of agents' welfare

    Measurement device design: Rain gauge

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    The need to size large hydraulic infrastructures, exploit extensive agricultural areas or simply arrange water assets for human consumption makes the evaluation of the available water resources essential. Water is a scarce resource that is poorly distributed both, spatially and temporally. Therefore, a set of hydrological networks that allow the evaluation of water quantity and quality is required. In order to achieve this, the first step is to retrieve reliable data on rainfall. To carry out a correct evaluation of water resources, both in the small and large scale, disposing hydrological networks that involve a certain number of measuring devices becomes critical. Despite the great amount of studies that have been developed on measuring devices such as rain gauges, there are still many errors that remain in the measurements and that have not been ruled out yet, thus affecting the accuracy of the measurements. In this sense, the design of a device that provides an accurate measurement of rainfall and also results affordable, could be the key to a product with great acceptance in the market. The aim of this work is to present the design of a measurement device that provides accurate data and can be used in multiple ways: as an ordinary rain gauge, as a rain gauge recorder, or even allowing to carry on both functions simultaneously. The methodology followed for its implementation has consisted in analyzing the techniques and procedures to be trailed at quantifying rainfall, conducting a market study and analyzing specifications to be in accordance to WMO (World Meteorological Organization) [2] [3] to then go through a conceptual design and finally complete the detailed design where materials are valued and simulation tests are performed in order to meet certain accuracy and economical requirements.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Perceptual mapping of practical ethics along the value chain: A multiple correspondence analysis with industry and cultural indices as supplementary variables

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    This paper presents findings from a study investigating a firm’s ethical practices along the value chain. In so doing we attempt to better understand potential relationships between a firm’s ethical stance with its customers and those of its suppliers within a supply chain and identify particular sectoral and cultural influences that might impinge on this. Drawing upon a database comprising of 667 industrial firms from 27 different countries, we found that ethical practices begin with the firm’s relationship with its customers, the characteristics of which then influence the ethical stance with the firm’s suppliers within the supply chain. Importantly, market structure along with some key cultural characteristics were also found to exert significant influence on the implementation of ethical policies in these firms.Practical Ethics, Value Chain, Multiple Correspondence Analysis

    A two-sector model of endogenous growth with leisure.

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    In this paper we analyze a class of endogenous growth models with physical and human capital and with three altematives uses of time: unqualified leisure, work and education. In contrast to some other related models, we find that, even in the absence of technological extemalities, there could be multiple balanced paths. We provide a characterization of the qualitative behavior of consumption, leísure, work and education over those balanced paths, and study their transitional dynamics.

    A two-sector model of endogenous growth with leisure

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    In this paper we analyze a class of endogenous growth models with physical and human capital and with three altematives uses of time: unqualified leisure, work and education. In contrast to some other related models, we find that, even in the absence of technological extemalities, there could be multiple balanced paths. We provide a characterization of the qualitative behavior of consumption, leísure, work and education over those balanced paths, and study their transitional dynamics

    On the origin of the Galactic thin and thick discs, their abundance gradients and the diagnostic potential of their abundance ratios

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    Support from the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France. This work has made use of data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission Gaia (https://www.cosmos.esa.int/gaia), processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC, https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia/dpac/consortium). Support of ESO, OCA, and CNES is acknowledged for the AMBRE project. Some of the calculations have been performed with the high-performance computing facility SIGAMM, hosted by OCA. CA acknowledges partial support by project PGC2018-095317-B-C21 financed by the MCIN/AEI FEDER ‘Una manera de hacer Europa’, and by project PID2021-123110NB-I00 financed by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033/FEDER, UEUsing a semi-analytical model of the evolution of the Milky Way, we show how secular evolution can create distinct overdensities in the phase space of various properties (e.g. age versus metallicity or abundance ratios versus age) corresponding to the thin and thick discs. In particular, we show how key properties of the Solar vicinity can be obtained by secular evolution, with no need for external or special events, like galaxy mergers or paucity in star formation. This concerns the long established double-branch behaviour of [alpha/Fe] versus metallicity and the recently found non-monotonic evolution of the stellar abundance gradient, evaluated at the birth radii of stars. We extend the discussion to other abundance ratios and we suggest a classification scheme, based on the nature of the corresponding yields (primary versus secondary or odd elements) and on the lifetimes of their sources (short-lived versus long-lived ones). The latter property is critical in determining the single- or double- branch behaviour of an elementary abundance ratio in the Solar neighbourhood. We underline the high diagnostic potential of this finding, which can help to separate clearly elements with sources evolving on different time-scales and help determining the site of e.g. the r-process(es). We define the ‘abundance distance’ between the thin and thick disc sequences as an important element for such a separation. We also show how the inside-out evolution of the Milky Way disc leads rather to a single-branch behaviour in other disc regions.Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium DPACEuropean Space Agency ESACentre National d’Etudes Spatiales PGC2018-095317-B-C21 CNESMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación MICINNAgencia Estatal de Investigación PID2021-123110NB-I00 AE

    Horizons: nuclear astrophysics in the 2020s and beyond

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    Nuclear astrophysics is a field at the intersection of nuclear physics and astrophysics, which seeks to understand the nuclear engines of astronomical objects and the origin of the chemical elements. This white paper summarizes progress and status of the field, the new open questions that have emerged, and the tremendous scientific opportunities that have opened up with major advances in capabilities across an ever growing number of disciplines and subfields that need to be integrated.We take a holistic view of the field discussing the unique challenges and opportunities in nuclear astrophysics in regards to science, diversity, education, and the interdisciplinarity and breadth of the field. Clearly nuclear astrophysics is a dynamic field with a bright future that is entering a new era of discovery opportunities.National Science Foundation (NSF) PHY1430152 OISE-1927130ExtreMeMatter Institute EMMI at the GSI Helmholtzzentrumfur Schwerionenforschung in DarmstadtEuropean Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) CA1611