10 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper is to outline the substance of strategic management in relation to regional development with focus on the basic indicators that evaluate regional competitive advantage. Strategic management presents the collection of methods and approaches that are applicable to the regulation of regional development. The basic requirement of this process is to increase competitive advantage of the regions. It is possible to define regional competitive advantage as the ability of regions to generate revenues and keep employment rate at a level corresponding to national and international competition. The level of regional competitiveness is, for example, measurable by GDP per capita index. Besides this indicator, we can also use the evaluation of labour productivity expressed as GDP per employee as well as the ratio of employable population to the total of economically active inhabitants. For these monitored indicators, the Czech Republic doesn’t belong to the best countries. It is on the 19th place among the countries of EU in GDP per capita and it is also not very good in productivity evaluation, expressed by GDP per employee (20th place). On the other hand, the Czech Republic belongs among the countries with quite high employment rate (12th place). An application of the point method shows that the Czech Republic is on 18th place according to an average of selected indicators resulting from the GDP description per resident. It reaches only 70.2% of the level of the leading country, Luxemburg. The results of the article were obtained in the frame of the project MSM 6007665806 a MPSV 1J 016/04-DP2

    Model strategy for village development in the Czech Republic

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    The model strategies discussed in this article represent different ways of possible village development in the Czech Republic. We used typologies of strategies from business strategic management for their definition. Twenty municipalities, where structured interviews were carried out with their mayors, were chosen randomly from among 100 villages where a questionnaire survey was conducted in 2012 (Faltová Leitmanová, et al., 2012). Based on the qualitative analysis of the structured interview summaries, eight model strategies were ascertained. These include integration strategy, service differentiation, spending cuts, usage of municipal property, stabilization of village population, business support, fundraising, and identification of the inhabitants with the village (village pride). The most commonly applied model strategy is integration, followed by village population stabilization

    Managerial Audit and Development of SME

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    The article deals with definition of approach of managerial audit and its importance for development of SME. Managerial audit is not understood here like a personal audit but way of the evaluation of management of the firms. The interviews with managers of SME are the essence of the managerial audit. We use for it the methodology of coaching. The aim of it is to improve process and critical parts of firms. The results of article are created in the research project No. 2E06044 "Managerial audit as a support tool for sustainable development of SMEs" sponsored by National Program of research II Ministry of education.management, coaching, managerial audit, SME


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    Nowadays, enterprises are challenged with continuously changing environment and they have to react quickly to these changes. Process management can be a tool that greatly helps businesses in this difficult time to survive (Hora, 2010). Process Management brings a relatively new perspective on corporate governance. According to McCoy et al. (2007) enterprises which implemented rules of process management have a competitive advantage over others. The paper presents the application of the principles of process management in relation to the legal form of business enterprise and business activity. For determining the level of principles of process management the indicator MPP was used (Rolśnek, 2012; Truneček, 2005). Based on statistical analysis, it can be argued that there is a relationship between the application of the principles of process management, business legal forms and also business activities

    Selected aspects of strategic management in small enterprises in services

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    Currently due to constant changes, it is imperative for the enterprises to place great emphasis on how they are managed. Changes that come from the neighbourhood are common and the enterprises need to be able to react quickly and flexibly to them. Introduced strategic management helps the enterprise to find possible starting points for changes that are so typical of today's times. The research shows that the small enterprise in the area of the services pay considerable attention to competition and track changes in the market, they can precisely define their competitive advantage, weakness, opportunities and threats. They also carry out the activities related to strategic management, rather unknowingly. The strategies of small enterprises in services are most likely either similar to those of their competitors or they are not pursuing a competitive strategy because they offer a unique product. The focus of the corporate strategy is most often either to differentiate the product from the competition or to focus on part of the market where other enterprises do not operate. The enterprises pay close attention to competition monitoring. The enterprises see “strong competition" as their weakness. The small enterprises also report "internal processes". The other enterprises often report "dependence on inputs". "Everything about competition" is identified as the greatest threat by the other enterprises even more compared to the small enterprises in services. The other enterprises are also worried about "increased input prices". The enterprises are well aware of their competitive advantage, stressing that it is "professionalism, expertise, experience and reliability". Interestingly, the "price" is considered a competitive advantage in one case only. The strategy is "similar to the strategies of the competitors" for most of the enterprises. The small enterprises also mentioned the answer "totally different from the competitors" and that "they do not follow the competitors". Business strategy is most often focused on "differentiating the product from the competition", the other enterprises also focus on "cost cutting"; and the small enterprises in services "focus on parts of the market where the competitors do not operate.

    Influence of strategic management in Czech SMEs and their growth rate

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    The aim of the managers in SMEs is to have a competitive enterprise on the market, to develop and achieve some positive results. The successful strategic management has to adapt to the external environment, analyse emerging issues in time and react quickly and flexibly to changes. With the increasing amounts of business entities, strategic analysis and strategy as such acquire their importance. The basic data for the creation of strategy includes information about the external environment, i.e. about the market and its surroundings and internal business environment. Those managers, who can use the advantages of their enterprise and market opportunities and reduce the effect of weaknesses and threats, may ensure their enterprise prosperity and increase their growth rate. However, they must choose a competitive strategy, with which it is possible to succeed on the market. Such strategy provides SMEs the possibility of differentiation, setting a higher level of services offered to enhance customer satisfaction which is the most important. The paper deals with finding whether the strategic management of SME influences the growth rate of an enterprise. Data were gathered as questionnaires and interviews from 183 enterprises operating in the Czech Republic. The research was made in the period of 2014-15

    Sustainability Outcomes of Green Processes in Relation to Industry 4.0 in Manufacturing: Systematic Review

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    Green processes are very important for the implementation of green technologies in production to achieve positive sustainability outcomes in the Industry 4.0 era. The scope of the paper is to review how conventional green processes as a part of Industry 4.0 provide sustainability outcomes in manufacturing. The paper is based on the methodology of systematic literature review through the content analysis of literary resources. Twenty-nine studies were included in our content analysis. The results show the main focus of current literature related to Industry 4.0, sustainability outcomes and green processes. The authors present a conceptual Sustainability Green Industry 4.0 (SGI 4.0) framework that helps to structure and evaluate conventional green processes in relation to Industry 4.0 and sustainability. The study summarizes which technologies (big data, cyber-physical systems, Industrial Internet of Things and smart systems) and green processes (logistics, manufacturing and product design) are important for achieving a higher level of sustainability. The authors found that the most often common sustainability outcomes are energy saving, emission reduction, resource optimalization, cost reduction, productivity and efficiency and higher economic performance, human resources development, social welfare and workplace safety. The study suggests implications for practice, knowledge and future research

    Perception of the Leadership Competency in the 4th Revolution Era in the Czech Republic

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    Leadership research is an essential part of all areas of organisational science worldwide, and there is still a lack of studies in this research area. The paper aims to determine leadership competency perceptions and their sub-competencies characteristics and determinants in the fourth industrial revolution era. The research survey, conducted in 2018-2021, covered a sample of 100 respondents from organisations from the Czech Republic. The most important competencies for leadership are effective communication, innovation, cooperation, creativity, solving problems, lifelong learning, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and motivation and support of others. We selected statistical methods ANOVA and linear regression for the characteristics of the respondents and the cluster analysis for the leaders’ 4.0 types determination. The linear regression results showed that age, the field of education, position in the organisation and tenure in the organisation of the respondents affect their assessment of the level of leadership competency. We identified three management types that are currently facing the challenges of Industry 4.0: ICT-oriented Junior Managers, Top 4.0 Prepared Leaders, and Non-Creative Unmotivated Senior Directors. The contribution of this paper is the in-depth study in the area of perceived levels of partial competencies for leadership for different criteria of respondents