332 research outputs found

    The autobiographical novels of Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette and Virginia Woolf: a comparative study

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    Autobiographical mode of writing informs the works of many novelists, consciously or unconsciously. There are, however, diverse techniques for formulating these conscious or unconscious autobiographical interpolations in literary works. This essay aims to study the works of Sidonie-Gabreille Colette and Virginia Woolf to trace the nuances of the autobiographical mode in two contemporary female writers from different nations. We do not aim at proving that these two writers deploy the autobiographical mode in their writings, but how similar and different their autobiographical techniques in the creation of fiction are. Therefore, Colette's and Woolf's novels, in general, will be compared and contrasted with an eye on their self-defined strategies for the development of autobiographical fiction

    Computational Perspective on Intricacies of Interactions, Enzyme Dynamics and Solvent Effects in the Catalytic Action of Cyclophilin A

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    Cyclophilin A (CypA) is the well-studied member of a group of ubiquitous and evolutionarily conserved families of enzymes called peptidyl–prolyl isomerases (PPIases). These enzymes catalyze the cis-trans isomerization of peptidyl-prolyl bond in many proteins. The distinctive functional path triggered by each isomeric state of peptidyl-prolyl bond renders PPIase-catalyzed isomerization a molecular switching mechanism to be used on physiological demand. PPIase activity has been implicated in protein folding, signal transduction, and ion channel gating as well as pathological condition such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, and microbial infections. The more than five order of magnitude speed-up in the rate of peptidyl–prolyl cis–trans isomerization by CypA has been the target of intense research. Normal and accelerated molecular dynamic simulations were carried out to understand the catalytic mechanism of CypA in atomistic details. The results reaffirm transition state stabilization as the main factor in the astonishing enhancement in isomerization rate by enzyme. The ensuing intramolecular polarization, as a result of the loss of pseudo double bond character of the peptide bond at the transition state, was shown to contribute only about −1.0 kcal/mol to stabilizing the transition state. This relatively small contribution demonstrates that routinely used fixed charge classical force fields can reasonably describe these types of biological systems. The computational studies also revealed that the undemanding exchange of the free substrate between Îē- and Îą-helical regions is lost in the active site of the enzyme, where it is mainly in the Îē-region. The resultant relative change in conformational entropy favorably contributes to the free energy of stabilizing the transition state by CypA. The isomerization kinetics is strongly coupled to the enzyme motions while the chemical step and enzyme–substrate dynamics are in turn buckled to solvent fluctuations. The chemical step in the active site of the enzyme is therefore not separated from the fluctuations in the solvent. Of special interest is the nature of catalysis in a more realistic crowded environment, for example, the cell. Enzyme motions in such complicated medium are subjected to different viscosities and hydrodynamic properties, which could have implications for allosteric regulation and function

    Dyadic Green's function formalism for photoinduced forces in tip-sample nanojunctions

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    A comprehensive theoretical analysis of photoinduced forces in an illuminated nanojunction, formed between an atomic force microscopy tip and a sample, is presented. The formalism is valid within the dipolar approximation and includes multiple scattering effects between the tip, sample, and a planar substrate through a dyadic Green's function approach. This physically intuitive description allows a detailed look at the quantitative contribution of multiple scattering effects to the measured photoinduced force, effects that are typically unaccounted for in simpler analytical models. Our findings show that the presence of the planar substrate and anisotropy of the tip have a substantial effect on the magnitude and the spectral response of the photoinduced force exerted on the tip. Unlike previous models, our calculations predict photoinduced forces that are within range of experimentally measured values in photoinduced force microscopy (PiFM) experiments

    Grace in Marilynne Robinson's Gilead and Georges Bernanos's The diary of a Country Priest

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    Marilynne Robinson's Gilead (2007), a meditative letter written by an aging minister, probes the need for forgiveness and grace. George Bernanos's The Diary of a Country Priest (1936) pictures the suffering and sacrifice of an unnamed young priest in his attempt to open his parishioner’s heart to the love of God. Both novelists explore themes such as forgiveness, love, peace, faith, and grace. This paper first discusses the prevalent Christian themes in these novels, and the ways each novelist presents the saving and life-giving power of God's grace in healing and restoring human soul, and then compares their treatment of these issues. The Protestant Robinson's sensibility regarding these religious themes seems very similar to that of the Catholic Bernanos. Indeed, the American writer seems to be considerably influenced by her French predecessor

    Optimized Deep Feature Selection for Pneumonia Detection: A Novel RegNet and XOR-Based PSO Approach

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    Pneumonia remains a significant cause of child mortality, particularly in developing countries where resources and expertise are limited. The automated detection of Pneumonia can greatly assist in addressing this challenge. In this research, an XOR based Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is proposed to select deep features from the second last layer of a RegNet model, aiming to improve the accuracy of the CNN model on Pneumonia detection. The proposed XOR PSO algorithm offers simplicity by incorporating just one hyperparameter for initialization, and each iteration requires minimal computation time. Moreover, it achieves a balance between exploration and exploitation, leading to convergence on a suitable solution. By extracting 163 features, an impressive accuracy level of 98% was attained which demonstrates comparable accuracy to previous PSO-based methods. The source code of the proposed method is available in the GitHub repository

    Reading Through Emotions: An Affective Narratolological Approach to Alice Munro's Short Stories

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    The emergence of fields of study like emotionology, affective narratology, and psychonarratology in recent decades evidences a dramatic rise in research done on the meaning and interpretation of emotions. Affective Narratology as one of the recent fields in emotion studies attempts to identify and account for the figuration of emotions in works of literature. Focusing on three basic emotions (shame, jealousy and love) figuring in Alice Munro’s selected short stories this paper probes the significance of emotional registers in the writer's depiction of daily life. Examined is the way the stories' sincere tone and their comprehensible, ordinary language, contribute to the emotional identification of readers with characters. Applying affective narratological theories, the objective is to show how emotions contribute to plot development and characterization in these stories. Central to the analysis is interpreting emotional moments experienced by characters, especially female character

    Liveness Verification in TRSs Using Tree Automata and Termination Analysis

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    This paper considers verification of the liveness property Live(R, I, G) for a term rewrite system (TRS) R, where I (Initial states) and G (Good states) are two sets of ground terms represented by finite tree automata. Considering I and G, we transform R to a new TRS R' such that termination of R' proves the property Live(R, I, G)
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