4,518 research outputs found

    An Economic Analysis of Replacing Existing Bermudagrass Stands with Tifton 85 Bermudagrass for Beef Cow-Calf, Stocker and Hay Production

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    Comparisons of simulated NPV for Coastal and Tifton 85 bermuda-grass using experimental data, current input prices and historical hay and feeder cattle prices indicates that many producers would benefit by adopting this new cultivar. Cow-calf producers would benefit the most followed by stocker/replacement heifer producers and finally hay producers. When risk-aversion is introduced into the model, all cow-calf and stocker producers regardless of the level of risk-aversion should consider adopting T85. Moderately or extremely risk-averse hay producers would consider adopting T85, while those that are slightly risk-averse would be indifferent.Crop Production/Industries, Risk and Uncertainty,

    Host Galaxies of Young Dust-Reddened Quasars

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    We present results on a multiwavelength campaign to identify the nature of dust-reddened Type 1 quasars. These quasars were selected by matching FIRST, 2MASS and very red optical counterparts with r' − K > 5. We find a very high fraction of Low Ionization Broad Absorption Line Quasars (LoBALs) among AGN selected with this method, perhaps a sign of quasar feedback. From X-ray observations and Balmer decrement measurements, the obscuring dust is most likely located in a cold absorber such as the host galaxy, rather than from a torus near the AGN. Hubble ACS imaging of a sub-sample of these sources showed a very high fraction of interacting and merging systems. The quasars appear to be very young in which dust from the merging galaxies is still settling in. Spitzer IRS and MIPS data show star formation signatures and deep Silicate absorption features in these objects, but overall the quasar is the dominant source in the Mid-infrared


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    Based on the results of a 1999 survey of Mississippi Beef Cattle Producers, producers were willing to invest $1.66 per head marketed in a beef cattle marketing cooperative. Factors that had the largest positive impact on WTP were producers who were willing to permanently identify all of their cows and calves and producers who were willing to accept prices negotiated by the cooperative. Negative factors included producer willingness to implement a pre-weaning health management program and the percentage of replacement heifers purchased through regular auctions.Livestock Production/Industries, Marketing,

    A Wigner Distribution Analysis of One Dimensional Scattering

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    We applied the Wigner Distribution Function, a distribution function of time and frequency based on an initial function of either of those variables, to a series of time based correlation functions. These time based correlation functions were the result of a 1-dimensional free particle wave packet, the reactant wave function, which had propagated through a quantum potential well and then had components of the reactant wave function that exited the opposite side of the well auto-correlated in time with a stationary 1-dimensional free particle wave packet, the product wave function. This process was undertaking in order to generate a 3-dimensional depiction, in time and frequency, of the reactant wave functions interaction with the quantum potential well. Fortran 77 code was utilized to generated the time propagation of the reactant wave function by means of the Split Operator Method, which was given the following initial set of conditions; x0 = -20 (Bohr radii), k0 = 3 (atomic units), and δ = 1 (Bohr radius). A series of potential wells with variable depths were implemented into the code. The code then computed the correlation in time of the exiting reactant wave function with a stationary wave function before applying the Wigner Distribution Function. When Wigner Distribution Function was applied to the time correlation function many recognizable features on the potential well were observed from the 3-dimensional plot generated including transmission resonance energy levels. The classical time of arrival was also captured by the Wigner Distribution Function. As a useful tool the Wigner Distribution Function provides more insight into the quantum interactions of chemical reactions in terms of time and frequency than traditional spectrographic analysis

    Creditors of Land Contract Vendors

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    Civilizing Nonjury Trials

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    This article is intended to make people think about American procedure, yet it is devoted largely to a description of Austrian and Israeli civil procedure and perhaps that calls for some disclaiming and confessing and avoiding. I have spent only a few months in the two countries and have no doubt that I am open to the charge, made against far more seasoned American comparatists, that I tend to look at foreign systems through American conceptual spectacles. By way of avoidance let me offer, first, the usual defense of the popularizer. There never will be many serious students of comparative law in the United States. If foreign ideas are to play any part in thinking about American law, it is essential to get some general information out to the grass roots. Secondly, as indicated above, this article is intended as a consideration, largely by implication it is true, of American procedure and it is aimed at the reader who, whatever the level of his information and interest in foreign systems, knows a good deal about American procedure. I believe that such a person\u27s thinking about his own system is likely to be enriched by even somewhat oversimplified ideas about a foreign system

    The eight micron band of silicon monoxide in the expanding cloud around VY Canis Majoris

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    Observations of vibration-rotation transitions of silicon monoxide in VY CMa show that the lines originate in accelerating, expanding, and cool (600 K) layers of a circumstellar cloud at a distance of roughly 0.15 minutes from the central star. The central stellar velocity, as estimated from observed SiO P Cygni line profiles, is somewhat redshifted from the midpoint of the maser emission features. Most of the silicon is probably in the form of dust grains. The isotopic ratios of silicon are nearly terrestrial

    Introduction and Expression of a Rabbit β-globin Gene in Mouse Fibroblasts

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    The cloned chromosomal rabbit ß-globin gene has been introduced into mouse fibroblasts by DNA-mediated gene transfer (transformation). In this report, we examine the expression of the rabbit gene in six independent transformants that contain from 1 to 20 copies of the cloned globin gene. Rabbit globin transcripts were detected in two of these transformants at steady-state concentrations of 5 and 2 copies per cell. The globin transcripts from one cell line are polyadenylylated and migrate as 9S RNA on methylmercury gels. These transcripts reflect correct processing of the two intervening sequences but lack 48 ± 5 nucleotides present at the 5' terminus of rabbit erythrocyte globin mRNA