49 research outputs found

    Current-induced vortex dynamics in Josephson-junction arrays: Imaging experiments and model simulations

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    We study the dynamics of current-biased Josephson-junction arrays with a magnetic penetration depth smaller than the lattice spacing. We compare the dynamics imaged by low-temperature scanning electron microscopy to the vortex dynamics obtained from model calculations based on the resistively-shunted junction model, in combination with Maxwell's equations. We find three bias current regions with fundamentally different array dynamics. The first region is the subcritical region, i.e. below the array critical current I_c. The second, for currents I above I_c, is a "vortex region", in which the response is determined by the vortex degrees of freedom. In this region, the dynamics is characterized by spatial domains where vortices and antivortices move across the array in opposite directions in adjacent rows and by transverse voltage fluctuations. In the third, for still higher currents, the dynamics is dominated by coherent-phase motion, and the current-voltage characteristics are linear.Comment: 10 pages, with eps figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Magnetic Field Effect in a Two-dimensional Array of Short Josephson Junctions

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    We study analytically the effect of a constant magnetic field on the dynamics of a two dimensional Josephson array. The magnetic field induces spatially dependent states and coupling between rows, even in the absence of an external load. Numerical simulations support these conclusions

    Broken symmetry of row switching in 2D Josephson junction arrays

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    We present an experimental and theoretical study of row switching in two-dimensional Josephson junction arrays. We have observed novel dynamic states with peculiar percolative patterns of the voltage drop inside the arrays. These states were directly visualized using laser scanning microscopy and manifested by fine branching in the current-voltage characteristics of the arrays. Numerical simulations show that such percolative patterns have an intrinsic origin and occur independently of positional disorder. We argue that the appearance of these dynamic states is due to the presence of various metastable superconducting states in arrays.Comment: 4 Pages, 6 Figure

    Full capacitance-matrix effects in driven Josephson-junction arrays

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    We study the dynamic response to external currents of periodic arrays of Josephson junctions, in a resistively capacitively shunted junction (RCSJ) model, including full capacitance-matrix effects}. We define and study three different models of the capacitance matrix Cr,rC_{\vec{r},\vec{r}'}: Model A includes only mutual capacitances; Model B includes mutual and self capacitances, leading to exponential screening of the electrostatic fields; Model C includes a dense matrix Cr,rC_{\vec{r},\vec{r}'} that is constructed approximately from superposition of an exact analytic solution for the capacitance between two disks of finite radius and thickness. In the latter case the electrostatic fields decay algebraically. For comparison, we have also evaluated the full capacitance matrix using the MIT fastcap algorithm, good for small lattices, as well as a corresponding continuum effective-medium analytic evaluation of a finite voltage disk inside a zero-potential plane. In all cases the effective Cr,rC_{\vec{r},\vec{r}'} decays algebraically with distance, with different powers. We have then calculated current voltage characteristics for DC+AC currents for all models. We find that there are novel giant capacitive fractional steps in the I-V's for Models B and C, strongly dependent on the amount of screening involved. We find that these fractional steps are quantized in units inversely proportional to the lattice sizes and depend on the properties of Cr,rC_{\vec{r},\vec{r}'}. We also show that the capacitive steps are not related to vortex oscillations but to localized screened phase-locking of a few rows in the lattice. The possible experimental relevance of these results is also discussed.Comment: 12 pages 18 Postscript figures, REVTEX style. Paper to appear in July 1, Vol. 58, Phys. Rev. B 1998 All PS figures include

    Superinsulator Phase of Two-Dimensional Superconductors

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    Using path-integral Quantum Monte Carlo we study the low-temperature phase diagram of a two-dimensional superconductor within a phenomenological model, where vortices have a finite mass and move in a dissipative environment modeled by a Caldeira-Leggett term. The quantum vortex liquid at high magnetic fields exhibits superfluidity and thus corresponds to a {\em superinsulating} phase which is characterized by a nonlinear voltage-current law for an infinite system in the absence of pinning. This superinsulating phase is shifted to higher magnetic fields in the presence of dissipation.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. (Oktober 1998

    Theory of charge transport in diffusive normal metal / conventional superconductor point contacts

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    Tunneling conductance in diffusive normal metal / insulator / s-wave superconductor (DN/I/S) junctions is calculated for various situations by changing the magnitudes of the resistance and Thouless energy in DN and the transparency of the insulating barrier. The generalized boundary condition introduced by Yu. Nazarov [Superlattices and Microstructures 25 1221 (1999)] is applied, where the ballistic theory by Blonder Tinkham and Klapwijk (BTK) and the diffusive theory by Volkov Zaitsev and Klapwijk based on the boundary condition of Kupriyanov and Lukichev (KL) are naturally reproduced. It is shown that the proximity effect can enhance (reduce) the tunneling conductance for junctions with a low (high) transparency. A wide variety of dependencies of tunneling conductance on voltage bias is demonstrated including a UU-shaped gap like structure, a zero bias conductance peak (ZBCP) and a zero bias conductance dip (ZBCD)


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