468 research outputs found

    Complementary feeding practices and associated factors of dietary diversity among uncomplicated severe acute malnourished children aged 6-23 months in Burkina Faso

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    Nutritional treatment of children with uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition (SAM) is based on ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTF). With treatment provided at community level, children could have access to other foods, and a reduction in the dose of RUTF could further increase dietary diversity during treatment. We assessed the dietary diversity score (DDS), the minimum dietary diversity (MDD), the minimum meal frequency (MMF) and the minimum acceptable diet (MAD) of 459 infants and young children aged 6-23 months being treated for SAM with different doses of RUTF. We also investigated the factors associated with DDS. Dietary intake was estimated using a single 24-h multipass dietary recall, 1 month after starting treatment, from December 2016 to August 2018. The DDS was calculated on the basis of eight food groups. Differences between children receiving the reduced RUTF and the standard RUTF dose and factors associated with DDS were assessed by Poisson and logistic regression models. RUTF dose was not associated with DDS (4.07 +/- 1.25 for reduced RUTF and 4.01 +/- 1.26 for standard RUTF; P = 0.77). Food groups most consumed by children were grains, roots or tubers (96%) and legumes and nuts (72%). Eggs consumption was low (3%). DDS was positively associated with child's age, mother's education, household wealth index, urban residence and rainy season. The present findings show that children with SAM consumed a variety of foods during treatment in addition to the RUTF ration prescribed to them. Reducing the dose of RUTF during SAM treatment did not impact DDS

    Periskop-, Kamin- und Sandwichtechnik sowie VORTEC zur Vereinfachung der Behandlung von Aneurysmen der Aorta abdominalis und thoracoabdominalis

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    Zusammenfassung: VORTEC (Viabahn Open Revascularisation TEChnique) und die Kaminprothesentechnik sind Verfahren zur Erhaltung oder Wiederherstellung des Blutflusses von Aortenästen, die geplant oder als Notlösung bei offener Operation oder endovaskulärem Vorgehen eingesetzt werden können. VORTEC ist eine stentbasierte vaskuläre Verbindungstechnik zur Herstellung einer End-zu-End-Anastomose, die insbesondere geeignet ist, wenn die herkömmliche Nahttechnik schwierig ist (sein könnte). Es handelt sich um ein schnelles Verfahren, das praktisch ohne Blutflussunterbrechung und ohne Anastomosenblutung ist, die Durchgängigkeitsraten sind ähnlich gut wie bei Nahtanastomosen. Die Kamin-Periskop-Sandwich-Prothesentechnik ("chimney/periscope and sandwich graft technique”, CHIMPES) ist ein endovaskuläres Verfahren, bei dem parallele Endoprothesen zur Erhaltung oder Wiederherstellung des Blutflusses von Aortenästen verwendet werden, während ein herkömmlicher Aortenstent oberhalb ihres Ursprungs platziert wird. Es ist ein relativ schnelles Verfahren mit der Möglichkeit, selbst in Notfällen handelsübliche Produkte zu verwenden. Bei der Sandwichtechnik verlaufen parallele Prothesen zwischen 2Aortenstents. Publizierten Erfahrungen zufolge scheinen diese beiden Techniken besonders für die Behandlung von Aneurysmen der Aortenäste und der Aorta thoracoabdominalis geeignet zu sein, vor allem in Hochrisiko- oder Akutfällen. Die englische Volltextversion dieses Beitrags ist über SpringerLink (unter "Supplemental") verfügba

    Acute traumatic aortic rupture: early stent-graft repair

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    Objective: Prospective evaluation of early stent-graft repair of acute traumatic aortic rupture. Methods: Twelve patients with acute traumatic aortic rupture of the descending aorta, out of a series of 337 endovascular aortic procedures, were treated by implantation of self-expanding stent-grafts. The procedures were performed within a mean post-injury time-period of 5±7 days (median: 1 day). The feasibility of stent-grafting was assessed by CT scanning and echography. Implantation was performed under local (n=6), or general anesthesia (n=6) if patients were already intubated (n=5) or required a common iliac artery access (n=1). Results: The immediate technical success rate was 100%. There were no post-procedure complications in all but one patient, who died 12 h postoperatively (8% mortality). Complete sealing of the aortic rupture in the remaining 11 patients was confirmed by postoperative CT scans. There were no intervention-related morbidity or mortality during the mean follow-up of 17 months. One patient with peri-graft leakage was successfully repaired with an additional stent-graft 12 months postoperatively. Conclusion: Non-delayed or early stent-grafting in acute traumatic rupture of the descending aorta is feasible. This technique seems to be a valuable option, in particular when associated lesions may interfere with the surgical outcome. Immediate post-procedural CT scanning and/or echography should be performed, in order to rule out residual leakag

    Aortic stent-grafting: successful introduction into the combined procedure for coronary artery bypass grafting and aortic aneurysm repair

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    Objectives: Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and combined stent-grafting (SG) were evaluated to reduce morbidity and mortality of patients with descending or infrarenal aortic aneurysm. Methods: CABG and SG (thoracic n=6, infrarenal n=36) were performed during the same hospitalization in 42 patients (mean age of 73±14 years). In 29 patients (mean Euroscore: 9), SG was performed under local anesthesia 9±3 days after coronary surgery (simultaneous) and in 13 patients (mean Euroscore: 7) during the same anesthesia (synchronous). In the latter group, 11 out of 13 patients underwent off-pump CABG. All aneurysms were treated by implantation of commercially available self-expanding grafts. Results: CABG was successful in all, but one patient with left internal mammary artery hypoperfusion syndrome, requiring an additional distal saphenous graft to the left anterior descending coronary artery. SG was uneventful in 98% (41/42 patients). Postoperative computerized tomography showed incomplete sealing in seven patients (17%), but only the two attachment endoleaks had to be treated by one proximal and one distal SG extension. Overall hospital stay for the synchronous repair was 12.5±6 days and that of the simultaneous group 17.5±7 days. Thirty-day mortality was 5% (2/42) as one patient of the simultaneous group experienced a lethal cerebral embolism during SG and one patient of the synchronous group developed an untreatable infection. In the follow-up of 4 years, there were two vascular reinterventions but no additional procedure-related morbidity or mortality. Conclusions: This experience shows that combined CABG and SG of thoracic or infrarenal aortic aneurysm is a safe and less-invasive alternative to the open graft repair, especially in the older patients or patients with severe comorbiditie

    Adequacy of nutrient intakes of severely and acutely malnourished children treated with different doses of ready-to-use therapeutic food in Burkina Faso

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    Background: Ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTF) are designed to cover the daily nutrient requirements of children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM). However, with the transfer of uncomplicated SAM care from the hospital environment to the community level, children will be able to consume complementary and family foods (CFF) in addition to RUTF, and this might decrease the quantity of RUTF needed for recovery. Objectives: Using an individually randomized clinical trial, we investigated the effects of a reduced RUTF dose on the daily energy and macronutrient intakes, the proportion of energy coming from CFF, and the mean probability of adequacy (MPA) of intake in 11 micronutrients of 516 children aged 6–59 mo who were treated for SAM in Burkina Faso. Methods: The data were collected using a single 24-h multipass dietary recall, 1 mo after starting treatment, from December 2016 to August 2018, repeated on a subsample of 66 children. Differences between children receiving the reduced RUTF (intervention arm) and those receiving standard RUTF (control arm) were assessed by linear mixed models. Results: Daily energy intake was lower (P < 0.01) in the intervention arm (mean ± SD 1321 ± 339 kcal) than in the control arm (1467 ± 319 kcal). CFF contributed to 40% of the daily energy intake in the intervention and 35% in the control arm. The MPA for 11 micronutrients was 0.89 ± 0.1 in the intervention arm and 0.95 ± 0.07 in the control arm (P = 0.06). Conclusions: Reducing the dose of RUTF during SAM treatment had a negative impact on daily energy intake of the children. Despite this, children covered their recommended energy intake. The energy intake coming from CFF was similar between arms, suggesting that children’s feeding practices did not change due to the reduction in RUTF in this context. This trial was registered at the IRSCTN registry as ISRCTN5003902

    Investigation of a Combined Surveying and Scanning Device: The Trimble SX10 Scanning Total Station

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    Surveying fields from geosciences to infrastructure monitoring make use of a wide range of instruments for accurate 3D geometry acquisition. In many cases, the Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) tends to become an optimal alternative to total station measurements thanks to the high point acquisition rate it offers, but also to ever deeper data processing software functionalities. Nevertheless, traditional surveying techniques are valuable in some kinds of projects. Nowadays, a few modern total stations combine their conventional capabilities with those of a laser scanner in a unique device. The recent Trimble SX10 scanning total station is a survey instrument merging high-speed 3D scanning and the capabilities of an image-assisted total station. In this paper this new instrument is introduced and first compared to state-of-the-art image-assisted total stations. The paper also addresses the topic of various laser scanning projects and the delivered point clouds are compared with those of other TLS. Directly and indirectly georeferenced projects have been carried out and are investigated in this paper, and a polygonal traverse is performed through a building. Comparisons with the results delivered by well-established survey instruments show the reliability of the Trimble SX10 for geodetic work as well as for scanning projects


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    Terrestrial and airborne laser scanning, photogrammetry and more generally 3D recording techniques are used in a wide range of applications. After recording several individual 3D datasets known in local systems, one of the first crucial processing steps is the registration of these data into a common reference frame. To perform such a 3D transformation, commercial and open source software as well as programs from the academic community are available. Due to some lacks in terms of computation transparency and quality assessment in these solutions, it has been decided to develop an open source algorithm which is presented in this paper. It is dedicated to the simultaneous registration of multiple point clouds as well as their georeferencing. The idea is to use this algorithm as a start point for further implementations, involving the possibility of combining 3D data from different sources. Parallel to the presentation of the global registration methodology which has been employed, the aim of this paper is to confront the results achieved this way with the above-mentioned existing solutions. For this purpose, first results obtained with the proposed algorithm to perform the global registration of ten laser scanning point clouds are presented. An analysis of the quality criteria delivered by two selected software used in this study and a reflexion about these criteria is also performed to complete the comparison of the obtained results. The final aim of this paper is to validate the current efficiency of the proposed method through these comparisons
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