38 research outputs found

    Conductivité thermique et perméabilité intrinsèque de la neige compactée

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    La perméabilité intrinsèque et la conductivité thermique de la neige sont deux paramètres essentiels pour effectuer l'analyse numérique du comportement thermique de milieux poreux. Plusieurs mesures de ces paramètres ont été effectuées successivement sur des échantillons de neiges compactées recueillis à l'Université Laval. La mesure de la conductivité thermique a été effectuée selon la méthode du fil chaud. Pour la perméabilité intrinsèque, un perméamètre à air à double mur fût conçu pour des expériences en laboratoire. La perméabilité intrinsèque et la conductivité thermique variaient respectivement de 1.1 x 10-8 à 8.0 x 10-11 m2 et de 0.09 à 0.48 W/mK pour des échantillons de neige ayant des porosités s'étalant entre 0.32 et 0.75. Les résultats se comparent bien avec ceux trouvés dans la littérature. Des modèles de prédiction des propriétés ont été examinés pour chacune des propriétés avec la porosité et le diamètre des grains

    Diversité des usages et des questions anthropologiques, au prisme des formations sur les sourds

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    L’anthropologie se développe aujourd’hui bien au-delà des murs des universités et les situations d’enseignement se multiplient. Le présent texte interroge ces usages de l’anthropologie dans différentes formations, à travers le croisement des regards de quatre formateurs œuvrant dans le domaine des pratiques culturelles et identitaires spécifiques à des sourds. Ainsi, s’articule de différente manière un ensemble de savoirs anthropologiques, de concepts et de méthodes propres à la discipline. Ces expériences particulières d’enseignement d’une anthropologie hors les murs sont alors un lieu de mise à l’épreuve des constructions théoriques de la discipline et de réflexivité sur les démarches méthodologiques contribuant au renouvellement du regard de l’anthropologue.Anthropology is now expanding beyond the walls of universities and the contexts of teaching are increasing in numbers. This text examines these uses of anthropology in different training contexts through a comparison of the perspectives of four trainers working in the field of cultural practices and identity relating to deaf people. Thus, a set of anthropological knowledge, concepts and specific disciplinary methods is articulated in different ways. These specific experiences surrounding the teaching of anthropology outside the academic world represent an opportunity to test the discipline’s theoretical constructs as well as reflexivity about methodological approaches, while allowing the perspective of the anthropologist to constantly be renewed

    Automatic Text Simplification of News Articles in the Context of Public Broadcasting

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    This report summarizes the work carried out by the authors during the Twelfth Montreal Industrial Problem Solving Workshop, held at Universit\'e de Montr\'eal in August 2022. The team tackled a problem submitted by CBC/Radio-Canada on the theme of Automatic Text Simplification (ATS)

    Autonomous quantum error correction of Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill states

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    The Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) code encodes a logical qubit into a bosonic system with resilience against single-photon loss, the predominant error in most bosonic systems. Here we present experimental results demonstrating quantum error correction of GKP states based on reservoir engineering of a superconducting device. Error correction is made autonomous through an unconditional reset of an auxiliary transmon qubit. The lifetime of the logical qubit is shown to be increased from quantum error correction, therefore reaching the point at which more errors are corrected than generated.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures + 26 pages, 12 figure

    Characterizing Prostate Cancer Risk Through Multi-Ancestry Genome-Wide Discovery of 187 Novel Risk Variants

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    The transferability and clinical value of genetic risk scores (GRSs) across populations remain limited due to an imbalance in genetic studies across ancestrally diverse populations. Here we conducted a multi-ancestry genome-wide association study of 156,319 prostate cancer cases and 788,443 controls of European, African, Asian and Hispanic men, reflecting a 57% increase in the number of non-European cases over previous prostate cancer genome-wide association studies. We identified 187 novel risk variants for prostate cancer, increasing the total number of risk variants to 451. An externally replicated multi-ancestry GRS was associated with risk that ranged from 1.8 (per standard deviation) in African ancestry men to 2.2 in European ancestry men. The GRS was associated with a greater risk of aggressive versus non-aggressive disease in men of African ancestry (P = 0.03). Our study presents novel prostate cancer susceptibility loci and a GRS with effective risk stratification across ancestry groups

    Sodium fast reactor safety and licensing research plan. Volume II.

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    Expert panels comprised of subject matter experts identified at the U.S. National Laboratories (SNL, ANL, INL, ORNL, LBL, and BNL), universities (University of Wisconsin and Ohio State University), international agencies (IRSN, CEA, JAEA, KAERI, and JRC-IE) and private consultation companies (Radiation Effects Consulting) were assembled to perform a gap analysis for sodium fast reactor licensing. Expert-opinion elicitation was performed to qualitatively assess the current state of sodium fast reactor technologies. Five independent gap analyses were performed resulting in the following topical reports: (1) Accident Initiators and Sequences (i.e., Initiators/Sequences Technology Gap Analysis), (2) Sodium Technology Phenomena (i.e., Advanced Burner Reactor Sodium Technology Gap Analysis), (3) Fuels and Materials (i.e., Sodium Fast Reactor Fuels and Materials: Research Needs), (4) Source Term Characterization (i.e., Advanced Sodium Fast Reactor Accident Source Terms: Research Needs), and (5) Computer Codes and Models (i.e., Sodium Fast Reactor Gaps Analysis of Computer Codes and Models for Accident Analysis and Reactor Safety). Volume II of the Sodium Research Plan consolidates the five gap analysis reports produced by each expert panel, wherein the importance of the identified phenomena and necessities of further experimental research and code development were addressed. The findings from these five reports comprised the basis for the analysis in Sodium Fast Reactor Research Plan Volume I

    The development of a realistic source term for sodium-cooled fast reactors : assessment of current status and future needs.

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    Sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs) continue to be proposed and designed throughout the United States and the world. Although the number of SFRs actually operating has declined substantially since the 1980s, a significant interest in advancing these types of reactor systems remains. Of the many issues associated with the development and deployment of SFRs, one of high regulatory importance is the source term to be used in the siting of the reactor. A substantial amount of modeling and experimental work has been performed over the past four decades on accident analysis, sodium coolant behavior, and radionuclide release for SFRs. The objective of this report is to aid in determining the gaps and issues related to the development of a realistic, mechanistically derived source term for SFRs. This report will allow the reader to become familiar with the severe accident source term concept and gain a broad understanding of the current status of the models and experimental work. Further, this report will allow insight into future work, in terms of both model development and experimental validation, which is necessary in order to develop a realistic source term for SFRs

    L’atlas des territoires d’intérêt pour la conservation dans les basses-terres du Saint-Laurent : un outil pour orienter la conservation des milieux naturels dans le sud du Québec

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    Comparativement au reste du Québec, les basses-terres du Saint-Laurent (BTSL) sont connues pour héberger une grande diversité biologique et de nombreuses espèces en situation précaire. C’est aussi là que se concentrent les activités anthropiques qui portent atteinte à l’intégrité des écosystèmes. Un atlas des territoires d’intérêt a été produit pour déterminer les territoires des BTSL où des actions de conservation sont requises (Jobin et collab., 2019a). Les cibles de conservation (filtre grossier) retenues sont les milieux forestiers, les milieux humides, les milieux ouverts (friches, prairies agricoles) et les milieux aquatiques. Les sites d’intérêt ont été déterminés par la sélection de ceux ayant une très haute valeur de conservation (présence d’espèces en situation précaire, d’aires protégées, etc.), puis par une analyse de priorisation multicritère. Des éléments du filtre fin sont aussi illustrés (p. ex., des frayères ou des colonies d’oiseaux). Cet article présente un survol des résultats de l’atlas des BTSL, des applications des résultats et des possibilités d’utilisation pour les acteurs actifs en conservation des milieux naturels au Québec. Puisque les données géospatiales associées aux sites d’intérêt sont disponibles, les utilisateurs peuvent les consulter pour connaître précisément l’emplacement des sites d’intérêt et adapter l’analyse de ces données à leur réalité territoriale.Compared to the rest of Quebec (Canada), the St. Lawrence Lowlands (SLL) exhibit a particularly high biological diversity, and are home to many species at risk. This part of the province is also where anthropogenic activities that affect ecosystem integrity are concentrated. An atlas of sites of conservation interest within the SLL has recently been produced to identify locations where conservation actions are required (Jobin et al., 2019a). The conservation targets (coarse filter) are woodlands, wetlands, open habitats (e.g., old fields and perennial crops) and aquatic environments. Sites of interest were determined by first selecting those of very high conservation value (e.g., presence of species at risk and protected areas), followed by a multi-criteria prioritization analysis. Local sites of importance for biodiversity (fine filter) are also provided, such as fish spawning grounds and bird colonies. This article presents an overview of the results of the atlas, possible applications of the results and potential uses for stakeholders involved in the conservation of natural areas in Quebec. As geospatial data are available for the sites of interest, users can identify their location and adapt the information presented to their particular area