7,284 research outputs found

    Toward an Improved Analytical Description of Lagrangian Bias

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    We carry out a detailed numerical investigation of the spatial correlation function of the initial positions of cosmological dark matter halos. In this Lagrangian coordinate system, which is especially useful for analytic studies of cosmological feedback, we are able to construct cross-correlation functions of objects with varying masses and formation redshifts and compare them with a variety of analytical approaches. For the case in which both formation redshifts are equal, we find good agreement between our numerical results and the bivariate model of Scannapieco & Barkana (2002; SB02) at all masses, redshifts, and separations, while the model of Porciani et al. (1998) does well for all parameters except for objects with different masses at small separations. We find that the standard mapping between Lagrangian and Eulerian bias performs well for rare objects at all separations, but fails if the objects are highly-nonlinear (low-sigma) peaks. In the Lagrangian case in which the formation redshifts differ, the SB02 model does well for all separations and combinations of masses, apart from a discrepancy at small separations in situations in which the smaller object is formed earlier and the difference between redshifts or masses is large. As this same limitation arises in the standard approach to the single-point progenitor distribution developed by Lacey & Cole (1993), we conclude that a more complete understanding of the progenitor distribution is the most important outstanding issue in the analytic modeling of Lagrangian bias.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Predictions from Star Formation in the Multiverse

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    We compute trivariate probability distributions in the landscape, scanning simultaneously over the cosmological constant, the primordial density contrast, and spatial curvature. We consider two different measures for regulating the divergences of eternal inflation, and three different models for observers. In one model, observers are assumed to arise in proportion to the entropy produced by stars; in the others, they arise at a fixed time (5 or 10 billion years) after star formation. The star formation rate, which underlies all our observer models, depends sensitively on the three scanning parameters. We employ a recently developed model of star formation in the multiverse, a considerable refinement over previous treatments of the astrophysical and cosmological properties of different pocket universes. For each combination of observer model and measure, we display all single and bivariate probability distributions, both with the remaining parameter(s) held fixed, and marginalized. Our results depend only weakly on the observer model but more strongly on the measure. Using the causal diamond measure, the observed parameter values (or bounds) lie within the central 2σ2\sigma of nearly all probability distributions we compute, and always within 3σ3\sigma. This success is encouraging and rather nontrivial, considering the large size and dimension of the parameter space. The causal patch measure gives similar results as long as curvature is negligible. If curvature dominates, the causal patch leads to a novel runaway: it prefers a negative value of the cosmological constant, with the smallest magnitude available in the landscape.Comment: 68 pages, 19 figure

    Determination of the Equation of State of Dense Matter

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    Nuclear collisions can compress nuclear matter to densities achieved within neutron stars and within core-collapse supernovae. These dense states of matter exist momentarily before expanding. We analyzed the flow of matter to extract pressures in excess of 10^34 pascals, the highest recorded under laboratory-controlled conditions. Using these analyses, we rule out strongly repulsive nuclear equations of state from relativistic mean field theory and weakly repulsive equations of state with phase transitions at densities less than three times that of stable nuclei, but not equations of state softened at higher densities because of a transformation to quark matter.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures; final versio

    Effective Screening due to Minihalos During the Epoch of Reionization

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    We show that the gaseous halos of collapsed objects introduce a substantial cumulative opacity to ionizing radiation, even after the smoothly distributed hydrogen in the intergalactic medium has been fully reionized. This opacity causes a delay of around unity in redshift between the time of the overlap of ionized bubbles in the intergalactic medium and the lifting of complete Gunn-Peterson Lyman alpha absorption. The minihalos responsible for this screening effect are not resolved by existing numerical simulations of reionization.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Ap

    Formation time distribution of dark matter haloes: theories versus N-body simulations

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    This paper uses numerical simulations to test the formation time distribution of dark matter haloes predicted by the analytic excursion set approaches. The formation time distribution is closely linked to the conditional mass function and this test is therefore an indirect probe of this distribution. The excursion set models tested are the extended Press-Schechter (EPS) model, the ellipsoidal collapse (EC) model, and the non-spherical collapse boundary (NCB) model. Three sets of simulations (6 realizations) have been used to investigate the halo formation time distribution for halo masses ranging from dwarf-galaxy like haloes (M=10−3M∗M=10^{-3} M_*, where M∗M_* is the characteristic non-linear mass scale) to massive haloes of M=8.7M∗M=8.7 M_*. None of the models can match the simulation results at both high and low redshift. In particular, dark matter haloes formed generally earlier in our simulations than predicted by the EPS model. This discrepancy might help explain why semi-analytic models of galaxy formation, based on EPS merger trees, under-predict the number of high redshift galaxies compared with recent observations.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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