53 research outputs found

    Территориальные диспропорции демографических явлений, влияющих на формирование рабочей силы (на примере Севастопольского горсовета)

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    Рассмотрены основные диспропорции демографических явлений на микро-территориальном уровне, влияющие на формирование рабочей силы. Разработаны предло-жения методического характера по изучению геодемографических процессов крупного го-рода (на примере г.Севастополя).Розглянуто основні диспропорції демографічних явищ на мікро-територіальному рів-ні, що впливають на формування робочої сили. Розроблено пропозиції методичного характе-ру по вивченню геодемографічних процесів великого міста (на прикладі м. Севастополя).Territorial disproportions of the demographic phenomena at micro -territorial level which affecting to forming of labour power are considered. Suggestions of methodical character on the study of geodemographics processes of large city (on the example of Sevastopol) are developed

    Editorial: Youth personality development

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    The period between childhood and adulthood is a turbulent time of life (Hollenstein & Lougheed, 2013). While there is a solid body of research on youth social, biological, and psychological development (Sawyer et al., 2018; Steinberg & Morris, 2001), surprisingly little is known about personality processes and individual differences in them during these years. The papers in this Special Issue make important contributions to the current literature in three ways: first, by mapping developmental patterns to broader conceptualizations of personality, including personality pathology, second, by examining predictors and mechanisms in youth personality development, and third, by linking youth personality development to later life outcomes. We hope that the results of these papers will contribute to a more nuanced understanding of adolescent personality development in diverse cultural contexts and stimulate new integrative research

    Розрахунок довговічності матеріалів при нерегулярному непропорційному навантажуванні

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    Із метою розробки адекватних моделей для розрахунку довговічності аналізуються наведені в літературних джерелах експериментальні дані щодо малоциклової втоми сталі 304 та титанового сплаву ВТ9 під час деформування за складними історіями навантаження, що являють собою у просторі повних деформацій послідовність блоків різних за формою циклів. За базові використовуються чотири моделі накопичування пошкоджень та деформаційний критерій малоциклової втоми. Виконано порівняльний аналіз моделей прогнозування довговічності. Показано, що застосування удосконаленого нелінійного правила накопичування пошкоджень дозволяє покращити результати прогнозування довговічності, причому у більшій мірі для програм, що включають непропорційні цикли.С целью разработки адекватных моделей для расчета долговечности анализируются приведенные в литературных источниках данные по малоцикловой усталости стали 304 и титанового сплава ВТ9 в процессе деформирования по сложным историям нагружения, которые представляют собой в пространстве полных деформаций последовательность блоков разных по форме циклов. В качестве базовых применяются четыре модели накопления повреждений и деформационный критерий малоцикловой усталости. Проведен сравнительный анализ моделей прогнозирования долговечности. Показано, что применение усовершенствованного нелинейного правила накопления повреждений позволяет улучшить результаты прогнозирования долговечности, причем в большей степени для программ, которые включают непропорциональные циклы.We analyze the experimental data available in the literature on low-cycle fatigue of 304 steel and VT9 titanium alloy subjected to loads with complex loading histories, which are represented in the space of total deformations by a sequence of loading blocks consisting of cycles of various shapes. As models for the material life prediction, we use four models of damage accumulation, as well as the low-cycle fatigue deformation criterion. A comparative analysis of life prediction models is provided. It is shown that application of the refined nonlinear damage accumulation rule leads to the improvement of the life prediction results, which effect is more pronounced for loading programs containing nonproportional cycles

    Mental Disorder During Adolescence:Evidence of Arrested Personality Development

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    The experience of a mental disorder may affect the development of personality in multiple ways, but empirical evidence regarding psychopathology effects on personality development that persist after remission of the disorder is limited and inconsistent. In the longitudinal cohort TRacking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey (TRAILS), mental disorders during adolescence were assessed using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview and parent-reported effortful control, fearfulness, and frustration at age 11 and age 19 through the Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire. We found that adolescent mental disorders had small effects on personality change. Internalizing disorders predicted increases of fearfulness and frustration but hardly affected effortful control; externalizing disorders were unrelated to frustration and fearfulness but predicted a decrease of effortful control. Whereas fearfulness and frustration partially caught up after disorder remission, virtually all delay in effortful control was still present 2.9 years later, suggesting scarring effects

    The Relation Between Self-Event Connections and Personality Functioning in Youth with Severe Psychopathology

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    OBJECTIVE: One way in which individuals construct their narrative identity is by making self-event connections, which are often linked to better functioning. Being unable to make connections is related to identity discontinuity and psychopathology. Work in the general population corroborates this association, but also highlights the importance of focusing on specific aspects of these connections and on vulnerable populations. METHOD: We examined the association of self-event connections with personality functioning in youth with severe psychopathology (cross-sectional N = 228, Mage = 19.5, longitudinal N = 84), and the role of event and connection valence in the subsample of youth who made a connection (n = 188 and n = 68). Negative affectivity was controlled for in all models. RESULTS: We found no evidence that self-event connections, nor connection valence and its interaction with event valence, are related to functioning. Positive event valence was associated with better functioning. Higher negative affectivity was strongly linked to lower functioning and explained the relation between event valence and functioning. No longitudinal associations emerged. CONCLUSIONS: These findings show that for youth with severe psychopathology making self-event connections may not be associated with better functioning. Moreover, negative affectivity may be a distal predictor of both event valence and functioning

    Understanding personality pathology in a clinical sample of youth: study protocol for the longitudinal research project 'APOLO'

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    Introduction We propose that a dimensional, multilayered perspective is well suited to study maladaptive personality development in youth. Such a perspective can help understand pathways to personality pathology and contribute to its early detection. The research project 'APOLO' (a Dutch language acronym for Adolescents and their Personality Development: a Longitudinal Study) is designed based on McAdams' integrative three-layered model of personality development and assesses the interaction between dispositional traits, characteristic adaptations, the narrative identity and functioning. Methods and analysis APOLO is a longitudinal research project that takes place in two outpatient mental healthcare centres. Participants are youth between 12 years and 23 years and their parents. Data collection is set up to build a data set for scientific research, as well as to use the data for diagnostic assessment and systematic treatment evaluation of individual patients. Measurements are conducted half-yearly for a period of 3 years and consist of self-report and informant-report questionnaires and a semistructured interview. The included constructs fit the dimensional model of personality development: maladaptive personality traits (dispositional traits), social relations, stressful life events (characteristic adaptations), a turning point (narrative identity) and functioning (eg, achievement of youth specific milestones). Primary research questions will be analysed using structural equation modelling. Ethics and dissemination The results will contribute to our understanding of (the development of) personality pathology as a complex phenomenon in which both structural personality characteristics as well as unique individual adaptations and experiences play a role. Furthermore, results will give directions for early detection and timely interventions. This study has been approved by the ethical review committee of the Utrecht University Faculty for Social and Behavioural Sciences (FETC17-092). Data distribution will be anonymous and results will be disseminated via communication canals appropriate for diverse audiences. This includes both clinical and scientific conferences, papers published in national and international peer-reviewed journals and (social) media platforms

    Новые подходы к изучению русского романтизма в литературоведении 1990-х годов

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    В статье анализируются теоретические аспекты сущности понятия «романтизм», дается аналитический обзор литературоведческих исследований о русском романтизме, обобщаются основные направления в изучении русского романтизма.У статті аналізуються теоретичні аспекти сутності поняття “романтизм”, дається аналітичний огляд літературознавчих досліджень про російський романтизм, узагальнюються основні напрямки у вивченні російського романтизму.The article deals with the theoretical aspects of the real meaning of “Romanticism”. It is given here an analytical revision of the history literary researches of Russian romanticism; anylized the main aspects of new approaches to studying Russian romanticism

    Differentiating BPD in adolescents with NSSI disorder: the role of adverse childhood experiences and current social relationships

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    Background: As borderline personality disorder (BPD) is increasingly considered a lifespan developmental disorder, we need to focus on risk factors and precursors in the developmental pathways to BPD, in order to enable early detection and intervention. Within this developmental pathway, adolescence is a crucial phase in the light of the manifestation of the disorder. Relational factors such as adverse childhood experiences and current relational problems can be considered important in adolescents who are at-risk for BPD. Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) is a key precursor for adolescent BPD and one of the most promising targets for early detection and intervention of BPD. Methods: In a clinical sample of 152 adolescents engaging in nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) disorder referred to mental healthcare in Germany, this study investigated whether we can differentiate who has BPD from 1) adverse childhood experiences; and 2) the quality of current relationships, both with parents and peers. BPD was assessed both categorically as a dichotomized score and dimensionally as a continuous score. Results: More adverse childhood experiences, but not low quality of current social relationships, were related to more BPD symptoms and an increased risk for meeting full criteria for BPD. In the dimensional model, current social relationship quality with parents and peers did not show a moderating (protecting or aggravating) effect on the association between adverse childhood experiences and BPD. Using a categorical approach, however, the association between childhood adversity and meeting full criteria for BPD was higher in individuals reporting higher quality of current parent-child relationship. Conclusions: These results highlight adverse childhood experiences as risk factors of BPD, while the role of current social relationships seems more complex

    Borderline personality disorder in young people: associations with support and negative interactions in relationships with mothers and a best friend

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    BACKGROUND: Impaired interpersonal functioning has been highlighted as a core feature of borderline personality disorder (BPD). Adolescence and young adulthood form important developmental stages within both the emergence of BPD and the development of interpersonal functioning, which takes place mostly in relationships with parents and friends. This study aimed to: (i) investigate relations between BPD symptoms and both supportive and negative interactions with mothers and best friends; (ii) investigate whether the relations were moderated by age; (iii) test the robustness of our findings by comparing the results based on self-reports with results from a subsample in which supportive and negative interactions with mothers were rated by the mother. METHODS: 312 young people referred to mental healthcare completed self-report measures on BPD and supportive and negative interactions. Multiple regression analyses were conducted to examine the relations between BPD features and perceived supportive and negative interactions with mothers and a best friend, and to investigate whether these relations were moderated by age. Robustness of our findings was studied in a subsample (n = 104), by using a multi-informant design in maternal report on supportive and negative interactions with mothers. RESULTS: Multiple regression analyses demonstrated that negative interactions with mothers as well as with a best friend were related to more BPD symptoms in young people. Supportive interactions were not related to BPD symptoms. Both BPD and quality of relations were not related to age. In a subsample in which supportive and negative interactions with mothers were rated by the mother, the maternal report showed slightly different results. In this model, both supportive and negative interactions with a best friend were positively related, whereas interactions with mothers were not related to BPD symptoms in young people. CONCLUSIONS: Results highlight the importance of relationships with mothers and a best friend during adolescence and young adulthood. Given that BPD often emerges during this developmental phase, future research is needed to clarify how quality of relationships could alter pathways toward BPD in young people. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Not applicable

    Youth Perceived Social Support and Symptom Distress: A Random-Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Model

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    Although social support and mental health associations have been extensively investigated, their reciprocal relations in vulnerable youth remain understudied. This study investigated the relations between perceived social support and symptom distress over time whilst differentiating between support from caregivers and significant others. The sample included 257 youth (79% self-identified women, M age = 19.2, SD = 2.5) who were receiving mental health treatment. Using a Random-Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Model, results revealed no significant concurrent associations, between-person effects, or cross-lagged effects. The autoregressive effects suggested that perceived social support from caregivers was relatively stable over time, while symptom distress and support from a significant other were not. In all, this study challenged the validity of the social causation and social erosion models in the context of perceived social support and symptom distress among vulnerable youth, revealing an absence of significant reciprocal associations. The stable nature of perceived social support from caregivers compared to support from significant others was highlighted. The study design, hypotheses, and target analyses were preregistered under https://osf.io/f4qpg