5 research outputs found

    GeneSis: A Generative Approach to Substitutes in Context

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    The lexical substitution task aims at generating a list of suitable replacements for a target word in context, ideally keeping the meaning of the modified text unchanged. While its usage has increased in recent years, the paucity of annotated data prevents the finetuning of neural models on the task, hindering the full fruition of recently introduced powerful architectures such as language models. Furthermore, lexical substitution is usually evaluated in a framework that is strictly bound to a limited vocabulary, making it impossible to credit appropriate, but out-of-vocabulary, substitutes. To assess these issues, we propose GENESIS (Generating Substitutes in contexts), the first generative approach to lexical substitution. Thanks to a seq2seq model, we generate substitutes for a word according to the context it appears in, attaining state-of-theart results on different benchmarks. Moreover, our approach allows silver data to be produced for further improving the performances of lexical substitution systems. Along with an extensive analysis of GENESIS results, we also present a human evaluation of the generated substitutes in order to assess their quality. We release the fine-tuned models, the generated datasets and the code to reproduce the experiments at https://github.com/SapienzaNLP/genesis

    CSI: a Coarse Sense Inventory for 85% Word Sense Disambiguation

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    Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) is the task of associating a word in context with one of its meanings. While many works in the past have focused on raising the state of the art, none has even come close to achieving an F-score in the 80% ballpark when using WordNet as its sense inventory. We contend that one of the main reasons for this failure is the excessively fine granularity of this inventory, resulting in senses that are hard to differentiate between, even for an experienced human annotator. In this paper we cope with this long-standing problem by introducing Coarse Sense Inventory (CSI), obtained by linking WordNet concepts to a new set of 45 labels. The results show that the coarse granularity of CSI leads a WSD model to achieve 85.9% F1, while maintaining a high expressive power. Our set of labels also exhibits ease of use in tagging and a descriptiveness that other coarse inventories lack, as demonstrated in two annotation tasks which we performed. Moreover, a few-shot evaluation proves that the class-based nature of CSI allows the model to generalise over unseen or under-represented wor

    ALaSca: an Automated approach for Large-Scale Lexical Substitution

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    The lexical substitution task aims at finding suitable replacements for words in context. It has proved to be useful in several areas, such as word sense induction and text simplification, as well as in more practical applications such as writing-assistant tools. However, the paucity of annotated data has forced researchers to apply mainly unsupervised approaches, limiting the applicability of large pre-trained models and thus hampering the potential benefits of supervised approaches to the task. In this paper, we mitigate this issue by proposing ALaSca, a novel approach to automatically creating large-scale datasets for English lexical substitution. ALaSca allows examples to be produced for potentially any word in a language vocabulary and to cover most of the meanings it lists. Thanks to this, we can unleash the full potential of neural architectures and finetune them on the lexical substitution task. Indeed, when using our data, a transformer-based model performs substantially better than when using manually annotated data only. We release ALaSca at https://sapienzanlp.github.io/alasca/

    Exemplification Modeling: Can You Give Me an Example, Please?

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    Recently, generative approaches have been used effectively to provide definitions of words in their context. However, the opposite, i.e., generating a usage example given one or more words along with their definitions, has not yet been investigated. In this work, we introduce the novel task of Exemplification Modeling (ExMod), along with a sequence-to-sequence architecture and a training procedure for it. Starting from a set of (word, definition) pairs, our approach is capable of automatically generating high-quality sentences which express the requested semantics. As a result, we can drive the creation of sense-tagged data which cover the full range of meanings in any inventory of interest, and their interactions within sentences. Human annotators agree that the sentences generated are as fluent and semantically-coherent with the input definitions as the sentences in manually-annotated corpora. Indeed, when employed as training data for Word Sense Disambiguation, our examples enable the current state of the art to be outperformed, and higher results to be achieved than when using gold-standard datasets only. We release the pretrained model, the dataset and the software at https://github.com/SapienzaNLP/exmod