4 research outputs found
Dise帽o y desarrollo de una arquitectura de Internet de las Cosas de nueva generaci贸n orientada al c谩lculo y predicci贸n de 铆ndices compuestos aplicada en entornos reales
[ES] El Internet de las Cosas (IoT) ha experimentado un gran crecimiento en los 煤ltimos a帽os. El incremento en el n煤mero de dispositivos, una mayor miniaturizaci贸n de la capacidad de computaci贸n y las t茅cnicas de virtualizaci贸n, han favorecido su adopci贸n en la industria y en otros sectores. Asimismo, la introducci贸n de nuevas tecnolog铆as (como la Inteligencia Artificial, el 5G, el Tactile Internet o la Realidad Aumentada) y el auge del edge computing preparan el terreno, y formulan los requisitos, para lo que se conoce como Internet de las Cosas de Nueva Generaci贸n (NGIoT).
Estos avances plantean nuevos desaf铆os tales como el establecimiento de arquitecturas que cubran dichas necesidades y a la vez resulten flexibles, escalables y pr谩cticas para implementar servicios que aporten valor a la sociedad. En este sentido, el IoT puede resultar un elemento clave para el establecimiento de pol铆ticas y la toma de decisiones. Una herramienta muy 煤til para ello es la definici贸n y c谩lculo de indicadores compuestos, que representan un impacto en un fen贸meno real a trav茅s de un 煤nico valor. La generaci贸n de estos indicadores es un aspecto promovido por entidades oficiales como la Uni贸n Europea, aunque su automatizaci贸n y uso en entornos de tiempo real es un campo poco explorado. Este tipo de 铆ndices deben seguir una serie de operaciones matem谩ticas y formalidades (normalizaci贸n, ponderaci贸n, agregaci贸n驴) para ser considerados v谩lidos.
Esta tesis doctoral plantea la uni贸n de ambos campos en alza, proponiendo una arquitectura de Internet de las Cosas de nueva generaci贸n orientada al servicio de c谩lculo y predicci贸n de indicadores compuestos. Partiendo de la experiencia del candidato en proyectos de investigaci贸n europeos y regionales, y construyendo sobre tecnolog铆as open source, se ha incluido el dise帽o, desarrollo e integraci贸n de los m贸dulos de dicha arquitectura (adquisici贸n de datos, procesamiento, visualizaci贸n y seguridad) como parte de la tesis.
Dichos planteamientos e implementaciones se han validado en cinco escenarios diferentes, cubriendo cinco 铆ndices compuestos en entornos con requisitos dispares siguiendo una metodolog铆a dise帽ada durante este trabajo. Los casos de uso est谩n centrados en aspectos de sostenibilidad en entornos urbano y mar铆timo-portuario, pero se ha destacado que la soluci贸n puede ser extrapolada a otros sectores ya que ha sido dise帽ada de una manera agn贸stica.
El resultado de la tesis ha sido, adem谩s, analizado desde el punto de vista de transferencia tecnol贸gica. Se ha propuesto la formulaci贸n de un producto, as铆 como una posible financiaci贸n en fases de madurez m谩s avanzadas y su potencial explotaci贸n como elemento comercializable[CA] La Internet de les Coses (IoT) ha experimentat un gran creixement en els 煤ltims anys. L'increment en el nombre de dispositius, una major miniaturitzaci贸 de la capacitat de computaci贸 i les t猫cniques de virtualitzaci贸, han afavorit la seua adopci贸 en la ind煤stria i en altres sectors. Aix铆 mateix, la introducci贸 de noves tecnologies (com la Intel路lig猫ncia Artificial, el 5G, la Internet T脿ctil o la Realitat Augmentada) i l'auge del edge computing preparen el terreny, i formulen els requisits, per al que es coneix com a Internet de les Coses de Nova Generaci贸 (NGIoT).
Aquests avan莽os plantegen nous desafiaments com ara l'establiment d'arquitectures que cobrisquen aquestes necessitats i resulten, alhora, flexibles, escalables i pr脿ctiques per a implementar serveis que aporten valor a la societat. Ac铆, el IoT pot resultar un element clau per a l'establiment de pol铆tiques i la presa de decisions. Una eina molt 煤til en aquest sentit 茅s la definici贸 i c脿lcul d'indicadors compostos, que representen un impacte en un fenomen real a trav茅s d'un 煤nic valor. La generaci贸 d'aquests indicadors 茅s un aspecte promogut per entitats oficials com la Uni贸 Europea, encara que la seua automatitzaci贸 i 煤s en entorns de temps real 茅s un camp poc explorat. Aquest tipus d'铆ndexs han de seguir una s猫rie d'operacions matem脿tiques i formalitats (normalitzaci贸, ponderaci贸, agregaci贸驴) per a ser considerats v脿lids.
Aquesta tesi doctoral planteja la uni贸 de tots dos camps en al莽a, proposant una arquitectura d'Internet de les Coses de nova generaci贸 orientada al servei de c脿lcul i predicci贸 d'indicadors compostos. Partint de l'experi猫ncia del candidat en projectes d'investigaci贸 europeus i regionals, i construint sobre tecnologies open source, s'ha incl貌s el disseny, desenvolupament i integraci贸 dels m貌duls d'aquesta arquitectura (adquisici贸 de dades, processament, visualitzaci贸 i seguretat) com a part de la tesi.
Aquests plantejaments i implementacions s'han validat en cinc escenaris diferents, cobrint cinc 铆ndexs compostos en entorns amb requisits dispars seguint una metodologia dissenyada durant aquest treball. Els casos d'煤s estan centrats en aspectes de sostenibilitat en entorns urb脿 i mar铆tim-portuari, per貌 s'ha destacat que la soluci贸 pot ser extrapolada a altres sectors ja que ha sigut dissenyada d'una manera agn貌stica.
El resultat de la tesi ha sigut, a m茅s, analitzat des del punt de vista de transfer猫ncia tecnol貌gica. S'ha proposat la formulaci贸 d'un producte, aix铆 com un possible finan莽ament en fases de maduresa m茅s avan莽ades i la seua potencial explotaci贸 com a element comercialitzable[EN] The Internet of Things (IoT) has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. The increase in the number of devices, greater miniaturization of computing capacity and virtualization techniques have favored its adoption in industry and other sectors. Likewise, the introduction of new technologies (such as Artificial Intelligence, 5G, Tactile Internet or Augmented Reality), together with the rise of edge computing, are paving the way, and formulating the requirements, for what is known as the Next Generation Internet of Things (NGIoT).
These advances pose new challenges such as the establishment of proper architectures that meet those needs and, at the same time, are flexible, scalable, and practical for implementing services that bring value to society. In this sense, IoT could be a key element for policy and decision making. A very useful tool for this is the definition and calculation of composite indicators, which represent an impact on a real phenomenon through a single value. The generation of these indicators is an aspect promoted by official entities such as the European Union, although their automation and use in real-time environments is a rather uncharted research field. This type of indexes must follow a series of mathematical operations and formalities (normalization, weighting, aggregation...) to be considered valid.
This doctoral thesis proposes the union of both fields, proposing a new generation Internet of Things architecture oriented to the calculation and prediction of composite indicators. Based on the candidate's experience in European and regional research projects, and building on open source technologies, the design, development and integration of the modules of such architecture (data acquisition, processing, visualization and security) has been included as part of the thesis.
These approaches and implementations have been validated in five different scenarios, covering five composite indexes in environments with disparate requirements following a methodology designed during this work. The use cases are focused on sustainability aspects in urban and maritime-port environments, but it has been highlighted that the solution can be extrapolated to other sectors as it has been designed in an agnostic way.
The result of the thesis has also been analyzed from the point of view of technology transfer. A tentative product definition has been formulated, as well as a possible financing in more advanced stages of maturity and its potential exploitation as a marketable elementLacalle 脷beda, I. (2022). Dise帽o y desarrollo de una arquitectura de Internet de las Cosas de Nueva Generaci贸n orientada al c谩lculo y predicci贸n de 铆ndices compuestos aplicada en entornos reales [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19063
Este proyecto consiste en el desarrollo y la implementaci贸n de una plataforma m贸vil enmarcada en un sistema global de control de acceso basado en roles y geolocalizaci贸n: GeoRBAC.
En concreto est谩 focalizado en la parte de identificaci贸n de usuario de dicho sistema global, creando un entorno real en el que el usuario es capaz de identificarse y distribuir su posici贸n geogr谩fica, aprovechando modernas tecnolog铆as y tras hacer un exhaustivo estudio te贸rico de las herramientas involucradas en el mismo.Lacalle 脷beda, I. (2014). GEORBAC: DISPOSITIVO M脫VIL EN LA ARQUITECTURA DE CONTROL DE ACCESO. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/51433.Archivo delegad
ASSIST-IoT: A Modular Implementation of a Reference Architecture for the Next Generation Internet of Things
[EN] Next Generation Internet of Things (NGIoT) addresses the deployment of complex, novel IoT ecosystems. These ecosystems are related to different technologies and initiatives, such as 5G/6G, AI, cybersecurity, and data science. The interaction with these disciplines requires addressing complex challenges related with the implementation of flexible solutions that mix heterogeneous software and hardware, while providing high levels of customisability and manageability, creating the need for a blueprint reference architecture (RA) independent of particular existing vertical markets (e.g., energy, automotive, or smart cities). Different initiatives have partially dealt with the requirements of the architecture. However, the first complete, consolidated NGIoT RA, covering the hardware and software building blocks, and needed for the advent of NGIoT, has been designed in the ASSIST-IoT project. The ASSIST-IoT RA delivers a layered and modular design that divides the edge-cloud continuum into independent functions and cross-cutting capabilities. This contribution discusses practical aspects of implementation of the proposed architecture within the context of real-world applications. In particular, it is shown how use of cloud-native concepts (microservices and applications, containerisation, and orchestration) applied to the edge-cloud continuum IoT systems results in bringing the ASSIST-IoT concepts to reality. The description of how the design elements can be implemented in practice is presented in the context of an ecosystem, where independent software packages are deployed and run at the selected points in the hardware environment. Both implementation aspects and functionality of selected groups of virtual artefacts (micro-applications called enablers) are described, along with the hardware and software contexts in which they run.This work was funded by the European Commission, under the Horizon Europe project ASSIST-IoT, grant number 957258.Szmeja, P.; Forn茅s-Leal, A.; Lacalle-脷beda, I.; Palau Salvador, CE.; Ganzha, M.; Pawlowski, W.; Paprzycki, M.... (2023). ASSIST-IoT: A Modular Implementation of a Reference Architecture for the Next Generation Internet of Things. Electronics. 12(4). https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics1204085412
The Port Environmental Index: A Quantitative IoT-Based Tool for Assessing the Environmental Performance of Ports
The increasing exchange of goods by sea is contributing significantly to pollution in port areas. Although several methods have been developed to assess the environmental performance of ports, most of them have shortcomings including a qualitative-only approach and self-assessment of environmental performance. Therefore, there is a pressing need to develop a different approach based on quantitative measurements obtained through measurements at ports. In this paper we present the Port Environmental Index (PEI), a quantitative composite index of port environmental performance driven by IoT. The index allows for environmental measurements to be collected in real time or close to real time through sensors providing an assessment of a port鈥檚 environmental performance in real time. In addition, since the methodology for creating the index is standardised, the index makes it possible to compare different ports and rank them in terms of their environmental performance. As a proof of concept (PoC) this paper also describes the application of the index to the port of Thessaloniki (Greece)