127 research outputs found

    Pre- and Probiotics to Increase the Immune Power of Colostrum in Dogs

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    Wide differences in Ig concentration in canine colostrum have been reported. Thus, some litters can be at risk of passive immune transfer failure. Present study evaluated if supplementation with MOS, FOS, E. faecium and L. acidophilus along pregnancy increases colostrum quality. Twenty Great Dane bitches were divided into 4 groups. Control group (CG) received standard diet, only. Diet was supplemented with pre- and probiotics in other 3 study groups during: the last (1WG), last 2 (2WG), and last 4 (4WG) weeks of pregnancy, until parturition. Serum samples were collected at estrous (T0), supplementation beginning (T1), and parturition (T2). Colostrum was collected at C-section end. The IgG, IgM, and IgA were assayed on both matrices. In serum, IgG were higher at T0 than at parturition in all study groups and they significantly lowered from T0 to T1 in all groups. In colostrum, IgG and IgM were significantly higher in 4WG, while IgA already increased in 2WG group. Four-week pre- and probiotic supplementation resulted in the best immune properties of colostrum, as by the higher IgG, IgM, and IgA colostrum levels found in 4WG. Further studies would verify the exact mechanisms involved: pre-partum IgG mammary accumulation and B-cells GALT proliferation and mammary transfer. Further trials would verify whether these beneficial effects of pre- and probiotics on colostrum also lead to improved clinical conditions and immunological functions of newborns and puppies

    Ejaculation effect on canine prostatic specific esterase serum concentration

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    Canine prostatic diseases are usually asymptomatic in their onset and often identified in advanced stages. Canine prostatic specific esterase (CPSE) represents an early serum marker for prostatic diseases, also in asymptomatic dogs. The present study aimed to identify the effects of ejaculation on serum CPSE. Twenty adult intact male dogs were enrolled. Blood samples were collected to measure CPSE concentrations before (T0), immediately after (T1), and 24 h post (T2) ejaculation. Data were compared within and between groups by ANOVA (p < 0.05). Dogs were divided in two equal groups: A (healthy: CPSE ≤ 52.3 ng/mL at T0) and B (suspected for prostatic disorders: CPSE > 52.3 ng/mL or diagnosed with symptoms of prostatic diseases: CPSE > 90 ng/mL). CPSE was shown to be statistically higher in group B than A at any time point. In both groups, CPSE showed a significant increase at T1, and no significant differences between T0 and T2. This study demonstrates a definite effect of ejaculation on CPSE concentration. Twenty-four hours post-ejaculation, CPSE returns to basal values. Such physiological effects of ejaculation should be considered when planning analyses of CPSE concentrations, i.e., by respecting a proper sexual rest

    Article ultrasound-guided funicular block: Ropivacaine injection into the tissue around the spermatic cord to improve analgesia during orchiectomy in dogs

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    Orchiectomy is a common surgical procedure performed on small animals, and it requires postoperative pain management despite its relative simplicity. This study aimed to evaluate the hemodynamic stability, intraoperative administration of additional hypnotic and/or analgesic drugs, and postoperative pain scores following the combination of ultrasound-guided injection of ropiva-caine hydrochloride into the spermatic cord and infiltration by the same anaesthetic of the incisional prescrotal line (ROP) or general anaesthesia. Dogs in the ROP group showed greater intraoperative hemodynamic stability and lower pain scores than the control group. The locoregional approach used in this study proved effective in minimising the responses to the surgical stimulus and ensured ade-quate analgesia intra-and postoperatively. This method, called ultrasound-guided funicular block, allows orchiectomy to be performed under deep sedation without general anaesthesia

    Effects of two different management systems on hormonal, behavioral, and semen quality in male dromedary camels

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    Effects of two different management systems on male dromedary camel hormones, behaviors, and semen parameters were documented. Camels (n=6) were tested under two management systems: (i) housed in single boxes with 1-h freedom (H23); (ii) exposed to females for 17 h (from 3.30 p.m. to 8.30 a.m.) and then housed (ConExF). Blood was collected every morning; camel behavior was recorded twice a day: (i) from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. to determine the short effects; (ii) from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. to determine the long effects. Each camel underwent a female parade and semen collection thrice a week; sexual behavior, libido, and semen parameters were assessed. Testosterone and cortisol concentrations were higher in ConExF than H23. Compared to the H23 group, ConExF group spent more time walking, standing tripods, and looking outside their pen/box but they spent less time eating, ruminating, resting, standing, and showing stereotypical behaviors. In the morning, ConExF group spent more time walking, ruminating, and showing typical sexual behaviors compared to themselves during afternoon time and the H23 group. However, in the afternoon time, ConExF camels put more time their heads outside the box through the window and showed higher frequencies of stereotypies, probably due to a higher level of frustration. While the sexual behavioral score was higher and ejaculates showed a higher fraction of milky white and white-colored semen in ConExF than H23 group, their libido was similar. Overall, 17 h of exposure led to an increase in testosterone and cortisol levels, enhancing sexual behavior and semen color, but leading to frustration

    Use of spinal anaesthesia with anaesthetic block of intercostal nerves compared to a continuous infusion of sufentanyl to improve analgesia in cats undergoing unilateral mastectomy

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    Unilateral mastectomy is a common surgical procedure in feline species and requires postoperative pain management. Our study aimed to evaluate the analgesic efficacy of subarachnoid anaesthesia combined with an intercostal nerve block, in comparison with the use of sufentanyl citrate administered as a constant-rate infusion (CRI). Twenty cats were randomly divided into two groups (n = 10/group) based on the analgesic protocol used: the first received loco-regional anaesthesia with levobupivacaine (LR group), and the second received a CRI of sufentanyl (SUF group). The evaluation criteria during surgery were the need for a bolus of fentanyl in the event of an increased heart rate or increased blood pressure. In the postoperative period, the levels of comfort/discomfort and pain were used to obtain a score according to the UNESP-Botucatu multimodal scale. Subjects who scored above seven received analgesic drug supplementation. Intraoperative analgesia was satisfactory, with good haemodynamic stability in both groups. Four patients in the LR group required an extra dose of methadone after they achieved the sternal decubitus position, whereas those in the SUF group required many more doses. The analgesia achieved in the LR group was more satisfactory than that in the SUF group

    Collection of epididymal semen in the tomcat (Felix catus) by stereomicroscope-aided retrograde flushing (SARF) improves sample quality

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    In small and laboratory animals epididymal spermatozoa can be collected only by the mincing technique however, blood and cell debris contamination may adversely affect the quality of the samples. This study aimed at performing the retrograde flushing technique, for the first time, in the tomcat. In the first experiment attempts to insert a blunted needle into tomcats' ductus deferentes were made and the cannulation time and the success rate were recorded. In the second experiment, insertion of the needle into the ductus was carried out under a stereomicroscope for one testis, while the other was submitted to mincing for sperm recovery and the samples obtained from paired testes were compared. In the first study, only twenty-eight percent of the cannulation attempts were successful whereas in the second experiment, 91% of the deferentes were successfully cannulated: 80% of the ducts were cannulated in less than three minutes. The stereomicroscope-aided retrograde flushing samples showed significantly higher sperm viability, motility and velocities, as compared to those resulted from mincing. The domestic cat serves as a model for more than 36 species of wild felids; the developed stereomicroscope-aided retrograde flushing technique has the potential to become the gold standard method for harvesting spermatozoa of endangered species that have a small ductus deferens

    Centrifugation force and time alter CASA parameters and oxidative status of cryopreserved stallion sperm

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    Conventional sperm selection techniques used in ARTs rely on centrifugation steps. To date, the different studies reported on the effects of centrifugation on stallion sperm motility provided contrasting results and do not include effects on mitochondrial functionality and different oxidative parameters. The effects of different centrifugation protocols (300 ×g for 5’, 300 ×g for 10’, 1500 ×g for 5’ and 1500 ×g for 10’ vs no centrifugation) on motility and oxidative status in cryopreserved stallion sperm, were analyzed. After centrifugation, almost all motility parameters were significantly altered, as observed by computer-assisted sperm analysis. A polarographic assay of oxygen consumption showed a progressive decrease in mitochondria respiration from the gentlest to the strongest protocol. By laser scanning confocal microscopy, significant reduction of mitochondrial membrane potential, at any tested protocol, and time-dependent effects, at the same centrifugal force, were found. Increased DNA fragmentation index at any tested protocol and time-dependent effects at the same centrifugal force were found, whereas increased protein carbonylation was observed only at the strongest centrifugal force. These results provide more comprehensive understandings on centrifugation-induced effects on cryopreserved stallion sperm and suggest that, even at a weak force for a short time, centrifugation impairs different aspects of equine sperm metabolism and functionality

    Ochratoxin A affects oocyte maturation and subsequent embryo developmental dynamics in the juvenile sheep model

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    The genotoxic and nephrotoxic mycotoxin Ochratoxin A (OTA) has also been reported to have adverse effects on oocyte maturation and embryo development. Previous studies on the effects of OTA on female fertility have used micromolar concentrations, but no information is available to date on effects in a more relevant nanomolar range. This study used a juvenile sheep model to evaluate the effects of oocyte exposure to low levels of OTA on maturation, fertilization, and embryo development. Further, it was investigated whether different mechanisms of action of OTA could be responsible for varying toxic effects at different levels of exposure. Cumulus-oocyte-complexes (COCs) were exposed to 10 Î¼mol/L–0.1 nmol/L OTA during in vitro maturation and evaluated for cumulus viability, oocyte maturation, and bioenergetic/oxidative status. COCs were subjected to in vitro fertilization, embryo culture, and embryo quality assessment via morphology, viability, bioenergetic/oxidative status, and time-lapse monitoring. At micromolar concentrations, OTA induced cytotoxic effects, by reducing cumulus expansion and oocyte maturation. OTA altered temporospatial dynamics of zygote pronuclear formation and embryo morphokinetics. Blastocysts, even morphologically normal, were found to undergo collapse events, which were probably related to boosted blastocyst mitochondrial activity. At nanomolar concentrations, OTA did not affect COC morpho-functional parameters, but impaired oocyte ability to prevent polyspermy and increased blastocyst apoptosis. In conclusion, in the female germ cell, cytotoxic nonspecific effects characterize OTA-induced toxicity at high exposure levels, whereas fine tuning-mode effects, not associated with altered cell viability and integrity, characterize OTA toxic action at low levels

    Rearing in captivity affects spermatogenesis and sperm quality in greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili (Risso, 1810)

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    The greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili (Risso, 1810), is a promising candidate for the diversification of European aquaculture production, but inconsistent reproduction in captivity prevents commercial production. Recent studies showed that greater amberjack confined in sea cages exhibited scarce gonad development and early interruption of gametogenic activity during the reproductive season. The aim of the present study was to improve our understanding of the observed impairment of spermatogenesis. Adult wild and captive-reared males were sampled during 3 different phases of the reproductive cycle: early gametogenesis (EARLY; late April to early May), advanced gametogenesis (ADVANCED; late May to early June), and spawning (SPAWNING; late June to July). Spermatogonial stem cells and proliferating germ cells were identified through the immunohistochemical localization of Pou5f1 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen, respectively. Apoptotic germ cells were identified throughout the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated 2â -deoxyuridine 5â -triphosphate nick end labeling method. Sperm quality of captive-reared fish was evaluated using computer-assisted sperm analysis. Captive-reared males exhibited seminiferous lobules of a smaller diameter, a precocious and progressive decrease of spermatogonial mitosis, and a high level of apoptosis at the beginning of the reproductive season, concomitant with a many-fold higher 17β-estradiol plasma concentration. The motile spermatozoa percentage of captive greater amberjack was lower than in other teleosts, and a drastic decrease of spermatozoa motility duration, velocity, and ATP content occurred along the reproductive season. An abnormal increase of sperm concentration as well as an increase of dead spermatozoa occurred during the SPAWNING phase, probably because of lack of sperm hydration and ejaculation and consequent sperm ageing. The present study demonstrates the extreme susceptibility of greater amberjack to rearing stress and underscores the need for improvement of the rearing and handling procedures to ameliorate gametogenesis dysfunctions in commercial aquaculture production
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