12 research outputs found

    Genèse de l’Observatoire du Patrimoine et de la Culture Scientifiques et Techniques

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    L’OCIM a reçu une nouvelle mission : celle d’un Observatoire du Patrimoine et de la Culture Scientifiques et Techniques. Partant d’une interrogation sur la définition d’un observatoire, cet article présente les premières réflexions et pistes de travail qui animent la gestation de ce nouveau dispositif, au service des acteurs de ce champ spécifique.L’OCIM has been doted with a new mission: that of being a Heritage and Scientific Culture Observatory. Stemming from a wish to define what an observatory is, this article presents the initial ideas and ways to advance with the new entity that is available to all actors within this specific field through its gestation process

    First record of a freshwater cave sponge (Porifera, unknown gen. and sp.) in a cave inhabited by Astyanax cavefish in the Sierra de El Abra, San Luis Potosí, Mexico

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    The karstic cave, la Cueva de Los Sabinos, located in the Sierra de El Abra in the state of San Luis Potosí, Mexico, is mostly known for hosting a population of blind, depigmented Astyanax mexicanus cavefish. Herein, we report the discovery of a non-pigmented sponge (Porifera) in the final sump of this cave. No genus or species name could be attributed because we did not collect any specimen. Up to now, the sponge distribution seems restricted to a single pool in la Cueva de Los Sabinos, but further careful exploration of other pools of the cave as well as closely related cavities is warranted. To our knowledge, this observation constitutes the fourth report of a freshwater, white, cave-adapted sponge in the world and the first for Mexico and North America. It is also the eleventh troglobite species encountered in Los Sabinos. Our discovery confirms the exceptionally rich biodiversity of this cave ecosystem

    Dynamic and Thermodynamic Influences on Precipitation in Northeast Mexico on Orbital to Millennial Timescales

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    The timing and mechanisms of past hydroclimate change in northeast Mexico are poorly constrained, limiting our ability to evaluate climate model performance. To address this, we present a multiproxy speleothem record of past hydroclimate variability spanning 62.5 to 5.1 ka from Tamaulipas, Mexico. Here we show a strong influence of Atlantic and Pacific sea surface temperatures on orbital and millennial scale precipitation changes in the region. Multiple proxies show no clear response to insolation forcing, but strong evidence for dry conditions during Heinrich Stadials. While these trends are consistent with other records from across Mesoamerica and the Caribbean, the relative importance of thermodynamic and dynamic controls in driving this response is debated. An isotope-enabled climate model shows that cool Atlantic SSTs and stronger easterlies drive a strong inter-basin sea surface temperature gradient and a southward shift in moisture convergence, causing drying in this region

    First record of a freshwater cave sponge (Porifera, unknown gen. and sp.) in a cave inhabited by Astyanax cavefish in the Sierra de El Abra, San Luis Potosí, Mexico

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    The karstic cave, la Cueva de Los Sabinos, located in the Sierra de El Abra in the state of San Luis Potosí, Mexico, is mostly known for hosting a population of blind, depigmented Astyanax mexicanus cavefish. Herein, we report the discovery of a non-pigmented sponge (Porifera) in the final sump of this cave. No genus or species name could be attributed because we did not collect any specimen. Up to now, the sponge distribution seems restricted to a single pool in la Cueva de Los Sabinos, but further careful exploration of other pools of the cave as well as closely related cavities is warranted. To our knowledge, this observation constitutes the fourth report of a freshwater, white, cave-adapted sponge in the world and the first for Mexico and North America. It is also the eleventh troglobite species encountered in Los Sabinos. Our discovery confirms the exceptionally rich biodiversity of this cave ecosystem

    Expectations and educational needs of rheumatologists, rheumatology fellows and patients in the field of precision medicine in Canada, a quantitative cross-sectional and descriptive study

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    Background Precision medicine, as a personalized medicine approach based on biomarkers, is a booming field. In general, physicians and patients have a positive attitude toward precision medicine, but their knowledge and experience are limited. In this study, we aimed at assessing the expectations and educational needs for precision medicine among rheumatologists, rheumatology fellows and patients with rheumatic diseases in Canada. Methods We conducted two anonymous online surveys between June and August 2018, one with rheumatologists and fellows and one with patients assessing precision medicine expectations and educational needs. Descriptive statistics were performed. Results 45 rheumatologists, 6 fellows and 277 patients answered the survey. 78% of rheumatologists and fellows and 97.1% of patients would like to receive training on precision medicine. Most rheumatologists and fellows agreed that precision medicine tests are relevant to medical practice (73.5%) with benefits such as helping to determine prognosis (58.9%), diagnosis (79.4%) and avoid treatment toxicity (61.8%). They are less convinced of their usefulness in helping to choose the most effective treatment and to improve patient adherence (23.5%). Most patients were eager to take precision medicine tests that could predict disease prognosis (92.4%), treatment response (98.1%) or drug toxicity (93.4%), but they feared potential negative impacts like loss of insurability (62.2%) and high cost of the test (57.5%). Conclusions Our study showed that rheumatologists and patients in Canada are overall interested in getting additional precision medicine education. Indeed, while convinced of the potential benefits of precision medicine tests, most physicians don’t feel confident in their abilities and consider their training insufficient to incorporate them into clinical practice.Other UBCReviewedFacultyResearche

    A new cave population of Astyanax mexicanus from Northern Sierra de El Abra, Tamaulipas, Mexico

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    The Astyanax genus represents an extraordinary example of phenotypic evolution, being their most extreme examples the blind and depigmented morphs, which have evolved from independent surface-dwelling lineages. Among cave organisms, Astyanax cavefish is a prominent model system to study regressive evolution. Before this study, 34 cave populations were known for the Astyanax genus to be inhabited by the cave morph. The majority of those cave populations are distributed in Northeast México, at the Sierra Madre Oriental (32 cavefish), in three main areas: Sierra de Guatemala, Sierra de El Abra, and Micos, and two in the Balsas basin in the state of Guerrero, Mexico. In the present study, we describe a new cave population found 4.5 km Southward of Pachón cave, the most northern cave population known for the Sierra de El Abra limestone. El Refugio cave is a resurgence with a mixed population of fish with different levels of troglomorphism, and surface fish, resembling other hybrid populations within the Sierra de El Abra. Based on a mitochondrial DNA characterization of the 16S ribosomal DNA sequence, we could identify the mitochondrial lineage of this population, which was placed closely related to the “New Lineage”, sharing haplotypes with the surface (i.e. Arroyo Lagartos) and Pachón populations, instead of with the cave populations from Central Sierra de El Abra (e.g. Tinaja cave). El Refugio cave population gives additional evidence of the intricate history of this system, where migration, drift, and selection have shaped the evolution of the cave morphs through the independent episodes of the Astyanax mexicanus history

    Genetic characterization of congenital tufting enteropathy: epcam associated phenotype and involvement of SPINT2 in the syndromic form.

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    International audience: Congenital tufting enteropathy (CTE) is a rare and severe enteropathy recently ascribed to mutations in the epcam gene. Here we establish SPINT2, previously ascribed to congenital sodium diarrhea, as a second gene associated with CTE and report molecular and immunohistochemistry data in 57 CTE patients. Inclusion criteria were early onset diarrhea and intestinal insufficiency with the typical histological CTE abnormalities. The clinical phenotype was registered, the entire coding regions of epcam and SPINT2 sequenced, and immunostaining of EpCAM and SPINT2 performed on intestinal biopsies. An epcam mutation was involved in 41 patients (73 %) who mainly displayed isolated digestive symptoms. Mutations severely affected gene expression since the EpCAM signal on intestinal tissues was either undetectable or low and irregular. Twelve other patients (21 %) carried mutations in SPINT2, and were phenotypically characterized by systematic association with keratitis (p G (abnormal splicing) was significantly associated with a better outcome (p = 0.032) with milder PN dependency to weaning in some cases. Finally, four patients (7 %) with isolated digestive symptoms had no detectable epcam or SPINT2 mutation. Two candidate genes, Elf3 and Claudin7, were excluded from this population. Our study allows us to separate CTE patients into at least three genetic classes, each with specific phenotypes. The genetics approach raises the question of the distinction between two congenital enteropathies. Our findings should help improve the diagnosis of CTE, guide toward strategies of long-term PN management, and limit indications for intestinal transplantation to life-threatening PN complications