16 research outputs found

    Spatial variation of epoxyscillirosidine concentrations in Moraea pallida (yellow tulp) in South Africa

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    Moraea pallida (yellow tulp) poisoning is economically the most important intoxication of livestock in South Africa. Poisoning varies according to locality, climatic conditions and growth stage of the plant. The primary objective of this study was to determine the concentration of the toxic principle, epoxyscillirosidine, in yellow tulp leaves and to ascertain the variability of epoxyscillirosidine concentrations within and between different locations. A secondary objective was to utilise Geographic Information Systems in an attempt to explain the variability in toxicity. Flowering yellow tulp plants were collected at 26 sampling points across 20 districts of South Africa. The leaves of five plants per sampling point were extracted and submitted for liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis. A large variation in mean epoxyscillirosidine concentrations, ranging from 3.32 μg/g – 238.27 μg/g, occurred between different geographical regions. The epoxyscillirosidine concentrations also varied tremendously between individual plants (n= 5) collected at the same sampling point, with up to a 24 times difference between the lowest and highest concentration detected. No generalised correlation between epoxyscillirosidine concentrations and soil elemental concentrations could be established. However, samples obtained from the north-eastern part of the sampling region tended to have higher epoxyscillirosidine concentrations compared to samples obtained from the south-western part of the sampling region. Higher toxin concentrations in the northeast were associated with statistically significant higher soil concentrations of iron, bismuth, bromide, cadmium, chromium, rubidium, tellurium, thallium, titanium and zinc, whilst soil concentrations of strontium and soil pH, were significantly lower. This study corroborated the contention that epoxyscillirosidine concentration in yellow tulp fluctuates and may explain the variability in toxicity

    Confirmed organophosphorus and carbamate pesticide poisonings in South African wildlife (2009–2014)

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    During a six-year period (from January 2009 to December 2014), specimens collected from 344 cases of suspected organophosphorus and carbamate pesticide poisonings in wildlife, including birds, were submitted to the Toxicology Laboratory (ARC-OVI) for analysis. A positive diagnosis was made in 135 (39%) of these cases. The majority of cases were from birds, which included Cape vultures (Gyps coprotheres) and African white-backed vultures (Gyps africanus) and bateleur eagles (Terathopius ecaudatus). In one incident 49 vultures were killed when a farmer intentionally laced carcasses with carbofuran in an attempt to control jackal predation. There were 22 incidents of poisoning in helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris). On nine different occasions blue cranes (Anthropoides paradiseus) were poisoned, in one incident 14 birds were reported to have been killed. Over the period of investigation, there were 20 cases of poisoning involving mammalian species, the majority being vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus). The carbamate pesticides were responsible for 57 incidents of poisoning. Aldicarb, carbofuran and methomyl were detected in 26, 18 and 12 cases respectively. The majority of organophosphorus pesticide poisonings were caused by diazinon (n = 19), monocrotophos (n = 13) and methamidophos (n = 10).http://www.jsava.co.zaam201

    Continuous exposure to an aversive mixture as a means of maintaining aversion to vermeerbos (Geigeria ornativa O. Hoffm.) in the presence of non-averted sheep

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    Continuous exposure to an aversive mixture was investigated as a means of maintaining aversion to vermeerbos in sheep subjected to the social influence of non-averted sheep. The use of an aversive mixture was based on a hypothesis that continuous exposure to an acceptable aversive mixture (containing both the aversive substance and the identification factors of vermeerbos mixed with maize meal) would tempt sheep to consume small quantities of the aversive mixture each day and that this would keep them averted to vermeerbos, despite the social influence of non-averted sheep. Persistent aversion to a vermeerbos-maize meal mixture (1:99 by mass) by sheep continuously exposed to such an aversive mixture, after an initial aversion conditioning with lithium chloride (LiCl, 160 mg/kg BM), was demonstrated. Aversion in adjacent controls not exposed to the aversive mixture only lasted for some time. A similar result was obtained when sheep were challenged for intake of a pure stand of established vermeerbos. Three sheep continuously exposed to an aversive mixture after an initial aversion conditioning totally refused grazing the vermeerbos during a 42-day trial, despite the social influence of three non-averted control sheep grazing vermeerbos on an adjacent site. These results were confirmed by a second replication the following year. Joint grazing for an hour a day by averted and non-averted sheep during the last seven days of this replication also resulted in total avoidance of vermeerbos by the averted animals, despite continued intake of vermeerbos by the control sheep.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat v.9 was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.mn201

    Effect of pavetamine on protein synthesis in rat tissue

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    Pavetamine, the active principle of plants causing gousiekte in ruminants, was found in this study to be an inhibitor of protein synthesis in the rat heart. Sprague-Dawley rats were injected intra-peritoneally with 8-10 mg/kg pavetamine and the levels of protein synthesis in the different organs determined utilizing L-[4-³H]phenylalanine incorporation. In contrast to the more than 23% inhibition found in heart tissue at 4, 24 and 48 h after administration of pavetamine, the effect on the kidney, liver, spleen, intestine and skeletal muscle was minimal or returned to pretreatment levels within 48 h. These results may offer an explanation for the clinical signs observed in ruminants with gousiekte, where the heart only is affected.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat v.9 was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.ARC-Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute. Directorates of Veterinary Services (Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment) of the North-West and Gauteng Provinces

    Clinical pathological changes in gousiekte, a plant-induced cardiotoxicosis of ruminants

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    Twenty sheep were dosed with either Pachystigma pygmaeum or Fadogia homblei belonging to the Rubiaceae. The experimentally-induced cardiotoxicoses were monitored by various clinical pathological parameters and heart function tests. Elevated AST (aspartate transaminase) activity in the serum proved to be a more reliable indicator of cardiac damage in gousiekte than either LD (lactate dehydrogenase) or CK (creatine kinase). Persistent increases of AST activity were recorded from c. 14 days after commencement of dosing, and this activity sometimes peaked as late as 30 days after the dosing had ceased. Tachycardia and diminished heart function were registered only terminally. Lesions of gousiekte were present in all the sheep that were exposed to the plants. In a field outbreak of P. pygmaeum, where 60 out of 90 sheep died, 14 out of the 15 animals examined had increased AST levels compared with none of the 15 controls. These results indicated that increased enzyme levels can be of use to identify affected animals during latency in a natural outbreak of gousiekte.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.lmchunu2014mn201

    Neurotoxicity in calves induced by the plant, Nierembergia hippomanica Miers var. violacea Millan in South Africa

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    The plant Nierembergia hippomanica var. violacea has been incriminated in field outbreaks of neurotoxicity in calves in the Free State Province. Hepatotoxicity and electrocardiogram (ECG) deviations were induced in a sheep dosed with 5 g/kg dried plant material on four consecutive days. A calf dosed with 2,5 g/kg dried plant material, on two consecutive days, did not show overt clinical changes. Voluntary ingestion of approximately 30 g/kg fresh flowering plants by a second calf resulted in nervous signs characterized by chewing motions, protrusion of the tongue, dysphagia, hypermetria, ataxia, paresis and lateral recumbency. Salivation, dehydration and cardiac irregularities completed the clinical picture. Clinical chemistry changes revealed muscle damage and increased serum urea and creatinine concentrations indicative of kidney involvement. This is the first confirmed outbreak of Nierembergia hippomanica var. violacea intoxication of stock in South Africa.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat v.9 was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.mn201

    Isolation and characterization of and some observations on poisoning by bufadienolides from Cotyledon orbiculata L. var. orbiculata

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    The approximate LDâ‚…â‚€ and cumulative effect of 4 bufadienolides, isolated from Cotyledon orbiculata, were determined in guinea-pigs. Two of the bufadienolides proved to be mildly cumulative. One of the mildly cumulative bufadienolides induced subacute intoxication with some signs of krimpsiekte when injected intravenously into a sheep over 13 days. In the sheep, the paralysis was accompanied by signs of malaise, such as electrocardiographic changes and ruminal stasis.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format

    Galenia africana L. poisoning in sheep and goats : hepatic and cardiac changes

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    Lesions in 4 field cases (3 sheep and 1 goat) of 'waterpens' or water belly, caused by the plant Galenia africana, are described. The clinical pathological and pathological findings in 7 sheep which were drenched with toxic plant material are also reported. Inappetence, ruminal stasis and apathy as well as tachycardia were noticed in some of the sheep towards the end of the dosing period. The most prominent clinical pathological change in the experimental animals was an increase in the activity of gamma-glutamyltransferase which in some animals occurred within days after commencement of dosing. This indicates liver involvement in the early stages of the intoxication, and at this stage no heart abnormalities were detected clinically, clinical pathologically or with cardiac function tests. Decrease in cardiac function were recorded in 2 sheep towards the end of the dosing period. Liver and heart lesions were present in all the animals. In some cases hepatic changes were mild and characterized by dilation of central veins and sinusoids and, less commonly, centrilobular fibrosis. More advanced lesions included centrilobular fibrosis and bridging between neighbouring lobules with adjacent areas of coagulative necrosis, lysis and ballooning degeneration of hepatocytes. Myocardial changes occurred in the free ventricular walls and interventricular septum and comprised hypertrophy of myocytes with consequent degeneration and necrosis and fibrosis. In cases of longer duration myocytes were diffusely atrophic with scattered groups of remaining hypertrophic fibres. The clinical pathological and pathological features suggest that G. africana is primarily hepatotoxic with myocardial involvement occurring only in the terminal stages of the intoxication.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.mn201

    Die wiskundige bevoegdheid en prestasie van eerstejaar–ingenieurstudente

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    MEd (Mathematics Education), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014Basic mathematical competency seems to be lacking for engineering students starting their studies in this field. Students generally find the cognitive transition from secondary to tertiary mathematics challenging which in turn negatively influences their academic achievement in mathematics. The cognitive challenge is the transition from the application of mathematics to familiar questions to applying mathematical principles to varying practical application and problem solving. Mathematics provides the foundation for the cognitive toolset required for the development of skills required for analysing engineering systems and processes. It is therefore important to assess mathematical and cognitive competency and ability at the time of admission to a tertiary institution in order to identify and address gaps. This research demonstrates that first-year engineering students need to have a specific level of mathematical competency and cognitive ability to use mathematics within the context of engineering studies. This research attempts to connect the mathematic competency of first year engineering students to their academic results for subjects in the first year curriculum that rely heavily on mathematical competency. To satisfy the research question, the study firstly looks at relevant literature to identify the mathematical competency levels as well as the operational specification. Secondly, development theories and taxonomies were analysed to gain insight into the development processes associated with learning, cognitive development and the gap between cognitive competencies in transition from secondary to tertiary education. Further, cognitive competencies were identified that are essential for successful completion of first year engineering modules. Through synthesis of the different theories and taxonomies a framework was identified. This framework was used to analyse secondary data in order to measure mathematical and cognitive levels. Thirdly, the theoretical investigation was followed by a three-phase empirical study. A mixed quantative-qualitative (QUAN-qual) approached was followed. Phase 1 uses the assessment framework to measure first year students‟ mathematical competency at the inception of their studies as well as at the completion of their first semester. The mathematical competency at inception was measured with their Grade 12 mathematics marks and with relevant analysis of their initial bridging assessments, on a question by question basis. In addition, their first semester exams questions were analysed using the same approach as above. Phase 2 comprises the measurement of the relationship between the mathematical competency of first year enigineering students at admission and their achievement levels in selected first year subjects that required mathematical competency. Phase 3 includes the guidelines derived from the gaps and shortcomings identified. These gaps were identified in order to inform appropriate study support to first year students and to assists academic personnel with setting appropriate and dependable admission standards. The analysis of mathematical competency creates quality data that gives a clearer picture than a simple comparison of admission scores and first semester marks. The empirical study contributes to a better understanding of the problems associated with the transition from secondary to tertiary learning environments. From the study it was derived that study inception information of the students correlated only with their academic results on questions that tested mathematical and programming application. The inception information was not a predictor of mathematical achievement and results for both the lowest and highest mathematical competency levels. Futher study in this field is required to create frameworks for the measurements of both low and high levels of mathematical competency.Master

    A potential krimpsiekte vaccine

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    Krimpsiekte, a chronic form of cardiac glycoside poisoning, is an important plant-induced intoxication of small stock in South Africa. It is caused by cumulative, neurotoxic bufadienolides, such as cotyledoside. A cotyledoside-bovine serum albumin conjugate was synthesized to immunize animals. The efficacy of the cotyledoside-conjugate in inducing an immunological response was ascertained in rabbits (n = 4) and sheep (n = 4) by determining cotyledoside antibody titres with an ELISA using cotyledoside-hen ovalbumin as antigen. The formation of anticotyledoside antibodies was induced in both rabbits and sheep following immunization with the cotyledoside-protein conjugate. Protection provided by the vaccine was demonstrated by challenging sheep (n = 4) with repeated, daily doses of cotyledoside (0.015 mg / kg) administered intravenously, commencing 45 days after the initial vaccination. One control animal died on Day 3 of the challenge period and the other was severely affected after administration of the third cotyledoside dose. The immunized ewes (n = 2) remained clinically unaffected and the challenge was suspended following six daily injections. Vaccination as a means of preventing krimpsiekte seems to be quite feasible and deserves further investigation