15 research outputs found

    Long-term changes in drought indices in eastern and central Europe

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    This study analyses long-term changes in drought indices (Standardised Precipitation Index—SPI, Standardised Precipitation–Evapotranspiration Index—SPEI) at 1 and 3 months scales at 182 stations in 11 central and eastern European countries during 1949–2018. For comparative purposes, the necessary atmospheric evaporative demand (AED) to obtain SPEI was calculated using two methods, Hargreaves-Samani (SPEIH) and Penman-Monteith (SPEIP). The results show some relevant changes and tendencies in the drought indices. Statistically significant increase in SPI and SPEI during the cold season (November–March), reflecting precipitation increase, was found in the northern part of the study region, in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, northern Belarus and northern Poland. In the rest of study domain, a weak and mostly insignificant decrease prevailed in winter. Summer season (June–August) is characterized by changes in the opposite sign. An increase was observed in the north, while a clear decrease in SPEI, reflecting a drying trend, was typical for the southern regions: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova and southern Poland. A general drying tendency revealed also in April, which was statistically significant over a wide area in the Czech Republic and Poland. Increasing trends in SPI and SPEI for September and October were detected in Romania, Moldova and Hungary. The use of SPEI instead of SPI generally enhances drying trends

    Біль і можливості фізіотерапії при імпінджмент-синдромі в плечовому суглобі

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    Introduction: Shoulder problems are the second most common disease of the musculoskeletal system. Background: The most common cause of these problems is impingement syndrome. The aim of our work was to point out the possibilities of conservative treatment for impingement syndrome. In this work, we tried to draw attention to the deterioration in the quality of life caused by shoulder problems and we wanted to improve the range of motion in the shoulder to flexion, abduction, and reduce pain due to the chosen physiotherapy procedures. Our work has a theoretical part, in which we approach the impingement syndrome, its examination and treatment. Material and methods: In the practical part, we used a clinical study with a questionnaire method to achieve the goal of our work. Th e group consisted of 20 patients with impingement syndrome, in whom we used manual therapy, kinesiotherapy, electrotherapy, and Kinesio taping. Using a questionnaire, we were able to assess how much impingement affects the quality of life. Results: Due to the methods we chose, we managed to improve the range of motion of the arm, where the average value at the initial measurement was 119.25° to flexion and 113° to abduction. In the output measurement, the average value up to flexion was 163.25° and up to abduction 165.75°. Conclusion: We also reduced the overall pain, which averaged 6.90 at baseline and 2.90 at the end. Based on our results we recommend a combination of methods to be used in impingementВступ: Проблеми з плечем є другим за поширеністю захворюванням опорно-рухового апарату. Найпоширенішою причиною цих проблем є імпінджмент-синдром. Цілі: Метою нашої роботи було вказати на можливості консервативного лікування імпінджмент-синдрому. У цій роботі ми намагалися привернути увагу до погіршення якості життя, спричиненого болем та проблемами з плечем, і хотіли покращити діапазон рухів у плечі до згинання, відведення та зменшити біль за рахунок обраних фізіотерапевтичних процедур. У нашій роботі звертаємо увагу на синдром імпінджменту, його дослідження та лікування. Матеріали і методи: Групу склали 20 пацієнтів з імпінджмент-синдромом, у яких застосовували мануальну терапію, кінезіотерапію, електротерапію та кінезіотейпування. За допомогою опитувальника ми змогли оцінити, наскільки імпінжмент впливає на якість життя. Результати: Завдяки обраним нами методам нам вдалося покращити діапазон рухів руки, де середнє значення при початковому вимірюванні становило 119,25° для згинання та 113° — відведення. У вихідному вимірюванні середнє значення згинання становило 163,25°, а відведення — 165,75°. Також нам вдалося зменшили біль, який у середньому оцінювався у 6,90 балів на початку реабілітації та 2,90 у кінці. Висновок: На підставі наших результатів ми рекомендуємо використовувати комбінацію різних методів, а не окремі методи. Доцільно було б провести подальші дослідження з більшою кількістю пацієнті

    Highly Efficient Antioxidant F- And Cl-Doped Carbon Quantum Dots for Bioimaging

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    The addition of heteroatoms to pristine carbon quantum dots (CQDs) change their structure and optical properties. In this study, fluorine (F)- and chlorine (Cl)-doped CQDs are prepared by the one-step green hydrothermal route from sodium fluoride, sodium chloride, urea, and citric acid as the starting precursors. Microscopy analysis reveals that the average size of these quantum dots is 5 ± 2 nm, whereas the chemical study shows the existence of C-F and C-Cl bonds. The produced F- and Cl-doped CQDs have fluorescence quantum yields of 0.151 and 0.284, respectively, at an excitation wavelength of 450 nm. Charge transfer resistance of F- and Cl-doped CQDs films is 2 orders of magnitude higher than in the pristine CQD films. Transport band gap of the doped CQDs is 2 eV bigger than that of pristine CQDs. Radical scavenging activity shows very good antioxidant activity of doped CQDs. Antibacterial testing reveals poor antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The F- and Cl-doped CQDs are successfully used as fluorescent probes for cell imaging as shown by confocal microscopy

    Basic Motor Competencies of 6- to 8-Year-Old Primary School Children in 10 European Countries: A Cross-Sectional Study on Associations With Age, Sex, Body Mass Index, and Physical Activity

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    Basic motor competencies (BMC) are a prerequisite for children to be physically active, participate in sports and thus develop a healthy, active lifestyle. The present study provides a broad screening of BMC and associations with age, sex, body mass index (BMI) and extracurricular physical activity (PA) in 10 different European countries. The different country and regional contexts within Europe will offer a novel view on already established BMC associations. The cross-sectional study was conducted in 11 regions in 10 European countries in 2018. The motor competence areas, object movement (OM) and self-movement (SM), were assessed using the MOBAK-1-2 test instrument in 3758 first and second graders (age: M = 6.86 ± 0.60 years; 50% girls) during Physical Education classes. Children were questioned about their extracurricular PA and age. Their body weight and height were measured in order to calculate BMI. Statistical analyses included variances and correlations. The results showed significant differences in BMC levels between countries (OM: F = 18.74, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.048; SM: F = 73.10, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.163) whereas associations between BMC and correlates were similar. Boys performed significantly better in OM while girls performed better in SM. Age was consistently positively related to OM and SM with older children reaching higher levels of BMC than younger ones. While participation rates for extracurricular PA differed widely, participation in ball sports was correlated with OM and SM. Participation in individual sports showed a significant association with SM. In summary, BMC levels of children seem to depend on where they live and are strongly related to their participation in extracurricular PA. Therefore, education and health policies, in order to enhance motor competence development and PA participation, are recommended. Further research on country-specific Physical Education frameworks and their influence on BMC will provide more insights into structural factors and cultural characteristics of BMC development. On a school level, support tools and educational materials for teachers about BMC may enable children to achieve a basic level of motor competencies through Physical Education, contributing to lifelong participation in PA. Copyright © 2022 Wälti, Sallen, Adamakis, Ennigkeit, Gerlach, Heim, Jidovtseff, Kossyva, Labudová, Masaryková, Mombarg, De Sousa Morgado, Niederkofler, Niehues, Onofre, Pühse, Quitério, Scheuer, Seelig, Vlček, Vrbas and Herrmann