545 research outputs found

    Prioritising the care of critically ill children: a pilot study using SCREEN reduces clinic waiting times

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    Objective In low-resource settings, childhood mortality secondary to delays in triage and treatment remains high. This paper seeks to evaluate the impact of the novel Sick Children Require Emergency Evaluation Now (SCREEN) tool on the waiting times of critically ill children who present for care to primary healthcare clinics in Cape Town, South Africa. Methods We used a pre/postevaluation study design to calculate the median waiting times of all children who presented to four randomly chosen clinics for 5 days before, and 5 days after, the implementation of SCREEN. Findings The SCREEN programme resulted in statistical and clinically significant reductions in waiting times for children with critical illness to see a professional nurse (2 hours 45 min to 1 hour 12 min; p<0.001). There was also a statistically significant reduction in the proportion of children who left without being seen by a professional nurse (25.8% to 18.48%; p<0.001). Conclusions SCREEN is a novel programme that uses readily available laypersons, trained to make a subjective assessment of children arriving at primary healthcare centres, and provides a low cost, simple methodology to prioritise children and reduce waiting times in low-resource healthcare clinics

    Making mHealth Work for All

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    Rapid Response BriefingInformation and Communication technologies (ICTs) are going to have a major impact on health and health systems in the near future. To ensure that everyone (including the very poor) benefits from this new technology, it is vital that those designing new technologies, people responsible for health systems and social researchers come together to explore the opportunities and potential challenges, especially for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)

    The effectiveness of mHealth interventions for maternal, newborn and child health in low- and middle-income countries:Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Rates of maternal, newborn and child (MNCH) mortality and morbidity are vastly greater in low– than in high–income countries and represent a major source of global health inequity. A host of systemic, economic, geopolitical and sociocultural factors have been implicated. Mobile information and communication technologies hold potential to ameliorate several of these challenges by supporting coordinated and evidence–based care, facilitating community based health services and enabling citizens to access health information and support. mHealth has attracted considerable attention as a means of supporting maternal, newborn and child health in developing countries and research to assess the impacts of mHealth interventions is increasing. While a number of expert reviews have attempted to summarise this literature, there remains a need for a fully systematic review employing gold standard methods of evidence capture, critical appraisal and meta–analysis, in order to comprehensively map, quality assess and synthesise this body of knowledge

    Discours identitaires et investissement émotionnel : dire l’altérité dans les forums de discussion

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    Notre contribution propose une pluralité d’éclairages concernant des forums de discussion ancrés en France et mettant en jeu la notion d’identité culturelle au sein de l’Europe. Notre analyse discursive s’intéresse aux aspects linguistiques et aux questionnements identitaires suscités non seulement par la verbalisation de points de vue contradictoires mais aussi la mise en scène d’émotions, voire de passions, passant par une communication singulière qui joue notamment sur des effets de visualisation. Nous avons sélectionné pour corpus des forums de discussion ayant des thématiques et des exigences de modération variées, concernant d’une part l’éventuelle entrée de la Turquie dans l’Union européenne et d’autre part l’hypothétique rattachement de la Wallonie à la France en cas de scission de la part de la Flandre, problématiques qui ont régulièrement agité les opinions publiques française et européenne dans les années 2000. Nous nous interrogeons sur l’utilisation du français sous une forme écrite comportant des caractéristiques d’oralité génériques et sur les frontières entre oralité et scripturalité dans ces échanges interpersonnels ainsi que sur les liens entre contrôle linguistique et contrôle émotionnel. Notre objectif est d’analyser non seulement les ressorts langagiers et paraverbaux de cette communication multidimensionnelle mais également d’en saisir les multiples enjeux à travers une grille de lecture des productions de sens ainsi activées.The aim of this paper is to explore several online forums hosted in France and dealing with cultural identity in Europe. Our discourse analysis focuses on linguistic aspects and identity questioning brought out by the verbalization of contradictory points of view and the public display of strong emotions. We are interested in a particular type of communication which uses specific visual images. The online forums we have chosen to explore deal with various topics and have their own internal rules of regulation but their common theme is the possible integration of Turkey into the European Union or, alternatively, the hypothesis of Wallonia becoming part of France in case of a separation from Flanders. Both issues were often debated in France and Europe at the beginning of this century. Our focus of interest is French written language pervaded with oral characteristics. We tackle the notion of boundary between speaking and writing in the interpersonal online discussions and study the link between linguistic control and emotional control. We aim not only at exploring the verbal and paraverbal parameters of this multidimensional communication but also try to better understand the meanings within this multi layered process

    Le « cas turc », révélateur d’une « exception française » ? La dimension identitaire de la candidature européenne de la Turquie à travers la presse quotidienne

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    Dans cet article, l’auteur analyse un corpus de presse tiré des trois quotidiens nationaux que sont Libération, Le Monde et Le Figaro, en s’intéressant aux autoreprésentations qui traversent l’imaginaire des Français vis-à-vis de la Turquie, pays candidat à l’intégration dans l’Union européenne. L’étude de ces articles d’opinion met en valeur le fait que l’ouverture des négociations avec ce pays renforce en France un sentiment de vulnérabilité et révèle également une interrogation cruciale sur l’identité européenne.This paper analyses the self-representations shaping the imaginary of the French with regard to Turkey, a candidate country for the European Union membership. To do so, the analysis relies on the study of a corpus belonging to three French national daily newspapers, Libération, Le Monde and Le Figaro. The articles scrutiny puts to light the fact that in France, entering into talks with such a country reinforces a feeling of vulnerability and also raises crucial worries about the European identity.En este artículo el autor analiza un corpus basado sobre tres diarios nacionales : Libération, Le Monde y Le Figaro, interesándose en las auto-representaciones que atravezan el imaginario de los Franceses en lo que se refiere a Turquía, país candidato a la integración en la Unión Europea. El estudio de los artículos de opinión pone de relieve que la apertura de las negociaciones con este país resfuerza en Francia un sentimiento de vulnerabilidad y revela también una interrogación crucial sobre la identidad europea

    A Low-cost Method to Identify Tubewells for Longitudinal Research on Arsenic in Groundwater

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    Exposure to high concentrations of arsenic in tubewell groundwater from the shallow aquifers of Bangladesh could result in up to 300,000 arsenic-related cancer cases over the next four decades. Understanding the magnitude and temporal dynamics of this exposure, via longitudinal studies, is imperative for planning effective mitigation and management strategies. Appropriate methods are needed to identify tubewells for longitudinal sampling. A plastic band marked with a unique identification number was developed, and various methods for attaching the band to the tubewell were tested, resulting in the choice of a galvanized-iron split-rivet. Two follow-up surveys at two and 14 months post-banding assessed the durability and longevity under field conditions in the JiVitA Project area in rural, northwestern Bangladesh. After two months, ~96.0% of the original bands on 1,063 tubewells were functional, although the rivets were partially corroded. After 14 months, ~65% of a subsample of the bands were functional. With further improvements to the rivets, these bands offer an inexpensive, durable, enumeration technology for longitudinal studies on groundwater arsenic

    Se former en ligne au Tutorat : un défi pour les assistants-chercheurs

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    L’École Polytechnique de Louvain (EPL) propose depuis de nombreuses années une formation en présentiel pour les étudiants de master. Ils sont appelés les tuteurs et ils encadrent des étudiants de première année dans des enseignements de types : travaux pratiques, apprentissages par problèmes (APP), des projets, apprentissages par exercices (APE), des laboratoires. Une formation en ligne a été créée pour un public d’assistants-chercheurs aux rôles du tuteur. Cette formation hybride intitulée « Tutorer l’Apprentissage en Groupe (TAG) » vise à permettre aux assistants-chercheurs novices et expérimentés de se questionner sur leurs manières d’enseigner pour les améliorer. Nous analysons particulièrement ici les interventions des tuteurs qui encadrent la formation en ligne et leurs impacts pour l’apprentissage. Suite à l’analyse des interventions faites en ligne et en présentiel, et plus précisément en regardant les effets de ces interventions sur le plan métacognitif (réflexivité), nous constatons un besoin patent de la présence du tuteur humain de manière plus régulière au sein de la formation que nous proposons. Ce besoin se manifeste par un sentiment d’isolement de la part des assistants les premières semaines, du besoin de se sentir appartenir à un groupe, de connaître les réflexions des autres pour être motivés à apprendre, et ce, même si tous les assistants évoquent que la formation, de par son dispositif, permet très clairement de se questionner sur ses pratiques de tuteur de manière continue pour les améliorer

    A systematic review of the epidemiology of hepatitis E virus in Africa

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    BACKGROUND: Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) infection is a newly recognized serious threat to global public health and Africa is suspected to be among the most severely affected regions in the world. Understanding HEV epidemiology in Africa will expedite the implementation of evidence-based control policies aimed at preventing the spread of HEV including policies for the use of available resources such as HEV vaccines. METHODS: Here we present a comprehensive review of HEV epidemiology in Africa based on published data. We searched for articles on HEV epidemiology in Africa from online databases such as PubMed, Scopus, and ISI Web of Science and critically reviewed appropriate publications to extract consistent findings, identify knowledge gaps, and suggest future studies. RESULTS: Taking a particularly high toll in pregnant women and their fetuses, HEV has infected human populations in 28 of 56 African countries. Since 1979, 17 HEV outbreaks have been reported about once every other year from Africa causing a reported 35,300 cases with 650 deaths. CONCLUSIONS: In Africa, HEV infection is not new, is widespread, and the number of reported outbreaks are likely a significant underestimate. The authors suggest that this is a continent-wide public health problem that deserves the attention of local, regional and international agencies to implement control policies that can save numerous lives, especially those of pregnant women and their fetuses

    High mortality associated with an outbreak of hepatitis E among displaced persons in Darfur, Sudan

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    BACKGROUND: Hepatitis E virus (HEV) causes acute onset of jaundice and a high case-fatality ratio in pregnant women. We provide a clinical description of hospitalized case patients and assess the specific impact on pregnant women during a large epidemic of HEV infection in a displaced population in Mornay camp (78,800 inhabitants), western Darfur, Sudan. METHODS: We reviewed hospital records. A sample of 20 clinical cases underwent laboratory confirmation. These patients were tested for immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibody to HEV (serum) and for amplification of the HEV genome (serum and stool). We performed a cross-sectional survey in the community to determine the attack rate and case-fatality ratio in pregnant women. RESULTS: Over 6 months, 253 HEV cases were recorded at the hospital, of which 61 (24.1%) were in pregnant women. A total of 72 cases (39.1% of those for whom clinical records were available) had a diagnosis of hepatic encephalopathy. Of the 45 who died (case-fatality ratio, 17.8%), 19 were pregnant women (specific case-fatality ratio, 31.1%). Acute hepatitis E was confirmed in 95% (19/20) of cases sampled; 18 case-patients were positive for IgG (optical density ratio > or =3), for IgM (optical density ratio >2 ), or for both, whereas 1 was negative for IgG and IgM but positive for HEV RNA in serum. The survey identified 220 jaundiced women among the 1133 pregnant women recorded over 3 months (attack rate, 19.4%). A total of 18 deaths were recorded among these jaundiced pregnant women (specific case-fatality ratio, 8.2%). CONCLUSIONS: This large epidemic of HEV infection illustrates the dramatic impact of this disease on pregnant women. Timely interventions and a vaccine are urgently needed to prevent mortality in this special group

    Applying the Food Multimix concept for sustainable and nutritious diets

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    Background: Despite a rich and diverse ecosystem and biodiversity, worldwide, more than 2 billion people suffer from micronutrient malnutrition or hidden hunger. Of major concern are a degradation of our ecosystems and agricultural systems which are thought to be unsustainable thereby posing a challenge for the future food and nutrition security. Despite these challenges, nutrition security and ensuring well balanced diets depend on sound knowledge and appropriate food choices in a complex world of plenty and want. We have previously reported on how the food multimix (FMM) concept, a food-based and dietary diversification approach can be applied to meeting energy and micronutrient needs of vulnerable groups through an empirical process. Our objective in this article is to examine how the concept can be applied to improve nutrition in a sustainable way in otherwise poor and hard-to-reach communities. We have reviewed over 100 FMM food recipes formulated from combinations of commonly consumed traditional candidate food ingredients; on average five per recipe, and packaged as per 100 g powders from different countries including Ghana, Kenya, Botswana, Zimbabawe and Southern Africa, India, Mexico, Malaysia and United Kingdom; and for different age groups and conditions such as older infants and young children, pregnant women, HIV patients, diabetes and for nutrition rehabilitation. Candidate foods were examined for their nutrient strengths and nutrient content and nutrient density of recipes per 100 g were compared to reference nutrient intakes (RNIs) for the different population groups. We report on the nutrient profiles from our analysis of the pooled and age-matched data as well as sensory analysis and conclude that locally produced FMM foods can complement local diets and contribute significantly to meeting nutrient needs among vulnerable groups in food-insecure environments. Key words: food multimix, candidate foods, sustainable, food security, resource-poor, nutrition interventions
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