141 research outputs found

    Motivational and control mechanisms underlying adolescent versus adult alcohol use

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    Increased motivation towards alcohol use and suboptimal behavioral control are suggested to predispose adolescents to alcohol use disorders (AUDs). Paradoxically however, most adolescent AUDs resolve over time without any formal intervention, suggesting adolescent resilience to AUDs. Importantly, studies directly comparing adolescent and adult alcohol use are largely missing. We therefore aimed to unravel the moderating role of age in the relation between alcohol use and motivational and control-related cognitive processes in 45 adolescent drinkers compared to 45 adults. We found that enhancement drinking motives and impulsivity related positively to alcohol use. Although enhancement drinking motives and impulsivity were higher in adolescents, the strength of the relation between these measures and alcohol use did not differ between age groups. None of the alcohol use-related motivational measures (i.e., craving, attentional bias, and approach bias) and behavioral control measures (i.e., interference control, risky decision making, and working-memory) were associated with alcohol use or differed between age groups. These findings support the role of impulsivity and affective sensitivity in adolescent drinking but question the moderating role of age therein. The current study contributes towards understanding the role of age in the relation between alcohol use and cognition

    De muis; niet voor Ă©Ă©n gat te vangen?

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    Het oppakken van laboratoriummuizen heeft een effect op hun stress- en angstgerelateerde reacties. Ook de manier waarop het dier wordt opgepakt kan grote effecten hebben op het gedrag. In (gedrags-)onderzoek is het daarom van groot belang dat de handelingen met de dieren gestandaardiseerd zijn, zodat ieder dier dezelfde handeling ondergaat en dat de dieren gewend zijn aan de ingreep. Er bestaan talloze gedragsopstellingen om allerlei soorten gedragingen bij proefdieren te kunnen meten. Zelfs wanneer we ons beperken tot de muis, zijn er legio gedragstesten beschikbaar (1). Toch hebben de meeste gedragsopstellingen Ă©Ă©n ding gemeen; de muis moet bij aanvang van de test in de opstelling geplaatst worden, om er na afloop weer uitgehaald te worden (met enige uitzonderingen daargelaten; bijvoorbeeld bij een gedragsopstelling waarbij het de taak van het dier is om zijn thuiskooi te vinden of wanneer er metingen worden verricht in de thuis-kooi). Zowel het dier in de opstelling zetten als het uithalen kan een stress reactie opleveren, evengoed bij dier als mens. Bij Ă©Ă©n gedragsopstelling geldt dit in het bijzonder, namelijk het dier uit de zogenaamde Elevated Plus Maze halen. Deze opstelling bestaat uit twee open en twee gesloten armen en bevindt zich op een verhoogd platform. Muizen zijn over het algemeen niet voor Ă©Ă©n gat te vangen, en zullen vrijwel altijd proberen te ontkomen aan de hand van de onderzoeker. Voornamelijk in de nauwe omgeving van de gesloten armen. Echter, er bestaat een relatief simpele, stress verminderende manier om het dier uit de opstelling te halen: door een buis als thuiskooiverrijking te gebruiken. Deze buis kan na de test bij de opstelling gehouden worden zodat het dier op de geur afkomt en in de buis loopt waarna de buis met het dier erin naar de thuiskooi vervoerd kan worden. Deze hanteermethode zorgt voor een minder stressvolle handeling bij het dier

    CO carbonylation and first evaluation as a P-gp tracer in rats

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    BACKGROUND: At present, several positron emission tomography (PET) tracers are in use for imaging P-glycoprotein (P-gp) function in man. At baseline, substrate tracers such as R-[(11)C]verapamil display low brain concentrations with a distribution volume of around 1. [(11)C]phenytoin is supposed to be a weaker P-gp substrate, which may lead to higher brain concentrations at baseline. This could facilitate assessment of P-gp function when P-gp is upregulated. The purpose of this study was to synthesize [(11)C]phenytoin and to characterize its properties as a P-gp tracer. METHODS: [(11)C]CO was used to synthesize [(11)C]phenytoin by rhodium-mediated carbonylation. Metabolism and, using PET, brain pharmacokinetics of [(11)C]phenytoin were studied in rats. Effects of P-gp function on [(11)C]phenytoin uptake were assessed using predosing with tariquidar. RESULTS: [(11)C]phenytoin was synthesized via [(11)C]CO in an overall decay-corrected yield of 22 ± 4%. At 45 min after administration, 19% and 83% of radioactivity represented intact [(11)C]phenytoin in the plasma and brain, respectively. Compared with baseline, tariquidar predosing resulted in a 45% increase in the cerebral distribution volume of [(11)C]phenytoin. CONCLUSIONS: Using [(11)C]CO, the radiosynthesis of [(11)C]phenytoin could be improved. [(11)C]phenytoin appeared to be a rather weak P-gp substrate

    Forearm Rotation Range of Motion and Its Velocity in Eating With Chopsticks : a Comparison Among Positions of Dish

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    The purpose of this study was to determine range of motion of forearm rotation and its velocity in eating. Six young students (age:20.5±0.5 years [range:20-21], 2 men and 4 women) participated in this study. To measure three-dimensional motions, we used an electromagnetic tracking device system. The first sensor was attached to the dorsal/distal of forearm with sprint, and the second sensor was attached to the dorsal/medial ulna with elastic belt. The subjects ate pickles with chopsticks. At a wooden desk with 70cm height they sat on a height-adjustable chair, so their olecranon was as high as the desk top. Three positions of a dish were measured; A: at the distance of length of distal to elbow, B: at the distance of length of the upper extremity, and C: at a middle position between A and B. The results revealed that forearm rotation, range of motion and its velocity were significantly different among three conditions (one-way repeated-measure ANOVA)(p<0.05). Characteristically the motion velocity of B was lower than C, and A was lower than C (p<0.05). Findings suggest that 1) limited forearm range of motion would decrease a burden of forearm by setting a dish at B or C than A, 2) the rotation (maximal pronation and supination: 11 and 49 degrees, respectively) was similar, to a fork (maximal pronation and supination: 10 and 51 degrees, respectively), 3) C may be efficiently operated, and 4) the system may be instructed as a good equipment for eating

    Sex- and site-specific differences in colorectal cancer risk among people with type 2 diabetes

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    Purpose: The prevalence of colorectal cancer is higher among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) than among patients without diabetes. Furthermore, men are at higher risk for developing colorectal cancer than women in the general population and also subsite-specific risks differ per sex. The aim was to evaluate the impact of T2D on these associations. Methods: A population-based matched cohort study was performed using data from the PHARMO Database Network. Patients with T2D were selected and matched (1:4) to diabetes free controls. Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) for CRC and its subsites. HRs were determined per sex and adjusted for age and socioeconomic status. The ratio of distal versus proximal colon cancer was calculated for people with T2D and controls per sex and stratified by age. Results: Over 55,000 people with T2D were matched to > 215,000 diabetes free controls. Men and women with T2D were 1.3 times more likely to develop colorectal cancer compared to controls. Men with T2D were at higher risk to develop distal colon cancer (hazard ratio (95% confidence interval), 1.42 (1.08–1.88)), and women with T2D were at higher risk for developing proximal colon cancer (hazard ratio (95% confidence interval), 1.58 (1.13–2.19)). For rectal cancer, no statistically significant risk was observed for both men and women. Conclusions: Sex-specific screening strategies and prevention protocols should be considered for people with T2D. More tailored screening strategies may optimize the effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening in terms of reducing incidence and mortality
