6 research outputs found

    螢光 X 線分析法の土壌肥料学的研究への応用 I : 柑橘葉中の微量要素の定性およびマンガンの定量(農芸化学部門)

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    螢光X線分析装置(島津FX402型)を用いて柑橘葉中の微量要素の定性およびマンガン濃度の定量の可能性を検討した。タングステンX線管球から銅のX線が強く発生し, 銅の定性は不能であったが, 粉砕試料, 押葉試料ともに鉄, マンガン, 亜鉛の定性は可能であった。マンガンの定量は粉末試料をプレスすることなしに, 化学分析値に対し15%前後のCVで定量可能であり, 柑橘の異常落葉現象と葉中マンガン濃度との関係を検討するには十分な精度と思われた。The possibility of qualititative determination of minor nutritional elements and quantitative determination of manganese contents in citrus leaves were investigated using the apparatus of X-ray fluorescent analysis (Shimazu FX 402) and the following results were obtained. Manganese, Iron and Zinc in the powdered and pressed citrus leaves could be determined qualitatively but cupper couldn\u27t be detected because the X-ray of cupper had been radiated from the tungsten X-ray tube using is this research. Manganese contents in citrus leaves could be estimated quantitatively at the accuracy of coefficient of variance of about 15 percent against the values chemically analyzed

    螢光 X 線分析法の土壌肥料学的研究への応用 II : 柑橘葉中の亜鉛, 鉄および土壌中の全マンガンの定量(農芸化学部門)

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    柑橘葉中の亜鉛, 鉄および土壌中の全マンガンを螢光X線分析法による定量法の検討を行ない次の結果をえた。柑橘葉中の亜鉛含量の定量の場合, Dithizon法で行なった結果とは必ずしもよい一致を示さなかったが, 内部標準法, 標準曲線法ともに亜鉛欠乏症の発現と濃度を関係づけるに足る精度での分析は可能であった。しかし葉中の鉄の定量結果は化学分析値に対しよい一致を示さず半定量の程度の精度しかえられなかった。土壌中のマンガンの定量の場合は, 標準曲線の変異はかなり大きいが, 化学分析結果との対応においてはCV8%とかなりよい精度で分析が可能であった。The methods of quantitative determinations of zinc and and iron contents in citrus leaves and manganese contents in soils by X-ray fluorescent analysis were examined and the following results were obtained. In the case of determination of zinc, the zinc contents in the citrus leaves could be estimated by both the internal standard and standard curve methods in X-ray fluorescent analysis to establish the relationship between the appearance of symptom of zinc defficiency and the contents of zinc in leaves, though the data determined by chemical method did not show good agreement with the ones estimated by X-ray fluorescent analysis. For the determination of iron contents in leaves, the X-ray fluorescent analysis can not adapt, because the variance was large in the repetition of determination and in the comparison with the data estimated by chemical method. The coefficient of variance of manganese contents in soils determined by X-ray fluorescent analysis to the data estimated by chemical method was about 8 per cent and considerably low. From this result, the manganese contents in soils may be determined by X-ray fluorescent analysis


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    京都市近郊の水田土壌の鉱物学的研究を行ないその結果より, 土壌母材と鉱物組織との関係, 土壌生成作用と鉱物の風化過程との関係, 土壌の生産力と鉱物組成との関係について考察を加え, 次のような結果をえた。土壌の鉱物組成は母材との関係は認めうるが土壌型とは関係がなかった。すべての土壌がイライト, 非膨脹型14A鉱物およびハロイサイトを含み, 量的には母材によって変っていた。京都北部山間部の水田にはアロフェンやモンモリロナイトを含むものもある。非膨脹型14A鉱物は二八面体のバーミキュライトの層格子間にギブサイト様水酸化アルミニウム層をはさんだ鉱物であった。供試土壌では母材の不均一性のためまた水田化されて以来の経過年次が短かく明らかでないため, 土壌断面における鉱物組成の変化がわずかで土壌生成作用と鉱物の風化過程を明確には推察しえなかった。しかしはげしい風化を受けている土壌にあっては粘土鉱物の退化, 破壊が表層で起っていることを認めた。The mineralogical studies of paddy soils near Kyoto City were made and the relationships between the mineral weathering and soil forming processes and also those between the soil productivity and mineralogical compositions of soils are discussed. The results obtained indicate that the mineralogical compositions of soils are related to the parent materials and not to the soil types. All soils contain illite, non-expanding 14A mineral and halloysite, but the quantities vary according to the origns of parent materials. And the clay contain dominantly montmorillonite and allophane respectively in Soil A and B taken from the mountainous area in the northern part of Kyoto. Non-expanding 14A mineral may be dioctahedral vermiculite which sandwiches gibbsite layer between the layer lattices and chlorite. The mineral weathering processes in sample soils cannot be inferred from variations in mineralogical composition of profile samples, because of the considerable differences of parent materials even in a profile as well as the ambiguity of the elapsed years after the land reclamation to the paddy fields


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    京都府下丹後地方のカンキツ園において開園時期を異にする園を供試し, 土壌の化学的性質および葉成分について時期的変化を調べた。その結果, 土壌の反応は新しい園(高石)が古い園(石浦)にくらべると酸性が強い傾向を示したが, マンガンについては両園とも水溶性および置換性マンガンが少なかった。葉成分については石浦でマンガン欠乏, 高石でマンガンおよび亜鉛欠乏の可能性が推定された。また, 結果枝は無結枝にくらべるとカルシウムマンガンおよび亜鉛を多く含み, 窒素および加里は逆に少ない傾向を示した。Studies were carried out on the seasonal change of chemical properties of soils and inorganic compositions of leaves at the two citrus groves (variety UNSHU)-old ones (the age of tree : 60 years) and young ones (the age of tree : 10 years)-in northern part of Kyoto Prefecture and the following results overe obtained : The soil of young grove (TAKAISHI) showed more acidic properties than the soil of old grove (ISHIURA). A small amount of water soluble and exchang-able manganese were found on the both soils. The seasonal change of inorganic compositions of leaves showed no distinct differences between the two kinds of groves. However, from the compositions of leaves, a manganese defficiency found at the old grove, and also manganese and zink defficiency at the young groves were expected. Calcium, manganese and zink contents in the leaves were higher in the bearing shoots than in the non bearing shoots, Nitrogen and potassium contents showed a reverse relation to these three elements


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    京都府下丹後地方の柑橘園土壌の一般理化学的性質および葉成分について分析し, 今後の当地方の柑橘栽培における土壌, 肥培管理の基礎資料をえた。すなわち丹後地方の柑橘園土壌は植物栄養的に母材をほぼ同じくする近畿, 中国地方の主産地土壌にくらべてせき薄な土壌地帯であり, 葉分析より診断される柑橘の栄養状態も良好とはいえず, とくに微量要素の欠乏に注意すべきことを明らかにした。The chemical and physical properties of soils and the inorganic compositions of leaves in the citrus gardens in Tango District, Kyoto Prefecture, were studied and the following results were obtained. The citrus garden soils in Tango District, which were formed on granite and palezoic shale, showed lower fertility level than the soils which were formed on the same parent materials in the citrus growing parts of Wakayama, Mie, Hiroshima and Yamaguchi Prefecture. The nutritional status of citrus were not so good and especially the trace element status in both soils and plants were very bad, for example, the manganese and zinc defficiency had appeared

    大豆の養分吸収に対する殺菌剤および EDTA 施用の影響(予報)(農芸化学部門)

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    カンキツの異常落葉園土壌を供試して無肥料で大豆を栽培, その幼植物の生育と養分吸収におよぼす殺菌剤およびEDTAの影響を調べた。その結果, 乾物重においては殺菌剤処理で増加したが, EDTA処理は減少の傾向を示し, 有害的であった。地上部成分の吸収量については殺菌剤処理で各成分とも増加の傾向を示すのに対し, EDTA処理では結合金属によって若干傾向を異にするようで, 共通して増加したのは地上部でリン, アルミニウム, 鉄, 減少したのはカルシウムおよびマンガンであった。しかし根部ではいずれの成分も減少を示した。Studies were carried out on the effect of application of soil fungicide and EDTA (Ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid) on the growth and nutrient absorption by soy bean plant. The soils used in this experiment were taken from the citrus orchard with abnormal defoliation. The results are summarized as follow : 1) The dry whight of young plant on the soil treated with fungicide was heavier than the plant whight on untreated soil. However, an application of EDTA resulted in a decrease of weight. 2) The difference was found between the nutyients absorption from the treated and untreated soils. That is the amount of absorbed nutrient increased by fungicide treatment. Phosohorus, aluminum and iron absorption increased, and calcium and manganese absorotion decreased by EDTA treatment. 3) The amount of nutrients absorbed by roots showed the tendency of decrease by the application of fungigide and EDTA