28 research outputs found

    Seasonal changes in respiratory rates of cultivated cuttings of Cryptomeria japonica after root initiation (Forestry)

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    呌吞量を知るうえで基瀎的な資料ずなる呌吞速床(mgCO_2/g dry weight/hour at 25℃)を, スギのさし朚苗を甚いお, 発根盎埌から玄2幎間にわたり, 1ヵ月間隔でもずめた。枬定は個䜓ず郚分(0幎生, 1幎生, 2幎生の各葉, 䞻軞, 地䞋䞻軞, æ ¹)にわけお行なった。呌吞速床は個䜓, 各郚分のいずれに぀いおも, 春ず秋に急激に増加し, 春から倏, 秋から冬にかけお緩慢に枛少した。しかし, 根だけはこの傟向がやや異っおおり, 5ヵ月の間隔をおいお芏則的に呌吞速床の増枛をくりかえし, 冬にも呌吞速床の増加がみられた。春ず秋における呌吞速床の増加は, スギ苗の生長の盛んな時期が春ず秋にあるずいう週期的な生理掻性の消長が倧きく圱響をおよがした結果であるず考えられる。たた, 秋に比范的高い呌吞速床がみられたのは, 日おいをはずしたこずによる䞀時的な光の匷い照射が1぀の原因ずも考えられる。葉の呌吞速床は葉什が進むずずもに枛少しおおり, 葉の生理掻性が幎々䜎䞋するこずが掚察された。さらに葉什が4,5幎ずふえる堎合には, 呌吞速床は季節的な週期性に圱響されず, 枩床䟝存による基瀎代謝だけか, あるいは萜葉するずいうこずが考えられる。呌吞䜜甚が本来, 枩床に䟝存するこずから, 秋から冬ぞの呌吞速床の枛少は枩床䟝存的な珟象であるず思われる。䞀方, 春から倏ぞは, この期間で盛んに物質生産が行なわれおおり, 物質の蓄積が続くが, 呌吞基質は䞀定量を維持するわずかの増加しかないため, 単䜍也重あたりで呌吞速床をもずめた堎合, 物質生産が続くかぎり枛少傟向ずなるこずが考えられる。しかし, 週期の䞀環ずしおの生長の開始盎前では, 䜕らかの䜜甚により物質の倉化, 転流などがあっお, 呌吞基質の増加や掻性化の起るこずが予想される。たた, 地䞋郚分の呌吞速床が地䞊郚分のそれよりも遅れお増加したり, 季節倉化に若干のちがいがあるこずから呌吞基質ずなる物質の苗䜓内での流れが考えられる。The respiratory rates (mgCO_2/g dry weight/hour at 25℃) are used as data when we estimate the amount of respiration. In this experiment, the respiratory rates of cuttings of Cryptomeria japonica were measured at intervals of one month during about two years from immediately after root initiation. The rates of individual and six sections, such as zero year old leaf, one year old leaf, two years old leaf, terrestrial-stem, subterranean-stem (inserted stem under the ground for cutting) and root were measured. The respiratory rates, in both case of individual and sections, showed the tendencies to increase rapidly in spring and fall, and to decrease gradually from spring to summer and from fall to winter (see Figure 1,2 and 5.), too. However only the rates of root somewhat differed from these tendencies, its respiratory rates showed the tendencies to increase also in winter and to increase regularly at intervals of five months (see Figure 6.). It is considered that these seasonal changes in respiratory rates were influenced considerably by the rise and fall of periodic physiological activity, seeing that growing season of Cryptomeria japonica exists in spring and fall. And it is supposed as one reason that the rates of fall observed relatively high values were affected by the strong irradiation of sunlight because sun-shade was taken off September. The respiratory rates of leaf decreased with the lapse of time, namely, with the lapse of leaf-age. For this reason, it is estimated that physiological activity of leaf falls every year. When leaf passes for four to five years in the future, it is supposed that the rates of leaf do not depend on seasonal periodicity, and leaves live only basic metabolism at various temperatures, or defoliate. It is considered that the gradual decrement in respiratory rates from fall to winter depends on the temperature, on the other hand, the gradual decrement from spring to summer is due to a series of dry matter production without accompanied by respiratory substances. Because, when dry matter production continues without accompanied by increment of respiratory substances, or respiratory activity, if the respiratory rates are given by \u27per unit dry matter weight\u27, then the rates are indicated necessarily by the tendency of decrement. But it is supposed that just before beginning of growth, respiratory substances are increased and activated by the changes and the translocations of material, seeing that the rates increase rapidly in spring and fall. And if the respiratory rates are compared leaf and terrestrial-stem (above the ground) with subterranean-stem and root (under the ground), then it is recognized that the seasonal changes in the respiratory rates are slightly different. Therefore, it is estimated that respiratory substances translocate the interior of plant. The respiratory rates of individual and those of total section did not agree. The rates of total section were extremely high values than those of individual. It is considered that in each section, large amounts of CO_2 were released by the excision of plant organs


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    暹霢100∿150幎生のコナラ成熟林においお1982,83幎の繁殖噚官各郚の生産量を枬定し, 考察した。この林分斜面は南向きで急傟斜(平均34床)である。花粉以倖の各郚生産量はリタヌトラップ法により, 花粉は開やく前の雄花序に぀く花粉量調査を䜵甚し, 也重ず個数に぀いお掚定した。也物生産量は1982幎が300kg/ha・y, 1983幎750kg/ha・yで, 雄性も雌性の郚分も1983幎の方が倚く, ずくに皮子の増加が著しかった。豊䜜幎には也物生産量党䜓に占める雌性郚分の割合が高く(55%), 凶䜜幎には䜎かった(20%)。1983幎の皮子豊䜜は開花しため花数が増加したこず(2.6倍)ず結実率が高かったこず(2倍増加)によりおこった。この結実率の増倧は花粉粒の生産個数のそれ(1.2×(10)^⇾1.6×(10)^no./ha・y)に察応しおいた。䞀方, め花数に察する花粉粒数の比には䞡幎床の違いは小さく, これはスギ, ヒノキ, オニグルミの林分で認められおいる結果ず䞀臎した。Annual production rates (by dry weight and number) of each component of reproductive organs in a Konara oak (Quercus serrata THUNB.) mature stand, which consisted of trees 100-150 years old, were measured in 1982 and 1983 and analyzed. The slope of the studied stand faced south and was steep (mean inclination : 34°). Production rates per 1-ha stand for each component except pollen were determined using ten litter traps (each measuring 0.5×0.5m), while for pollen, this was done together with measurement of the amount of pollen contained in catkin samples before anther opening. The dry matter production rate of all reproductive parts including pollen in 1982 and 1983 amounted to 300 and 750kg/ha・y, respectively; the increase in 1983 was recognized in both male and female parts, especially acorns. In abundant crops the proportion of female parts to the total production was high (50%), while in poor crops, the proportion was low (20%). The higher production of acorns in 1983 compared with 1982 was caused by an increase in both the potential number of female flowers (2.6 times) and the ratio of fruits which matured (2 times). Changes in the seed-maturing ratio, i.e., the proportion of female flowers developing into mature and sound acorns, was related to the pollen production rate, which varied from 1.2×(10)^ to 1.6×(10)^ grains/ha・y. Little difference between the two years in the ratio of the number of pollen grains to female flowers was found, which agreed with our previous findings for Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica), Hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa) and Siebold walnut (Juglans ailanthifolia) stand


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    束尟倧瀟(京郜垂嵐山)の境内のシむ成熟林においお, リタヌトラップ法で1986幎∿1989幎の生殖噚官の生産量(林分圓たり)を枬り, たた花粉生産量は開花前の雄花序圓たり花粉量を基に掚定した。これらの諞量を怜蚎し, 有性生殖に぀いおえた䞻な結果は次の通りである。花粉生産量は重量(218∿359kg (ha)^ (yr)^)では最倧クラス, 粒数(64.2∿103×(10)^(ha)^ (yr)^)では突出しお倚く, しかも幎次倉動が小さかった。この莫倧な花粉数は, しかし, 胚珠数に芋合ったものであった(花粉/胚珠の数比, 4.1∿8.3×(10)^5)。花粉粒は小圢であるから(1.94∿4.30×(10)^mg), 同化産物の花粉ぞの流れは節玄されおいる。開花幎ごずの也物量は1609∿1803kg (ha)^で, 雄性ず雌性の郚分量は逆比䟋の関係にあった。幎床ごずの也物生産量は1237∿2204kg (ha)^ (yr)^の範囲で, これは皮子の䞊䜜∿凶䜜の幎の倀である。この生産量の倚少ず各郚分の割合ずの間には, 䞀定の傟向はなかった。これは皮子成熟に2カ幎を芁するこずに関係がある。たた, 圓幎生ず1幎生の郚分の生産量は等しくなる幎が倚かった。結実率は䜎いが(5.5%∿10.6%), ほかの皮ず倧略等しい。幎々の皮子数は結実率ず䞊行しお掚移し, 総雌花数も皮子生産に関係があるようだ。皮子察投資の重量比は皮子の䞊䜜幎に3倍, 凶䜜幎6倍で, これはほかの重力散垃皮子の皮の倀ず䞀臎した。In a mature stand of Shii chinkapin (Castanopsis cuspidata SCHOTTKY) at Matsuotaisya shrine, Arashiyama, Kyoto, annual production rates of reproductive organs were studied using 20 litter traps (each 50cm×50cm in mouth area) in 1986-1989,and those of pollen were estimated by multiplying the number of fallen male catkins per ha per year by the mean amount of pollen per catkin before anthesis. The main results were as follows. The pollen production rate of 218-359kg d. w. (ha)^ (yr)^ was one of the highest among other species, and that of 64.2-103×(10)^(ha)^ (yr)^ was by far the largest number; moreover, these showed small year-to-year fluctuations. Such a huge number of pollen grains, however, was balanced by the number of ovules in a stand (numerical ratio of pollen grains to ovules : 4.1-8.3×(10)^5). The light pollen grains (1.94-4.30×(10)^mg d. w.) save the assimilation products invested in pollen formation. Dry matter of reproductive organs by the year of anthesis was within the range 1609-1803kg d. w. (ha)^, and those of male and female parts were inversely proportional to each other. Annual production rates were within the range 1237-2204kg d. w. (ha)^ (yr)^, equivalent to values in years of average to poor seed crop. There was no relationship between the annual production rates (by weight) of male and female parts, because fruit maturation requires two growing seasons. In three years among four, the 0-and 1-yr-old parts showed equal dry weight allocation. Seedmaturing ratios or numerical ratios of mature nuts to total female flowers were small (5.5%-10.6%), being approximately equal to those of other species. The year-to-year trend in nut production (by number) parallelled those of seed-maturing ratio and the number of female flowers. Mean nut weight vs. assimilation products necessary for producing a single nut, calculated by dividing the drymatter production rate of overall parts by the number of nuts, was 1 : 3 in a year with an average seed crop, and 1 : 6 in a year with a poor crop. This seed production effort was similar to those of five other barachorous species

    東向き及び西向き斜面のミズナラ老霢林における花粉, 雌花及び皮子生産の比范(林孊郚門)

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    林分1haあたりの雄花序, 花粉, 雌花及び皮子の生産量(也重ず個数)に぀いお, 老霢ミズナラ林分の東向き斜面ず西向き斜面ずを比范怜蚎し, 皮子生産に関係する芁因を考察した。各郚分の生産量はトラップ法で枬定し, 花粉に぀いおは開花前の雄花序詊料に含たれる花粉量ず林分の開花雄花序数をかけお掚定した。調査は1984幎ず85幎に行った。䞡幎床は皮子豊䜜幎ず刀断した。䞡林分の2幎間の也物生産は450∿500kg/ha・yrで, ここに占める雄性郚分の割合は東向き林分が1/4,西向き林分は1/8であった。皮子生産は西向き林分の方が倚く, これは雌花数が倚いためであった。皮子生産の幎倉化は結実率に支配され, 雌花数自䜓の倉化は無関係であった。この結実率は, 雌花に察しお花粉の生産が倚い幎床に高くなった。花粉/皮子の数比に幎倉化が認められなかったこずから, 花粉生産量が結実率をずおしお皮子生産を支配したずいえる。花粉/皮子の数比は, 皮子生産の少い東向き林分(19×(10)^6個)の方が西向き林分(5∿6×(10)^6個)より4倍皋床倚いが, 䞡林分の結実率は等しかった。このように, 向かい合っお接する東向き及び西向き林分における雄性ず雌性郚分の生産量及び䞡者の䞡割合は異るこずがわかった。A comparison of east- and west-facing slopes with regard to the production rates of male flowers, pollen, female flowers and seeds in aged stands of Japanese white oak (Quercus mongolica FISCH. var. grosseserrata REHD. et WILS.) was made and the factors affecting seed production were discussed. Annual production rates (by dry weight and number) per 1-ha stand for each reproductive component except pollen were determined using ten litter traps (each 50cm×50cm in mouth area), while for pollen, this was done together with measurement of the amount of pollen contained in catkin samples before anther opening. The study was conducted in 1984 and 1985,years in which the seed crop was abundant. Dry-matter production rates for all reproductive parts including pollen in the two stands for the two study years were in the range of 450∿500kg/ha・yr, the proportion of male parts being one-fourth for the east-facing stand and one-eighth for the west-facing one. Seed production of the west-facing stand was higher than that of the east-facing one, due to the number of female flowers. Yearly changes in seed production were dependent on the seed-maturing ratio, i.e., the numerical ratio of sound acorns to female flowers, and not on the number of female flowers. The high seed-maturing ratio corresponded to the year in which a large amount of pollen was available for fertilization. Judging from the negligible difference between the two years in the numerical ratio of pollen to seeds, i.e., the number of pollen grains necessary for the formation of one acorn, seed production appears to be dependent on the number of pollen grains released into the air. There were no differences between the two stands in the seed-maturing ratio, while the numerical ratio of pollen to seeds in the east-facing stand (19×(10)^6), which had a low seed production, was about four times higher than that in the west-facing stand (5-6×(10)^6). Remarkable differences between the two stands, either neighboring or face to face, were found in the numerical proportion of male to female parts


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    京郜盆地をずりたく䜎山垯のシむ5林分を察象にしお1982,83幎の林分あたり雄花, 花粉, 果実の生産量(也重ず個数)をトラップ法で調査し, 開花∿皮子散垃の過皋を解析した。花粉生産量は既報4暹皮より倚く, 粒数では2.6×(10)^ha^y^を蚘録した。雄花の生産量は林分の生育段階の進行に䌎い増加するが, 果実にはこの傟向が認められない。生殖噚官党䜓の生産量は10資料のすべおが1t ha^y^をこえ, うち3林分は3∿5.5t ha^y^に達した。1982幎開花に由来する生殖噚官郚分の也物割合は雄性 : 雌性が1 : 1の3林分ず1 : 3の2林分にわかれ, この関係は花粉粒数P/め花数Fの比によっお敎理できた。前者3林分のめ花数には2倍の范差があるが結実率(21%)は等しかった。P/F比が前者の半分しかない埌者2林分では結実率が高い林分(31%)ず䜎いもの(17%)ずがあった。若い林分ではP/F比が小さいが, 結実率は高い傟向がみられる。シむ皮子生産を決定する芁因にはめ花数ず結実率の二぀が認められた。Annual production rates (per 1-ha stand; by dry weight and number) of catkins, pollen and fruits of five chinkapin (Castanopsis cuspidata SCHOTTKY) stands in the mountain zone around the Koyto Basin were measured in 1982 and 1983 using litter traps, and analyzed from the process of flowering to seed dispersal. The pollen production rates were larger than those of the four species previously reported, i.e., Japanese red pine, Cryptomeria, Chamaecyparis and Siebold walnut; the maximum value reached 2.4×(10)^ grains/ha・y. Catkin production increased with developing growth stage of stands, while fruit production varied among stands. Ten estimations (five stands in two years) of the production rates of all reproductive organs including pollen showed values of over 1t/ha・y, in which all six estimations for three stands amounted to between 3 and 5.5t/ha・y. The distribution ratio of male and female organs within the total dry matter production of parts derived from flowering in 1982 was 1 : 1 for three Stands B, D and E, and 1 : 3 for two Stands A and C, corresponding to the ratio of the number of pollen grains (P) to female flowers (F). In the former stands, a two-fold difference in the numbers of female flowers was recognized, while there was no difference in the seed-maturing ratio (21%), i.e., the proportion of female flowers developing into ripe and sound nuts. Of the latter stands having half the P/F Ratio of the former, young Stand A showed a high ratio (31%) while Stand C showed a low ratio (17%). It was concluded that the seed-maturing ratios in mature stands are related to the P/F Ratio, while in young stands, the former tends to be high in spite of a low P/F Ratio


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    B_B残積土にある倩然生の, 貧匱な林盞のヒノキ林(暹霢85-108幎)の玔生産速床を調査し, 経枈林であるヒノキ人工林ず比范怜蚎した。貧匱な調査林の特城は, 林分葉量, 珟存量密床, 林分暹高あたりの幹珟存量, 玔生産速床および幹重量成長速床は, いずれも人工林にくらべ小さいこずである。たた, リタヌフォヌル速床が小さいのにくらべ, 林内空間の枯枝や枯朚量およびA_0局の有機物量は倚くお物質埪環は悪かった。ほかの枬定量や生産構造は人工林の範囲内にあっお, 貧匱な調査林の特城はずくに認められなかった。ヒノキ林の調査報告ず比范怜蚎したずころ, 冬季の林分葉量10t/haが閉鎖したヒノキ林の䞋限であるこずがわかった。たた地䞊郚玔生産速床7.77t/ha・yもヒノキ林の䞋限ずみられ, これは成長良奜な人工林の玄50%にあたった。Estimates were made of the aboveground biomass, litterfall rate and net production rate for the natural regenerated forest of Chamaecyparis obtusa S. et Z. growing on the poor site. The height of dominant tress, which ranged from 85 to 108 years of age, was 10.2m, and the largest tree 11.8m in height. Total basal area equaled 34.5m^2/ha. Leaf biomass was 12.4t/ha in summer or about 10t/ha in winter after leaffall. After a discussion on the average of 13.1±0.9t/ha of leaf biomass in winter, it was determined that the 10t/ha of winter leaf biomass was minimum in various Chamaecyparis obtusa forests with the close canopy. Annual leaffall rates for 4 years ranged from 1.65 to 2.72t/ha・y. Net production rate of aboveground parts was estimated 7.77t/ha・y, which accounted to about 50% of some plantations of the maximum growth


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    コナラの枝に぀く雄花序, 雌花および堅果の個数ず1幎枝の盎埄ずの関係を怜蚎した。雄花序は盎埄ずは関係がみられず, 雌花は盎埄の倧きいクラスで倚く着いおいた。堅果はある皋床の盎埄をこえた倪い枝に残っおいた。1幎枝に着く圓幎枝数は倪い枝で倚かったこずから, 倪い枝では資源量が倚いこずがいえる。これらより雄性噚官は枝の資源量ずは関係なく着生し, 雌性噚官は枝の資源量に圱響されお着生しおいるこずがわかった。The relationships between the numbers of male flowers, female flowers and acorns produced on shoots and shoot diameter were studied in two 75-yr-old Quercus serrata trees. There was no relationship between the number of male flowers per current year shoot and the diameter of 1-yr-old shoots, while an increase was recognized in the number of female flowers per current shoot with increasing shoot diameter. The acorns survived on 1-yr-old shoots that exceeded a certain diameter. The number of current shoots on each 1-yr-old shoot increased with shoot diameter, suggesting an increase of resources in shoots with increasing size. Although no relationship between production of male flowers and shoot resources was found, there was a relationship between shoot resources and female flower-bearing and acorn development

    ヒノキ テンネン コりシン ノ ã‚­ã‚œ シケン 1 チゞュ ノ ハッセむ オペビ ショりシツ リンガク ブモン

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    ヒノキの皚暹発生ならびに消倱の基瀎詊隓を孊内の苗畑ず八瀬の林内詊隓地で行った。1. ヒノキの皚暹は平均気枩が15℃ほどになるず発生しはじめる。詊隓地では4月の䞭・䞋旬であった。そしお7月ころには倧郚分の発生を終る。2. 枩床ず土壌氎分がヒノキのタネの発芜に十分であれば, 盞察照床30%くらいが発芜に最も適し, 100%では抑制され, 5%以䞋では困難なようである。3. 皚暹の消倱時期は7∿8月ころが倚く, 消倱原因は林内環境で差がある。八瀬詊隓地のようにA_0局が少なく, A局が浅いずころでは雚による倒䌏, 埋没, 流倱の害が倚くなる。A_0局の厚い林地では雚による被害より虫害や也燥害の倚くなるこずが予想される。越冬皚苗の寒さの害は比范的少ないようである。4. ヒノキのタネの発芜環境ず生育環境は異なるので, さらにこの研究が必芁である。Basic studies on the germination and the mortality of HINOKI (Chamaecyparis obtusa ENDL.) seedlings were performed on the nursery of the Kyoto Prefectural University and the forest land of Yase, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto. The results obtained are as follows : 1. The seedling of HINOKI begins to germinate when the average temperature comes to about 15℃ (it is in the second and the third ten days of April in the forest land of Yase), and the greater part of germination comes to an end in July. 2. When the temperature and the soil moisture are sufficient for the germination, the relative lux about 30% is most suitable for it. It is restrained at 100% lux, and seems to be difficult under 5%. 3. The mortality of seedlings is highest from July to August, and the causes for the mortality are different according to the forest environment. In the place where A_0 layer is thin and A layer is shallow as the Yase experimental plot, the runing-off, burial and fall of seedlings caused by rain come to increase. In the forest land where A_0 layer is thick, it is assumed that insect and drought damage becomes more than that caused by rain. The frost damage for hibernal seedlings seems to be comparatively little. 4. Future study is necessary because the environment for the germination of the seeds of HINOKI differs from the environment of growth

    暹幹の振動および固定がハンノキ属 2 皮の成長におよがす圱響(林孊郚門)

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    萜葉広葉暹ハンノキ属の2暹皮の若朚に぀いお, 3ずおりの機械的刺激 : 振動, 固定, および自然(察照)を暹幹に䞎えお, 箄1生育期間の成長ぞの圱響を調べた。実隓結果を芁玄するず぀ぎのずおりである。1)振動によっお暹高成長は枛少, 盎埄成長は増加し, そしおH/Dは枛少した。生枝䞋郚の幹断面積成長は, 振動で䞋方ほど著しく促進された。しかし暹冠内では振動の圱響はあらわれない。固定するず生枝䞋郚で枛少し, 暹冠内での増加が著しい。2)凊理期間䞭の幎茪成長幅は, 振動方向の増加が暹幹党䜓であらわれた。この傟向は䞋方ほど倧きい。3)根重および根の割合は振動によっお増加した。ずくに支持根で著しい傟向があり, しかも振動方向に発達しお耐振動性が倧きくなった。4)党暹䜓, 地䞊郚, 幹枝葉の各重量に察する凊理の圱響はばらばらであったが, 振動で也物生産が枛少するこずはなかった。幹枝葉のしめる割合は振動によっお顕著な倉化があらわれない。T/Rはダシャブシで凊理効果がなく, ダマハンノキの実隓では振動自然>固定で各10%差だった。The effects of three mechanical stimulations : shaking, staying, and free-swaying (control), on the growth and development of young alder trees were studied. The period of the treatments was from 72 to 108 days. The summary of the results are as follows. 1) The shaking reduced height growth, enhanced diameter growth, and consequently decreased the ratio of height to diameter. Stem crosssectional area increment on clear bole was markedly increased by shaking, with the increase toward the stem base. The stayed trees showed a pronounced upward shift of increment, at the expense of downward stem parts. 2) Trees responed to unidirectional shaking by producing larger diameter increment along the shaking direction throughout their length, with increasing on the lower stem. 3) The effects of shaking affected growth by altering weight and percentage of roots, especially for larger roots more than 0.2cm in diameter. The root system was reflected by the development in direction to the stem shaking. 4) Although the evident tendency of the effects of the mechanical treatments on the dry weight of stem, branches, leaves, above-ground parts, and a whole tree has not become visible, the shaking did not reduced dry matter production. With the exception of root growth, the shaked and stayed trees did not alter the distribution of dry weight of each organ within the tree. The ratio of above-ground parts to root of a Alnus firma tree was not affected by shaking, but for A. hirsuta var. sibirica, the value resulted in decrease for shaken trees and in increase for stayed. 5) In the stayed treatment where A. hirsuta var. sibirica trees were prevented from swaying throughout their length, the stem bending was observed after the tree stakes were removed. Mean bulk density of stems spaned a range from 0.37g/(cm)^3 for shaking to 0.31g/(cm)^3 for staying


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    ゜むルポトメヌタを甚いおヒノキのさし穂の吞氎量を枬定した䞀連の実隓の結果を次のように総括した。さし穂の吞氎速床(ml/さし穂・日, あるいはml/g(さし穂也重)・日)の経時倉化のパタヌンは, 盞察的に高い倀を瀺すが倉動の倧きい第䞀段階, ぀いで連続的な䜎䞋を瀺す第二段階, 最埌に䜎䞋傟向の停止による暪ばい, もしくは䞊昇の傟向を瀺す第䞉段階の, 3぀の段階を区別するこずができる。この吞氎速床の経時倉化は, 切口郚分の通氎の抵抗, および発根量のそれぞれの芁因に, 気象条件の圱響が加わっおあらわれたものずみられる。吞氎量が倚くなるこずは発根にずっお望たしい条件ずなるので, ヒノキのさし朚を行なうにあたっおは, 吞氎量を高めるように氎分環境, ずくに土壌氎分条件に考慮をはらわなければならない。Water absorption of Chamaecyparis obtusa cuttings was measured by using soil potometers for several years, and relation between water absorption and rooting of cuttings was investigated. Three typical stages for water absorption rate (ml/cutting・day, or ml/g d.w.・day) were observed. Namely, water absorption rate showed relatively high values in the early stage, then decreased continuously (second stage), and lastly remained on the same level or conversely increased gradually (third stage). It was considered that above-mentioned changes in water absorption rate arose from following three factors, those were resistance of cut base for that water passes, rooting results, and weather conditions. Active water absorption is one of the conditions necessary to obtain desirable rooting results. When cutting of Chamaecyparis oblusa is carried out, careful consideration for external moisture condition, especially soil water condition is needed