
落葉広葉樹ハンノキ属の2樹種の若木について, 3とおりの機械的刺激 : 振動, 固定, および自然(対照)を樹幹に与えて, 約1生育期間の成長への影響を調べた。実験結果を要約するとつぎのとおりである。1)振動によって樹高成長は減少, 直径成長は増加し, そしてH/Dは減少した。生枝下部の幹断面積成長は, 振動で下方ほど著しく促進された。しかし樹冠内では振動の影響はあらわれない。固定すると生枝下部で減少し, 樹冠内での増加が著しい。2)処理期間中の年輪成長幅は, 振動方向の増加が樹幹全体であらわれた。この傾向は下方ほど大きい。3)根重および根の割合は振動によって増加した。とくに支持根で著しい傾向があり, しかも振動方向に発達して耐振動性が大きくなった。4)全樹体, 地上部, 幹枝葉の各重量に対する処理の影響はばらばらであったが, 振動で乾物生産が減少することはなかった。幹枝葉のしめる割合は振動によって顕著な変化があらわれない。T/Rはヤシャブシで処理効果がなく, ヤマハンノキの実験では振動自然>固定で各10%差だった。The effects of three mechanical stimulations : shaking, staying, and free-swaying (control), on the growth and development of young alder trees were studied. The period of the treatments was from 72 to 108 days. The summary of the results are as follows. 1) The shaking reduced height growth, enhanced diameter growth, and consequently decreased the ratio of height to diameter. Stem crosssectional area increment on clear bole was markedly increased by shaking, with the increase toward the stem base. The stayed trees showed a pronounced upward shift of increment, at the expense of downward stem parts. 2) Trees responed to unidirectional shaking by producing larger diameter increment along the shaking direction throughout their length, with increasing on the lower stem. 3) The effects of shaking affected growth by altering weight and percentage of roots, especially for larger roots more than 0.2cm in diameter. The root system was reflected by the development in direction to the stem shaking. 4) Although the evident tendency of the effects of the mechanical treatments on the dry weight of stem, branches, leaves, above-ground parts, and a whole tree has not become visible, the shaking did not reduced dry matter production. With the exception of root growth, the shaked and stayed trees did not alter the distribution of dry weight of each organ within the tree. The ratio of above-ground parts to root of a Alnus firma tree was not affected by shaking, but for A. hirsuta var. sibirica, the value resulted in decrease for shaken trees and in increase for stayed. 5) In the stayed treatment where A. hirsuta var. sibirica trees were prevented from swaying throughout their length, the stem bending was observed after the tree stakes were removed. Mean bulk density of stems spaned a range from 0.37g/(cm)^3 for shaking to 0.31g/(cm)^3 for staying

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