406 research outputs found

    Cost-effectiveness of gargling for the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In Japan, gargling is a generally accepted way of preventing upper respiratory tract infection (URTI). The effectiveness of gargling for preventing URTI has been shown in a randomized controlled trial that compared incidences of URTI between gargling and control groups. From the perspective of the third-party payer, gargling is dominant due to the fact that the costs of gargling are borne by the participant. However, the cost-effectiveness of gargling from a societal perspective should be considered. In this study, economic evaluation alongside a randomized controlled trial was performed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of gargling for preventing URTI from a societal perspective.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Among participants in the gargling trial, 122 water-gargling and 130 control subjects were involved in the economic analysis. Sixty-day cumulative follow-up costs and effectiveness measured by quality-adjusted life days (QALD) were compared between groups on an intention-to-treat basis. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was converted to dollars per quality-adjusted life years (QALY). The 95% confidence interval (95%CI) and probability of gargling being cost-effective were estimated by bootstrapping.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After 60 days, QALD was increased by 0.43 and costs were 37.1higherinthegarglinggroupthaninthecontrolgroup.ICERofthegarglinggroupwas37.1 higher in the gargling group than in the control group. ICER of the gargling group was 31,800/QALY (95%CI, 1,9001,900–248,100). Although this resembles many acceptable forms of medical intervention, including URTI preventive measures such as influenza vaccination, the broad confidence interval indicates uncertainty surrounding our results. In addition, one-way sensitivity analysis also indicated that careful evaluation is required for the cost of gargling and the utility of moderate URTI. The major limitation of this study was that this trial was conducted in winter, at a time when URTI is prevalent. Care must be taken when applying the results to a season when URTI is not prevalent, since the ICER will increase due to decreases in incidence.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study suggests gargling as a cost-effective preventive strategy for URTI that is acceptable from perspectives of both the third-party payer and society.</p

    Burden and outcome of HIV infection and other morbidities in health care workers attending an Occupational Health Program at the Provincial Hospital of Tete, Mozambique.

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    Objectives  To investigate the burden and outcome of HIV infection and other morbidities amongst a Mozambican hospital staff. Methods  Within an occupational health service set up in April 2008 in the provincial hospital of Tete, Mozambique, we offered to all staff members an initial clinical, laboratory and radiological screening and followed them up prospectively until April 2010. Results  A total of 47.5% of 423 health workers attended the program. The cohort (female-to-male ratio: 2.2; mean age: 39 years) consisted mostly of auxiliary staff (43%) and nurses (29.8%). At initial screening, 71% were asymptomatic. HIV infection (28.4%) and tuberculosis (TB) (21%) were the main reported antecedent illnesses. Laboratory screening revealed anaemia (haemoglobin level <10 mg/dl) in 9% participants, abnormal liver enzymes in 23.9% and a reactive non-treponemal syphilis test in 5%. Of 145 performed chest X-rays, 13% showed abnormalities. All 113 health workers not recently tested for HIV were screened, and 31 were newly diagnosed with HIV infection (resulting in an overall HIV prevalence of 43.8%). Nine cases of TB were diagnosed at screening/during follow-up. In April 2010, all but one of the participants were alive. All HIV-infected health workers under antiretroviral therapy were actively followed-up. Conclusion  Serious conditions were frequently diagnosed in health workers, in particular HIV infection. Mid-term outcome was favourable within this program. Creation of screening and care services dedicated to caregivers should be of highest priority in similar African settings

    Disability Evaluation in Japan

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    To examine the current state and social ramifications of disability evaluation in Japan, public data from Annual Reports on Health and Welfare 1998-1999 were investigated. All data were analyzed based on the classification of disabilities and the effects of age-appropriate welfare services, which have been developed through a half-century of legislative efforts to support disability evaluation. These data suggest that disability evaluation, while essentially affected by age and impairment factors at a minimum, was impacted more by the assistive environment for disabilities. The assistive environment was found to be closely linked with the welfare support system related to a global assessment in the field of community-based rehabilitation

    Occupational Skin Diseases in Korea

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    Skin disease is the most common occupational disease, but the reported number is small in Korea due to a difficulty of detection and diagnosis in time. We described various official statistics and data from occupational skin disease surveillance system, epidemiological surveys and cases published in scientific journals. Until 1981, 2,222 cases of occupational skin disease were reported by Korean employee's regular medical check-up, accounting for 4.9% of the total occupational diseases. There was no subsequent official statistics to figure out occupational skin diseases till 1998. From 1999, the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) published the number of occupational skin diseases through the statistics of Cause Investigation for Industrial Accidents. A total of 301 cases were reported from 1999 to 2007. Recent one study showed the figures of compensated occupational skin diseases. Many of them belonged to daily-paid workers in the public service, especially forestry workers. Also, it described the interesting cases such as vitiligo and trichloroethylene-induced Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. Skin diseases are still important though the number of cases has decreased, and therefore it is recommended to grasp the status of occupational skin diseases through continuous surveillance system and to make policy protecting high-risk group

    Estimation of the value of convenience in taking influenza antivirals in Japanese adult patients between baloxavir marboxil and neuraminidase inhibitors using a conjoint analysis

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    Aims: Estimating the monetary value of the convenience of using influenza antivirals approved in Japan from a patient perspective using a conjoint analysis. Methods: An online survey (August 2020) was performed on individuals aged 20–64 years living in Japan who had taken oral or inhalant antivirals for influenza treatment in the 2018/19 or 2019/20 seasons. Efficacy and safety were assumed to be equivalent among the antivirals. The attributes for the conjoint analysis included route (oral or inhalant), duration, frequency of administration, and out-ofpocket expenses. A conditional logit model was applied as a baseline model. The monetary value of each attribute was calculated by comparing the same utility of the linearly interpolated level of the out-of-pocket attribute. Another survey to determine the experiences of the latest antiviral intake was also conducted on the same respondents. Results: Of the respondents, 1,550 were men and 1,587 were women. The monetary value for oral antivirals was estimated to be higher, saving JPY 741 (USD 7.06, as of August 2020), compared with inhalant. Regarding the length and frequency of administration, five days corresponds to an increase of JPY 2,072, compared with one day, and twice a day corresponds to a JPY 574 increase compared to once a day. Conclusions: The results suggest that – among the antivirals approved in Japan – the monetary value of the utility is the highest in the single dose oral antiviral, baloxavir marboxil (baloxavir). Although the drug cost was highest in baloxavir among the brand antivirals, the difference in the value of utility for influenza patient was estimated to be larger than the difference in the drug costs. Limitations: Although individuals with diverse attributes from all over the country were included in the survey, they are not necessarily a representative population of the Japanese society

    Distorted policy transfer? South Korea’s adaptation of UK social enterprise policy

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    This study draws upon communicative processes in policy transfer to consider the ways in which policy may be adapted to context or distorted. The theoretical framework is used to investigate exactly what the South Korean government borrowed from UK social enterprise policy. Despite claims that the UK was the source of both the general policy direction and the particular regulatory device, the Korean government did not learn about the specific contexts of the British policy, nor attempt two-way communication with domestic stakeholders. Rather, the UK policy was interpreted in accordance with the Korean government’s own ideas about how to utilize social enterprise. Historical legacies of top-down decision-making played an important role in this process, as did the state’s role as a regulator which mobilizes the private sector to achieve policy goals. The consequences have been negative for those organizations refused social enterprise status under the Ministry of Labor’s strict approval system, as well as for the original target population: the socially disadvantaged and vulnerable. It is suggested that the model advanced may help to illuminate the reasons why some borrowed policies differ considerably from the originals, and the use of policy transfer as a means of legitimizatio

    Development of Korean Academy of Medical Sciences Guideline Rating the Physical Impairment; Kidney, Bladder, Urethra, Male and Female Reproductive Systems (Preliminary Report)

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    For the evaluation of the kidney impairment, serum creatinine concentrations or glomerular filtration rates are mainly used, and the conditions of solitary or transplanted kidney and chronic dialysis are also taken into the considerations. Some symptoms and signs of the chronic renal disability in spite of adequate treatment add one additional grade. For evaluating bladder and urethral impairment, the criteria include voiding symptoms and signs. The patients with urinary diversions have impairment grades depending on the alteration of upper urinary tract function. For penile impairment, the degrees are evaluated using the international index of erectile function, nocturnal penile tumescence and color doppler ultrasonography. For evaluating impairment of other male reproductive organs, functional and anatomical changes of these organs, analysis of the semen or hormones and the state of solitary testis are used as the criteria. For evaluating impairment of female reproductive organs, pregnancy potential, requirement of continuous treatment and the ability of sexual intercourse are used. Also, degree of impairment is modified according to the ages in evaluating female reproductive systems. We have tried to make this evaluation system objective, scientific, and convenient, but still find it leaving much to be desired

    An eight-year follow-up national study of medical school and general hospital ethics committees in Japan

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ethics committees and their system of research protocol peer-review are currently used worldwide. To ensure an international standard for research ethics and safety, however, data is needed on the quality and function of each nation's ethics committees. The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics and developments of ethics committees established at medical schools and general hospitals in Japan.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study consisted of four national surveys sent twice over a period of eight years to two separate samples. The first target was the ethics committees of all 80 medical schools and the second target was all general hospitals with over 300 beds in Japan (n = 1457 in 1996 and n = 1491 in 2002). Instruments contained four sections: (1) committee structure, (2) frequency of annual meetings, (3) committee function, and (4) existence of a set of guidelines for the refusal of blood transfusion by Jehovah's Witnesses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Committee structure was overall interdisciplinary. Frequency of annual meetings increased significantly for both medical school and hospital ethics committees over the eight years. The primary activities for medical school and hospital ethics committees were research protocol reviews and policy making. Results also showed a significant increase in the use of ethical guidelines, particularly those related to the refusal of blood transfusion by Jehovah's Witnesses, among both medical school and hospital ethics committees.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Overall findings indicated a greater recognized degree of responsibilities and an increase in workload for Japanese ethics committees.</p

    A hidden HIV epidemic among women in Vietnam

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The HIV epidemic in Vietnam is still concentrated among high risk populations, including IDU and FSW. The response of the government has focused on the recognized high risk populations, mainly young male drug users. This concentration on one high risk population may leave other populations under-protected or unprepared for the risk and the consequences of HIV infection. In particular, attention to women's risks of exposure and needs for care may not receive sufficient attention as long as the perception persists that the epidemic is predominantly among young males. Without more knowledge of the epidemic among women, policy makers and planners cannot ensure that programs will also serve women's needs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>More than 300 documents appearing in the period 1990 to 2005 were gathered and reviewed to build an understanding of HIV infection and related risk behaviors among women and of the changes over time that may suggest needed policy changes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>It appears that the risk of HIV transmission among women in Vietnam has been underestimated; the reported data may represent as little as 16% of the real number. Although modeling predicted that there would be 98,500 cases of HIV-infected women in 2005, only 15,633 were accounted for in reports from the health system. That could mean that in 2005, up to 83,000 women infected with HIV have not been detected by the health care system, for a number of possible reasons. For both detection and prevention, these women can be divided into sub-groups with different risk characteristics. They can be infected by sharing needles and syringes with IDU partners, or by having unsafe sex with clients, husbands or lovers. However, most new infections among women can be traced to sexual relations with young male injecting drug users engaged in extramarital sex. Each of these groups may need different interventions to increase the detection rate and thus ensure that the women receive the care they need.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Women in Vietnam are increasingly at risk of HIV transmission but that risk is under-reported and under-recognized. The reasons are that women are not getting tested, are not aware of risks, do not protect themselves and are not being protected by men. Based on this information, policy-makers and planners can develop better prevention and care programs that not only address women's needs but also reduce further spread of the infection among the general population.</p

    Occupational Respiratory Cancer in Korea

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    Malignant mesothelioma and lung cancer are representative examples of occupational cancer. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death, and the incidence of malignant mesothelioma is expected to increase sharply in the near future. Although information about lung carcinogen exposure is limited, it is estimated that the number of workers exposed to carcinogens has declined. The first official case of occupational cancer was malignant mesothelioma caused by asbestos exposure in the asbestos textile industry in 1992. Since then, compensation for occupational respiratory cancer has increased. The majority of compensated lung cancer was due to underlying pneumoconiosis. Other main causative agents of occupational lung cancer included asbestos, hexavalent chromium, and crystalline silica. Related jobs included welders, foundry workers, platers, plumbers, and vehicle maintenance workers. Compensated malignant mesotheliomas were associated with asbestos exposure. Epidemiologic studies conducted in Korea have indicated an elevated risk of lung cancer in pneumoconiosis patients, foundry workers, and asbestos textile workers. Occupational respiratory cancer has increased during the last 10 to 20 yr though carcinogen-exposed population has declined in the same period. More efforts to advance the systems for the investigation, prevention and management of occupational respiratory cancer are needed