55 research outputs found

    Šiuolaikinės katalikiškojo ugdymo diskurso transformacijos: teminė Bažnyčios dokumentų analizė

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    This article analyzes changes in the official teaching of the Catholic Church on education since the late 1920s up to 2013. This is done in order to provide a comprehensive map of the Church‘s educational thought development, and thus facilitate a theoretical and practical discussion on possible ways of further development of the concept. Nine documents used in this analysis were retrieved from the public online database of the Congregation for Catholic Education. The documents in this study are treated as symbolic representations and social facts that make direct or indirect impact on the development of the concept of Christian education, and therefore are significant objects of the analysis. To better elucidate the development of the educational thought, the method of thematic analysis is applied for the content research of the document. Analysis revealed that anhropological shift in Churches‘ thought during the Second Vatican council had effected Churches’ educational thought, but this change was rather evolutionary-incremental than revolutionary-straight-forward.Straipsnyje analizuojama Katalikų Bažnyčios mokymo apie ugdymą kaita nuo XX a. pr. iki šių dienų. Tai daroma siekiant pateikti visuminį Bažnyčios ugdymo minties žemėlapį, atspindint kaitos trajektorijas ir kviečiant tolesnei diskusijai apie galimus katalikiškos ugdymo sampratos plėtotės kelius. Analizei naudojami Katalikiškojo ugdymo kongregacijos pateikiami dokumentai (iš viso – 9), kurių chronologinės ribos nuo 1929 iki 2013 metų. Dokumentai tyrime traktuojami kaip simbolinės reprezentacijos ir socialiniai faktai, darantys tiesioginę ir (ar) netiesioginę įtaką katalikiškojo ugdymo sampratos plėtotei, tad ir reikšmingi analizės objektai. Dokumentų turinio tyrimui naudotas teminės analizės metodas atskleidė reikšmingus turinio skirtumus ir inkrementinę sampratos kaitos specifiką, įkvėptą Vatikano II susirinkimo

    Katalikiškojo ugdymo sampratų lyginamoji analizė: jėzuitiškoji ir kunigo Luigi Giussani koncepcijos

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    Currently, value-based education occupies a leading position within the contemporary academic discourse on education. Catholic education holds a decent share in this overall discussion. This is partly due to the growing number of Catholics in Africa and Asia as well as globalization and secularization processes. Considering this fact, the philosophical underpinnings of Catholic education, its identity issues, and future perspectives are gaining more and more attention from the academic audience worldwide. In this study, an attempt was made to examine and compare two different concepts of Catholic education, one of Italian Catholic priest Fr. Luigi Giussani and that of the Jesuits. The research was aimed at analyzing and evaluating the similarities and differences of these concepts, revealing their interrelation. The analysis showed that these educational concepts have only slightly different goals and use different wording to define their aims. This situation is preconditioned by different historical-cultural contexts and experiences. In conclusion, Jesuit education tends to stress academic achievements and a value-based education approach, while Giussani’s concept emphasizes an interest in showing the importance and meaning of human reality and value education through its verification according to real-life needs. This allows to categorize Jesuit education as more traditionally-Catholic oriented while viewing Giussani’s concept as more suitable for Western secularized societies, which are not or less familiar with such notions as fate, religion, Christianity, God, etc. Despite the fact that these concepts employ different educational methods and approaches and have only slightly different goals, their interrelationship can be described as complementary rather than differentiated or competing. Sekuliarizacija, globalizacija, vertybių kaita – nūdienos iššūkiai, su kuriais susiduria ne tik edukologai praktikai, bet ir teoretikai. Į šiuos iššūkius pravartu pažvelgti iš katalikiškojo ugdymo paradigmos pozicijų. Kaip ši ugdymo paradigma prisitaiko prie šiuolaikinio pasaulio ir kaip siūlo spręsti aktualius klausimus, siekiama išsiaiškinti šiame straipsnyje, analizuojant dvi katalikiškojo ugdymo sampratas. Tai viena iš seniausių – šv. Ignaco Lojolos (jėzuitiškoji) – ir viena iš naujausių, XX a. antroje pusėje Italijoje dirbusio katalikų kunigo Luigi Giussani – ugdymo sampratos. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti ir įvertinti šių dviejų koncepcijų ypatumus ir jų santykį. Viliamasi, kad straipsnyje aptartos principinės šių koncepcijų nuostatos ir pateiktos įžvalgos bus vertingos katalikiškojo ugdymo tyrimų plėtotei.&nbsp

    (Non)alienation in Lithuanian schools: the case of four high-school seniors

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    Straipsnyje analitinis dėmesys kreipiamas į mokytojo ir mokinio santykio lauke besireiškiantį susvetimėjimą. Tyrime naudojamas Morinaj, Hadjar ir Hascher (2020) kiekybinis-diagnostinis susvetimėjimo lygio nustatymo klausimynas (skalė), kuriuo iš tiriamos dvyliktokų populiacijos (n = 227) atrinkti du didelį ir du mažą susvetimėjimą santykio su mokytojais lauke patiriantys tyrimo dalyviai. Jie pakviesti į kokybinį pusiau struktūruotą interviu, kurio metu siekta geriau suprasti mokinio ir mokytojo susvetimėjimo problemą.Tyrimu siekta geriau suprasti susvetimėjimo reiškinį atsižvelgiant į mokytojo ir mokinio santykio sritį, aptarti ir reflektuoti diagnostinio klausimyno galimybes ir atskleisti keturių tyrimo dalyvių (ne)susvetimėjimo santykyje su mokytojais patirtis. Tyrimo nustatyta, kad dalyviai skirtingai interpretavo klausimyno teiginius, pateikė skirtingus atsakymus, kas galėjo iškreipti diagnostinio tyrimo rezultatus, o atskleista pedagoginių patirčių įvairovė parodė, kad susvetimėjimas yra individualus ir daugiaplanis reiškinys, į kurio tolesnius tyrimus prasminga įtraukti ir kokybinę metodologinę perspektyvą. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: susvetimėjimas mokykloje, mokinio ir mokytojo santykis, susvetimėjimo priežastys.This article focuses on the alienation manifested in the field of the teacher-student relationship. The study uses Morinaj, Hadjar and Hascher’s (2020) quantitative-diagnostic instrument for determining the level of alienation, with the help of which participants experiencing 2 high and 2 low alienation in relation to teachers were selected from the studied population of twelfth graders (n=227). The latter were invited to a qualitative semi-structured interview. The aim of this study was to better understand the problem of alienation in the student–teacher relation, discuss and reflect on the possibilities of the diagnostic instrument and reveal the experiences of (non)alienation of four research participants. It was found that the participants interpreted the statements of the instrument differently, giving different answers, which could potentially distort the results of the diagnostic study. The revealed diversity of pedagogical experiences showed that alienation is an individual and multifaceted phenomenon, thus it is meaningful to supplement further alienation research with a qualitative methodological perspective. Keywords: school alienation, teacher-student relation, causes of alienation

    Development of a Methodology for Maintenance of Medicinal Plant Genetic Reserve Sites: A Case Study for Lithuania

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    In the context of climate change, in situ conservation of plant genetic resources is becoming increasingly important as it supports natural (ecological and evolutionary) adaptations of plants to the changing environment. The aim of this study was to synthesize a comprehensive general methodology for the maintenance of genetic reserve sites of medicinal plants based on the analysis of relevant legal documents, literature sources, databases, and authors’ own experience. A methodology was developed for the application of various maintenance measures for target species populations in genetic reserve sites to ensure their long-term sustainability. It uses a systematic approach to the intervention measures by grouping them into habitat-specific and factor-specific ones, and follows the specific principles of biodiversity conservation, such as the concept of ecosystem, priority of in situ conservation, caution and validity of decision-making, and regional approach. An extensive discussion on major intervention measures is provided. The methodology is intended to be used as a tool for the preparation and implementation of management plans of individual medicinal plant genetic reserve sites by the responsible agencies and protected area managers and is directly linked to the implementation of the EU (European Union) Biodiversity Strategy to 2030 at the national level

    Vaistinių ir aromatinių augalų sėklinių (genetinių) sklypų įvertinimo Lietuvoje metodinės gairės

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    The aim of the study is to discuss and establish tentative guidelines for the original selection and evaluation of genetic sites for in situ conservation of medicinal and aromatic plant genetic resources in Lithuania and provide baseline recommendations for their management and monitoring. The methodology applied is largely based on the one used in crop wild relative conservation in situ. Three groups of criteria, including species, site and threat assessment, are used on a 5-point evaluation scale to evaluate genetic sites, with ‘5’ representing the highest quality or state and ‘1’ representing the lowest quality or state. Top ten criteria are selected out of more than twenty those discussed for the application in genetic site evaluation. Four of these pertain to target species: species number and cover abundance (20% weight), number of red-listed species (10%), number of cultivated/ CWR species (10%), distinctive properties of populations (10%); two to site: area size (5%), protected area status (15%); and four to threat assessment: open site overgrowth with woody plant species (5%), mechanical damage of soil surface (5%), abundance of invasive non-native species (10%) and abundance of problematic native species (10%). Then, a weighted summing up is made to get an overall evaluation of a genetic site. For long-term conservation only sites scored not less than three points on average are recommended. An interpretation of final evaluation scores is also provided. Baseline recommendations for genetic site management focus on intervention measures, while those for monitoring - on periodicity of evaluation and some organizational aspects of implementation

    Hypericum perforatum morfologinis įvairavimas lauko kolekcijoje

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    Variation of ten phenotypic characters was assessed among fifteen Lithuanian accessions of Hypericum perforatum L. of wild origin as well as Polish cultivar "Topaz" cultivated in the field collection of medicinal plants at the Institute of Botany. High variations were established within accessions in length and width of inflorescence and weight of raw material. It was established that the morphotypes vary very much within the accessions as well. The accessions No. 381, No. 419, No. 423, No. 424, No. 426 and No. 427 are adequate to the cv. "Topaz" and produce fairly long and wide inflorescences with high total yield of medicinal raw material

    Sėklinių sklypų tinklo sukūrimas lietuvos vaistinių ir aromatinių augalų genetinių išteklių išsaugojimui in-situ

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    Twenty six seed (genetic) sites were established for long-term in-situ conservation of medicinal and aromatic plant (MAP) genetic resources in Lithuania over the period 2006–2017. The sites vary in size from 0.4 to 38.0 ha with an average of 7.2 ha. Most of the sites (73%) occur in the existing protected areas. They represent 10 of 22 physical geographical areas of Lithuania and accommodate 120 priority MAP species, which is about 89% of the national priority list. Prioritization of MAP species was based on the monographs of European Pharmacopoeia, European Medicines Agency, World Health Organization as well as German Phytotherapeutic Monographs and other regional and national medicinal plant references. A concept was followed of the dual function and perception of food as medicine, and, vice versa, an approach based on a co-evolutionary relationship between human food and medicine. It was established that only 46 priority species, or 34% of the national priority list, were represented by five and more populations, which is considered as minimum for long-term in-situ conservation. The future conservation planning efforts should focus on at least 15 unrepresented species, 49 species represented at 1–2 sites each and 25 species represented at 3–4 sites each. The MAP site network should expand by covering preferably the remaining 12 physical geographical areas of the country

    Research of the amounts of flavonoids accumulated in the buds of single-styled hawthorn

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    Objective. To determine the amounts of flavonoids accumulated in the buds of single-styled hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna Jacq.); and to establish the possibility of usage of hawthorn buds in pharmacy practice. Material and methods. Different examples of hawthorn buds collected in 2001, 2002 and 2003 from some Lithuanian regions: Akmenė (V1, V2, V3), Kėdainiai (Š1, Š2, Š3), Klaipėda (M1), Lazdijai (D1, D2, D3) and Vilnius (VL1, VL2) from branches of lower storey. Examples were extracted with ethanol and flavonoids were measured by spectroscopic method and by high performance liquid chromatography. Results. From 0.72 to 1.89% of flavonoids are found in the hawthorn buds. The dominating flavonoid is vitexin-2-O-rhamnosid (6.72–10.91 milligrams in one gram of dried crude drug). Other flavonoids are: vitexin: 0.88–6.53 milligrams/gram, hyperosid: 0.85–2.70 milligrams/gram, rutin: 0.72–2.10 milligrams/gram and quercitrin: 0.82–1.01 milligrams/gram. Conclusion. The marks of phytochemical compounds of Lithuanian single-styled hawthorn buds corroborated the theory of possibility to use hawthorn buds as pharmaceutical crude drug and form sufficient ground for planning phytochemical and pharmacological researches of new hawthorn crude drug