16 research outputs found

    Comparison of two-phase pipe flow in openFOAM with a mechanistic model

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    Two-phase pipe flow is a common occurrence in many industrial applications such as power generation and oil and gas transportation. Accurate prediction of liquid holdup and pressure drop is of vast importance to ensure effective design and operation of fluid transport systems. In this paper, a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) study of a two-phase flow of air and water is performed using OpenFOAM. The two-phase solver, interFoam is used to identify flow patterns and generate values of liquid holdup and pressure drop, which are compared to results obtained from a two-phase mechanistic model developed by Petalas and Aziz (2002). A total of 60 simulations have been performed at three separate pipe inclinations of 0°, +10° and -10° respectively. A three dimensional, 0.052m diameter pipe of 4m length is used with the Shear Stress Transport (SST) k - turbulence model to solve the turbulent mixtures of air and water. Results show that the flow pattern behaviour and numerical values of liquid holdup and pressure drop compare reasonably well to the mechanistic model

    Dynamic panel data estimation of an integrated Grossman and Becker-Murphy model of health and addiction

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    We propose a dynamic panel data approach to estimate a model that integrates the Becker-Murphy theory of rational addiction with the Grossman model of health investment. We define an individual’s lifetime smoking consumption and investments in health capital as simultaneous choices within a single optimisation problem. We show that this can be estimated using GMM system estimation of two stand-alone single fourth-order difference equations of health capital and smoking. These preserve roots and fundamental dynamics of the original system of four interrelated first-order equations. Monte Carlo simulations confirm that this reduced-form dynamic estimation also produces very similar estimates to the ones of the initial system of equations. We argue that, in the presence of long panel data, this approach may provide a feasible alternative for the estimation of a complex life-cycle model of human capital

    Comparing Labor Supply Elasticities in Europe and the US: New Results

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