265 research outputs found

    Energy Efficiency Status Report 2012 - Electricity Consumption and Efficiency Trends in the EU-27

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    This report aims to show the present status of energy consumption in the residential and tertiary sectors in the EU-27 with a special focus on the consumption of main household appliances and equipment. In addition, the report shall demonstrate the energy efficiency progress and estimates of saving potential of electrical energy in the EU-27 residential sector. The report summarises the most recent policy actions introduced at EU level and also outlines some of the important national policies regarding energy efficiency and energy consumption. The report consists of three main parts. The first part shows recent energy data for the residential sector. This includes data on total energy, electricity and gas consumption as well as consumption drivers like the economic and population growth, household characteristics and energy prices. The second part of the report analyses energy consuming household appliances with a focus on electricity using appliances and lighting. The third part concentrates on the tertiary sector showing the latest developments in energy efficiency and consumption of office equipment including consumption trends of office equipment and lighting.JRC.F.7-Renewable Energ

    discutendo di guerra

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    La nota introduce il forum sulla prima guerra mondiale fra Mario Isnenghi e Giovanna Procacci,che inaugura la sezione In rete , ricordando le principali linee emerse dalle pubblicazioni di questi primi due anni del Centenario. Gia alcune centinaia di libri hanno invaso le librerie. Il dibattito non e sempre esplicito. Ma, parlando di guerra e di pace, e difficile attendersi discussioni storiografiche pacifiche. Anche fra gli storici, la memoria della Grande guerra conserva in Italia un carattere di discussione, e non di consenso. Viene poi rilevata la persistenza, come elemento negativo, di un divario con le storiografie di altri Paesi

    Energy Consumption and Energy Efficiency Trends in the EU-28 2000-2015

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    This report aims at showing the present status of energy consumption in the EU-28, in the four main energy consuming sectors: residential, tertiary, transport and industry. During the last years, there have been efforts by the European Union to cut down on energy consumption and improve energy efficiency. From 2000 to 2014, there have been various initiatives that aim at reducing final energy consumption. Therefore, the report demonstrates the energy consumption progress from 2000 to 2015 in the mentioned four sectors.JRC.C.2-Energy Efficiency and Renewable

    Energy sustainability in the transition to renewables: Framings from complex systems and social practice theories

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    Several countries in the world are currently engaged in an energy transition entailing a massive shift to renewable energies and a progressive increase in the efficiency of processes whereby energy inputs are used by economies. Researchers and policy makers working in this area rightly describe this energy transition as highly necessary and capable of contributing to the environmental, economic and social sustainability of human activities in important ways. Their attention is however mostly focused on how it can be realised by stimulating technological substitution and on changing individuals’ behaviours around single technologies. Scarce attention is paid to the fact that the large scale shift to renewables that is envisaged in this way could entail a generation of complex systems dynamics leading to a constant increase in the consumption of energy and material resources. Moreover, the above mentioned focus on technologies and individual behaviours inevitably prevents them from a) understanding existing links between social practices (e.g. practices related to how societies organize mobility, shopping, food preparation and consumption, etc.) and observed energy consumption dynamics and from b) devising the possibility of exploiting the huge benefits potentially associated with the re-organisation of these practices. The report attempts, therefore, to give a fresh look at the current energy transition’s ambitions by exploring how the combination of complex systems and social practice theories perspectives can enhance our understanding and practical implementation of the transition programme. Through an exploratory and extensive debate about this integrated approach, a series of recommendations have been made to both those who carry out research and those who make policies in this area. This has been an inherently interdisciplinary endeavour which, as such, was also quite unexplored. Hence, the first recommendation that emerges clearly from the present work is that effort needs to be put on exploring how complex systems and social practices theories can be put to work together to address existing challenges. The nature of energy transitions cannot indeed be dealt with single disciplinary work alone. The main challenges that can be identified in this way are the following ones: (1) paradoxes of current energy transition proposals, (2) long-standing normative vocabularies hindering the purposes of the transition, (3) reductionism and counter-productivity of some presupposed separations, such as the separation between demand and supply, (4) the need to explore other policy narratives, (5) the need for a participatory turn of analysis, policy and action.JRC.C.2-Energy Efficiency and Renewable

    ESCO Market Report for Non-European Countries 2013

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    This document is the first status report related to development of the Energy Service Market in Non-European Countries. The Aim of the report is to provide a snapshot of the key developments of the national ESCO markets in Asia, Africa, Middle East, Australia and Oceania as well as in Nord and South America. The ESCO report focuses on collecting information about the market features and structures, barriers, policy background, financing opportunities and future expectations.JRC.F.7-Renewables and Energy Efficienc

    Analysis of the annual reports 2018 under the Energy Efficiency Directive

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    This report discusses the progress towards the 2020 Energy Efficiency targets and towards the implementation of the provisions of the Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU (EED), providing an overview of the main energy trends in the European Union with special focus on the period 2005-2016. It is based on the last EUROSTAT data available and on the analysis provided by Member States within their Annual Reports 2018, under the EED.JRC.C.2-Energy Efficiency and Renewable

    Voices of the great war: A richly annotated corpus of Italian texts on the first world war

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    Voci della Grande Guerra (“Voices of the Great War”) is the first large corpus of Italian historical texts dating back to the period ofFirst World War. This corpus differs from other existing resources in several respects. First, from the linguistic point of view it givesaccount of the wide range of varieties in which Italian was articulated in that period, namely from a diastratic (educated vs. uneducatedwriters), diaphasic (low/informal vs. high/formal registers) and diatopic (regional varieties, dialects) points of view. From the historicalperspective, through a collection of texts belonging to different genres it represents different views on the war and the various styles ofnarrating war events and experiences. The final corpus is balanced along various dimensions, corresponding to the textual genre, thelanguage variety used, the author type and the typology of conveyed contents. The corpus is annotated with lemmas, part-of-speech,terminology, and named entities. Significant corpus samples representative of the different “voices” have also been enriched withmeta-linguistic and syntactic information. The layer of syntactic annotation forms the first nucleus of an Italian historical treebankcomplying with the Universal Dependencies standard. The paper illustrates the final resource, the methodology and tools used to buildit, and the Web Interface for navigating it

    Energy consumption and energy efficiency trends in the EU-28 for the period 2000-2016

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    This report aims at showing the present status of energy consumption in the EU-28, in the four main energy consuming sectors: residential, tertiary, transport and industry. During the last years, there have been efforts by the European Union to cut down on energy consumption and improve energy efficiency in the framework of the EU energy consumption targets within the Europe 2020 strategy. Therefore, the report demonstrates the energy consumption progress from 2000 to 2016 in the mentioned four sectors. There is a special focus on electricity and gas consumption, as they are the most important alternatives to oil. Energy indicators such as energy intensity and energy consumption per capita are also analysed. The report includes an analysis of the most important factors influencing energy consumption trends such as economic growth, population, heating demand, household characteristics and energy prices.JRC.C.2-Energy Efficiency and Renewable

    Assessment of the Second National Energy Efficiency Action Plans under the Energy Efficiency Directive

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    The report assesses the Second National Energy Efficiency Action Plans submitted by Member States in 2017 (NEEAP 2017) in compliance with Article 24 of the Energy Efficiency Directive (Directive 2012/27/EU). The Energy Efficiency Directive introduced the requirement to set indicative targets for 2020 and binding measures in various sectors of the economy at national level. The report provides an updated overview of the national energy efficiency targets in 2020 and the progress made based on latest available data. Progress made in planned or implemented end-use and supply level measures is also discussed.JRC.C.2-Energy Efficiency and Renewable
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