3,640 research outputs found

    Determination of two-photon exchange amplitudes from elastic electron-proton scattering data

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    Using the available cross section and polarization data for elastic electron-proton scattering, we provide an extraction of the two-photon exchange amplitudes at a common value of four-momentum transfer, around Q^2 = 2.5 GeV^2. This analysis also predicts the e^+ p / e^- p elastic scattering cross section ratio, which will be measured by forthcoming experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, updated error analysi

    Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering off the Neutron

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    The present experiment exploits the interference between the deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) and the Bethe-Heitler processes to extract the imaginary part of DVCS amplitudes on the neutron and on the deuteron from the helicity-dependent D(e⃗,e′γ)X cross section measured at Q2=1.9  GeV2 and xB=0.36. We extract a linear combination of generalized parton distributions (GPDs) particularly sensitive to Eq, the least constrained GPD. A model dependent constraint on the contribution of the up and down quarks to the nucleon spin is deduced

    Mjerenje omjera električnog i magnetskog faktora oblika protona odbojnom polarizacijom

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    The longitudinal and transverse polarizations of the outgoing proton were measured for the reaction 1H(→ e , e′ → p) at four-momentum transfer squared of 0.5 to 3.5 GeV2 . The ratio of the electric to magnetic form factors of the proton is proportional to the ratio of the transverse to longitudinal polarizations.Mjerila se uzdužna i poprečna polarizacija izlaznih protona u reakciji 1H(→ e , e′ → p) za kvadrate prijenosa četiri-impulsa od 0.5 do 3.5 GeV2 . Omjer električnog i magnetskog faktora oblika protona je razmjeran omjeru poprečne i uzdužne polarizacije

    Mjerenje odbojne polarizacije u reakciji 16^O (→ e , e′ → p)

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    The longitudinal and transverse components of the polarization of the outgoing proton were measured for the reaction 16^O (→ e , e′ → p) at a four-momentum transfer squared of 0.8 GeV2 in quasifree kinematics. These were the first measurements of polarization transfer observables for a complex nucleus. Comparison of the ratio of the transverse and longitudinal polarization to theoretical predictions allows the study of modification of the proton’s form factors in the nuclear medium.Mjerile su se uzdužna i poprečna komponenta polarizacije izlaznih protona u reakciji 16^O (→ e , e′ → p) za kvadrat prijenosa impulsa od 0.8 GeV2 , u kvazislobodnim kinematičkim uvjetima. Ovo su prva mjerenja prijenosa polarizacije za složenu jezgru. Usporedba omjera poprečne i uzdužne polarizacije s teorijskim predviđanjima omogućava proučavanje promjena faktora oblika protona kada je u nuklearnom okruženju

    Flux profile scanners for scattered high-energy electrons

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    The paper describes the design and performance of flux integrating Cherenkov scanners with air-core reflecting light guides used in a high-energy, high-flux electron scattering experiment at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. The scanners were highly radiation resistant and provided a good signal to background ratio leading to very good spatial resolution of the scattered electron flux profile scans.Comment: 22 pages, 17 figure